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Welcome September 2013 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: September 2013 Babies
Forum Description: Forum for parents with babies born in August 2013
Printed Date: 06 June 2024 at 8:50am
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Topic: Welcome September 2013 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: Welcome September 2013 Babies
Date Posted: 31 December 2012 at 8:14am
Welcome to the Due in September 2013 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website). We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: Séraphine
Date Posted: 31 December 2012 at 9:37am
Thank you Skiltz

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Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 01 January 2013 at 10:32am
I tested yesterday morning just to make sure i can have a big night on the cocktails... Turns out I couldn't!
Due 12 September going by my last period.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Kyes
Date Posted: 01 January 2013 at 2:15pm
Originally posted by sem sem wrote:

I tested yesterday morning just to make sure i can have a big night on the cocktails... Turns out I couldn't!
Due 12 September going by my last period.

Hehe thats why I tested on xmas eve. Iv had to say no to alot of drinks and try explain why with out telling anyone.
I wont be telling till about 14weeks

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 03 January 2013 at 8:34pm
Ha ha, at New Years I told my friends I had a feminine problem and couldn't drink... I think it helped that I was drinking cranberry juice . The frequent toilet trips added to the confusion.

Jan '13

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 8:24am
We ended up telling a couple of close friends who we celebrated new years with.
Tell me about frequent toilet trips, I am getting up at least twice a night at the moment!

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 9:11am
Hi there, I got a BFP just before NY Eve - same as someone else on here, was a bit suspect I was UTD so figured I'd better test before I carried on the Xmas/New Year festivities and what do you know This is No. 2 for us and we are due September 12. Yay, so excited! We had 3 m/c before we conceived our daughter so I am crossing my fingers and toes this all goes to plan. Had hcg bloods taken yesterday, repeat on Monday so hopefully it all looks normal!

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 9:49am
Congrats to all the new and coming set mummas! My girls a sept 2010, great month to have babes :-P


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Kyes
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 3:52pm
Originally posted by sem sem wrote:

We ended up telling a couple of close friends who we celebrated new years with.
Tell me about frequent toilet trips, I am getting up at least twice a night at the moment!

See, this is worrying me - I'm not having more frequent toilet trips at all! Im wondering if my pelvic floor is stronger then it used to be?

I have a scan next week. Not to see the baby though (gutted). its for a giant lump in my boob. I get out of a mamogram cos im up the duff and get a scan instead. Yay - no squashed preggy boob!

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 4:44pm
People's bodies react so differently to pregnancy, I wouldn't worry about not getting the toilet trips. I have some friends who had their first children about the same time as I did and we all got different symptoms, the only thing we all had in common was the increasing belly, and even then some of us got far bigger than others!

Good luck with the boob scan, hope it's nothing. Squashed preggy boob sounds horribly uncomfortable.

Jan '13

Posted By: beck
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 5:42pm
Hi - can i join too? found out on xmas eve that i was preg after 2 years of ttc #2. due approx 1st sept

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 9:54pm
babygiraffe - I also got my BFP on a NY eve and am due on the 12th with our second Smile

Thanks Nic! I too think September is a nice time. Not pregnant over summer and not too far away from Spring and the warmer weather. 

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 05 January 2013 at 11:18am
Not being hugely pregnant over summer will be nice, my son was born 31 Jan. I was one of the only people who was glad last summer was cold and wet!

Jan '13

Posted By: bobo1
Date Posted: 05 January 2013 at 11:51am
My first was a November baby and that was quite good timing, but I reckon sept might be even better :-) called my midwife already - feel a bit weird doing it so soon, but I didn't want her to get booked up!

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 05 January 2013 at 11:55am
My first was also a November baby which was nice but yes I agree September might even be better weather wise. 
I've contacted my mw too as I really liked her and want to use her again. 

We just told my parents this morning via Skype. My Mum was stoked my Dad is sulking lol

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 05 January 2013 at 12:28pm
We'll tell our parents after the 6wk scan so we have a better idea of when I'm due and that everything is going as planned.

I've had a chat with my midwife too, I know what you mean about not wanting them to get booked up!

Jan '13

Posted By: bobo1
Date Posted: 05 January 2013 at 12:49pm
I'm planning to wait until after the 12 week scan before telling. It's hard though! That's why groups like this help!

