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February 2015 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: February 2015 Babies
Forum Description: for parents with babies born in Feb 2015
Printed Date: 03 June 2024 at 8:28pm
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Topic: February 2015 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: February 2015 Babies
Date Posted: 03 June 2014 at 6:58pm
Welcome to the Due in February 2015 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please note, that any talk about facebook groups on our forums is now against forum policy. This is our attempt to keep our special community alive and connected – we’re a small business with a big heart and so is our community and it’s worth protecting ☺

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website). We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: HP
Date Posted: 04 June 2014 at 1:04pm

Posted By: emachan
Date Posted: 04 June 2014 at 5:47pm
Hey - keen to join private group - EDD 9 Feb - with #3!

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DD#1 Sept 08
DD#2 Oct 09

Posted By: navyandlime
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 3:37pm
Keen for private thread too. Edd Feb 5th number 4!

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 5:27pm
I guess I'm in here now!
Scaaaaaary :D

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 6:52pm
I'm in here too!!! Aged 26 and due feb 13th with #1 after 2 miscarriages!!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: HP
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 7:20pm

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 7:26pm
Hi NZVeggie!!!
P.S. I am pleased to have a fellow vege in the group with me!

I feel like there is an elephant in the room, even though I am all by myself.
I am trying hard to stop myself telling my mum and my best friend, it's almost making me itchy. DH isn't home to distract me.

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Posted By: HP
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 7:28pm

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 05 June 2014 at 7:31pm
My mum lives in another town, but I talk to her online every night and I am having lunch with her and my dad on Saturday, aaaaaaargh!

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 8:23am
Hi girls! Ooh so exciting being able to join you ladies in here! Hi nz veggi and Binkle! I did not think this was our month!
So I'm due with no 1 approximately feb13! Valentines baby! Woohoo. I found out an hour and a half ago and already told mrKaf and my sister and my best friend :) off to see another good friend soon haven't decided if I'll tell her, might wAit. I really only want to tell the people who I would want to support me if god forbid anything went wrong.

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Posted By: spink75
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 10:37am
Hi Everyone

I'm due 11 Feb with #1. I would like to join the private group as well please.

I'm freaking out a bit and have told a bunch of people but it still doesn't feel real. I thought it would take a long time and/or be really difficult for me.

Nice to be here though :)

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 12:37pm
Today I am feeling like I would like someone to know. I feel TERRIBLE.
Am surround my 5 year olds and have a splitting headache and have felt on the verge of hurling all day.
Having to email DH for some sympathy instead.
'Fortunately' I get headaches quite often already so I don't think anyone would think anything was up just yet.

I might tell my best friend shortly. She lives in Australia and we chat online every night. I feel like she's removed enough to tell and talk to about it and I would tell her if anything went wrong as well.

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Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 12:39pm
DJKaf I have Feb 16th due date but when I put in OV date it said 13th. Who knows. Babies don't come on time right? :D
February feels new and different for me, none of my family birthdays are in February :D

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 1:36pm
Oh in so disappointed the midwife I want doesn't want to come to where I live :( whaaaaa I've had her picked since I first started planning to ttc. Now the mission is on again to find someone with the right fit

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Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 1:44pm
That's disappointing DJ!

I am going to try Brigid Beehan. She has recommendations on here and I like that she has trained as a nurse before becoming a midwife.

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 5:47pm
The midwife I picked recommended me another lady who lives not too far from me and she has two offices, one is half way between work and home which is pretty good. I figure the vast majority of visits will be while I'm still working. So close to work is a bonus since it will most likely be in work hours I have to go. I will meet with her on Tuesday to see if our philosophies match. She's German which is cool as DH is half german. And I quite like germans in general and I work for a German company so German is good :) So hopefully it works out. I do need someone to birth at Auckland hospital as thats where DH insists I birth. And thats a bit tricky as its not my DHB my DHB is waitakere but its actually much further to waitakere hospital. Anyway blah blah blah. 
Hows everyone feeling?
I've had no appetite the last couple of days. Not sick, just not hungry. 

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Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 7:09pm
Sounds like she might be a good match DJ!

I can't stop burping and am really thirsty. Waiting for this headache to pass to see if any of sick tummy stuff is headache related or baby related.

sore boobs definitely not headache related hehe

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Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 10:21pm
Is there a private group yet?

