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Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: Born in 2009
Forum Description: Was your child born in 2009? Find other parents of 2009 babies here!
Printed Date: 02 June 2024 at 9:40am
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Topic: DUE APRIL 2009
Posted By: tarn22
Subject: DUE APRIL 2009
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 4:23pm
Thought i would start this topic since im due early april,looking forward to everyone esle that will be joining me soon.
Its early days but great to have others to chat to due at same time

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: Danaj
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 4:39pm
Hi Tarn,

I'm Dana. Tammy's friend from Palmy Nth. I'm assuming you're the right one LOL!


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 4:42pm
Hey how are ya??
I am actually working wink wink nudge nudge!!
Happy 30th for this weekend ! did Tam give you the lecture about you begin pregnant on her 30th he he i said at least me and dana can hang out together and talk leaking boobs and babies ha ha
Howd ya find me

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 4:56pm
Congrats Tanya....wishing you a great and healthy Pregnancy!


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 4:57pm
Thanks roksana, dont worry im sure to have freinds joining me soon he he

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: Kazzle
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 4:57pm
jsut popping in to say congrats and aprils a wonderful month, Rhiannon was born in april


Posted By: kasbee
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 5:01pm
Congrats Tarn, all the best for a happy and healthy pregnancy :)

Kelly, mother to
4 wonderful children.">

Posted By: happymumma
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 5:29pm
Congratulations! I'm sending healthy preggy vibes your way.

Posted By: emachan
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 6:57pm
CONGRATULATIONS on your IVF baby!!! Thats fantastic news! All the best chicky!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

DD#1 Sept 08
DD#2 Oct 09

Posted By: mylilmosaic
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 7:06pm
Yay tarns, you have started an April thread. Congratulations again chick, hope its all going ok so far.   I go for a dating scan in the next week or two so will possibly be somewhere between the March/April threads lol

Had another blood test today to see if my hcg is rising like it should, so hopefully all is ok


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 7:41pm

OMG this is really scary my baby was born in April 4 years ago. So when you ladies are due my boy is going to be 5.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 8:36pm
Congratulations Tarn! The first April Mum. Wishing you a happy 8 months!

Hope to see some more of us in here over the coming weeks!


Posted By: noodle
Date Posted: 30 July 2008 at 9:20pm
Far out i found out i was pregnant in april this year!!! Time sure flys! Congrats again on your IVF miracle Tarns and to all the new april mummies coming up to finding out!


Posted By: Danaj
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 8:54am
Hi Tanya,

I just thought there could only be one Tanya from Papamoa that had just got a positive from IVF! Huge congratulations chick.

Tam's down this weekend for my 30th. Joy oh Joy that I get to be the sober driver LOL. Oh well, i'm sure i'll be allowed one glass of red.

Don't forget to add your pics to the baby belly group. It's so cool watching everyone get bigger. Make me feel a bit better about my while like behind.



Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 11:11am
Hi Tarn,

My name is Debbie and I also am due April 2009 (April 8th).
I am 32, in Christchurch, and this is my first pregnancy. I only found out yesterday so I'm quite overwhelmed by it all of course, and how I have dozens of questions and thoughts going thru my head!
I look forword to coming to this thread and getting to know people. Nice to meet you all


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 11:12am
i just had a look your tummy is sooo cute!!!!
cant wait til i can add mine

Thanks everyone for your well wishes
Ya all just so lovely i love it !

Feeling like tired grumpy witch today with a backache he he

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: Natalie_G
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 11:50am
Wow April 09 already, time flys.

Good luck to all you expecting mums and dads out there.


Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 2:05pm
Hi Tarn & Coldfish, it looks like I'll be joining you too My due date is 5th April.

Here's too a very healthy and happy pregnancy!!!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 4:21pm
Congrats to you all! Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 4:26pm
Wow thats three of us yay!! congrats girls!!

I can see we will probably have a nice big group started after a few weeks time.

Sticky vibes to us three though for the next few weeks, do you have your first scan dates?
Mine is on 22nd August with the fertility clinic in hamilton, cant wait!