Posted By: Kyes
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 8:49am
Got any symptomns yet ladies? or is everyone feeling as per usual?
Im abit bloated looking. Im an early shower and i get really big. Look full term at 6 months.
So i went out yesterday and brought some new bigger tshirts because all my 'skinny' clothes are just abit unflattering at the moment.

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 9:24am
Good Morning,
no symptoms yet for me. I got quite sick last time which started at around 5/6 weeks. I really really hope I can avoid it this time. I have started taking the Blackmores Morning Sickness Formula pills (which are B6 and Ginger) and am hoping they will at least help to reduce the nausea and vomiting a little bit.
I have also inquired about acupuncture but am waiting to hear back from them. 

Is anybody else loosing weight? I've been loosing a couple of hundred grams a day, the same happened last time and I ended up loosing about 8kg in 2 weeks due to severe nausea and vomiting. I just hope this is not a sign of things to come.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 3:35pm
I showed fairly early last time, I'm picking my clothes carefully to hide my tummy. I feel a bit bloated, but my husband assures me it's my imagination

I had morning sickness 8-20 weeks last time, and I'm a bit nervous about it coming again. I've put on a little bit of weight over Christmas, but I dropped so much last time with morning sickness that I'm calling it my buffer zone!

Jan '13

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 4:35pm
Hi I'm due 11 Sept according to my LMP. Seeing MW this Wednesday :) A little bit nervous as my first pregnancy I ended up having a crash Section at 28 weeks because of severe PET/HELLP - my little boy is now 15 months :)

Posted By: Kyes
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 5:56pm
Originally posted by chatzs chatzs wrote:

Hi I'm due 11 Sept according to my LMP. Seeing MW this Wednesday :) A little bit nervous as my first pregnancy I ended up having a crash Section at 28 weeks because of severe PET/HELLP - my little boy is now 15 months :)

Welcome! Anwow, 28 weeks? Thats tiny! Must have been very scary. Is PET/HELLP The itchy skin problem?

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 7:01pm
Not too many symptoms for me yet. Bloated and the odd wave of nausea. Bit cranky! With DD the sickness didn't kick in til around 5-6 weeks and then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. Felt hideous until 17 weeks. Guess I'll take it on the chin if it means I'm having a healthy baby that sticks

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 9:31pm
I had preeclamisia and HELLP - something to do with your liver and blood platelets basically its life threatning for both mum and baby and only cure is to deliver the baby. My son was 800g when he was born - now he's about 8kg so 10x his birth weight :)

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 06 January 2013 at 9:35pm
I don't have many symptoms yet mainly tiredness very slight nausea but hardly noticeable

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 10:54am
Hope you have an easier time this time around Chatzs. 

I've seen my GP this morning for something unrelated but have been given forms for bloods and dating scan at 6 weeks. She also gave the pamphlet about food safety in pregnancy. I swear I have forgotten half the things that are on there and I am questioning what we are supposed to eat for the next 8 months! Ermm

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:11pm
how do you do those signatures I tried but it didn't show up

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Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:29pm
Chatzs, you've used the HTML code. You need to click on the link that says "BB and UBB code" and copy and paste that text.

Also far out, what a tiny baby! Are you likely to get HELLP again or is this one probably going to go more smoothly?

How old is your eldest? Just asking because my 11 month old is 10kg...

Jan '13

Posted By: Kyes
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:29pm
Originally posted by chatzs chatzs wrote:

how do you do those signatures I tried but it didn't show up

Its the bb code one i just put them all in and delelted the ones that didnt work

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Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:31pm

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Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:37pm
not sure if I will get it again - always a risk I will but fingers crossed I won't - will be closely monitored this time though :)

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Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:39pm
my oldest is 15 months (12 corrected) and is about 8kg

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Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:45pm
Hi there,
I've never been a part of one of these forums before but just found out NYE that we are pregnant with #2 and thought I might come check this out...
Due 6th of Sept from my own calculations, have a scan in 2wks though because of previous probs. very excited though and nervous. Just found out the results from Fridays blood test and my levels are 15000!! Seems crazy high?!?
Congrats to everyone else having bubbas in sept :)