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 06 June 2014 at 11:31pm
I am keen on a private group too!
I don't have the sore boobs yet. last time it started around 5weeks though. I've had loads of cramping low down just minor 'deels likeAF is coming'. But no spotting :)

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 8:13am
I would love to be in a private group.  
NZ veggi thats good! I've had a little cramping too and I love it. I keep sending positive messages down to my uterus "grow uterus grow!!!" :) How many weeks did you miscarry with your other babies?

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 9:11am
2 missed miscarriages. First found out at 12w scan stopped growing around 6w. Second stopped growing 7w1d found out at 9.5 weeks. :(
A private thread would be great.

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 10:09am
That's very hard NZVeggie xx I have been worrying about it sticking and am almost trying to ignore this time as I feel like I can't get too excited until a few weeks have passed, but this time must be even more anxious for you! Hope you're doing OK!

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Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 11:12am
Hi ladies. My names Nicole, pregnant with #2 and I have10month old son :)
Hope everyone's feeling well :) i joined a group with my son and it was amazing having so much support

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 11:13am
I'm really sorry to hear of your previous loses nzveggie, wish you all the best of luck this time :) my friend is 16weeks preg after 2 miscarriages :)

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 11:19am
Hi Mrs S! You are a very keen momma! My mum conceived my brother when I was 9 months old. She wanted to get on with it :D


Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 11:28am
Haha we had just stopped 'trying to not get pregnant' so abit of a suprise.

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 2:07pm
I added you Mrs. S. My profile pic is my husband and I on our wedding day :)
Gosh NZ Veggie - Thats my worst nightmare! Im sending you heaps of positive energy for this time to stick stick stick like crazy. 
Are you getting extra scans or anything this time to monitor it?

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Posted By: seaview
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 2:52pm
Hi everyone. I'm due 4th February. This is second pregnancy after miscarriage at 9 weeks in February. Was gutting as had seen heartbeat twice before miscarriage. This time I am already spotting so very nervous and probably won't be active in here until I'm at least 10 weeks. But will lurk about seeing how you are all doing.

MC February 2014" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 3:07pm
Oh gosh seaview! Best of luck!!!!!!!

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 3:30pm
Gosh dont you hate it when you write a big post then the internet craps out!

So where was I.....
I need a good way to tell my parents. I work with them so they will find out pretty quickly anyway. On Tuesday we have a shipment coming into our warehouse (we work in distribution) I normally help unload it from the truck into the loading bay then into the warehouse. Some of the boxes are HEAVY! So I need to tell them before Tuesday. I also have my midwife meeting on Tuesday morning and although its not unusual for me to be out of the office its easier if they know where Im going. 
This will be their first grandchild!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking I could bake cookies spelling out we're expecting 
or get some sort of grandma or grandpa bibs or something similar. 
or paint my nails with Im pregnant spelt out (Id have to get my sister over for that one)
Any cool ideas?

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Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 3:33pm
Sea view I'm really sorry to hear that, hope all goes well for you this time :)

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 4:04pm
I was with my parents today DJ and my brother's partner is pregnant, due in September so there was lots of talking about babies and names etc hahaha, I was a little bit 'eee' inside cause it's all secret.
I don't know how to tell mine either. I missed out on the all the 'firsts'. My brother's baby will arrive before mine, and DH's brother already has children too.

One thing I have decided is I would like to tell as many people as I can in person. SO I am thinking maybe I will tell my mum and dad in another 2 weeks when my mum is up again. Although I will reassess then and see if it feels too soon.

My Aunty is coming over from Perth at the end of July which will also be before 12 weeks, but I would love to tell her in person as well.

I like the idea of writing cards to people from the baby, like 'Dear Nana and Grandad, I am really excited about meeting you in February' or something like that.

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 4:26pm
Thats cute binkle, cards. I know there is the whole 12 week thing. I think I'm going to tell the people I will need support from if anything goes wrong. my sister, parents, aunts and uncles and nanas. I would rather those people know so they can rally around the massive mess i would be if anything went wrong. I don't think we will tell DH's parents just yet as they are on the other side of the world and it would be really hard for them if anything happened as they couldn't be here. 

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Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 4:42pm
Yes I would like to tell my mum and dad soonish. DH can decide when he wants to tell his, but then I think I would like that to be it for a while.