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 4:34pm
I haven't contacted the doctor or anyone yet. I have a lot of learning to do on the subject! When is the normal time to go to the doc, seeing as I'm only just 4 weeks then is that too early to see someone?
Does anyone know if it is normal to go to always go to the doc first, or should I contact a midwives group or something?
I figured I could wait a few weeks just to ensure I don't miscarry or anything and then contact the doc, but then I've heard that you have to get in quick to book midwives.
So you've booked your scan already?! Is that the 12 week scan or can you get them done earlier than that?

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 4:40pm
I would say go and see your doc for blood tests to check your HCG levels are all good. and then looka at midwives thats the advice Ive been given.
My pregnancy will be a bit different to yours with scans etc i think as my baby is through IVF (hope you know what that means ) So i am monitoured by the speccialists at my ferility clinic until im at week 8 then i think im let off into the big wide world.
I bought a book thru trademe the other day called "up the duff" its really informative and tells you stuff week by week for us first timers who know nothing ! ha ha but the good thing about this forum is as girls join in we all help each other with advice etc.
Any signs of MS for you yet?

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 4:49pm
I might go Mon to see my doc then, she's really good and hopefully will be able to recommend some good midwives/obsetricians to see.
I'm not sure of her who she'll recommend because I've had a multi-level lumbar spinal fusion and I don't know if that will affect things or not.
I'm not sure what MS means, but everything seems to be fine so far.. oh as I'm typing I've just clicked, do you mean Morning Sickness? No, I've just been really tired, but then I also started at polytech last week which is a big upheaval in itself, so it's hard to tell at the moment what the main cause of the tiredness is. Apparenlty my mother loved being pregnant and didn't have any issues, so I'm hoping I take after her and all goes well.
I watch Sperm Wars the other week and it had a couple doing IVF. Looks like quite a stressful thing to go through. So congrats on it all going well so far!

Posted By: pip1
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 4:58pm
wow congrats ladies. Cant beleave you april ladies are here already. only seems like yesterday i got my BFP and im due early february.

All the best for a happy healthy pregnancy.

Posted By: linda
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 5:38pm
Hi April ladies

I'm due 28 March so right at the end of March so might jump between the two. Held off saying hi as I had some spotting at 5.2weeks which freaked me out. Had the scan today and all was good. Its still early days but pleased to know it is all fine. Had a MC in May.

As for MS, I am just starting to get this now....would call it all day sickness for me but everyone is different.


Alex 6 and Harry 8

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 6:42pm
welcome welcome linda, definetly switch between the two threads as the girls in march can help with miscarraiges as a few have gone thru it i think.
Im so glad everything is looking ok for you.
Man its so bloody scary aye?? Im crapping my pants eveytime i get a cramp seem to have them heaps (anyone else get this)
No more spotting for you madam stick bubba stick!!!

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 31 July 2008 at 7:59pm
Coldfish, I would also suggest you go and see a doctor and get your bloods done. Once that has been done, I'd look for a MW or OB (which ever one you perfer to go with).

I had my first morning of MS today (that's why I tested!!! ). I was exactly the same when I was preggies with my DS, I got MS from 4 1/2 weeks.

Tarn, congrats on having been sucessful with IVF. I've got a very good friend who has just had her first baby through IVF. Not an easy road at all - so congrats again

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: rea
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 12:14pm
I am also going to join you girls. I am due April 5th! Did a HPT on Monday morning and was gobsmacked to see a positive result after 18 months of TTC, but 2 cycles of clomiphene did the trick!
I am 32, live just west of Chch (work in town though) and it's our first. Had a nervous week waiting for the HCG results but they are all good and since we have been seen at the fertility centre we get an early ultrasound in just two weeks time! Looking forward to sharing all the ups and downs with you all here.

Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 1:25pm
Congratulations Rea! Welcome

Posted By: erinalba
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 5:20pm
Congratulations NikkiB. I'm so happy for you. Hehe now I've got another thread to lurk in

See my blog">">

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 6:45pm
Congrats Rea!!! You and your DP must be SO happy

Erinalba, we've got to keep on eye on each other

Thought I'd start up a list....very very sorry if I have missed anyone

Linda - 28 March
Tarn22 - 1st April?
Rea - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th?