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 12:48pm
Welcome cupcake! Seems like there are quite a few of us who tested on New Years Ev Smile

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 1:13pm
Thanks its a very cool day to find out!
Especially when I had totally thought I was going to get my period for Christmas

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 6:50pm
Had a call from the nurse before, my hcg went from 470 at 14dpo to 2750 at 18dpo. They now want me to get an early scan, doctor wanted me to go on Wed - I wouldn't even be 5 weeks?! I told the nurse that and she said my doctor wanted me to go then because of my high hcg levels. So now I feel a bit uncertain - don't molar pregnancies have high hcg levels? Sigh... Of well, will see what Wed blood test says. Hope everyone else is doing great!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 6:51pm
maybe its twins? good luck with the scan

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Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 7:12pm
Yeah was thinking twins too. Hopefully we are right! I too thought they would always want to wait till 6 weeks for an early scan as there won't be a heartbeat any sooner than that.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 9:22pm
congrats to all the due september mummies (chatz is my sister)yay I am going to be an aunty again


Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 07 January 2013 at 9:44pm
BG: According to this chart your HCG levels are within normal for both dates, they just leap in the first trimester. Good luck!" rel="nofollow - HCG Levels

Jan '13

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:36am
Oh Mrs Mac, your chart has made me feel a lot better, I was really worrying about my high levels too, I'm sure they were less than 1000 at this stage with my son. Argh I find early pregnancy so stressful! Can't wait for second trimester!

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:37am
And good luck with scan baby giraffe!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:58am
how do you know your levels I've never been told mine do you have to ask or are you meant to be told?

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Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 11:59am
Well I used to get them every week until 11wks when I was pregnant with my son (because of a previous missed miscarriage) and the nurse would call me each week and let me know what they were. This time I just called the nurse myself and asked though. You could do that if you wanted to

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 4:58pm
Chatz, you could call your MW or GP (depending who ordered the bloods) and ask them for results. I had my bloods done today but don't think I will ask for HCG levels. I did that last time and found this way too stressful. They where on the low side and I needed follow up tests so they could compare. 

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 5:05pm
my GP did my bloods just txt me (I can't hear over the phone) and just said that they're all fine - I might ask my MW tomorrow as she has a copy of them, not that the numbers will mean anything I have no idea of what is good or not lol

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Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:19pm
Booked my scan for next Wednesday and will be 5w6d then - do you ladies think that is too early for a heartbeat or should I be ok?

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Stoked
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:21pm
Too early Sem, normally between 6 and 7 weeks

I'll bugger off now

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Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:23pm
That's what I thought. Might change it to the following week then. 

ETA - stay, this thread seems to be very quiet .... sure you don't want another one? Tongue

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Stoked
Date Posted: 08 January 2013 at 10:28pm
Another 17 month age gap? Um no, I'll pass thanks. I love it between the first two but think things could go hay-wire with a third :-D

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Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 8:01am
seeing my MW this afternoon - can't wait to show her Kyle, last time she saw him he was only about 1.7kg and still in an incubator so she's going to get a shock to see him now lol

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Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 8:21am
Had a tiny tiny amount of brown spotting this morning. Argh, I hate this part so much. Its gone away now so hopefully its just implantation. Getting more bloods today and a scan tomorrow. Although they wont be able to see anything! I think my doctor just wants to see how many are in there! I don't have the twin feeling, know its just one! Hope everyone else is doing good

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 8:42am
Originally posted by babygiraffe babygiraffe wrote:

Had a tiny tiny amount of brown spotting this morning. Argh, I hate this part so much. Its gone away now so hopefully its just implantation. Getting more bloods today and a scan tomorrow. Although they wont be able to see anything! I think my doctor just wants to see how many are in there! I don't have the twin feeling, know its just one! Hope everyone else is doing good

good luck with the blood tests and scans - imagine if there are twins in there! I heard that brown spotting is usually OK its whe its bright red you can then start to worry - I'm paranoid about bleeding even though my first preg I never did

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Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 9:03am
Good luck for the scan tomorrow. Bleeding in pregnancy sucks, big hugs to you and FX it is nothing!

I bleed lots last time and have had nothing so far this time around which in turn makes me worry just as much Wacko

How is everybody else going? No symptoms other than no period for me but after reading back that was the same for me last time at this stage. 

