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May 2013 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: May 2013 Babies
Forum Description: babies born May 2013
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Topic: May 2013 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: May 2013 Babies
Date Posted: 14 August 2012 at 11:37am
Welcome to the Due in May 2013 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website).  We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 21 August 2012 at 3:53pm
Oh man I think I'm the first one! Due May 1st :)


Posted By: Bobsta
Date Posted: 21 August 2012 at 10:31pm
Woohoo!! Added you on our list too just in case

Me 34
Him 35
DD almost 2 years old and...
Baby #2 on it's way!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: tigercub
Date Posted: 24 August 2012 at 3:15pm
congrats to all the new May mummies to be from a 2011 May mummy :-)

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 26 August 2012 at 10:06pm
Hoping to join you soon :P congrats to mum2ollie and the others that join her!!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: meganflett
Date Posted: 26 August 2012 at 10:10pm
Oh my goodness, new May mums already!! how scary.

Another big congrats from a May 2011 mum


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:02pm
Hi mum2ollie, congratulations on expecting number 3! I am tentatively dipping my toe in here and am very excited to be doing so. I got my 2 lines on Saturday and a BT to confirm today. My HCG level is looking great so FX it is the start of good things to come. It looks like I will be due around 6th May so I'll stick with that until my first scan confirms anything different.

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months to everyone who joins us in here

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:12pm">

1st May - mum2ollie #3 - will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MumtoMany
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:12pm
Just wanted to say congrats to you laddies. Then i seen the writeing at the bottom of your sig MakeItWork and i cried . I am so sorry for the loss of your little girl and praying your new we one stay's and brings you much joy xxxx

DD 12 DS 9.5 DD 6 DS 4 DD 23 months and here comes number 6" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:27pm
Awww thanks MumtoMany, that is very kind of you. I really believe this is our time and am feeling really positive about the months ahead. I'm sure the road will be rocky but the destination will be all the more worthwhile from it!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:36pm
Hi MakeItWork! It's so nice to have someone else in here! I have been lurking around in the April thread but I just feel a bit out of place in there. Not sure if I'm due April 30th or May 1st, but it doesn't really matter as I will definitely be a May Mumma as my children have no desire to arrive on time haha. I'm so sorry about your wee girl, fingers crossed for smooth sailing for you. A bit about me, I'm Amy and I have two boys with my lovely partner. The eldest, Oliver who is three and Emmett who is almost 14 months. We now live in sunny Perth. I had a miscarriage before my youngest son so am pretty nervous at the moment! Sorry for the enormous post just pretty excited that there is another person in here haha


Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:40pm">

1st May - mum2ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out

Scans/MW apps
mum2ollie- Dating scan 7/09/2012


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:49pm
He he don't worry M2O, that isn't a long post, I can really waffle on when I get going

I'm Amy as well so there's a nice coincidence for us to begin with! It's going to be nice to have someone with a bit of experience in here to help with all the (no doubt stupid) questions I'll have! It's not long till your first scan which is exciting, it will be here before you know it. FX for a nice smooth early pregnancy for you to prevent any unnecessary worrying. How have your other pregnancies been, do you suffer much with morning sickness or any other more unpleasant symptoms?

I was pretty lucky last time round with not even a bit of nausea but I've said I'll happily take it this time if it means things are going well - I may live to regret that I don't know when my first scan will be yet as I am waiting to hear back from the high risk clinic at Auckland Hospital. They will be looking after me throughout so I'm in their hands now!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:56pm
**Lurker in**

WAHOOOOO congrats MakeItWork!!! This is defin your time soooo happy for you sweets

**Lurker out**

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 2:58pm
He he thanks Tiff

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 3:01pm
Amy is a pretty top quality name :) My first pregnancy I was extremely sick up until sixteen weeks, but I honestly think I made things worse by not eating enough when I could. With my youngest I was only sick 3-4 times a week but it was pretty horrific. No MS here yet but I really hope I get it! Will make me feel like things are going right even though MS is no kind of indicator. We are originally from Tauranga and I had the same MW for both the boys so it's going to be a bit strange not to have her this time around! I'm just hanging out for the 7th so I can see a heartbeat. I can't let myself get over the top excited until I see that little heart beating away.


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 3:32pm
OMG makeitwork so sad to read of your loss i cant imagine how that feels!!