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: linda
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 7:49pm
Thanks for including me on the April list....honoured but fine if you want to take it off and just have April ones listed. I am after all on the March one.

I seem to have gone of sweet food which is similar to other pregnancies and am feeling sick pretty much all the day. Food helps....for about 5mns!

Must sort my ticker out but worried it will jinx it!


Alex 6 and Harry 8

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 9:22am
ive been worried i will jinx it by doing anything ha ha but im slowly getting over it but its hard aye?
still dont own any baby stuff yet. scared i will jinx it ha ha welcome welcome rea congrats!! i did about 9 cycles of clomiphene but it did nothing so well done to you :)
I found a midwife last night and am meeting with her next wednesday have heard good things about her so thats exciting.
Im not on my computer fridays so thats why im quiet hah but at work today joy joy love 6 day weeks

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 9:31am
Hi NikkiB, yes just to confirm, I'm due on the 8th.

p.s. I took your advice and I have a doc appointment on Wed, Aug 6.

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 9:36am

Updated list, i rang my clinic and im the 3rd of april so better change my ticker.
Pheeeewwww at least i get past all the april fool jokes now ha ha

Linda - 28 March
Tarn - 3rd April
Rea - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: KiwiNZ
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 10:50am
wow fantastic to see some April babies . Congratulations


Posted By: aqua36
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 11:03am
Hi there have found out this week we are pregnant with # 2.  Having taken 2 years 8 cycles of clomiphene to get preggy with #1 (finally got pregnant when IVF was booked in) it was bit of a shock to get pregnant straight away this time.  Think we due early April.


Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 11:31am
Congrats aqua36!!!!!! Welcome to the April club!!!!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: rea
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 12:56pm
Congratulations to everyone on our April list! Like a few of you we haven't got any baby stuff either and aren't telling anyone until at least after our scan in a couple of weeks time - jinxing it is our big concern too! We were thrilled that the clomiphene worked - TTC had become very stressful and for those of you who have been through the full IVF experience my 'admiration' goes to you!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and are taking care of themselves. Next weekend my DH and I are going on the tranzalpine over to Greymouth, staying the night and getting a rental care for a day to have a quick 'tiki tour' to the pancake rocks etc. Am looking forward to that! hopefully MS will stay away until after then - so far so good but I am only 5 weeks today so early days yet.

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 7:04pm
Even though I'm getting slight morning sickness, I feel like I should retest just to make sure that I am pregnant! You'd think the second time around I'd be a bit more confident!

I'm sure I do my nesting at the beginning of the pregnancy (I certainly didn't have it just before I had my DS). I've been cleaning/throwing stuff away/getting babies room ready to redecorate. Its all go.....mind you, my house SO needs it!

So, who is going to find out the sex of their baby? We might, we tried for a girl, so fingers crossed!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 7:54pm
Hi everyone
I'm pregnant with our first, a little April Fool's Baby!
I'm very excited, but also a bit overwhelmed by all the information that's out there, and nervous too as it is such early days - so I'm really pleased to have found this group
How is everyone feeling? I don't have any MS yet, but am very very tired and yawning all the time!
Look forward to getting to know you all.


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 11:52am
hey welcome mel s.
Im feeling tired and tummy crampy thats all but i have to put supposititories in every 8 hours so figure these drugs in them could be causing it. So just trying to chill and not worry.
Meet with a midwife tomorro how exciting.
Hey nikkib i love the photo of your DS on your profile so gorgeous, we want to know what we are having i think.
I looked at the babies room today thats as far as i got oh and took one plastic bag of old clothes out.
DH doesnt want to get to far ahead of ourselves until 12 weeks awwww phooeey

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: Mikki
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 7:03pm
oh my god i can't believe there are april 2009 posts already, my baby girl was born april 27th this year, and is now just over 3 months old, I can't believe how time flies, I remember the early days of posting in the april 2008 thread!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 8:17am

Linda - 28 March
Tarn - 3rd April
Rea - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th
MelNel - 17th

Just adding me to the list!

Stick bubba stick!!!!!!


