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Young mums living in wgtn/kapiti coast

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Category: Fun Stuff
Forum Name: Mums Meet Up!
Forum Description: Planning a get together with other OHbaby! mums (and dads!) in your area? Post it here!
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Topic: Young mums living in wgtn/kapiti coast
Posted By: Berg19
Subject: Young mums living in wgtn/kapiti coast
Date Posted: 13 August 2009 at 10:57am
Hey, im a 19 year old mum to be. Due in october, none of my friends are pregnant and i don't no anybody thats pregnant! Im looking for youngish girls in the wgtn/kapiti coast area that are maybe keen to meet up n chat? I find there are so many things i want to talk about but not enough ears to listen

Posted By: angel4
Date Posted: 13 August 2009 at 12:17pm
Good on you. Sadly in in chch so cant really help in the meet up sense but you could feel free to PM me with any questions. Im 19years old, my son is almost one and im pregnant with my second baby, due in december.

Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 13 August 2009 at 12:44pm
I didn't know you are 19 Kyla (sorry to threadjack) I assumed you were my age lol. Goes to show how much having kids can make you seem wise beyond your years


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: angel4
Date Posted: 13 August 2009 at 1:15pm
lol Everyone thinks im way older than i am. People always have. I was a real teenage mum lol got pregnant at 17 Had already done one year of my ECE deploma though and felt a lot older than i actually was. Dh and i have been together since we were 15 and were engaged when we got pregnant - well no ring but had set a weddding date lol. I often have to remind myself that im still quite young lol.

Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 16 August 2009 at 3:53pm
I thought there would be heaps of young mums in the Wellington/Kapiti area, especially Kapiti, its just that kinda place

Where abouts are you from?

I too am a young Mum. I was 19 when I had my first and have since had a second, no longer pregnant anymore though.


Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 16 August 2009 at 4:40pm
I'm semi young Lol, well I think I am lol, I'm 23 and in the Hutt Valley. Like you though most of my Wellington friends aren't pregnant or have kids... I have a couple of friends from when I lived in Masterton but dont get to catch up with them very often. Welcome to Ohbaby and maybe look at joining in the due in thread I've found that age doesn't matter too much around here everyone just gets along


Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 16 August 2009 at 5:52pm
I am the same age as Bex and am in Wgtn... Im not technically PG but hope to be soon! ( I was PG but MC and so TTC again ) so if that helps I am keen to meet/chat what ever... None of my friends are even remotely thinking about babies, so I know how you feel!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 22 August 2009 at 10:56pm
I am on the kapiti coast, living in te horo, but im an oldie by your standards........although i do come with some wisdom as i had my first when i was 19, second when 28 and now im having my 3rd......and im 33.........and theres big difference between having one young and having one now........some good and some bad......

Im keen to start going to some sort of mothers groups up this way to meet more mums as i havent lived up this way for long, but since im not going to antenatal i dont know how i would meet any.......will talk to my MW when i see her next, and of course when im not working, i will have the time to actually go to coffee mornings.......

Good luck berg, hope you find some young people with young babies, there should be some around, not necessarily all on OB, but i wouldve thought the demographics around the coast werent as young as they used to be with lots of "older" people moving up this way now to start place you are still guaranteed to find young mums is Wainuiomata......LOL

Check out down in pram the local womens centre, behind the library, they will have a contact for a young mums group around..........

See us oldies arent completely useless....

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 26 August 2009 at 12:29pm
Haha i don't mean young as in 15, i consider myself an "old" 19 year old. I was living in wellington but moved home (which is otaki) when i found out i was pregnant. I've talked to my midwife and she was no help at all! But like you chickielou i don't really know anybody around here, although i'am going to antenatal classes nothing has come of it yet! But from what i know there are no mothers groups around this area, will have to venture down to pram!
Yeah, just when all of your friends are at uni and doing things, they don't really have the time to accommodate a pregnant girl anymore! But it would be lovely to have somebody that i could go baby shopping with that wouldn't get bored!! :D

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 29 August 2009 at 12:00am
If you have no luck getting together a meet up in Kapiti, I have organised one over Johnsonville way. It's tomorrow though. But if that goes all good and we are having another meet up I'll try remember to give you a message on here and let you know if we have another one.

So far my friend (Sharlene28) and Chickielou who are both from Kapiti are coming tomorrow. As there seems to be no meet ups in Kapiti.

So hopefully we will organise another soon and you are totally welcome to come.

If you think you can make it, it is at 10am tomorrow/Saturday at Queue Cafe in Johnsonville.

But it is pretty short notice, so if you can't make it, I understand. There will be another one


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 31 August 2009 at 5:23pm
If you are interested, there will be a meet up in Porirua at Denny's at some point, with others from Kapiti coming too.


Posted By: CuriousG
Date Posted: 31 August 2009 at 7:10pm
I am on the coast, not a young mum tho (am 30). However, am keen to catch up once I stop working. I think there have been some Wellington Mum's meet ups - and talk of one at Lindale. Maybe we should take the bull by the horns and organise one!?


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 31 August 2009 at 10:29pm
I'm still waiting to hear back about who else is keen for a meet up at Denny's. So will update once that gets organised.


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 01 September 2009 at 10:17am
That would be great (sorry was a bit late checking this for the saturday one) but lindale sounds good to me. Its a nice place too. Is there other threads for the lindale one??


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 01 September 2009 at 12:24pm
Berg19: Are you interested in coming to the Porirua one once organised?


