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Weight Loss Vent

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Weight Loss
Forum Description: Want to lose weight before TTC? Shed the extra kilos after baby's born? Or want to be a lean, mean fitness machine? Talk about it here.
Printed Date: 06 June 2024 at 10:33pm
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Topic: Weight Loss Vent
Posted By: escadachic
Subject: Weight Loss Vent
Date Posted: 03 September 2011 at 12:49pm
Well, I thought, though 'general chat' has a 'vent' thread. We should have one too. As there are often things to vent regarding weight loss I think.


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 03 September 2011 at 12:51pm
My vent.

Damn you, you last 5 kgs!!! Why won't you shift?!

I am so good with my diet and exercise, yet, no results. I just see my weight going up and down between 200-400gms, but never below 60kgs.

Why must I be tortured like this?! Argh!


Posted By: james
Date Posted: 03 September 2011 at 12:55pm
frist of all you are already skinny
second my vent much the same as you arrghhh get off my you dumb fatt

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Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 03 September 2011 at 1:51pm
Try changing up what your doing to kick start weight loss again . I plateued so I went to bootcamp and that shifted a couple of kgs because it shocked my body doing something very different from what I had been doing

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 03 September 2011 at 4:40pm
I generally do change up what I'm doing. Go between different types of exercise, to change it up. I guess it's just the norm with the last few kgs. I hear that frustrates many women.

Oh thankx James. But I'm not a tiny as my pic's make me look. I am very clever with my clothes, so they give a perception of being slim. I do wear control tights, black pants(always slimming) and a certain cut to gloss over the bad areas and I wear heels(they have a slimming affect too) and a push up bra(as that evens up the proportions) Believe me, if I don't put in the effort and I wear any old clothes, you would see my faults. I won't dare share my bikini pic. That is a true representation of my faults.


Posted By: snugglebug
Date Posted: 08 September 2011 at 9:53pm
escada can I ask what BMI you're aiming for at your goal weight? Just curious. Maybe your body just likes the weight it is now hehe

I am the same. I am watching my food, exercising etc and my weight is just staying the same. I lost 2kg then Ive plateaued. I need to do something different too, to kick start it again. Knowing myself, for me it's more about exercise than food, always has been. So maybe I need to focus on upping the exercise rather than keeping within x calories. It's just hard finding the time, I know excuses dont get you anywhere but grr it still is lol

Me 28, DH 29
DS born 20 Nov 2010 (4 years old)
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Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 08 September 2011 at 11:08pm
Lisa. My BMI only went from overweight to healthy when I go to 62.4kgs, so over that I'm overweight and under that, I'm healthy weight. I'm not really bothered about the number in the BMI(as long as it's not in the overweight region) and gee, what would the BMI really know, it says between 46kgs and 52.4kgs is healthy! 46kgs on me would be anorexic!

Yeah, do walking if you find other things more of an effort. When I'm over the idea of exercise, I just go for a walk(that way Annabelle eventually falls asleep) Or, if you're super keen, they do weight loss challenges on MFP or you could do the 30 day shred.

Edited to add, my BMI at the moment is: 23.8


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 08 September 2011 at 11:16pm
I've slightly moved from the plateau and gotten below 60kgs. Currently 59.4kgs


Posted By: smw85
Date Posted: 14 September 2011 at 7:42pm
Oh, love a vent thread for weight loss!!

Awesome for you Escadachic for cracking the 60! I love cracking the numbers like that. I started at 95, and wow the excitement for cracking 90, and now I'm hovering right on 80-81, grrr can't crack it for last few weeks!

Ideally I wanna crack the 70 and sit right around there. As for BMI, I do think it's a load of crap. It doesn't take into account muscle mass which weighs more than fat. And seeing your recommended weight from BMI would make you anorexic makes me thing even more now that it's BS!

Vent for me, I spent 4-5 months running a total of about 400km to lose 15kg, and then heard of a friend who lost 12kg in 12 weeks through weight watchers. Made it sound so easy!!

And why do people just assume that you must of lost the weight from breastfeeding. Damn, I've worked hard to get ride of it, it didn't just melt off like people tell you when you're pregnant

Oh, so many vents :-)


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 15 September 2011 at 6:47pm
Have a read of this: - Plateau's

It might help, if you are have hit a plateau.