Posted By: catcase
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 9:09am


Congrats Melnel sending heaps of sticky dust your way


Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 9:11am
OH MY GOD! Mel!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 10:51am
Congrats melNel
Thought i would add if we are going to find out what we are having im probably way ahead of myself but who cares

Hope everyone is having a lovely pregnant day

Linda - 28 March
Tarn - 3rd April were going to find out
Rea - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th
MelNel - 17th

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: ElfsMum
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 11:38am
yahhh massive congrats melnel (and everyone else)!

Mum to two amazing boys!

Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 12:14pm
Thought I'd better add myself to this list:

Linda - 28 March
Tarn - 3rd April were going to find out
Rea - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th
MelNel - 17th
mel_s - 1st - definitely going to find out!

I'm so pleased to see new people here every day - congrats everyone!

Posted By: Mary_D
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 12:25pm
Hi everyone!

I just found out a couple of days ago that im pregnant with our first little one, due date is 5th April 09.

Early days yet and im dying to tell all my family and friends but my husband and I have agreed to wait at least another couple of weeks before making the big announcement (if i can keep it secret that long!).

We both very nervous and excited, not too sure what the 'next step' is, spose we should make an appointment to see my doc?

Havent had any MS yet, just heaps of trips to thje loo! Hope you ones with MS all feeling okay today tho.


Posted By: Mary_D
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 12:28pm
Just adding myself to this list:

Linda - 28 March
Tarn - 3rd April were going to find out
Rea - 5th April
Mary_D - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th
MelNel - 17th
mel_s - 1st - definitely going to find out!


Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 12:51pm
Hi Mary
Welcome! It's good to see another newbie here
I'm like you, not really sure what the proper procedure is. I'm 6 weeks today and have made an appointment with my doctor for Friday. I guess he'll tell me more then!

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 1:47pm
hey girlys i had my first meeting with a midwife today, got a massive pack of booklets brochures vouchers etc to go thru my husband looked excited ha ha also just got told a bit about what the midwives do etc and filled in heaps of forms. So yeah definetly get ya selves a midwife i think.
Its so weird cause i didnt know what to expect and nearly started crying halfway thru cause she started asking me questions about my IVF and im thinking wait a minute shouldnt you knwow hat happens?? argghhh but i think all will be good,

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: Mary_D
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 2:10pm
Hay Tarn,
How'd you go about choosing your midwife? Iv'e been reading up online and everysite seems to say that 'finding the right midwife is SO important', so how did you pick yours?


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 2:50pm
you can ring 0800 mum2be and they send you a list of midwives in your area.
We have a clinic just down the road called midwives by the beach and had a friend who had this one and said she was good with them as it was there first baby. and i figured well if they had a good experience then hopefully we would too?? bloody weird though how do you know if they are right for you or not?
Mine was pretty straight to the point but i thought that was good cause you want someone quite assertive i guess.

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 3:05pm
Hi Tarn
The tummy cramps that you said you are having – are they quite low down and like mild period pains? I’ve been having these pretty much constantly for the last 4 weeks – but I seem to be getting more ‘twinges’ today. Does that sound like what you are experiencing? How about the other ladies?


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 3:08pm
yep thats them bang on and mine a bad sometimes it spreads around to my back just like period pains did, have had them for few weeks to and have been told to just take it easy if they get worse and it can be just your uterus stretching and things changing inside ya, charming

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 3:23pm
Hi ladies, I hope your Wednesday is going well.

Well I went to the doc this morning, was in and out in 2 mins. I told her I was 5wks and was she able to recommend any MW, she said no not really because she deals mainly with Kiapoi and not central Chch so she didn't know. And that was the entirety of the visit, which I guess is what I expected because GPs don't have much to do with pregnancy these days unless they specialise in it.

So then I rang a MW and she said her group mostly do younger women and that I have to go to the resource center first before talking to her to find out what I want. The problem is I don't know what I want because the subject is all so new to me, I don't have preferences to birthing centres or pain management or anything, that's the main reason why I'd like to talk to some MWs and get their opinions etc.

I'm feeling quite overwhelmed by all the decisions I'll have to make and I don't know if I'll be making the right ones or not. I wish I had someone in chch I could discuss stuff with, but I haven't told anyone at work yet and I haven't told family either, and all my family are in Nelson. I have let slip to my brother because we're close but its not like he's much use because he's single and childless!