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 9:05am
only symptoms here is very mild cramping - well more like stretching than cramping and tiredness - but then that could be from Mr 15 months been awake half the night lol

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Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 2:13pm
BG, I had brown spotting at this stage last time. I had all the tests etc. and it was all fine. Hope it's the same for you!

Had my first wave of nausea today, but it's gone so I'm hoping it was just the heat!

Jan '13

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 2:59pm
saw MW this afternoon going for a dating scan next tuesday :)

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Posted By: Jaimee103105
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 3:00pm
Hi everyone! I'm new to this pregnancy game as its my first child but I'm already a little confused! I've had one home test and one urine test with the nurse at the doctor which where both positive, just yesterday I've ha my bloods taken hormones and antenatal and the hormone level had come back as being 1-2 weeks?! Is this possible because I've missed this last period was due beginning of the month and had a slight bleed for only two days last month when last months was due so I thought that if they where to take it from the last period id be at least 5-6weeks. We have a scan booked in for next week to get the dates all lined up so here's hoping I'm further than 1-2 weeks! I do have sore boobs (bearable) and a bloated looking tummy by the evening any thoughts ? Would be greatly appreciated! Sorry go the ramble!

Posted By: D103112
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 3:38pm
Hi. First time in a "due" forum or anything of the sort.

Tested positive yesterday. going by my last period, I would be five weeks today.

Still in shock. I haven't been to the GP yet, trying to get in tomorrow. When would I need to try and find a midwife? I get the impression that it can be hard to find a good one so best to do it early? My old midwife has retired. All this doesn't feel real at all.

Posted By: bobo1
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 4:39pm
Congrats to new posters :-) its very exciting. Sorry Jaimee, no words of wisdom here. The scan will clear up any confusion though.

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 4:47pm
I called my midwife from last time straight away, I was really worried I wouldn't be able to use her again because we've shifted towns, was so excited when she said she would still have me :) think the good ones do get booked pretty quick though, but there are lots of good ones out there :)
Oh Jaimee that does sound a bit disappointing, hopefully the scan will say you are further along!

I've had quite a bit of nausea the last 2 days, so yucky! Especially while potty training! And sore boobs, even if I have the shower pressure on too much! Feel fat already too but I have been a bit of a piggy lately

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 6:15pm
Jaimee 1-2 weeks from your last period you probably haven't ovulated, so they must be counting from somewhere else. The scan should clear it up. Babies don't show up in the scan before 5 weeks (sometimes later), so if it doesn't show anything you might have ovulated late.

D when I found out I was pregnant with #1 I got a list from the Birthing Centre straight away and called one whose name I recognised, about 6 weeks along. I got the impression from her that I was enthusiastic! I have friends who waited until 12 weeks and didn't have much trouble finding someone. I know what you mean about it not feeling real, I was stunned for the first week!

Jan '13

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 7:00pm
Jaimee, I'm with the others on this one - hopefully the scan will be able to tell you how many weeks you are. 1-2 def doesn't sound right unless they count from conception which I don't think is very common though.

In regards to MW's I think it depends where in the country you are. I think Christchurch for example is very bad as there is a shortage. I think Auckland should be ok. 

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Jme88
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 7:23pm
Thankyou ladies ill be posing once we've had the scan to see when we are due!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 8:14pm
I reckon they mean 1-2 weeks pg as in from when you period is due. Which would make you 5-6 weeks. I guess you will soon find out though!
I didn't get my blood results today so hopefully the nurse will ring me in the morning. Was getting a scan next Tues but realised I'd double booked myself so its now tomorrow at 1pm

Posted By: Jme88
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 8:21pm
Cool! I did have the option to have one tomorrow to but I guess if I'm not that far along I'm better to wait till next week so we hopefully will see something! Are there many writers in this month based in Hamilton? Where is everyone from?

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 8:30pm
Exciting BG! Hope you get to see something tomorrow then!

I'm from Auckland.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 9:08pm
I doubt it Sem, way too early! Probably a sack? And hopefully just one! I think my doctor is just being over protective, I don't think my hcg levels are that high - well within the normal range. But she did say I'd get another early scan a bit further down the track so that will be good.