Might have to tell my best friend here, I feel like she'll guess and MAYBE my best friend at work as I feel like it would be nice to have someone who knows, in case I look a bit seedy haha. I will try and get away with it for another few weeks though, if the excitement doesn't froth out of me before then.

I told my best friend in Australia yesterday. She has 2 babies already so I know she will be a good support. She has been telling me to have babies for ages too so she was pretty excited.

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Posted By: annna
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 7:57pm
I'm due feb 6th. We have just told parents and siblings. For our parents we gave them a children's book and wrote inside the cover 'can't wait for you to read this to me in February, love baby *insert surname*.'

Posted By: HP
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 10:00pm
I love that cards ideas blinklemouse. Welcome to all te new
Ppl and massive congrats. So excited to be on this journey with u all..

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 07 June 2014 at 11:13pm
That's cute Annna!

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 08 June 2014 at 5:49pm

Given my past losses I am going to hang back a bit and might consider joining after my first scan. I am happy to be active in here though so I hope you don't all leave me and seaview behind!!!!

DJ - yes I plan to have extra scans. Did last time as well and it certainly helped seeing the heartbeat at 7 weeks. Sadly I still lost our baby. I have booked my first doctors appointment and scan for 1st July which will be just after 7 weeks. So heartbeat should definitely be visible by then and will be a few days after my other two losses. Then probably another scan at 9.5 weeks!!

Anyone else had many symptoms. Woke up this morning feeling super nauseous…. feels waaay to early for that to be starting. But I definitely did not feel very well! Settled around lunch time. Will see what the next few days brings. Also started peeing a whole lot more last 1-2 days!!!! Yay for the super early morning toilet wake ups!

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 08 June 2014 at 6:02pm
Fingers crossed NZVeggie!! x

I have had sore boobs since about 7DPO!! Still sore.
Crampy abdomen on and off and lots of burping.
I guess I have been peeing more often, but I think that's mainly down to trying to drink more water. Usually I am TERRIBLE at drinking enough.
I felt dreadfully sick on Friday but I had a headache and I feel nauseous when I have them anyway, so I think it was the headache.
I haven't been tired yet. Have had insomnia if anything! I think from so much thinking!

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 08 June 2014 at 6:28pm
My boobs have just started to feel a tad sore today as well!!!! Brushed against them by accident before and it hurt OUCH!. lol.
I am exhausted…. could happily just sleep all day long. Have already been having mid afternoon naps last few days. I have no other reason to feel tired. HAve been off work so can't use that as an excuse!!!

And thanks ladies. I have my fingers crossed too and am going to do my best to remain super positive. What will be will be and there ain't nothing I can do about it at this point! So I am going to try and enjoy this pregnancy and hope for the best!!!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: Thisgirl
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 10:19am

I'm pregnant with #1 due on Feb 11. I've been getting cramps quite badly so I'm off next week to get an early scan to make sure bubs is in the right spot. I've had surgery for a cyst before so could be just that old scar tissue playing up.

So it's all a bit scary but I am so happy.

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 10:23am
Congrats! I have had pretty bad cramps as well - although seem to have settled down the last 2 days and gone more to a dull ache now. Bit scary isn't it. Hope all goes well for your early scan!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 11:43am
Hi Thisgirl! Good luck for your scan!
I continue to be a bit crampy, kept me up a little last night. It took me 2 hours to get to sleep! I thought I was meant to be exhausted but I have insomnia if anything! My friend who has 2 babies said her experience is you are tired but can't sleep haha. Sounds good!

I am going to see my GP on Wednesday then will see what's next. I emailed a couple of midwives on Friday but haven't heard back yet.

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Posted By: hozza
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 7:07pm
Hi All, I think I'm due Feb 14, got a doctors appointment on Thursday so will just go from there. I have a nearly 17 month old, so will be a bit different for round 2!

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 9:30pm
Hi Hozza! :)

I am going to the Dr on Wednesday. I feel like it will be 'official' then and I might start to get more nervous!