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 01 September 2009 at 12:25pm
CuriousG: You are welcome to come to the next one in Porirua once organised if you like.


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 01 September 2009 at 2:08pm
Sounds good too me escadachic. Just keep me informed about what dates etc..


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 01 September 2009 at 11:57pm
Ok so go here:

I have made a start on arranging things. Just getting everyone who is interested to let me know if any Sunday's this month don't suit.


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 15 September 2009 at 5:55pm
Hey guys my names Nicole and I'm 19 and 16 weeks 4 days pregnant, due in Feb 2010


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 12:27pm
Heya i am a young mum at 18. I am not pregnant anymore but know what you mean about friends not having any time for you. Once i got pregnant it seemed my friends were no longer interested in me so would love to make some new ones in my situation. I live in Porirua.

Sorry one handed typing so hope this makes sence haha

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 12:35pm

Hey, yeah friends are good like that huh! My baby's not to far away from being born, so maybe we could meet up or whatever when my lil ones born? Are you with the daddy still? It would be awesome to set up a young mums group in wgtn or somewhere! though it doesn't matter how old people are i feel like with other young mums - mumsto be they can relate more to me.


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 12:54pm
Yup they sure are awesome like that haha. Nope Im a single muma. But wouldnt have it any other way. How about you? Yea setting up a group like that would be quite cool.

You dont have long to go. You must be really excited and/or nervous. Do you know what you are having?

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 1:08pm
Oh yeah, im going to be a single muma 2! The dad likes to think he will help but i no him well enough that he wont. hes not taking this whole baby thing well at all.
Im having a boy, which im pleased about! haha girls are hard work. Yeah im really excited/nervous. At this stage it seems like its taking forever and i just want him out so i can meet him Do u live on your own with Riordon??


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 1:13pm
Haha i know just what you mean. I was told he would help too. Funny though that i havent heard from him since last year sometime huh hehe.

Oh how gorgeous. Have you got any names picked?

Just call him Rory for short hehe. Nope at the moment im living with my mum. Dont know how i would have coped sometimes with out her. But I want to get my own place sometime soon. Its just such a scary thought though haha

What about you?

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 2:17pm
Oh really? I don't know how men can be such pricks when it comes to their own kids! If i was a male, i would want to know my baby and watch it grow up. I only just managed to get him to pay $100 towards the cot this week. I think they must think that we want a fairy tale life, with the white picket fence and be housewives all our lifes and their not ready for that. But thats not true at all, just want them to be involved and care about their kid.

Uhh a few! its so hard picking a name haha but i like Jarvi and Lyon the best so far. Guess i'll have to wait and see what he looks life

Ok, Rory im living at home atm 2, but moving out to a cottage in about 3 weeks thats at the back of my parents house so there close when i need them. Thats only for a few months though, then be moving somewhere into my real own place. Thats lovely of your mum to let you live with her! It would be cool to live with another mum and her baby, then it wouldn't get so lonely and will be there for support and help. In otaki i don't think i'll find that though


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 2:40pm
I totally agree. When i look at my son i just dont understand how someone wouldnt want to be apart of his life aye.

Oh Jarvi and Lyon are cool names. Quite unique. I like unique names as you can probably tell by my sons name hehe. I waited until my son was born to see what he suited aswell.

Btw what is your name if you dont mind me asking? Mine is Aithne. The i is silent.

Thats cool you can stay out the back of your parents house. Just until you get the hang of things huh. Yea the idea of moving somewhere by myself with a little baby is so scary sometimes.

Haha yea i dont know about Otaki but Pram is a nice place

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 7:50pm
Yeah, thats one thing i will never understand in life - males.

Yeah i want a unique name, so hes not in a class at school with 5 other kids named the same thing. Yeah ur sons name is wicked! My name is Bergitte, pronounced ber-jet sorta

It is, so i have help when which im sure i will, need help! then my parents are furnishing a house for me in the mean time while i live out the back which is great of them, because you don't really want to be sorting that stuff out when you have a lil one!

haha yeah, i lived in wgtn before i got pregnant and then moved up here cause it was the best place for me to be, even though my parents drive me bloody crazy, trying to take over things and rule my life. I always have to remind them this is my baby, and im its mother, not you 2. But because i don't really know anybody in Otaki its pretty boring! and not really my scene


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 12:38pm
Yea thats what i was thinking too. Didnt want him having the same name as everyone else when he starts school.

Oh that is so nice of your parents. So you have your own place in Otaki? Just waiting for it to be furnished?

Haha yea parents are great like that huh. I dont know much about Otaki, I have only ever passed it on my way to Levin haha. But sometimes i meet up with my Nana at Pram beach with Rory so after you have had baby and feel more upto getting out we could meet up there?

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 1:18pm
Nah i don't have my own place up here, just going to rent one. maybe stay up here for around a year then move somewhere else not so remote.

Haha yeap, parents r great like that! i think they just think im young and don't have a clue what im doing, but i do ( i think )

That sounds good, in summer so its nice and warm! It gets really sunny up here, really nice. Im just worried how bubs is gonna cope with the sticky hot weather! So are you working or anything? i don't want to work untill he goes to kindy but i was quite keen on doing a paper or 2 with the open polytechnic or something so im not one of those stereotypes of teenage mums - just stay on the DPB all there life!


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 2:17pm
Haha i know what you mean.

Oh yea. I can hardly cope in hot sticky weather myself. (Last year i was pregnant over summer) But i think as long as i cover him in sunscreen then he can basically be naked. Atleast he can get away with being naked in hot weater in public haha.