CONGRATS on this wee bean hunny and i want to wish you all the best for your months ahead!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 7:59pm
Oh wow, 2013 May babies already?!! Congrats ladies my little May munchkin is 17 weeks old today, hard to believe - time is flying past. Best wishes for happy and healthy pregnancies

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Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 29 August 2012 at 3:44pm
LOL Nannikin.
*sniff* my may baby is 3 months old too. Its gone so fast.

May is COLD so buy lots of snuggly warm stuff for your May babies ok!!!

Wishing you safe and healthy pregnancies.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 31 August 2012 at 10:13am
hey all... just got my BFP today so thought i'd poke my head in. hasn't been confirmed by the doc yet but the lines were pretty strong so looks like it's all go. Think i'll be due around April 30 but I hate being at the end of a group and you girls sound lovely lol so I'll stick in here if that's okay?

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 31 August 2012 at 5:06pm
Welcome to the group gypsynita! No probs with you hanging in here with us, I know what you mean about being at the end of a group Let us know when you are all confirmed and we can pop you on the list (maybe we'll put you on the 1st May for now until a dating scan

I hope the dreaded MS is still keeping away M2O and that it stays that way

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: BakingFairy
Date Posted: 02 September 2012 at 6:54am
Hi all,
Can I join in? Early days for me, just over 4 weeks know but got my BFP last Tuesday and have had my bloods etc done and confirmed. Very excited because it's our first BFP but worried about the possibility of MC and trying not to stress about it because there's nothing I can do - I get a bit better every day, I was sure I had made the whole thing up and wouldn't get to 14dpo :) feeling ok so far - a lot of dizziness and a bit of bloating and cramping.

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Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 02 September 2012 at 2:00pm
Hi BakingFairy! You are more than welcome to join in here :) Congrats on your BFP. What's your due date and I'll pop you on the list hun
Also welcome to Gypsynita!
I have my scan on this upcoming Friday. Petrified to say the least! Hope everyones little beans stay put <3


Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 03 September 2012 at 8:26am
Hi All :) So this was our first cycle trying after 5 years on BCP, and I have been testing since Thursday and got a BPF everyday Had bloods taken on Friday and should hopefully have a good result on Tuesday and FX all goes well we will be due 10 May!!! How exciting is this

Posted By: BakingFairy
Date Posted: 03 September 2012 at 11:13am
I'm due 10 May too! Fx the little one hangs in there. I've decided to try to ignore it until I get my scan so I don't get too anxious about every little twinge - but OMG the dizziness!

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Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 03 September 2012 at 1:06pm
Thanks MakeItWork

I know what you mean about being anxious BakingFairy... after losing Charlie in June I'm so nervous I feel like this is my first pregnancy - not my 4th!!

Can't wait for my mw to get home from holiday next week so I can go in and see her...

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: curlysue
Date Posted: 03 September 2012 at 10:32pm
Hello, can I join in too?
I got a bfp on Friday and had a blood test today to confirm. I'm having another blood test on Friday :). I'm very nervous and hoping for a sticky bubba after a mc in may this year.
According to a due date calculator I'm due 9th May.

TTC#2 Sept09
Lap/Dye Feb 11 - All Clear
Clomid Oct 10, March 11, May 11
MC Aug 11
IVF to start June 2012
Natural BFP 2 April 2012
MC May 2012
Natural BFP 31 Aug 2012

Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 8:20am
Same due dates Bakingfairy!! thats pretty cool. The thought of MC is always in the back of your mind but as long as you look after yourself and eat well and take care of your bubba as best you can there isnt much else we can do ay. So happy for all you ladies, looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better in the next 8 months

Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 8:24am
this is so exciting!! Can they tell from your bloods if you are carrying twins?

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 10:59am
Welcome and congratulations BakingFairy, Smurfette88 and curlysue. Soooo excited for you CS, I really hope this is your little miracle hun, you have had such a rough road to get here (I remember you from the Charting Girls )

S88, some people tend to think that higher levels of the pregnancy hormone HCG that your blood test checks means a chance of twins but everyone is different and some just naturally have higher levels. There is no real way to tell until your first scan

I hope everyone is feeling OK and not going too crazy before their first scans. I was really nervous last time round but for now I am pretty relaxed and just going with the flow. I doubt if I will be on the morning of my scan though It looks like I will be having it on 20th September, I'm just waiting for confirmation. I will be looked after by the high risk clinic at Auckland Hospital so everything will be done there. At least I know I'm in good hands

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 1:06pm">

1st May - mum2ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
1st May - gypsynita #3 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
9th May - curlysue #2 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Will you be finding out?