I haven't even told my DH yet because he's out at sea for a couple more weeks and its the kind of news I'd rather tell in person than email. And that's why I haven't told anyone else because I think it's only fair he know before the others.

Have all of you told your partners? Did you tell them immediately? When did you tell other family like parents and siblings?

Sorry this is such a long post but I have no one else to really talk to at the moment..

Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 3:44pm
Hi coldfish
I’m sorry you had such a bad time at the doctor – you’d think she could have given you some sort of helpful advice! Did she not even do any tests? How frustrating for you!
I wish I could help you out with midwives etc but I’m as in the dark as you are! Maybe try ringing the number tarn gave 0800 mum2be and see if they can help?
I’ve not told anyone in my family yet – am definitely waiting until the 12 week mark for that announcement!
It’s all pretty confusing for a first-timer isn’t it?


Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 3:50pm
oh coldfish that sucks !!
Well ring the number i found and they will send a list to you and then you can ring everyone on the bloody list and get some answers how useless was your doc and that MW move on i say you will find the help you need just got to hunt it down he he
but it is all overwhelming being a learner driver and all,
well everyone knows about me being pg as doing my IVF pretty much gave it away but def wait til you tell DH before anyone else DEFINETLY

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 4:05pm
I've just given 0800 MUM2BE a call and they're sending me some info, I should get it on Fri.
Thanks for your suggestion

Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 4:07pm
anytime weve all got to stick together through this

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 5:46pm
Thanks Tarn, we think he's a cutie too

Coldfish, try not to panic (I know easier said than done!). You learn about pain relief and all that when you go to antenatal its weird that the MW said that. I would suggest not using her (as she doesn't sound very helpful). I found the first pregnancy overwhelming from time to time, but this website is great for info sharing. I suggest going with a MW that makes you feel comfortable. Just a note though (well, something I found anyway), MWs come across as not very interested until you are further along into the pregnancy. I was a bit disappointed with my MW until I was about 30 weeks pregnant, then she was fantastic!!! I couldn't have asked for a better MW.

We've told family and a few friends. Our first pregnancy, my DH told EVERYONE as soon as we found out!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 5:47pm
BTW, welcome to all the new April mummies

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 7:10pm
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is feeling ok today. Suffering from very bad heartburn and fatigue today. Super hungry too!

I am phoning the midwife I had booked for last time on friday.

I have left over prog and HCG blood test referrals too, so might go and get those tomorrow - just to be sure. Will phone the DR tomorrow to make an appointment for monday.

Will call parents centre about antenatal classes friday or monday too, which reminds me I completely forgot to cancel the classes I booked before the mc eeek!

Coldfish, hope you find a good midwife.

I am hoping I will get 2 early scans, just to put my mind at ease....


Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 7:38pm
Gosh Melnel, you sound SO organised!!!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 8:43pm
Hmmm me organised, I am an administrator by profession so that is a skill possess.

It was only 2 and half months ago I was doing all this for the first time. I still have the list of things to do from then so it really was a matter of getting back in contact with those same people again. As luck would have it DH and I had taken Fri and Mon has annual leave.

Funnily enough, the last time we took a long weekend was ANZAC weekend and we found out we were pg for the first time that weekend. Freaky!

I just read my last post and it comes of quite militant. I was processing what I had to do and it came out a bit blunt.

Tarn, I am a learner driver too! My Aussie licence expired whilst I was in the UK and when we moved here they made start from scratch i have gotten quite lazy and just let DH drive everywhere. Must sort out taking my restricted test.... maybe in the 2nd trimester.. best study the book, remind me how many metres away from and intersection I can park etc. Honestly who remembers that once they have passed the test????


Posted By: Mum2L
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 8:49pm
***lurker in***

OMG melnel, congrats on the BFP!!!!!!!! I remember when you had to leave the Jan 09 thread, but so thrilled to hear that you are pregnant again.


***lurker out***


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 8:56pm
I know, time has flown! I would have been about 18 weeks now!


Posted By: BusyMum2three
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 9:21pm

CONGRATS Mel! I am so stoked to hear you are preggers!

All the very very best for your pregnancy...