I was studying at tech while i was pregnant so didnt have a job. But i have just signed up for a distance learning course it is due to start next week. I really dont want to be a stereotype either. My plan is to use my 5 years (or less) to study heaps and have part time work and gain lots of qualifications and then when Rory starts school im going to go into full time work.

What are you interested in studying? You might find something you like through the Southern Institute of Technology distance learning zero fees sceme?

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 2:43pm

I am 22 a young mum to be and due in May 2010

I live about 2 1/2 hours out of Wellington so if you want we could always meet in the middle or make it monthly catch-ups? It would be great to deal with another young mum!

Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 4:42pm
Hey Genevieve, come join us in the May thread!! Im 23 and in Wellington...


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 17 September 2009 at 7:52pm
Hi Genevieve. Nce to "meet" you

May babies are awesome. Im a may baby hehe

Where abouts do you live?

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 8:38am
Oh cool Aithne, what r u going to be studying? I had a look at the massey website yesterday and decided im quite keen to do a bachelor in social work, already done a diploma in psych but wasn't really my thing. i want to be out and about! sounds like we have the same sort of plan for our babe's

Hey Genevieve, congrats! I live in Otaki so 2 1/2 hours would make you near palmy somewhere?? I like the sound of monthly catch up's half way! I don't know if prams half way but Lindale is a nice place! and got the farm walk (even tho the animals r nasty 2me ) and the new playground and stuff... + my fav ice-cream!!!


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 10:38am
YAY that sounds great.

Yup I am near Palmy, Mataroa, but I travel monthly to Wellington and twice weekly to Palmy for the groceries as it works out chepear than going to the small supermarket in Taihape.

Berg would be great to meet up, also I am looking at Massey as well, I am studying Medicine in Dunedin at the moment, but with haivng bub on the way and wanting to be closer to Hubby I am considering swapping to Veterinary Science or just finishing a genetics degree then completing med post-grad, somehow I think 8 hour shifts at the hospital are not going to go down well with a baby!

PM if you would like to meet up, I whould be home around November :)

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 10:49am
I love how we all are wanting to go places in our lives!! Even with a buba. Makes me proud that we don't want to sit on the benefit all our lives!! Sorry, a lil rant

Pram would be good, cause Aithne lives in porirua and if Nicole's keen to meet up she's in wgtn.

Hehe oh yes, i understand about the small supermarkets! We've got New World and Wollies here, but soooo expensive so i will be going to Pram to Pak'n'save! i like cheap!!

Oh veterinary science would be cool! There's so many options its hard to choose isn't it. But 8 hour shifts with a baby may not be so good! And its cool how Massey have extramural options - which is good for us who want to stay at home with our buba's!

We should all organise one for November, probily late nov cause i'll have a newborn at the start (hopefully)


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 11:04am
Berg I am studying Animal Care. Yep sounds like we do. I just think my boy deserves the best so i want to try and make that happen. Haha sounds so cheesy . Social work sounds interesting. What kind of area are you thinking of working in?

Haha i was just looking at the new Lindale kids farm last night. I want to start taking Rory to places like that. It looks really awesome. I think i went there as a kid but cant remember what its like. That would be an great place to meet

Genevieve monthly meet-ups would be quite cool. I also sometimes travel to Foxton as my Nana lives there. I used to travel to Levin a lot but when i got pregnant my friends in Levin didnt turn out to be the sticking around kind of friends. What are you hoping to be doing after your study?

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 11:09am
Oops i took so long in writing my response there was another one to read and reply too haha.

I agree the 8hour shifts dont sound to great with a baby. I had been hoping to be a vet nurse but i checked it out and a lot of animal related jobs require you to be on call and i cant do that as i wouldnt have anybody to watch Rory if i had to leave at night. So i started looking at Zookeeping. I figure i can atleast look into it and if it isnt for me i can change my mind later

I am with you Berg I am proud to say i dont want to stay on a benefit my whole life. I want off it ASAP haha.

Im lucky I have PaknSav, New World and Countdown here

Oh November sounds good to me

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 12:27pm
Late November sounds great

Aithne my mum is a Zoo-Keeper at Orana Park and she LOVES it.

If you need any advice I can ask her for you!

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 2:17pm
Oh wow thats awesome to know Genevieve . The only thing im not sure on is if you get to actually spend time with the animals or if its mostly about cleaning, feeding, giving talks and paperwork haha.

I have actually never heard of Orana Park. I just googled it and it looks so awesome. I cant believe I have never heard of it before It also seems to do a lot of things with tigers. My fave animal hehe

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 3:40pm
She works with the primates and she spends alot of time with them, feeding is very active etc, even though you are cleaning out the cages which she does she gets to talk to them and she is one of few who are actually allowed to touch the animals.

She has very deep bonds with them (if one gets sick she rings me sobbing her eyes out)

she has a great job, outside with animals and with people who are passionate about animals, I dont think the pay is that great but if your happy that does not matter!

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 4:28pm
Aww how sweet that your mum has a real bond with them. I googled the job and it seems like something i would be quite interested in. And a bonus is i can do it during school hours once Rory is old enough for school

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 18 September 2009 at 10:25pm
thats why my mum loves it, another option isgetting your teachign degree and becoming an educator, that way you deal with the animals and you get to show the school groups around the zoo, teach them about animals etc, im pretty sure you dont need the degree though it would help.