Yeah, I agree about BMI. Mine says between 46kgs and 62.4kgs. And on me, 46kgs would look/be anorexic and that's taking into consideration I'm a short ass(5ft2/158cms)


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 24 September 2011 at 1:06pm
Argh!!! So sick of my weight going up and down, up and down!

Please, just go down, not yo-yo!

Damn stupid losing last few kgs issue!

I know, I know, it's a common complaint amoung weight losers, getting that last few kgs off.


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 24 September 2011 at 1:39pm
Do ya do your measurements?

My weight has remained the same (59.0-59.4kg) for the last couple of months yet my lower abs have shrunk by 8cm. I do lots of weights though so I'm loosing fat.. gaining muscle. My trainer thinks 59 is where my body wants to be (I'm 5'4) and that I'm not gonna go below that.

If you see your measurements go down it makes the kg weight staying the same a little easier to swallow hehe

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 24 September 2011 at 2:27pm
Yeah the numbers haven't changed much Kebakat. But they will soon. As I'm doing the 30 Day Shred. My weight for my body shape and height will be fine when I get to my goal weight of 55kgs. As I'm 5ft2(158cms) and I have a small bone structure.

Might be just weight swapping for muscle as you suggested.


Posted By: Sharlene28
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 10:07am
I know this may be the wrong place to write this but....

I am quite annoyed by the fact that I've put on so much weight during this pregnancy. I have no idea how much I weigh but it can't be good. I feel like going on a diet the moment I give birth (of course that's not practical).


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 12:27pm
You could just ask you midwife for advice about staying healthy and exercise during pregnancy.

It is actually ok to lose weight during pregnancy. There are 2 ladies in the Weight Loss thread who are. Maybe P.M them on here and ask their advice.


Posted By: Sharlene28
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 1:34pm
Can you PM me with who they are Kell?


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 1:53pm
Lol Shar, one of them is me!! ;p

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 1:57pm
Although I'm not actually trying to lose weight, I'm just trying not to gain huge amounts.

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: Sharlene28
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 1:59pm
Hi there :)
I just weighed myself and I'm 81.7kg :s my height is 5ft 4 and I was 66kg when I was about 6 weeks pregnant. That means I've put on a whopping 15.7kg in 20 weeks. I still have 14 weeks to go.

I really don't believe that I would harm my baby in any way if I dieted, as long as I ate all the healthy stuff and didn't starve myself at all. This is the first time I've heard that it's ok to lose weight during pregnancy, I would love to give it a go, even if it's just a few kg, it would be much easier now, rather than with a newborn baby when I'm exhausted.


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 9:19pm
You could join us on MyFitnessPal. Sharlene.

Just go to the messageboards and maybe search something along the lines of 'calorie goal during pregnancy'. There's usually heaps of info in their messageboards.

I saw a lady running, with a dog yesterday, she looked about 7 months pregnant! So I'm quite sure there are plenty of exercises you can do while you are pregnant.

And yeah, better to do it now, then stress about it once bubs is here. I wish I'd attempted to control myself and stuck to a healthy diet and exercise while I was pregnant with Annabelle. I mean, yes, I've lost all the weight. But it would've been easier if I'd not gained so much and gotten into bad habits while I was pregnant. Mind you, I was eating badly before I got pregnant.

So you'll get there. If you ever have the petrol to come over my way, we can get exercise together. Or do Zumba. I'm pretty sure you can do Zumba during pregnancy. You do it aye MummyDee?


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 02 October 2011 at 9:21pm
I think OscarBoo does Zumba too if I remember correctly.


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 03 October 2011 at 10:55am
Yep there is plenty of exercises you can do while preggy, however the general rule is not to start anything new, i.e. if you weren't running (or doing something like Zumba) before hand and haven't been during, then it's not the best time to start. But walking and swimming are both good exercises to do during pregnancy.

In terms of calorie intake, it's recommended during the 2nd trimester to eat maintenance calories and during the 3rd tri to up it by 200-300 calories.

My Fitness Pal is really good and can give you a good estimate of how many calories you should require. I haven't been tracking my food all that accurately recently as I felt I was getting too obsessive with it.