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 9:43pm
I have lurkers! I am sitting here giggling to myself about that. Thanks Rach

Well I am off to bed, growing little people is tiring work!



Posted By: Mum2L
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 11:53pm
I'm also sending LOTS and LOTS of sticky dust your way :-)


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 6:56am
Thanks chick, DH leant over my belly and told it to be a good little sticky bean for daddy. So cute!

I am quite amped up this morning, so excited! Even though I had my first bought of morning nausea, sweet tea and piece of toast curbed it. Must remember to get some crackers for my handbag tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!


Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 7:21pm
Originally posted by lady_aset lady_aset wrote:

***lurker in***

OMG melnel, congrats on the BFP!!!!!!!! I remember when you had to leave the Jan 09 thread, but so thrilled to hear that you are pregnant again.


***lurker out***

What she said!!! Yay Melnel, so happy for you. Congrats and lots of sticky vibes :)


Posted By: rea
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 8:48pm
Welcome to all the new ladies! April 5th is becoming a popular date which is very exciting. Coldfish, can't believe the response you had from that MW - you definately don't want to go with her that's for sure!   I'll be using a local MW since I am 40 minutes out of Chch but I have heard positive things about the Merivale midwives and the Barrington Midwives groups, have no idea which part of town you are though as that may influence/limit your choices. Sorry to hear you are home alone at the moment - my DH spends some time away for work as well, but not weeks on end - at least you have us to chat to!!
We are trying to not tell anyone until after our first scan next Thursday - less than a week to wait now - yay. Apart from slightly tender b**bs and being a bit yawny mid afternoon I really don't feel pregnant yet - will phone a mw once we've had the scan - somehow I don't think I'll believe it until after then - anyone else feel the same way???

Posted By: rea
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 8:51pm
Forgot to add (maybe baby brain is setting in) that I don't think we're going to find out if it's a girl or boy. DH doesn't mind either way and for some reason I think I have always been looking forward to the 'surprise'!

Posted By: aqua36
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 8:59pm

Hi there

Just adding myself to this list:

Linda - 28 March

Vicky 1st April - not going to find out
Tarn - 3rd April were going to find out
Rea - 5th April
Mary_D - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April
Coldfish - 8th
MelNel - 17th
mel_s - 1st - definitely going to find out!


Posted By: aqua36
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 9:01pm
We keeping a secret at work having just returned from a years maternity leave and found out preggy the week I returned.  will be telling family over weekend - they will guess straight away when I'm not drinking at a big family get together and my daughter birthday party next weekend.


Posted By: coldfish
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 9:31pm
Hi all, well today has been a little better as some progress has been made in finding a MW.
I left a message on the phone with Midwifery Associates last night, and about an hour later a lady rang me back and was really friendly and helpful and said she'd get one of the MWs to ring me, and another hour back the recommended MW got in contact me. She sounded nice and I'm meeting her next Wed. I haven't got anyone else lined up to see, if she seems nice I'll stick with her because their clinic is close to my work.
Until I get to 8 or 9 weeks I won't really be able to relax, not that I think anything is wrong, but between 6 - 8 wks it's high miscarriage risk etc and until I'm through that I'm not going to let myself dream too much or buy anything and get excited.
I guess it still doesn't feel that real yet because I haven't experience any MS [yet].
Yay tomorrow is Friday, boy the weekends roll around quick!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 10:36pm
Evening ladies,

Firstly, thanks Genie!

I am definately feeling pg! I have ms already starting to kick in, but its still just pangs when I am hungry - I am having about 8 tiny meals a day!

My boobs are sensitive, but not too bad. Its the utter exhaustion thats the killer. We went to Rugby tonight but have tomorrow off so I am about to hit the shower and sleep in! Also planning a nana nap

We are not telling anyone for a while, we just want to wait this time, hopefully we can get a scan a 6 and 9 weeks. If all is good at the 9 week mark (which it will be ) then we will tell family. I am doubting I can wait that long!

Got my bloods done today, not to bothered about the results, what will be will be!

Coldfish, I am glad you a more positive experience today. I think med prof can forget that first time mums are completely unaware of what the process is.

Rea, I cant wait to have scan and petrified too! We had a missed miscarriage in May and a dating scan showed that our little one had passed on. DH is in charge of watching the screen this time, and when its all good then I will look.