It ties in nicely with school holidays and school hours.

(got that from mum) hehe

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 19 September 2009 at 8:51pm
Thanks Genevieve and thanks to your mum

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 8:34am
That sounds like a wicked job! I wanted to get a job working with animals but didn't want all the paper work etc etc.. Lazy

I really want to go to Zion Wildlife Gardens, maybe i can make a trip of it when baby gets a bit older so he know's where he is haha i love lions!! so cute. I would have a pet one if i could


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 9:23am
Haha me too!! But then i realised if want to work with animals i will have to do some paperwork haha.

Where is the Zion Wildlife Gardens? That would be soo cool. I have been thinking of taking Rory to the Welly Zoo at somepoint. I really love tigers hehe

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 9:53am
Mmmm 20 mins out of Whangarei, eek $850 for a behind the scenes tour haha think i'll be passing on that one! Yeah i love lions and dolphins, working with dolphins would be primo but it seems everyjob i research doesn't directly work with the animals all the time.

Yeah the zoo would be great in summer, and they have those concert nights (well they used 2) that you can take a picnic and watch the band in the afternoon sun - bliss!


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 10:13am

I have never been to Zion, is it nice? I heard that the lions and tigers are sometimes kept in the same cage? that sounds odd.

$850! wow thats steep!

I must have it realy lucky being able to go "behind the scences" whenever I want at Orana!

Has everyone had a good weekend?


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 10:41am
I don't no, i've never been there but have always wanted too! looks awesome. Mmm tell me about it!! Theres alot cheaper options but man, $850 is steep! You are really lucky

I did thanks, Had my baby shower/dinner in town on friday night and got really spoilt!! And had a lovely dinner at my fav Italian restaurant, mmm. How about u??


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 11:36am
Oh I know what you mean Berg. Every job i have looked at involves either heaps of study or heaps of paperwork and not much animal work or really sh*tty hours or pay haha. But i just dont see myself working in any other kind of job.


How lucky that you get to go behind the scenes whenever you like Genevieve.

Concert nights? At Welly Zoo?? I have never heard of those haha. Be awesome though if they still did them!! I have heard though that you can stay the night at the zoo and kind of go behind the scenes there and it is quite cheap

My weekend was okish. Rory is starting to get the cold that i am starting to get over . So we just stayed home.

Berg sounds like you had a lovely weekend. My baby shower sucked. Only two people decided to turn up and all i got was bibs and a coupe AIOs lolz. Oh well.

How was your weekend Genevieve?

Sorry for the novel haha.

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 1:01pm

Lucky you with the baby shower!

I am not sure if I am going to have one, I am certain only 2 people will turn up to mine as well, makes me a bit nervous! does any one have any tips? how close to your due date did you have it?

My weekend was ok, I just studied studied and went for walks, and on the internet. hehe. DH went to a ball for our the Papanui community last night, wish I had of gone instead I was cramped over text books thinking about anything else but.

Its such a nice day, I wish I had some better way to enjoy it. Everyone down here is out drinking in the sun with no worries because they are at uni, so that rules me out :P

Cant wait to get home

p.s. I think I just wrote the sequel to your novel

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 4:01pm
Well Aithne, im sure if thats what you want to do you will find ways of making it work

Yeah concert nights, my mum used to take us when i was a few years younger.. gosh it was quite awhile ago! but really nice. Its cool finding out about things like that, that you can take your kid's 2 that are more family orientated than alot of other places!

Oh no, everyone that said they would come didn't turn up but my old work mates and my sister and a few other friends came and got things for me - not really for baby which is nice! like a voucher for a full body massage, but i found the cards that people gave me alot more nicer than the gifts. I wanted to cry it was so nice, i had to keep telling myself, no don't get all hormonal now Bergitte!! haha
well im 35 weeks now and i just had mine?? I don't think it matters when you have it Gen, just while your still comfortable to go out and can walk propily!

Ohhh no, that sucks about the colds!! I have a really bad cough that just wont go away! and getting morning sickness back now, haha greeeeat!

Now that would be nice!! Drinking in the sun with no worries - oh what a dream


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 6:40pm

I think I will leave it to my mother to organise a baby shower in Chch and I know for certain my mother in law will organise one where I live. she is baby crazy hehe.

I am always thinking of the worst though.:P yeah I have always been a bit of a geek so luckily I dont have to many people questioning me, but they will when I say no to seafood!

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 20 September 2009 at 8:50pm
Oh cool. I might have to look into those concert nights. I sent in last week to do some volunteering so if i get a call back i might ask them. If i remember haha.

I think i organised my baby shower sometime between 25-30weeks.

Sorry i still have major baby brain. I can hardly remember what i had for breakfast never mind other things hehe.

Oh poor you Berg. I think i was lucky in that i dont think i got m/s back in late preg. But i think that was cos i was constantly eating so that i wouldnt feel sick haha.

Relaxing with a drink does sound nice. I have never got to experience that. Before i got pregnant it was all about the partys and i couldnt actually legally drink and then i got pregnant. I turned 18 just after i had given birth and havent had a drink since then. Not even a birthday drink. I dont BF either. My mates are all just busy doing their own thing lolz

Oh i have been meaning to ask. Berg where are you planning on having baby? Is there a maternity unit in Otaki?

Hope everyone has a good night.

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 21 September 2009 at 7:53pm
Berg did you used to live in/near newlands when you were younger??


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 22 September 2009 at 10:02am
Aw cool, i always wanted to do volunteering at the SPCA or something. Hopefully they call you back!!