Also definitely talk to your MW and let her know how you are feeling, she may have resources available to help you too

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: oscarboo
Date Posted: 08 October 2011 at 9:31pm
I have only just seen the posts in here. I'm like MD - just trying hard to not gain too much during this pregnancy. I was a bit like you with my last one sharlene by 14 I had gain around 12kg if I remember rightly. By the end I had gained a whooping 25kg. I got it all off in the end but took about 2 years to do so. I am gaining again this time as well but am almost 20weeks now and only gained between 7-8kg so a big improvement on last time. I don't do zumba - tried a while ago but just too un-co but try to get out walking whenever I can and with being a Kindergarten teacher am on my feet most of the day anyway. I don't really have any advice for you other than to try and make healthy choices.

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Posted By: kiwigal
Date Posted: 09 October 2011 at 12:56pm

Escadachic your body might be happy where it is since you have lost 26 kilos. Changing what you eat/exercising can put your body to overdrive. It is really hard on how much we want to do lose the last few kgs but our bodies say enough is enough.


Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 10 October 2011 at 8:48am
knock back some more water!

i have a vent - Why is food so yummy and make me want to eat! LOL especially my home baked bikkies and muffins which are apparently very high in calories!


Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 10 October 2011 at 9:42am
What is it with me at the moment...its like I have to get back to my start weight last yr..everyday I weigh myself its like 1kg gain so much for my 5km hill walks...

Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 10 October 2011 at 10:44am
Originally posted by jazzy jazzy wrote:

What is it with me at the moment...its like I have to get back to my start weight last yr..everyday I weigh myself its like 1kg gain so much for my 5km hill walks...

Honestly Jazzy you need to get off those scales, my trainer always tells me that I'm addicted to getting on them and it's hindering my weightloss and he's so right, I'm trying only to get on once a week now and it's made a hell of a difference!

TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 10 October 2011 at 10:51am
Originally posted by 111111 111111 wrote:

Originally posted by jazzy jazzy wrote:

What is it with me at the moment...its like I have to get back to my start weight last yr..everyday I weigh myself its like 1kg gain so much for my 5km hill walks...

Honestly Jazzy you need to get off those scales, my trainer always tells me that I'm addicted to getting on them and it's hindering my weightloss and he's so right, I'm trying only to get on once a week now and it's made a hell of a difference!

yeah you are right, think I might put them away as they are really effecting my moods & how I feel about myself.

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 10 October 2011 at 11:40am
I know how you feel Jazzy.

I've decided to ignore my scales for a while. I was addicted to checking them and would get super pissed off if they didn't tell me something good.


Posted By: oscarboo
Date Posted: 10 October 2011 at 4:08pm
jazzy - hide them for a couple of weeks. Keep up with the awesome walking though!

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Posted By: DanielHenry230473
Date Posted: 09 June 2018 at 7:34pm
Have you heard about losing weight without exercise mine too just kidding. I have worked a lot on my weight and yes right now I feel comfortable and satisfied with my weight. As I always preferred green tea, green vegetable, Yoga, 3-4 Liters of water on daily basis and trampoline exercise because I don’t have much time for gym. I love to play with my kids on mini trampoline. Am not doing exercise am just playing jumping with my kids by using trampoline with enclosure net. You all can try this once it’s really good for you and for your kids also." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Claras269425
Date Posted: 05 September 2021 at 4:19pm
Originally posted by Sharlene28 Sharlene28 wrote:

I know this may be the wrong place to write this but....

I am quite annoyed by the fact that I've put on so much weight during this pregnancy. I have no idea how much I weigh but it can't be good. I feel like going on a diet the moment I give birth (of course that's not practical).

I put on 15kg and most of that was put on in the first trimester because of MS And then in the last trimester a lot of my gain was also fluid retention. 7 weeks after birth I am now 3kg off my pre preg weight I read somewhere that 12 - 18kg is the normal range.

If you can keep active and avoid comfort eating (definitely harder for me during the pandemic) you can definitely lose weight even during your pregnancy.

The recommended 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of more intense exercise) definitely helps. That's a couple of walks or online cardio / Zumba / HIIT classes a week.

Yoga helped me lose my weight a lot faster.

Yoga burns calories when done the right way.

If you are serious about losing weight and getting fit, you might want to implement a 60-minute power yoga and/or vinyasa flow practice at least five to six days per week." rel="nofollow - This yoga weight loss program was easy to follow and worked for me during my pregnancy when I started gaining too much weight.

Each class is easy to follow, but is varied and enjoyable. Dynamic Sequencing means you'll always be challenged regardless of your current level.

If you want to follow my example, think about coupling your practice with a whole foods diet for optimal results.

Good luck!


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