Scans/MW apps
mum2ollie - Dating Scan 7th Sept
MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 1:34pm
that's awesoome MakeItWork - we were looking after by the fetal medicine unit at Auckland Hospital for Charlie and they were all fantastic! Kind of wish we could keep our OB for this bubba, but might just go up there for the 12 & 20wk scans.

Had my doc appt today - bloods should be back tomorrow so FX everything is okay! He was a bit concerned that it's so soon after my last pregnancy but oh well! Not much I can do about it now lol

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 1:35pm">

1st May - mum2ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
1st May - gypsynita #4 - Finding out!!
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
9th May - curlysue #2 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Will you be finding out?

Scans/MW apps
mum2ollie - Dating Scan 7th Sept
MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 1:45pm
You beat me to the change gypsynita Who was your OB at Auckland? We have found them all to be fantastic also. My specialist is Lesley McCowan and she is so lovely.

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 3:32pm
hehe yeah i wasn't sure if i could do it or not but it worked yay!

We had Saul Snowise for our OB - he was sooo awesome, super understanding and didn't hold back any information like my (former)mw did. Plus he wasn't afraid to push the boundaries a little bit to make the situation easier for us, which just made such a big difference.

will you just have heaps of extra monitoring this time round? Apparently since our situation was pretty rare this will just be treated like a normal pregnancy, unless the genetics tests come back positive.

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 3:51pm
It really makes a huge difference when you have good professionals helping out doesn't it! I'm not really sure exactly how the care will pan out this time but I'm pretty sure it will just be more regular scans and then I think we'll pretty much play it by ear and see how things go. I'm just looking forward to hopefully having some positive scans that we can enjoy as I reached the point where I dreaded them last time.

FX all your results are good along the way hun xx

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: curlysue
Date Posted: 04 September 2012 at 10:57pm
Hey MIW I recognised you from charting too :) so nice to see a familiar name. Sorry for your loss :(. Positive vibes going out to everyone for sticky may babies.
I'm not feeling as nervous this time round either so hoping that's a good sign. I know Ill be a wreck the day of our first scan but I'm trying not to think that far ahead.
I don't know how to update the list do you copy and past into the thread and make the change? I don't think we will find out what we are having, we didn't with ds and it was great having a surprise. He was c-section delivery so I'll probably have elective with this one too so another surprise will be good.

TTC#2 Sept09
Lap/Dye Feb 11 - All Clear
Clomid Oct 10, March 11, May 11
MC Aug 11
IVF to start June 2012
Natural BFP 2 April 2012
MC May 2012
Natural BFP 31 Aug 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 05 September 2012 at 9:26am
To update the list you click on quote (top right of the last list post) and then amend from there. You just need to remember to remove the quote brackets from the very start and end of the post it creates. If you have any trouble though I can just do it for you

I'm really glad to hear that you aren't too nervous hun, I'm sure it is a good sign and will help everything go perfectly for you this time. It's exciting that you are going to have another surprise, I like the idea but I'm too much of a control freak and want to be able to plan ahead as best I can

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 05 September 2012 at 11:44am
Welcome to new May Mummas to Be!
CurlySue it's awesome you aren't feeling nervous! I am just a bundle of nerves! I feel close to tears so often it's insane. Feels a bit stupid considering I've had just the one miscarriage and two normal pregnancies either side of it (I actually had a "friend" tell me I have no reason to worry because it's only one miscarriage not more) but I can't help but worry. I have a terrible head cold which admittedly is not very enjoyable, have also had wicked hip pain and lower back aches. Not fun things when running around after a 3 year old and a 1 year old. We have in the last week bought a new dining suite, coffee table x2 (ones smaller), buffet cabinet, entertainment unit, TV, Playstation 3 and Ipod dock so I think we can safely say thats our big spending over and done with until we need to start collecting things for Little Bean. We sold all our baby stuff before leaving NZ and my youngest is already in a toddler bed so will be getting this baby new stuff. It's such a nice change to be able to afford nice things than struggling to make ends meet like we were in NZ!
MakeItWork- we will DEFINITELY be finding out the sex, like you I am a total control freak and must have everything ready in advance. Admittedly that's going to be hard this time round as we live in a three bedroom house and the boys have too much crap to share a room and we have NO room in our room to put bubs. Our lease doesn't run out until April 25th and being due May 1st that doesn't leave much time to get things done! At this stage bub will be in the hallway!
Sorry for an epic long post haha