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 10 June 2014 at 7:59am
Ah binkle one day till Dr's!!! Im going to a midwife today to interview her :)
My boobs are feeling massive and round - its amazing. Im usually a pathetic "a" cup and I'm feeling like I have these perfect fake looking b's they are so round!!!! :) LOL
Im peeing LOTS!!!!! every hour at least. I have to remember to go before I leave the gym in the evening as I workout as les mills in town and live 45 mins in rush hour traffic drive away
And I have two Giant pimples on my jaw :( really big sore ones! I dont normally ever get spots. 
Ive also been in bed my 8.45 each night and doing my positive pregnancy guided meditation (highly recommend btw its on iTunes) and then i get up at 7am. DH is funny he says to me "going to bed already" and i tell him every night its really hard work growing a person!

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 10 June 2014 at 8:42am
Urgh. I'm in agony. Woke up yesterday and my lower back muscles are spasming. Can barely walk. No idea what I did to set it off. Have a few minor issues with my back normally but nothing like this. Unsure if I can blame this on poppy (what DH and I call our baby)...... Anyone else? Also it's definitely muscle pain and nothing to do with my uterus.

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 10 June 2014 at 10:39am
hahaha NZveggie, I call mine my poppyseed, but not to DH, only in my journal. Hope those nasty pains clear up soon!

DJ I am already an H cup so I am DREADING having larger boobs. Gaaaah. Glad you're excited with your b's :D
DH asked me if he thought my insomnia was hormonal. Might be. I always sleep REALLY well. :/
I am also quite spotty, but I tend to have fairly oily skin as it is.

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 11 June 2014 at 1:39pm
How you doing nzveggi? When do you go for a scan.
Is anyone else stupid tired! I'm in bed by 9 each night and awake at 7 but could completly lay my head down on the lunch table and sleep until my boss comes to find me :)

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 11 June 2014 at 1:42pm
Binkle maybe you won't get bigger boobs? Do everyone's boobs grow? I figure mine will cause they were tiny to start with. I asked DH if he will try my milk when it comes :) right away "yeah!" I was like "oh ok then..."

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 11 June 2014 at 1:44pm
Back is better but not cured just yet. But I'm able to walk a lot better.
And yes DJ - exhausted every single day!!!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 11 June 2014 at 8:29pm
My first scan is 1st July...... Feels like ages away but a couple of super busy weeks coming up so I hope it flies by!
Anyone else going for early scans?

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 11 June 2014 at 8:57pm
ooooh exciting NZveggi. No early scan for me. Im not scanning at all, unless my midwife thinks there is a medical need to. The one I think Im going to go with didn't scan in her pregnancy either. A lot of my friends have gone through pregnancy not scanning so i feel confidant. I do run in a pretty alternative crowd though :) 
I did a big workout tonight and am quite crampy now, its making me nervous.

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 11 June 2014 at 9:03pm
I do remember you posting something about that in another thread! I think I am definitely very much on the opposite side of the fence. Having said that I don't plan on getting the Down's syndrome screening. After my losses I've realised I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise this pregnancy (amnio etc) if results came back as high risk. But I do want scans for anatomy reasons. Anyway, what I wanted to say is I shall respect your decision!

I have still been working out DJ... There is absolutely NO research to say exercise is related to miscarriage. I plan to continue and just take it a little easier than I used to before BFP.

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 9:17am
Thats what Im doing nz veggie. Ive been checking pulse rate after every music track to make sure its not getting out of control. The official standpoint on it is heart shouldn't go over 140BPM  but from what I understand thats also very relative to what a usual resting heart rate is and your usual max. So I'm basing it on not getting up to 200 and being able to sing along to the music.
Ive been thinking of you and sending positive thoughts! This time will be a winner NZ veggie!!!! You just keep sending loving thoughts down to your little baby. XXX
BTW are you a medical professional? or is that just your avatar cause its cool?
DH asked me last night if he could tell his friend. I told him no. its a bit double standard as i told my friend but I dont want to have to go back and say it didn't work out if god forbid it didn't. SO TRYING to keep the in the know group small. My sister told everyone at her work. But thats ok, i dont see them so i dont have to be the one to say. 

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Posted By: hozza
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 1:04pm
Hi ladies, I've been to the GP, definately up the duff.. blood tests done. Now to think about a midwife..

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 1:59pm
Yay Hozza! see you there :)

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 5:58pm
I booked my LMC! woooo. first official appt is at the end of june - around 7 weeks :)

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Posted By: hozza
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 6:29pm
I can't decide on mine.