Aqua I am pretty sure my MIL will guess!

Right, bed!



Posted By: tarn22
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 8:09am
hey Nikkib thanks heaps for the heads up on the MW i think she will be fine bt yeah came across a bit like you said whne we met her but im sure she will be great.

melnel i meant learner divers pregnant wise ha ha but i must admit i have had my restricted for 13yrs so better study the new rules and sit the full license

hope everyone has a lovely friday

IVF#1 BFP :)">

Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 8:59am
Morning everyone!
I’m off for my first doctor’s appointment today – wonder what that will be like??
Aqua36 – I’m very nervous about telling my boss too – I only started this job in May so when I go on maternity leave I won’t have even been here for a year. They are not going to be pleased!


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 9:01am
hehe tarn, whoops! DH keeps hassling me to go and get my restricted, but things always come up.

Its a nice sunny day, thank goodness, DH and I are going to take the dog for a big walk around the bays today.

Might have to have a look at the budget and move some money around Need to figure out how much money we will have saved when I go on maternity leave.


Posted By: Sooze
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 4:15pm
Hi there all I have just found out on Tuesday this week that I too will be due in April on around the 10th.
Having just completed my first round of IVF I am totally over the moon.
Congrats to you all
Sooze xoxoxo

TTC since Feb 06
Clomid X 6 (BFN's)
IVF# 1 BFP">

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 6:16pm
Congrats Sooze!!!! Another IVF baby That's fantastic!!!!!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: NikkiB
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 6:21pm
I thought I'd update the list

Vicky - 1st April - not going to find out
mel_s - 1st April - definitely going to find out!
Tarn - 3rd April - we're going to find out
Rea - 5th April
Mary_D - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April - going to find out
Coldfish - 8th April
Sooze - 10th April
MelNel - 17th April

The list is getting bigger!!!

Hope I haven't missed anyone!

A very lucky mummy to two gorgeous boys:
RB 3/10/2008
JB 29/12/2009

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 8:19pm

Vicky - 1st April - not going to find out
mel_s - 1st April - definitely going to find out!
Tarn - 3rd April - we're going to find out
Rea - 5th April
Mary_D - 5th April
Nikki B - 5th April - going to find out
Coldfish - 8th April
Sooze - 10th April
MelNel - 17th April - Its a surprise!!


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 8:23pm
Congratulations Sooze and welcome!

I spoke to my midwife today and she is happy to take me on! I will be meeting with her end of september so feel good with that sorted. She laughed at me when I told her my due date, but understood me wanting to get things sorted early!

My HCG and Prog levels were good so I am relaxed to have everything confirmed.

Think I will be heading to bed very soon, soooo tired.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Posted By: peanut butter
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 9:28pm



congrats melnel.  I was a bit bored so I thought i sould see what was going down inthe 2ww and I say BFP next to your name!!!   all the best for the next 8months!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 12:53pm
Thanks Nikki, cant believe your 18 weeks already


Posted By: linda
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 1:29pm
Hey MelNel we both MC around a similar time in May and I am now 7 weeks. When I MC last time the Specialist said the best way to get an early scan (if I was worried) was to go to the doctors and say I had some spotting.   Ironically I did have some spotting so had a scan at 5.6wks. It was very reasuring to see the heartbeat and will use the 'spotting' excuse for a scan at 8 weeks. I had two sacs, one heart beat so am keen to see what is happening with that. Last time I MC at 6.5wks so that is at the back of my mind.

Not ready to do my ticker until the next scan!!!


Alex 6 and Harry 8

Posted By: Nefertiti
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 2:22pm
Congrats everyone. I'm just a lurker in here lol.
It seems a bit 'off' linda that it was suggested to say you had spotting in order to get a scan!!

I've never had any hassles getting early scans. With my 3 kids I have, it was always just offered.

And with my last pregnancy with ended up not being viable anyway, my doctor just automatically gave me a form for a scan anyway....she just said get it done when I was 7 weeks (I was about 4-5 at the time she gave it to me...she said I could go earlier, but waiting longer meant more chance of seeing a heart beat).
And when I went to sign up with my midwife, she automatically gave me one too.