Posted By: Aroha11
Date Posted: 05 September 2012 at 1:54pm
Ahh - Mum2Ollie Congrats!!! I was just having a look through and WOW saw your name! Hope all is going well.

And congrats to everyone else as well


Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 05 September 2012 at 3:53pm
I am pulling my hair out knowing I still have another 7 weeks before our first scan ggrrr, but am trying to be careful in the mean time to keep peanut safe and growing strong.

Question - Have any of you ladies had an interest in a specific king of birthing method? I have been looking into the "Gently Birth" method and I got the book a couple of days ago, some of its a bit daisy chain and hippy but alot of it makes sense and apparently there are antenatal classes you can go to that specifically study the gentle birth method

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Maternity tickers" /></a>

Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 05 September 2012 at 3:59pm
<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: BakingFairy
Date Posted: 05 September 2012 at 4:32pm
Hi all, we aren't going to find out - might for later babies but the first can be a surprise. Will be going for a dating scan in a couple of weeks - will make it in my 7th week because I've heard the later you leave it the more confident you can be that if everything looks fine it actually is. Even if that's not true I'm happy enough to wait a while.
Feeling less symptoms this week or maybe I'm just a bit more chilled about it. Still really dizzy/spaced out tho. Still worried about MC but not thinking about being pregnant and not making any baby plans is helping!

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Posted By: Angel1974
Date Posted: 06 September 2012 at 3:03am
Hi everyone, congrats to all the May 2013 mummies, I am due on the 8th May with baby # 2.

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 06 September 2012 at 3:19am">

1st May - mum2ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
1st May - gypsynita #3 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Will you be finding out?
9th May - curlysue #2 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Will you be finding out?

Scans/MW apps
mum2ollie - Dating Scan 7th Sept
MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept


Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 06 September 2012 at 3:27am
Hey Angel congrats on your BFP! I have popped you on the list :) If you have any scan/MW apps feel free to add them in or I can do it for you :)
Smurfette- With my eldest I wanted a real natural drug free birth but he was 10 days overdue and I was in latent labour for 4 days so that plan went right out the window and I had every drug under the sun haha, with number 2 I yet again wanted drug free so made my midwife promise me she would lie her ass off if I asked for an Epidural. Tell me that there were no doctors around to give it etc etc, in the end it was too quick of a labour so I got my drug free delivery lol. This time round I'm not going to plan as such. In my opinion you can't really choose your labour and no one really knows how their body will respond to it.
BakingFairy, How do you manage to not think about being pregnant!! Very envious of that haha
Eeep! Friday is so close now, so so nervous!


Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 06 September 2012 at 8:28am
We are definitly finding out!!
Mum2Ollie - I know there is no way to plan for the birth you want because so many factors can change resulting in a different outcome, but I think its good to have something to base yourself on, I couldn't just go into it blind not having learnt anything, and I think the more prepared you are in as many aspects about birth as possible the more prepared you will be and in a better frame of mind if things have to suddenly change. I don't have an ideal birth in mind, my aim would only be to safely give birth to my baby, whatever that calls for.

Posted By: JaneyG
Date Posted: 06 September 2012 at 11:22am
Hi guys,

Am due around the 2nd May - first baby so pretty overwhelmed at the moment :)

Posted By: curlysue
Date Posted: 06 September 2012 at 12:55pm
Welcom to the group angel and janey :).
Well it seems I have gone from calm to beside myself in th space of 1 1/2 days. I have my second bt tomorrow and I'm worried because although I have only had a wave of nausea on Monday and then Tuesday I have had nothing since :(. I don't have any other pregnacy symptoms. I'm trying not to freak out but know tomorrow I'll be a wreck waiting for the results argh.