Posted By: amalyse
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 10:58pm
Hi All,

Just took a HPT tonight and got a BFP - not sure of LMP but fairly sure of conception day (first day TTC for number 2!) i'm fairly sure anything a week after that would not show as obviously?

I put myself at around 4 weeks 4 days... Due September 14th.... Eeeeeek... I'm quite shell shocked as I didn't expect things to happen so quickly so now can't sleep!


Posted By: amalyse
Date Posted: 09 January 2013 at 11:00pm
Originally posted by babygiraffe babygiraffe wrote:

Had a tiny tiny amount of brown spotting this morning. Argh, I hate this part so much. Its gone away now so hopefully its just implantation. Getting more bloods today and a scan tomorrow. Although they wont be able to see anything! I think my doctor just wants to see how many are in there! I don't have the twin feeling, know its just one! Hope everyone else is doing good

I had this yesterday as well, assuming implanatation as our dates are VERY similar I think :)


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 9:49am
Hcg only went from 2750 to 4900 which isn't quite doubling. Trying to keep positive but its hard when you already had 3 m/c and kind of know what to expect. Although if I put the amounts into hcg calculators online they come back as being normal. Oh well, scan today so will see what they can tell me. Wish me luck

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 9:55am
Sending lots of positive vibes your way! When is your next blood test?

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 10:12am
I'm not having anymore Sem, they completely do my head in. I'll have a scan today and then another one around 7-8 weeks (if I last that long!) and see what the outcome is. I know in my heart something isn't right now - I never spotted this early with any of my pregnancies.....even the ones where I miscarried! Stink

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 10:18am
I agree these tests are very stressful. Hope 1pm comes around quickly for you and you get to see a more reliable result. Although that may not be the case as it is still so early Unhappy
Will be thinking of you Hug

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 11:09am
Yay good luck for scan today!!! Jme88 I'm from Hamilton, well nearby anyway and I totally recommend Julie Jessen, she's my midwife and was with my son too. She's AMAZING! But my friend is using Lee Hugh's and apparently she's pretty cool too. Lots of good ones in Hamilton though, good luck
So what do you really see at a scan around 6-7weeks? I've never had one before and stupidly thought it would be similar to the 12wk one glad I've been on here or I would've been a lil disappointed at mine next week.....

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 11:11am
I spotted at 6wks with my son, turned out to be nothing but I've miscarried before so I freaked too. Hope everything is good with your bubba!!

Posted By: amalyse
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 1:01pm
Good luck today, the waiting game is really hard :) I'm not sure I like knowing about this one so early. I didn't know with my daughter until 7weeks 5 days...


Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 1:12pm
With my son I had a scan at 6 weeks (+3 I think) and I saw a sac, the fetal pole (line that develops into a spine) and his heartbeat. We saw the heartbeat first from a distance and it looked like he was flashing on and off like Christmas tree lights. We made jokes about our baby Christmas tree until we had the 12 week scan!

With my son I spotted at 5 weeks, with my miscarriage no spotting until it was all over. Spotting doesn't always mean something's wrong. FX for you BG!

Jan '13

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 2:42pm
Hi girls, just home from my scan. TWO sacks Good grief. To think I've joked about twins for so long! Hahah...
Scan lady couldn't see any yolk sacks though and she did say that she would've liked to have seen them at 5 weeks. They are in separate sacks though so that is one good thing.
I'm not feeling very positive at all....which isn't good, I wish I could feel more optimistic. I'm not sure if I should have more bloods done or just wait it out for a couple of weeks and see if anything changes on the scan. Time will tell I guess!

Posted By: Cupcake23
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 3:16pm
Wow TWO SACKS!! Mixed news though, really hope all is well with them both! Maybe they are just taking a lil longer cos there are two... Is hard waiting and not knowing though. Feeling for you

Posted By: crkdnz
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 3:32pm
Wow babygiraffe! What news! Hope all goes well for you.

This heat is screwing with me, it's so hot and my head hurts, my boobs hurt, I hate the taste in my mouth, I'm so grumpy. Whinge, whine. It feels like I woke up one morning and somebody stole my breasts and left somebody else's boobs plonked onto my chest. Not even my bra feels right.

But on the flip side, at least I'm not heavily pregnant at this time of the year. Thank god.