I feel its such a shame women have to (or feel they have to) lie and say they are spotting. Personally I've never had to, and my friends haven't had to either. So planning to say the same thing at 8 weeks linda isn't fun I bet.

Good luck to those wanting scans, I do hope you don't have any hassles.

Oh, and after a mc it should also be automatic to get a scan referral for the next pregnancy; or so my midwife said.

Then again, I've read on OB that it can depend where you live. Its such a shame!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 4:46pm
Its not "normal" to get early scans at all. Usually only after 3 mc or directly after a mc for dating purposes.

Most mw/dr are happy to give them though, especially for "precious" pregnancies! (of course all pregnancies are precious, thats what my dr calls pg straight after mc, bless her) Stress is a huge factor so anything to keep mum calm right

I dont think my DR will have any problems giving me the scans. I am actually starting to wonder if I should bother at all. The scan cant stop the mc if its going to happen.... Think I will still ask for one on Monday and decide later on when and if I will use it.

At the moment I am as excited about this pregnancy as I was the first, have thrown myself in boots and all. I am not really having any anxiousness at this point so I am hoping that will continue on. I am super weepy though, the dog curling up on my lap and falling asleep with his head on my belly set me off this morning. DH thinks I have gone mad!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Posted By: mel_s
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 4:50pm
hi everyone

i went to the doctor for the first time yesterday - he said i won't have a scan until 18-20 weeks. i thought there was a 12 week scan? i don't think i can wait until 18 weeks!

is anyone else COMPLETELY starving all the time?


Posted By: BusyMum2three
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:14pm

Mel S, if you think that you would feel a whole lot better insist that your Doctor gives you a form for a dating scan. Do you have a MW yet? Most MW's are pretty reasonable about scans. It is perfectly ok and normal to have a scan around 12 weeks for the nuchal testing (testing for downs)...good luck!

Posted By: Nefertiti
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:39pm
I disagree when you say its not normal mel. Both my doctor and midwife said its normal to have one at 6-7 and 12 weeks! And I also know several other friends that have had those too, with no previous miscarriages.

Posted By: linda
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:42pm
What about getting the nuchal fold test done at 12 weeks? I would question that.

As for getting early scans, I go through a specialist but they don't see you until you are about 12 weeks and it is up until that time that I am the most stressed so for peace of mind and to keep me calm I will get the extra scans.   I've had two mc's and am 41 so my chances do increase. Plus for both my other MC's I got to 11 weeks and found that the fetus (?) died at 6 weeks. I would rather know earlier if there is a problem so we can start again that much sooner. Being 41 the clock is really ticking.


Alex 6 and Harry 8

Posted By: Nefertiti
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:49pm
I can understand where your coming from linda!

The place where I had my scans have a sign saying scans are free if your under 12 weeks. I got talking to the receptionist about that and she said they have many women coming in for early scan for a variety of reason - most common being women just want to see its actually 'real'. As well as other medical reasons of course. So adding to my other posts, I guess it can just depend on your doc or mw opinion on early scans, as I know some dont think you need it.

But as linda said, I'd like to know earlier rather than later.

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:55pm
mel_s, there are a handful of DR and MW that dont refer for the 12 week nuchal scan if you are not a high risk for downs etc. In most cases if you push the issue I am sure you will get one

If you want any scans before the anatomy scan you are required to pay for them generall as they are not considered necessary scans. Thats what I meant by not normal Nerftiti.

Linda I totally understand where you are coming from, if i had not had a dating scan with our last pg then chances are we would have gotten to the 12 week scan before we found out... I was just saying that I dont know if I want one anymore. If I do decide to get one I might wait until 8 or 9 weeks. That said as the d day approaches I may change my mind.

Mel_s, I am totally starving all the time. I changed my diet a bit today and it has helped heaps. Protein and good carbs for breakfast and snacking on fruit. All those "hate carbs" thoughts have to go out the window now, this bubba likes meat and pasta!

I am having a lot of stretching pains today, a dull ache.


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 09 August 2008 at 5:56pm
wow nerftiti, might have to come to hamilton for my scans. Thats awesome that they dont charge for early scans!


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