TTC#2 Sept09
Lap/Dye Feb 11 - All Clear
Clomid Oct 10, March 11, May 11
MC Aug 11
IVF to start June 2012
Natural BFP 2 April 2012
MC May 2012
Natural BFP 31 Aug 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 8:51am
Welcome Angel and Janey!

Sorry to hear you have lost your calm CS! I have everything crossed for a great BT result today, I'm sure it will be just fine Don't worry too much about the symptoms, I haven't really got any either, just the odd wave of nausea here and there but barely noticeable! Last time I had nothing at all!

How is everyone else doing? Anyone been struck with the dreaded morning sickness yet? Hopefully not!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 8:55am
Good luck for your scan today m2o!!! I hope you see a perfect wee bean flickering away in there I wish my scan was sooner, 2 weeks seems like forever right now!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 8:59am" rel="nofollow">

1st May - mum2ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
1st May - gypsynita #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May - JaneyG #1 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Will you be finding out?
9th May - curlysue #2 - Surprise!!
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Finding Out!!
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Surprise!!

Scans/MW apps

mum2ollie - Dating Scan 7th Sept
MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: JadeC
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 12:11pm
Hello! I am very cautiously joining - only just 4 weeks here! I'm due May 18th, with baby #2! My son Quinn has just turned 2, and to be honest we did not think this would happen this quickly! It took us 2 years to get pregnant with him, and 3 months this time! Bit of a shock still. We had an early miscarriage (at 5 weeks) before DS, so also makes this a bit of a stressful time as well.

Here's hoping to a happy and healthy 9 months for us all!

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Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 12:26pm
Well after getting a +hpt this morning best I get my butt in here. Due I'd say around 16 May, pretty early on, still in shock, hubby stoked, my youngest little miss is nearly 14 months so its a bit freaky especially being baby number 5 eeeeeek (hubbys second though)

Posted By: curlysue
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 12:53pm
Welcome Jadec & Peaches, congratulations on your pregnancys.

All the best for your scan today M2O.

Im sitting here waiting for the midwife to call with my results. FX everything is all good.
Im trying to tell myself not to stress, I didnt get sick at all with DS four years aog. Its amazing how much you can forget in that time too.
Ill keep you all posted once results are in :)

TTC#2 Sept09
Lap/Dye Feb 11 - All Clear
Clomid Oct 10, March 11, May 11
MC Aug 11
IVF to start June 2012
Natural BFP 2 April 2012
MC May 2012
Natural BFP 31 Aug 2012

Posted By: JadeC
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 1:35pm
Congrats Peaches!

Hang in there CS! It's hard to think positive when you've had losses, so hoping you have lovely high beta numbers!

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Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 2:44pm
welcome JadeC, and Peaches, such an exciting place to be isnt it!!

How many of you ladies are in Auckland? I am, we live on the north shore

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 4:58pm
Thank you :) I am in West Auckland. I'm still in a bit of shock really, we weren't expecting this for a while or at all, especially since I was meant to be getting my studio together at the end of the year I guess it will have to be put on hold oh well doesn't matter.

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Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 5:00pm
Hey ladies, Well I had my dating scan this morning. Thought I was about 6w3d but the scan is showing 5w2d. Our sonographer was a useless women, she barely spoke to us at all. Never once mentioned what she could see. I did see her put GS and YS up on the screen when she was measuring the bubble so I'm assuming Gestational Sac and maybe Yolk Sac? She said "Looks okay for 5 weeks, it's in the right place" and "You'll need another scan in 2-3 weeks so we can measure baby from crown to rump and get a heartbeat" literally that's all that was said to us. I don't know what to think. I told her I've had a miscarriage before and that I was worried we would have a bad outcome this time. I feel miserable. If I am only 5w2d then that means I got a +tve HPT at three weeks. Is that even possible? I've been tearing my hair out for the last week, dying to get to today so I can see the heart fluttering away so I can feel better but now I just feel horrible. I just want to shut myself up in my room and lock the world out.


Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 5:04pm
sheesh what a horrible lady, I hope you get someone different next time! Yes it is possible to get a pos hpt at 3 weeks only just though, you much have a lot of hormones lol

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Posted By: curlysue
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 6:04pm
Sorry to hear you have had problems with your scan today M2O. I have everything crossed that your next scan has a better outcome.