Hope everybody is going well. Re the midwife thing, I have contacted one midwife as a starting point, as she came highly recommended (online anyway), so will go on from there, GP appointment is next week (earliest I could get in!!). :)

Posted By: Andrea103206
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 3:32pm
Hi everyone! I'm having my first baby! I'm so excited as my husband and I have been trying for over 2 years. I'm 6 weeks along and due early Sept.

Posted By: KelsB
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 4:38pm
Hi Everyone, I have been lurking for a few days now. I got my BFP last thursday which puts me due on the 7th. This will be #2 for us.
So far things are going ok. Don't get to see a MW til the 29th as she likes to wait til 8weeks for first visit.

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Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 5:05pm
hows everyone today?

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Posted By: Jme88
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 5:29pm
Feeling pretty comfortable really! Nothing to complain about just cannot wait for our dating scan next week! Eeeeek first baby!!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 5:34pm
Originally posted by Jme88 Jme88 wrote:

Feeling pretty comfortable really! Nothing to complain about just cannot wait for our dating scan next week! Eeeeek first baby!!

what day is your scan? I'm going for mine on Tuesday so will be almost 6 weeks according to my dates.

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Posted By: Jme88
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 5:45pm
It's on wed next week I think ill be about 6 weeks 1 day for it

Posted By: bobo1
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 6:29pm
I'm lacking motivation! Am so tired its not funny.

Posted By: Mrs Mac
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 6:37pm
Ooooh BG, two sacs! Wow!

I'm not having a dating scan until Monday 21st, close to 7 weeks. My MW gets them done a little later because she's had too many women freak out when they haven't seen baby's heartbeat on early scans. I understand the logic but the suspense is hard!

The heat + pregnancy is so enervating, I had a huge afternoon nap with my son this afternoon.

Congrats to all the new ladies joining our board!

Jan '13

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 7:10pm
I'm not expecting a heartbeat as I know its early but hoping theres something there lol - well there should be since I had a + test and no bleeding period is now a week late so be very strange if I'm not preg lol

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Posted By: Tigerish
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 8:36pm
Hi Girls, got my BFP this afternoon. Looks like we are due on the 16th. Hope everyone is doing well x

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 10 January 2013 at 9:43pm
OH BG what bitter sweet news. I think I would probably choose to have more blood tests. If they are no good at least you can start to prepare yourself for the worst?

Welcome to all newbies!

I am still feeling fine, just had a read back I started getting tired at about 5+2 last time so that will be in two days. Wait and see I guess.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: chatzs
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 10:43am
feeling slightly nauseas today

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Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 12:53pm
Lurker in

Omg BG! Haha twins eh bet you bit your tongue when you saw that! Sending sticky vibes to your wee peas!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amalyse
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 12:56pm
Omg BG two - congrats!

Feeling okay today, forgot I was pregnant and ate something I shouldn't have. Oh will have to deal.

Also not sure who to go with for MW as previous MW not working anymore.

Felt quite nauseous last night which I never had before. According to my dates will be 5 weeks tomorrow... think I will go to the GP next week and ask for a dating scan.


Posted By: Mjc121
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 1:37pm
Hi can I join? I'm due 5 sept, had scan yesterday as 6 wks, my hcg have also been slow rising but every 3 days.
Congrats baby giraffe and your hcgs lookboknto me my last was onlyb2300 at 5w 5d
Congrats everyone else!

Posted By: Tigerish
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 2:26pm
We need a due date list. Anyone on a proper computer who could find a cute title? Also anyone keen on a secret Facebook group as well as this forum?

Still not feeling pregnant here but the test says I am so I must be. Still such early days!

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 2:50pm
Made a due date list under a new topic so it's easier to find later on. Will have another look later when back home.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: crkdnz
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 3:20pm
I'm keen re FB group. :)

And yep, hear you on not feeling pregnant. My boobs say otherwise, though. Ouch, haha.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 11 January 2013 at 4:36pm
Not looking good for me I'm afraid, hcg not risen nearly enough so it looks like I'm out. Bummer Dreading having to go through a m/c, especially with a little girl. And I'm supposed to be going to a wedding around the time I guess it will happen (from past experience). Swear words, swear words and more swear words....

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