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 7:09pm
LCM…. oh wait. you mean LMC? Lol. Totally got confused there for a minute. God you guys are brave. I am not even going to think about anything apart from getting through to 12 weeks. Once I get there I will sort out how my baby will arrive. I don't have a huge amount of choice though. There are no independant midwives where I live and I live in a small town. So basically choose between the hospital where I work (yes in healthcare DJ) or the big city hospital which is 1.5 hours drive away…… I'm erring on convenience and will probably stick locally but not 100% on that yet.

5 weeks tomorrow. I can't wait to get to 6 weeks. Miscarriage risk drops off heaps after that point. That's milestone #1!!!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 12 June 2014 at 7:30pm
I wrote it the wrong way around elsewhere too  NZveggi! I dont know why I struggle so much typing it. LOL! Oh good luck getting to 6 weeks!!!!!! Im so ahead of myself because I'm so excited!!!! but completely understand why you are hanging back. 

Posted By: Laura146517
Date Posted: 13 June 2014 at 12:12pm
Ps. if someone could tell me how to get my forum name to show up as what I set this as in my profile that would be great!

Posted By: hozza
Date Posted: 13 June 2014 at 12:57pm
Hey Laura, welcome.. if you go to your profile, you can click edit profile and then you can type a forum handle (nickname).. other than that, I have no idea, this is really the first time I've even been on these forums :)

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 14 June 2014 at 11:24pm
Hey how's everyone going?
I don't mean to rain on you're excitement parade DJ!!! Totally ok to get super excited and you deserve to. It's iust that I can't get excited for myself! But don't let that stop anyone else!!!
How's the symptoms? I have woken up feeling sick last 2 days. Nothing major but definitely nauseous. Wonder if it's poppies fault!!! Probably, given I can't think of any other reasons!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 15 June 2014 at 10:37am
I can understand that NZveggi! I would be very anxiously waiting if i were in your shoes. Have been feeling well. my breasts are feeling full and tender, had nausea at the gym last night but otherwise fine oh except for the 3 massive pimples on my chin ;) but they are healing up now.

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 15 June 2014 at 10:51am
I think my breasts are bigger. Will have to get DH to confirm.... I've been away for the weekend!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 15 June 2014 at 12:57pm
I'm not really feeling excited either NZVeggie. After the initial OMG moment and about a week of thinking about it constantly, life seems to be back to normal! I think it's because nobody knows yet so it isn't coming up in conversation or anything. Midwife doesn't want to see me for another few weeks so it's business as usual. I think I will feel more enthusiastic about the whole thing when I get to about 8 weeks. Not sure why 8... :D

Keep prodding my boobs to check they're still sore.

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Posted By: DJKaf
Date Posted: 15 June 2014 at 8:53pm
Binkle thats exactly what I'm doing all day long. poke poke, ok still sore - still pregnant :) LOL!!!! Im sure after a few more weeks it will get exciting. When more people know. DH is being cute all the time, wont let me lift things or carry things. Mum and dad either at work they keep telling me to put boxes down. Its sweet :) and making dinner on friday night (we always have dinner at my parents on friday) they were asking what i was and wasn't allowed to eat. 

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Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 15 June 2014 at 11:04pm
I keep touching my nipples to check they are still super sensitive!!! I probably look like an idiot!!! Lol
DH keeps hugging my belly.... Very cute. Once we have a belly and start feeling movements it will feel more real!

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Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: JuniorO
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 10:27am
Hello ladies...

I just found out today that I'm UTD! Due 9 Feb.

It's been a long journey and along the way we discovered I had a (benign) brain tumour (on my pituitary gland) which was preventing me ovulating too. After months of testing and then medication, I finally got a positive ovulation result but was still not too hopeful about getting UTD just in case. I did a HPT when I was two days overdue and it was BFN but this morning (12 days overdue) I had sore boobies so DH & I decided to try another and I burst into tears when I saw it was a BFP. I'm still not really convinced as my tumour can mess with my hormones but I have a Drs appt today to get a blood test. I also need to see my Endocrinologist ASAP if I am UTD as we have to discuss my tumour meds - it's all very complicated and I don't know anything about it at all. So it just makes me EXTRA nervous about being UTD!

So excited as I truly believed this day might not come. But also nervous and trying not to be excited in case things don't work out. So many emotions!