I got my blood test results this afternoon. I have gone from 160 on monday to 1150 today. Feeling much better about things for now   

TTC#2 Sept09
Lap/Dye Feb 11 - All Clear
Clomid Oct 10, March 11, May 11
MC Aug 11
IVF to start June 2012
Natural BFP 2 April 2012
MC May 2012
Natural BFP 31 Aug 2012

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 6:15pm
wow CS thats a BIG jump! Great stuff

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Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 6:47pm
Does anyone know how to change tickers with the new OB setup??
I was told to wait 2-3 weeks to rescan so I think I'm going to wait three weeks. That way I'll be around eight weeks so chances are if the pregnancy is healthy then it'll stay that way. I'm just going to be climbing the walls with the waiting.


Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 07 September 2012 at 6:58pm" rel="nofollow">

1st May - gypsynita #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May - JaneyG #1 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May- Mum2Ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Will you be finding out?
9th May - curlysue #2 - Surprise!!
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Finding Out!!
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Surprise!!

Scans/MW apps

MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept


Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 12:48am

1st May - gypsynita #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May - JaneyG #1 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May- Mum2Ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Will you be finding out?
9th May - curlysue #2 - Surprise!!
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Finding Out!!
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Surprise!!
16th May - Peaches21 #5 - Finding out

Scans/MW apps

MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 12:48am
sorry just adding my date not sure how to do it properly

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Posted By: BakingFairy
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 8:49am
Far out! Just about pulled my hair out trying to log in now the sites been updated!!
All ok here, boobs getting bigger, a little sore some times but not too bad. Feeling a bit woozy at the moment, getting the feeling that's going to turn into MS. Meeting a couple of midwifes on Monday so looking forward to having that sorted :)
Smurfette - yup I'm in AKL too - in Central Auckland.

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Posted By: Angel1974
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 10:59am
Originally posted by mum2ollie mum2ollie wrote:" rel="nofollow">

1st May - gypsynita #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May - JaneyG #1 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May- Mum2Ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Finding Out!
9th May - curlysue #2 - Surprise!!
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Finding Out!!
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Surprise!!

Scans/MW apps

MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

Posted By: Angel1974
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 11:01am
Hi everyone, Im really new at this stuff lol, how do I add the tickers etc?

Posted By: JadeC
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 2:54pm
Originally posted by mum2ollie mum2ollie wrote:

Hey ladies, Well I had my dating scan this morning. Thought I was about 6w3d but the scan is showing 5w2d. Our sonographer was a useless women, she barely spoke to us at all. Never once mentioned what she could see. I did see her put GS and YS up on the screen when she was measuring the bubble so I'm assuming Gestational Sac and maybe Yolk Sac? She said "Looks okay for 5 weeks, it's in the right place" and "You'll need another scan in 2-3 weeks so we can measure baby from crown to rump and get a heartbeat" literally that's all that was said to us. I don't know what to think. I told her I've had a miscarriage before and that I was worried we would have a bad outcome this time. I feel miserable. If I am only 5w2d then that means I got a +tve HPT at three weeks. Is that even possible? I've been tearing my hair out for the last week, dying to get to today so I can see the heart fluttering away so I can feel better but now I just feel horrible. I just want to shut myself up in my room and lock the world out.

Wow, that's terrible! A positive HPT at 3 weeks is rare, but not unheard of, I got mine at 3.5 weeks but it was faint. Can your midwife/dr send you for another scan soon?

I've had some spotting today, so not sure if this bubs is hanging around or not. All positive thoughts for stickiness accepted!

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Posted By: Sel92044
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 10:21pm
Hi all.. am a tentative newbie here! Home test was positive on Friday evening and the due date calculator is saying May 12th next year. Still a bit shocked really and I can't get the whole idea out of my mind at the moment! Will be phoning the doctor for an appointment to confirm Monday morning :)

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 10:44pm
I got my faint + on Thurs/Fri had a bit of spotting the last few days on and off, but am quite crampy now, a little worried it may not stick or I'm just being paranoid!

Hi Sel congrats on your BFP!