Haha oh don't even start on baby brain, i cant seem to remember ANYTHING! Yeah i try to eat all the time, it doesn't seem to help though, and i get so thirsty so i drink heaps of water and that just swishes in my stomach so doesn't help it! Im not very pleased cause my 5-W pills keep coming up so they won't be working!!
sorry, my little moan.

Ohhh no Aithne, you missed out! Buuuut urve still got heaps of time to enjoy that, im going to BF so i won't be able to drink for awhile, but i think about it now and the smell of alcohol repulses me, and i can't imagine having a drink, buut we will see

Yeah Nicole, i did, for a lil while!! Do we know each other??


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 22 September 2009 at 12:54pm
No but I was reading your name in an earlier post and think you may have gone to bellevue school or newlands intermediate?? Or knew the Duggans?


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 22 September 2009 at 1:06pm
Yeah my mums a Duggan, and yeah went to bellevue school for a few years!


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 22 September 2009 at 3:57pm
Oh ok I was neighbours with one and you would've been the year above me at school but I remember you visiting my neighbour lol - I feel weird for remembering that


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 22 September 2009 at 5:40pm

Ohh okay haha i can't really remember it.. would of been my nanny maybe?? in woodridge? i dnt thnk any of my other family was living in newlands, haha but then again i do have baby brain so can't remember much!!


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 2:40pm
Yep. Fingers crossed they call me back hehe.

Oh no lolz. I hope you pills do work for you. Do you throw up in the middle of the night? Maybe you could take you pills just before bed?? Dont worry. You can moan all you like lolz.

Yea i know. Yep thats what i was like too haha. But turned out i didnt have enough milk so couldnt bf .

Oops better go. Got a cake baking in the oven hehe. YUMMY.

Hope you day is going well !!

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 9:14pm
I took my folic acid tablets at night about 15-30 mins before I went to bed and just relaxed as I found if I took them while I was still up and about or in the morning I would vomit them back up


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 9:22pm
So many pills to be taken atm! I take my prenatal ones twice a day, then 5-W 6 a day, and on sat im going to start taking raspberry leaf tablets 2! Trying to prepare for labour, although us lucky ones, my mw said 19's the perfect age to have a baby as your body can move n adjust more! Jesus, i can't even remember if i said that on here before, i felt like i have sorry if i have! haha i think the sickness was down to eating to much at dinner and then having no room for it, so it had to come out! TMI

Yuummm, what sort of cake did you make? i love baking!! except when i eat it all.. whoops!

Can't wait untill sat, then i'll be 36 weeks! seems like its taking forever these last 2 weeks. And then the next week i move into the flat!! so excited! and get his cot so i can set everything up! i think i'll feel alot better when everything's in place and ready to go.

Can't wait till november now to meet up!!


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 9:06am
Oh wow that is heaps of tablets haha. I only drank raspberry leaf tea and took primrose oil tabs lolz.

Haha in my case i dont know if that was tru lolz. It took me 3 weeks until i could walk down the stairs to my bedroom haha. I dont know if the tabs helped me or not. I had a realllly painful back labour but i was only in labour for 5 hours so it was pretty fast and no drugs hehe.

Oh yay. Sounds like it will be fun setting up babys room aye. Is baby sleeping in another room from the start?

I have only just moved Rory into his cot in his room. But since he has been sick he has been in my room hehehe.

I cant wait either . Did we dicide where to meet? was it lindale kids farm? or somewhere else

Oh i made a choc truffle cake. The picture looked awesome and soooo yummy. My cake on the otherhand looked tragic and wasnt cooked right through haha

How are you doing Genevieve??

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 4:57pm

lindale farm in November yay! hehe I found some great cake recipes that I adjusted to make them seasonal o the cuisine website, I have a great one for pear cake.

I am good Aithne! I had my 21st yesterday, spent the day in hospital and at the dentist, very sucky! I am constantly at the hospital getting checked on because of the IUD I havent had any bleeding at all so so far all is going well! just have to make sure all my HCG levels are rising nicely, unfortunatly my cellphone has decided to not work for me so I cant check my voicemails! I just cant wait for the 12 week mark.

How is everyone else doing? what are the plans for the weeked? Dh and I were thinking of putting buba in a hammock in our room...

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 6:20pm
It is heaps of tablets! and on the container of the RBL ones it says to take 3 4-5 times a day, woah! i'll have to see about that.

Ohhh happy 21st for yesterday Gen!! doesn't sound like you had too good of a day tho, hope something nice came out of it

Wow, 5 hours is good for first time baby! and with no drugs 2, im proud im really against drugs in labour, i mean each to their own but i don't think women realize their baby is still getting all of what we take/eat etc.. And it can't be good for baby to be drugged! Im going al natural, waterbirth. Im actually really excited, not scared at all think i will be when it happens tho! but atm just trying to stay positive.

He will be sleeping in my room till i say hes old enough at the flat im moving into there's only one room anyway so works out well! then when i move into another house i'll get 2 rooms.

Oh hope it all goes well for u Gen, how many weeks are you now? i forget everything..

If i had the money for a hammock and stand i would definitely do it!! it looks really cool!


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 6:22pm
Oh and yeah, at Lindale should be good. I saw a add for it that it has a farm, playground and cafe etc.. Not that our babies will be old enough to run around screaming in the playground haha


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 25 September 2009 at 8:16am

6 weeks so early early  days but hoping this bubba sticks! at the moment the HCG levels are not rising as good as they had been :(

Yeah I am getting a hammock off trademee for about $180 minus the stand and am just going to get DH to fix it to the ceiling, make some points around the house so bubba can sleep. hehe my mother in law offered to make me a hammock too, so will see how that goes!