Have told my sis and my bestie as they've been through my long journey with me and both have kids so will be fantastic support. Will tell a couple of other close friends once Doc confirms - but only those who I would tell if the worst came to the worst. Will also tell parents and DH's parents - it's my parents' 17th grandchild but it's the in-laws first... so there will be very different reactions!!!

Congrats to all of you and fingers crossed for those with histories - actually, for all of us!

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 10:31am
So very exciting JuniorO!!!!! eeeee!!! xxxxx

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Posted By: JuniorO
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 10:39am
Thanks - I just created a pregnancy ticker too (never had a 'ticker' before!). Should really wait until Doc's visit before getting too excited!

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Posted By: cuppycake
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 11:48am
Hi there I'm due on the 19th with #2.

Posted By: cuppycake
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 2:31pm
Thanks Nz veggie.. Must have missed that very post while skimming the last pages!

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Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 3:01pm
Welcome cuppycake and juniorO, congrates to both of you ad work juniorO what a journey!

Posted By: kit kat
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 4:41pm
Hi there, could I be added to the private group please. Due on 14/02!

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 16 June 2014 at 6:12pm
Welcome junioro! I wish you luck and hope your journey goes smoothly!

-------------" rel="nofollow">
Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: navyandlime
Date Posted: 17 June 2014 at 8:08pm
How do we get into the private group??


Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 17 June 2014 at 9:01pm
I have messages admin to get a private thread set up. I would be keen as wrll

-------------" rel="nofollow">
Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: LiBi
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 9:57am
Hi all!

I have just migrated from the TWW strange! Please forgive the following blurb but pregnancy is all oh so new to me that everything seems worth writing down

Yesterday snowballed in such an unbelievably fast way, after having a surprising BFP I thought that going for blood work was what people did next so would go & see what happened.

The nurse was lovely & so genuinely happy for us. She took 4 VIALS OF BLOOD! I wondered if she was ever going to stop My blood pressure was good, normally I have low pressure but it has gone up nicely & the nurse was happy. She tested my urine & while she was gone I had a minor freak out "What if the BFP was a dud? I should have taken another to be sure! How embarrassing if she comes back with a negative test!!" Thankfully the nurse returned with confirmation that I am definitely pregnant She also said there was a tiny trace of blood in my urine but no sign of white blood cells, which was good because that could indicate a uterine infection but she would send it away with my blood just as a precautionary measure. Her helpfulness was so reassuring, she really got the ball rolling & said she would ask the dr to sign a script for some supplements, as well as refer me to the maternity clinic so the midwife would contact me at some point in the future. I thought the appointment was just to give blood but she took care of things I didn't know it was even time for

That morning was all very exciting & I felt quite fortunate to only have painful breasts as a symptom...whoops! spoke to soon it seems as the afternoon was spent curled up in blankets suffering from sudden & extreme fatigue, accompanied by an uncomfortably hot face. I pretty much stayed there until dinner & then went to bed...where I couldn't do more than doze all night! Normally I sleep like a log until morning but last night I was so uncomfortable for no particular reason & woke up feeling "blah." After feeding hubby & sending him off to work, I tried to feed my growling tummy but my mouth felt watery like it does when I become car sick & the thought of food made my throat close up. My appetite has pretty much disappeared for the last couple of weeks & I never thought that it could be associated with pregnancy because my understanding was that pregnant women crave & eat a lot! Being quite light in weight & not wanting to lose any more, I persevered & finally found something appealing - cold, easy to swallow banana & yogurt, YAY!

Everything seems to be happening so suddenly, it's really not how I expected!

Posted By: JuniorO
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 12:00pm
Congrats LiBi. Yes, it all seems quite overwhelming at first and I'm still at the "am I really pregnant stage?". I kind of don't want to believe it and get excited in case anything bad should happen.

This morning when I went for my antenatal blood tests, the technician was like "so, you're pregnant?". And I was like "I guess so... I think so... yes, I'm pregnant"!!

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Posted By: seaview
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 4:48pm
Hello all new people. I've been lurking and keeping up to date. Have had two scans now and seen heartbeat twice but won't relax until 10 weeks. A bit annoying there isn't the private thread yet, they were very quick with the September one earlier in the year. I see there isn't on for December or January either! Not that I'm not grateful for these forums, they are great!