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Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 10:47pm
Thanks peaches! Would like to change my username but it won't let me.. :( from what I have read what you have posted is quite normal :)

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 10:51pm
Seems to have worked with the new post, confusing me! Testing to be sure

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 11:26pm
Originally posted by mum2ollie mum2ollie wrote:" rel="nofollow">

1st May - gypsynita #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May - JaneyG #1 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May- Mum2Ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Will you be finding out?
9th May - curlysue #2 - Surprise!!
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Finding Out!!
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Surprise!!
16th May - Peaches21 #5 - Finding out

Scans/MW apps

MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 08 September 2012 at 11:27pm
ooo it worked!! :)

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Posted By: jane92065
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 10:07am
Hi everyone. Just few questions: anyone else had bad period type pains ? Doc doesnt know what it is. Also any recom to stop dry reching/vomitting would be great. Thanks

Posted By: JadeC
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 11:57am
Peaches - hang in there! I hope the spotting is nothing.

Kalika - what was your previous user name?

Jane - What have you tried for the vomiting? Last time I threw up 5 times a day till 26 weeks, I got it down to 1-2 with medication from my GP. I wish I could remember the name, but it was a weird tablet you had to put between your gum and lip.

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Posted By: Jas2010
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 12:56pm
Hey, i'd love to join the group too, i'm due 8th May, still early days but I don't mind sharing my experience either way.

Hope those that are spotting are going okay.

How is everyone feeling? I just started feeling nausea yesterday quite badly and i've put on 3kgs already Shocked I can't stop eating! 


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Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 3:12pm
Will repost - Home test was positive on Friday evening and the due date calculator is saying May 12th next year. Still a bit shocked really and I can't get the whole idea out of my mind at the moment! Will be phoning the doctor for an appointment to confirm Monday morning :)

Sounds like a fair bit of nausea happening, I haven't had any so far. I feel pretty tired but thats nothing unusual and I have had a pretty full on day.

I have no idea what the next steps are! Doctor of course, then tell parents and in laws, then find a midwife? Scaaaary!

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 5:14pm
Hi everyone :) Those who are spotting- Try not to panic! My best friend who is currently pregnant had spotting quite badly for weeks and weeks. She's currently doing great :) Kalika, Find a midwife first really, they book up insanely fast, especially if your in a main city :)
Jane period type is pretty normal. usually you shouldn't worry unless the pain is really bad or is coupled with bleeding :)
As for us, just found out a friend is 12 weeks pregnant. Feeling a bit envious that she has a healthy pregnancy and we're still waiting to find out if ours is even viable :(
Welcome to all the newbies! If anyone wants me to update the list just shout out and I shall :)


Posted By: Pepsicle
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 5:15pm
Hey Ladies, another member joining here! Tentative due date of 15th May based of my last AF date but hopefully will be having a dating scan in the next week or two (probably closer to the two )

Going to call MW tomorrow as from my last 2 pregnancy's I've had 2 MC and 2 small babies. Not sure if I'm supposed to be referred to the high risk clinic or not.

This will (hopefully) be my 4th and final baby. I don't think I will be able ton relax until after the 12 weeks scan as I was 12 weeks last time when I had the MC.

Looking forwards to getting to know you all. Too early for a FB page??

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 6:20pm
Thanks mum2ollie I live in a small rural town 45 mins from Chch so not sure if that will make things harder or easier!

FX for everyone with confirmations etc coming up!

Posted By: janeyinsaney
Date Posted: 09 September 2012 at 7:27pm
thanks mumtoollie its just my first so all nerves and dont want anything to go wrong..... taken so long to get preg and with family history not the best.

Posted By: JaneyG
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 8:27am
Hi all, wow I feel better after reading all the posts on here about feeling nervous....I am 6 weeks and 4 days down with my first and really feel in the dark about alo of things. My GP was'nt very helpful was I supposed to get any information from her regarding what I can and cant eat? timeline for scan's, blood tests??? I have had one scan confirming I was 5 1/2 weeks, with yolk sack etc that is in the right place, and one set of blood tests which I am assuming everything is fine with as I have not heard back from GP??????

Posted By: Pepsicle
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 8:41am
JaneyG, in my experience most (but not all) GP's know little other than the basics when it comes to pregnancy. You would be best to book yourself in with a MW (if you haven't already) and he/she will advise you about all of that stuff.

AFM, I left a message with my old midwife today so hopefully I'll be getting a scan soon, maybe a week on Thursday when I should be nearly 7 weeks along.

Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 10:43am
Hi all :)
Just found out my best friend had a brilliant 12week scan. So happy for her! Can't think of anyone that deserves a baby more than her and her DH.
Janey It's best to just get a midwife. GPs can be pretty bloody useless.
AFM, Still feeling very pessimistic about how things are. Just feel pretty hopeless :'(


Posted By: Pepsicle
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 11:59am
Oooh got a MW appointment next Tuesday to decide if I'm being referred through to the high risk clinic or not. Excite! It's REALLY happening!!!

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 12:04pm
such exciting stuff happening :)

I'm still feeling pretty good, having today off (good thing about working from home) a bit tired, I had hideous morning sickness with my little miss but nothing as yet. So hopefully I won't get it this time...wishful thinking I know.

Usually MW does bloods first and then if you need a dating scan will organise that for you JaneyG otherwise if you are sure of your dates then they usually wait til the 12 weeks nuchal scan :)

I am going to start the search for a MW this week but I am petrified I had a really bad experience with my last MW and before then I was just going through my GP but I can't go through her now :( Not so sure about MW's at the moment.

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Posted By: Pepsicle
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 12:24pm
I think I'm being a little dense....where do I add my ticker? FAQ's on here say click on 'Profile' and then add to the 'signature' area.....but there's' not signature area!!

Posted By: Jas2010
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 12:39pm
Pepsicle go into member control panel, then the first option 'edit profile', then scroll down to signatureSmile 

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Angel1974
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 1:05pm
Hi everyone, got second HCG results back today, looking good, numbers have doubled within 48 hrs, still a tad paranoid as I had a tubal reversal a couple of years ago so am freaking a bit, I have a scan on Thursday to make sure it is in the right place, fingers crossed.

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Posted By: Pepsicle
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 1:16pm
Thanks ;) ETA - Is anyone else simply EXHAUSTED? I can hardly get through my working day today!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Josh 08/04/04
Angel baby 09/05
Harry 18/12/06
Liliana 03/01/10
Angel baby 05/12

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 3:35pm
YES! I am SO exhausted! I didn't realise it could hit you so easy. Do you work fulltime Pepsicle?

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Posted By: Jas2010
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 3:37pm
All the best for your scan on Thurs Angel. 

Yep i'm exhausted too, a write off in the afternoons so trying to get everything done in the mornings.  

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Jas2010
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 3:40pm" rel="nofollow">

1st May - gypsynita #3 - Finding Out!!
2nd May - JaneyG #1 - Will you be finding out?
6th May - MakeItWork #1 - Finding Out!!
8th May- Mum2Ollie #3 - Finding Out!!
8th May - Angel1974 # 2 - Will you be finding out?
9th May - curlysue #2 - Surprise!!
9th May - Jas2010 #2 - Will you be finding out?
10th May - Smurfette88 #1 - Finding Out!!
10th May - BakingFairy #1 - Surprise!!
16th May - Peaches21 #5 - Finding out

Scans/MW apps

MakeItWork - Dating Scan & OB Appointment 20th Sept

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: kalika
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 3:58pm
I'm not exhausted but feel really anxious in my stomach, not so much like feeling sick but Canterbury ppl will know what I mean, its like earthquake dread. A friend of mine texted me this morning she went on a rafting trip on Wednesday and turns out they had a major accident, boat/raft overturned and stuck, lost half their stuff. 3 girls had to be air lifted out by helicopter and she's been treated for hypothermia. She's asked me to stay 2nite which i will but she's really intense at the best of times so its going to be an interesting night.

Posted By: peaches21
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 4:39pm
kalika that must have been awful news, I hope everyone is ok.

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Posted By: mum2ollie
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 4:42pm
Hey ladies. Had a doctors app today to go over my scan. She said everything looks perfectly fine for less than six weeks (yay) BUT I have low throid (mine is 8.5 should be a minimum of 9) which can cause miscarriages plus I have low iron and the beginnngs of thrush apparently. So that was great. Has anyone else had the low thyroid thing before???


Posted By: Smurfette88
Date Posted: 10 September 2012 at 4:45pm
Oh no Kalika thats terrible news.

I havent had many symptoms, besides, painfully tender boobs, and being a little more tired than usual. no sign of dreaded MS yet, when will it hit if it hasnt yet?

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