I am going to do the natural birth thing as well, both my cousins have done it, I am still a bit worried though I can be quite a wuss! But with family there I should be ok. hehe if my dog can push out 5 babies I can manage one!


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 7:32pm
Oh happy late birthday Gen!!

Yup 5 hours is pretty fast. Im glad. By that time i was starting to want an epi and they were thinking of a /s as me and Rory were starting to stress. Waterbirth sounds cool!! There was a big bath in my room but i was hooked up to monitors so couldnt get in the water to help with contractions.

Im sure your birth will go really smoothly Berg!!

Haha i had him sleeping in my room in his bassinet till a couple weeks ago. And since he has got sick ive moved him into my bed with me hahaha.

I checked out Lindale online. Our bubbas will get in free hehe. It looks really cool!!

Sending you sticky vibes Gen!!
Oh that was nice of you MIL.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 10:39pm

HI im Nicola, I havnt had a baby and im not preggers yet, well i hope I am this cycle lol but i thought I fit this category as me and DH are only 21, 22 in jan and march. We will have been married 2 years in Jan also. I suprisingly have alot of friends with bubbas but not many of them are married or bubs were planned lol

I sorta feel left out by many of my friends now too as our lives are heading towards the future with a bub etc and not partying and drinking...


sorry to ramble, i just thought id join in this thread...Oh and im in levin now I was in pram, then waikanae and now levin haha, I have calves, a miniature pony, a cat, a dog and 6 chickens currently, so have my own "petting zoo" hehe


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 27 September 2009 at 6:08pm
Oh no, did you have a complicated preg Aithne? Yeah im scared of that point where everyone wants an epi! I've told everyone to not let me, and its good cause at levin they don't have them avail! so no temptation.

I saw my old friend yesterday when i was out shopping, and shes like oh yeah its good (shes got a 6 month old) and asked if i was still with the dad and i said not really and she made a snarky remark that "its so much easier with a partner" as if i didn't no that!

I think it would be lovely to sleep in the same bed! But i roll and move alot so im scared i'll squash him

Haha oh awesome! is that into the petting zoo or whatever?? Im excited already!

Hey Nicola! Good luck this time around! Hope it sticks sounds like we should be planning a trip to your house instead of lindale hehe

Hope everyones weekend was great!


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 27 September 2009 at 9:04pm
Berg it's not a good idea to have them sleep in the same bed, there was someone in the paper a few weeks back who did that and they rolled on baby and suffocated it


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 9:45am
Not really Berg. I have A- blood so it was important that mine or babys blood didnt mix cos if his was diff to mine then it could stop me having kids in th future or during early preg harm him. But when the MW did a stretch and sweep on me after my waters had broken i started to bleed and so they just put me on monitors to make sure baby was doing alright and to check how often my contractions were.

Oh thats horrible Berg. Obviously it is easier with a partner but doesnt mean you cant do it alone. Grr. I think most people ignore the fact that im a single mum. But im glad noone has said something like that to me so far.

Oh no haha. Yea if you move around a lot it might not be a good idea hehe. I dont move and Rory sleeps on my arm near my shoulder so if i were to move i couldnt as im kind of pinned there haha. You could always get one of those portable bassinet things and put bubs in it on your bed against a wall. I have 1 if you want it. Its nothing fancy though haha.

Here is the link to - Lindale kids farm I think i have to pay for Rory now to go in the play area but they are free until 2 for the animal walk i think.

Hello Nicola. Fingers crossed this is the one for you!! Your place sounds awesome!!

Oh Berg are you having bubs as Levin? Haha i made my mum swear not to give into me if i started asking for an epi. But near the end i was nearly in tears and couldnt stand with Rorys head against my spine so she broke her promise. Lucky Rory came too fast though for me to get one haha.

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 9:56am

Hehe Nicola, you sound like me I have 5 puppies two dogs, a big rabbit, chickens, am getting a turtle have ducks, a horse, sheep etc! I would love to have people over, but I live so far away :(

I am scared of getting an epi, but the doctor said that because I have an IUD in, it might be necessary so that I dont have to go get surgery after if it doesnt come out with the placenta?

MY husband and mum are all for me getting one, but hmm I want to be able to handle the pain and I really dont want to drug baby, I think I will jsut go as long as I can and if the doctor deems it crucial I will listen! hehe

Have my dating scan tommorow, I am sick as a bum so hopefully everything is sticking, cant sleep, cant eat, and feel a lack of breath! yay for pregnancy!

Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 12:21pm
Oh wow Gen your place sounds awesome too!!

I only have a dog and cat hehe.

I was just wondering what you mean by IUD? Do you mean the intrauterine device that prevents pregnancy? If it is then how come they cant take it out? I thought if it failed it gets taken out pretty early?

Good luck with the dating scan tomorrow. Im sure all will be fine Gen!! But i know how you feel. Early on in my pregnancy i came down with my first flu. Felt like i was dying, couldnt eat or sleep and had m/s on top of that. So i hope you feel better really soon!!