Posted By: tigermama
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 4:48pm
Hi everybody, congratulations to all fellow pregnant mamas :-) I'm a newbie, could I please be added to the private thread too? Kinda don't want to say too much here in case anybody I know sees it. Staying superstitiously quiet for now. ;)

Posted By: stella125
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 5:18pm
Hey all! I'm preggy with buba number two. I'd like to join the private group 2

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Posted By: LiBi
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 7:28pm
Congratulations Stella!

JuniorO I felt just the same today at work, life just keeps on as normal & it feels like I'm acting out a fantasy to think "I'm pregnant" - like it's all in my head!

tigermama, hubby & I havent told anyone yet but plan to tell family this weekend. After posting on this website yesterday I suddenly thought "What if someone I know recognises me?!...that's unlikely, none of my close friends or family are pregnant...or maybe they are & they're on here keeping it a secret too!"

Rest assured that if I know you, I don't know that I know you so your surprise is safe with me

Posted By: Pip146913
Date Posted: 19 June 2014 at 7:35pm
Can I please be added to the private group? Just found this forum :)

Posted By: Thisgirl
Date Posted: 20 June 2014 at 10:14am

Can I please be added to the private group if it is going yet?

I'm telling Family this weekend and am so excited, my parents are just adorable with children, my stepmum works for Porse and it is gorgeous to see the little faces light up when they see her in the morning.

They will be such awesome grandparents!

Posted By: LiBi
Date Posted: 20 June 2014 at 3:04pm
Hi ladies,

Could anyone please clarify exactly what the blood tests are for at the first visit to the nurse? I made the appointment thinking that my blood would be checked for progesterone & hcg levels to check that they were adequate for this stage of my pregnancy but the message on my phone from the nurse was to say all my bloods came back clear but they are still waiting on the rubella test?? Are they simply checking to see that I'm not currently suffering from any medical condition? Perhaps hcg & progesterone levels are only checked for women who have undergone fertility treatment? What has been your experience?

Please add me to the private forum when it is up & running

Posted By: binklemouse
Date Posted: 20 June 2014 at 3:45pm
They test for HIV, Rubella immunity I think and mine has iron and B12 on it.
Not sure what else.
It says on my form 'pregnant'.

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Posted By: LiBi
Date Posted: 20 June 2014 at 4:08pm
Thanks binklemouse

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 20 June 2014 at 6:18pm
They test blood count, electrolytes, hepatitis b, c, HIV, syphilis and rubella status. Also blood group for rhesus status.
Don't normally check hcg unless you request it or there are problems. Hcg as a single test is of no use. You have to see the rise of hcg to get any meaningful info from it.
Also they normally check a urine for group b strep and uti's

-------------" rel="nofollow">
Angel babies July '13, November '13 and June '14
Baby girl born 26/06/15

Posted By: A147010
Date Posted: 21 June 2014 at 3:08pm
Hi everyone, congratulations on your pregnancies.
I'm due at the end of feb

Posted By: Stoked
Date Posted: 21 June 2014 at 10:52pm
*Lurker in*

Congratulations Cuppycake - I hope your pregnancy is an easy one for you!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 8 months or so...

*Lurker out*

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Posted By: stella125
Date Posted: 22 June 2014 at 9:11am
Is there actually a private group lol

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Posted By: seaview
Date Posted: 22 June 2014 at 9:19am
No, no private group just the fb group.

MC February 2014" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: NzVeggie
Date Posted: 22 June 2014 at 9:24am
No private thread. I have tried sending a message to get it started but so far nothing yet!!!

Posted By: skygtr1
Date Posted: 22 June 2014 at 11:37am
Hi everyone.
I just found out that I'm pregnant with #1. Soooo excited but also feel very nervous as I am only 4 weeks and still quite a while until 1st scan/ hearing heartbeat etc.
I would like to join the private fb page as well please

Posted By: Sproget
Date Posted: 23 June 2014 at 3:32pm
Due with #2 February 11th 2015. I have a 19month old daughter and have been TTC for 10 months. Had a miscarriage in March at 5weeks. Am now 6w 5d and had my first ultrasound today and everything looks normal :) Can someone add me to the facebook group? Becky Thompson

Posted By: seaview
Date Posted: 23 June 2014 at 3:51pm
And congrats everyone. Sproget we also have a pregnant after mc group on here that is quite active.

MC February 2014" rel="nofollow">

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