Posted By: Amarni
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 1:15pm
Hey Guys,

My names Dee,Im also a young mum.Im 19,I have a 5month old son Amarni.
I have only a few friends with kids,who live out of town now,and my friends without kids,well we don't really hang out now. Don't have much in common .So it would be great to meet mums in the same situation.
My son is getting very active,annd very borred of me at times! Going a bit crazy @ home,would love to catch up with mums.
Do any of you's meet up?

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 10:07am

Aithne, oh well - atleast he's here all safe and sound

I had a massive weekend, full of drama. My mum was away for the weekend so it was me,my sis and step dad. And on sunday night (hes an alcoholic) got really abusive towards me and was in my face screaming and seemed like he was going to hit me. (he has before) so my little sister steped infront of me and he pushed her back so i called the cops. So mum asked him to leave, and he has. And the neighbours that were letting me stay in the cottage have sided with him, saying im a lier and were all evil and even calling my mum a slut! So im staying here, getting all bub's stuff set up atm. House is going for sale, then were moving to wgtn. Mum really likes Titahi Bay. What part of Porirua do u live in Aithne?

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get it out! And yeah iam (hopefully) having bub at levin. Im measuring 40 weeks so going to get a growth scan tomorrow! Im excited, get to see him one last time before he comes out

How did your scan go Gen?? Hey Dee, were planning to meet up in November!! Would love another young mummy to come along


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 10:20am
HEHE I think I can definately join this now as got a really faint BFP this morning, still not really believing it yet but a line is a line right?


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 10:24am">

Aithne - #1, 18 Born 4th March 2009

Bergitte #1, 19 DUE 24 october 2009

nkap9 (Nicole) #1, 19 DUE 26th May 2010

Genevieve #1, 21 DUE 30th May 2010

Matandnic08 (Nicola) - #1, 21DUE 14th JUNE 2010

everyone tell me your details and ill add them in, we could also add email addys etc if you want??


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 10:40am

hehe asfter alot of drama the scan went well I am 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant now.

Yup by IUD I mean the one that stops you getting pregnant, well its supposed to be easy to get out if it fails, but mine has moved and embedded itsself, the cords are curled under so the risk of pulling it out is way to high as it would almost definatly cause a miscarriage!

There is one other lady on here who had an IUD and hers was pulle dout at 11 weeks, they are just going to leave mine and hope it comes out with the placenta.

ps. I am 21 years old, EDD 30 of May and I am not going to find out if its a boy or girl.

Berg who do you live with at the moment? I am so sorry you are going through that, you shouldnt have to at all ecpsecailly not with a baby on the way, it sounds horrible. Just make sure you are as safe as possible and away from nasty people.


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 12:12pm
Would it be alright if I got added? I'm 19 and from wgtn first baby is due feb 26th

Berg that sounds awful! Glad he's gone though and personally I think neighbours should butt out! They may "hear" things but they generally don't know what they're saying ay! It'd be good though to have the help of your mum and sis for when your son comes! Glad you get to see him one more time.

I had a gallstone attack a couple of nights ago, didn't even know I had gallstones! Was quite scary as was in heaps of pain and couldn't breathe etc, but I got a free US and got to see baby which was cool! Get to see him/her next week too and find out sex!

I have 6 cats and 3 dogs haha did have 5 dogs last yr but had to put one down and it's mate died a little while after but they were old.


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 1:08pm
Oh no thats horrible Berg. Glad you are doing ok though. Dont apologise you can rant away all you want!! I am just across the water from Titahi Bay. It is quite nice there!! If you do decide to move down here I would be happy to help you shift things in or babysit while you got everything sorted hehe.
Yay for your scan tomorrow so you can see baby again!! Hope bubs isnt too big for you. Near the end i was measuring a few weeks smaller but Rory was born a very healthy 8lb3oz.

CONGRATS Nicola!! Sending you lots of sticky vibes. Can I add myself to the list even though im not pregnant hehe. Aithne - 18, #1 born 4th March 2009.

Glad your scan went well Genevieve!! Wow that is kind of scary about the IUD. I had been thinking of getting one but now im not too sure. The doctors seem to know what they are doing though which is good. Hope it does come out with the placenta!!

Ouch Nicole. Im not too sure what a gallstone is (I should having done a health science course last year) blame baby brain. But it sounds very painful. Yay though for the free ultrasound. Oh yay how exciting for you scan next week. Are you hoping for any particular flavour?

Heya Dee Im 18 and have a nearly 7month old son (my god 7 months sounds soo old ) I know how you feel. My friends either have school aged kids (as they are much older then me) or dont have kids and dont have time for me anymore. We are meeting up in November at Lindale Kids farm and it would be great if you could come along.

So my news. Im going to the Wellington Buggy walk tomorrow. Hope it goes well. Rory is going through that attachment faze i think. So havent had much time to myself. But all the cuddles are worth it hehe. He has started saying da da da Dont know why as there is no Dada around here haha

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 1:19pm
Umm yeah a girl hahaha but I won't be disappointed either way. Just DP has this weird idea that he's going to name baby because of his family tradition in naming boys but OVER MY DEAD BODY!! Lol... He said if it's a girl we can both name her. Was quite funny at the scan yesterday as baby was bobbing its head, moving it legs up and down and tapping its knees with its hands lol...

Umm well gallstones are like stones in your gallbladder and the pain is awful I thought I was having a heart attack - couldn't breathe or move coz had shooting sharp pain up my spine and across my chest ... But yeah looks like I've had them for a while and pregnancy made it worse.


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 1:22pm
My MIL had her gallbladder out last year through stones, is very painful, if she ate too much or too much fat shed throw it all up too!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 1:22pm
A buggy walk sounds fun hopefully the weather is good lol , do you live with your parents or mum Aithne?


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 1:25pm
Ew haha gross! I'm prob getting my gallbladder out after baby is born


Posted By: Aithne
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 1:32pm
Ouch. Hope they dont play up anymore for you Nicole!!

Yep i live with my mum. For now anyway. The thought of moving out on my own with a baby is really scary haha. Thanks i hope the weather is nice too.

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 5:12pm
Yeah it is scary, I live with my mum too and when my DP found out I was pg he suggested moving out but I said uhh na!


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 6:36pm

Where did you do your health sciences course Aithne?

all you ladies that live with your mum are so lucky! DH and I live in the North Island while mum and dad are in the south, I miss them like crazy.. although its good having hubby nothing beats my mum! I have the in laws but things with them can be tricky.....

I hope everyone is doing ok, this weather is so sucky..hehe a buggy walk sounds fun!

One day we could all do a tramp by tongariro? oh gosh I think im getting to far ahead of myself. haha

Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 7:59pm
Thanks girls Thats really nice of you to offer Aithne, I'll remember that! on the brighter side of things bub's cot arrived today, so have that all set up and made. And getting our bag sorted for hosp! Its all like woah, im gonna have a baby in a few weeks! Im so excited!

That sounds terrible Nicole!!! Hope it doesn't give you to much more grief from now on. That aswell as being pregnant would suck! Im starting to feel like death haha and my feet feel like i have groundshock but all the time!

Yeah i hope hes not to big either, i don't really want to get induced, but scans and stuff are not always true! That's a really good weight Aithne! Yay for big babe's

Yeah now i'll have mum and sis to help out, and then when we move to welly i'll probily live with them for awhile to, untill i feel confident enough to go out on my own! Aw cool, a buggy walk! I would love that (if i had a baby atm hehe) hope its not rainy. Aw how cute! Damn right, his first words should be i love mummy! hahah

If you could please add me to the list - very cool list btw! Bergitte 19 - due 24 october. Hope everyone has a good night and day tomorrow, will update with what i find out with scan! also im getting his capsule tomorrow 2 i'll stop babling now haha


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 8:28pm
I think it'll be good to have my mum there, she's said she isn't going to do everything for me but if I need a break or feel like I'm "losing" it then she'll be there which'll be good, I don't think dp would be as understanding lol

Genevieve inlaws can be tricky, atm I am finding it's my gma who is being tricky...! It's almost like she's going to take over when baby is born haha plus she doesn't like any of the stuff I have gotten because when she had my mum it was all "knitted and warm not cotton"

So how did you guys parents react when you told them you were pg? Just out of curiosity... My mum was like "Oh" then went and had a smoke, then had another, and another, then came in a said congrats and is now really excited lol


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 8:35pm
Haha i was going to ask the same thing! My mum took it really well to start with, and then got angry for me being irresponsible etc, but now shes really excited! What mum couldn't be, and shes helped me buy alot of stuff which is good! Haha people can be VERY annoying with baby stuff, back in my day... its like well its not your day anymore, its mine! and must i add my baby. Have to reinforce that quite often haha


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 8:50pm
Yeah, I feel bad though having to take money from my mum coz I quit my job to go uni but found out I was PG so lol...

When we told my gma she was like "What! What! What" then "How?" lol we were like "must you ask??" and then she did the whole "In my day speach" and said if she had gotten PG at my age and been unmarried she'd have been very ashamed - I was like yeah whatever times have changed! Get up to date lol

Still haven't gotten round to telling my dad though - he doesn't live with us...


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 10:11am
Yeah im the same. Im on a sickness benefit, from 27 weeks you qualify for that. But spend it all on stuff for baby and me so don't have any money to give board or anything! I'll pay when baby's born and getting a bit more $$$.

Yeah, all the old people ive talked to about it have all been married at 19. I don't really like the way people look at me, but hey, its their problem not mine! I didn't tell my dad either, he doesn't live with us 2. My sister told my nan and she must of told him but don't know what he said. Don't know, don't care!! haha


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 12:36pm
Yeah true! I looked into the sickness benefit but I don't qualify for another couple of months because of a stand down for having some money saved.


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 1:01pm

My in laws would be really supportive, but because we dont go to the same church as them, they look down on us.

Well my parents were quite happy, even though it wasnt planned, I guess because my and DH are married, have a house, dogs etc hehe. And I have been independant from my parents since for the last 3 years.

The only thing they were concerned about was that I continued to study while I had bubba, heheh. but its still realyl early days, so fingers crossed this bub sticks!

OMG to all you ladies giving birth soon, you must be so excited! If there is anything you need just let me know! hehe.


Posted By: Genevieve
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 1:05pm

Although in saying htat I am independant form parents, I think im going to be asking for a loan or extrra christmas presents to get all this baby gear! hopefully we get lots of hand me downs.

Is anyone going to get a sling, or front pack, or wrap thing?

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 2:09pm
Gene good luck! Yeah I am looking at a sling, not really sure what sort but there is a forum on here somewhere about them... you can search for it.

My mum wants me to continue study... Atm it looks like I prob won't be able to do much studying until baby is about 2ish...


Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 2:14pm
ok here are some forum on slings n baby carriers - wraps - more wraps... - carrier


Posted By: Berg19
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 3:36pm
Ive got a Dolce and Zoet sling, haven't used it yet but when babys born i'll let you girls know how it goes!!


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