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Bottle rejection advice?

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Topic: Bottle rejection advice?
Posted By: 1st_Time_Preggies
Subject: Bottle rejection advice?
Date Posted: 05 June 2010 at 1:20pm
My 4 month old wee man has been breastfed since he was born, but a few weeks ago we started introducing an EBM bottle after his bath just in case we ever needed him to take it etc. We started with just 50ml and increased it up to 150ml (he has both sides from me before the bath).

About a week ago, he started refusing the bottle and crying. I offer it every night and so far he keeps refusing. He is now taking a top up from me instead, but this isn't really ideal. Apart from wasting all that EBM (!), he is not eating enough at night and waking cause he is hungry (I think anyway).

Any tips on how to get him to take the bottle again? I have tried jiggling, distraction, my husband feeding him, etc etc.

Should I leave it for a few days and try again or keep perserving???

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 05 June 2010 at 3:51pm
What kind of bottle are you using?    Is the teat maybe too slow for him?

The only bottle my nearly 6 month old will take is a Nuk Bottle with a latex teat 6 month + flow.

And sometimes he will only drink from the bottle if he is lying down in his cot, with his arms wrapped and me holding the bottle and just sitting him up and burping him every so often.

It's so hard when they refuse.

Posted By: Renee & Lauren
Date Posted: 05 June 2010 at 8:48pm
can you get someone else to feed it to him and you go out somewhere (even in a different room down the other end of the house) as if he can smell your milk he most likely won't take the bottle


Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 06 June 2010 at 7:48pm
happened to me with ty...he ended up not going back on till 9mnths and now the little toad still has girl looks at me as if im joking when i show her bottle but she will always sip from a sipper...the one you can use from 4 mnths....good luck


Posted By: tiptoes
Date Posted: 06 June 2010 at 10:26pm
Originally posted by mamanee mamanee wrote:

What kind of bottle are you using?    Is the teat maybe too slow for him?

The only bottle my nearly 6 month old will take is a Nuk Bottle with a latex teat 6 month + flow.

And sometimes he will only drink from the bottle if he is lying down in his cot, with his arms wrapped and me holding the bottle and just sitting him up and burping him every so often.

It's so hard when they refuse.

Cooper's the same, seems to prefer the bottle when he's wrapped - and he's bottle fed only!


Posted By: 1st_Time_Preggies
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 8:48am
Ooo Ty's Mummy, where did you get the sipper that you can use from four months? What brand? I think my little guy would really like that :-)

Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 12:51pm
Hi ladies, my DS is still refusing the bottle - from anyone! Today I have dropped him at my Mum's in the hop she can try...she hasnt had any luck previously. I am away for 10 days in mid july and want to wean him by then. DS refuses bottles (tried every teat/bottle combination), sipper cup, spoon, seringe luck. He loves solids so eats. Some people have suggested I just go cold turkey with BF and he will eventually take the bottle....but then others say that he will dehydrate and plunket said if he doesnt get full feeds he needs to have at least 50ml fluid per hour so he doesn't dehydrate..... any suggestions. I've tried for one month already to get him on the bottle and no further ahead now that when we started....any suggestions....
1st time's a tough battle to get them on the bottle, so keen to hear if you have any luck...

Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 1:00pm
Originally posted by 1st_Time_Preggies 1st_Time_Preggies wrote:

Ooo Ty's Mummy, where did you get the sipper that you can use from four months? What brand? I think my little guy would really like that :-) on a budget :) i have one tommee tippee and sorry i cant remember the other one and it doesnt have it on it.....but they look the same...both have soft spouts and you have to suck they have a can also get some at babycity ...have a look online first...i dont know what they are like tho.....hope it all works out for you


Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 1:05pm old is he? and that is crap...plunket are good like that my girl still doesnt eat solids and i only feed at night...she will only take sips during the day...if she is super thirsty she will drink heaps...however sleeps have been a problem...if he isnt taking NOTHING then yeah of course he will get dehydrated....have you tried a shot glass....slow going but at least you will know he is getting something.......thats how mum feed me.....are you trying for about a week constintly? it can take up to 3 weeks for things to kick in.....mia never had bottle....she also like the dinky straw cups....only 2bucks so you cant go wrong...good luck


Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 2:05pm
DS is 6 months. I try every day without fail!! Plunket suggest he wakes, I feed from boob, then he has a nap then the next time he wakes I try bottle for 15 mins 3 x 45mins apart. Then wait another 45mins and feed boob. Then boob feed as per normal the rest of the day. I have done this EVERY day for 4 weeks and no success at all. Has anyone gone cold turkey? How quick does dehydration set in? I dont want to hurt or make my DS sick but I am wondering if he just refuses the bottle as he knows boob will come later??? I also need to wean for me as DS very agressive on boob, etc.... and if I go on holiday and not weaned I dont want to get Mastitus... I have just spoken to Mum and she has had no luck getting anything in to him for 5 hours!!! I'm at my wits end!!! arghhh

Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 2:40pm
feel the fontinele...his eyes will be glassy son was severly dehydrated at 2mnths and exclusivly BF but he had respitory virus which meant he was bringing up milk faster then i was putting it in him............try ...when he is hungry offer bottle if he gets in a tiz then offer boob...has someone put your clothes around them so when bottle feed they would be cradling like you do feeding and he will smell you....what about in the highchair.....can he hold bottle yet? you can get the ones with handles ...this is bad but put him down with blanket in front of favourity programme.......sing to whisperer said use old style teat....i could also only feed ty facing forward on my knee as he was friend did cold turkey....i couldnt do it as they hurt cry gets to me......i went to family centre for ty and that was the worse thing i did...made it worse...but some babies if there hungry enough will drink happily. oh and if it makes you feel better from day dot my girl refused boob whenever we where away from hom....sometimes it was all day so she would have morning then night feed and she was fine........she now is one and im lucky if she has 100ml all day with no solids.


Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 4:12pm
so if he has glassy eyes he is dehydrated? What would the fontenell be like if he was dehydrated. Its really upsetting me him not drinking, I am going on holiday in July and I am seriously thinking of not going if DS wont drink. He tries to hold the bottle, but no coordination to get it to mouth yet. I have tried signing, in front of telling etc. Havent tried someone else with my clothes, but will try that. My MUM had DS all day today and he didn't drink anything... and I was not even there for him to smell me.... I'm sitting here in tears not knowing what else to do!

Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 4:55pm
oh hun i know the feeling.......he wont get sick...if it is super sunk in then you need to take him in but he will also be floppy and unable to lift his head up....has he been crying all day? if he wont take milk tell your mum to try him on water even sips every 10mins as that is what they get you to do when you take him into hospital....if he hasnt been crying all the time she has had him then he is fine....where do you live? just remember that the more somone stresses with him he will pick up on it...sometimes someone the baby wont know helps too.......


Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 6:13pm
I live in Auckland. No he hasn't been crying all day. Just grizzly cause he is tired and grizzly cause he is hungry. I'm just about at my wits end. I love my son to pieces and in every other way he is perfect - well near perfect, sleeps still not 100%, but I can cope with that. With DS not taking the bottle, I never get a break from him either.

Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 07 June 2010 at 6:25pm
im in the waikato...if we lived close i could have helped as much as i could.....yeah my daughter still has night feeds cause of not eating solids so im with her all the time too...but i always think that i get to see things that no one else does so im liucky...tired as heck but lucky if he hasnt been hard out crying i think he may come around you should here my girl when i try not to talking turning purple and everything........ty was the same....i was in tears 24/7 if you do want a road trip you can come see me and my friend she is a nanny and pregs with her first.......we go to coffee alot cause i go nuts with my girl and it helps me think of other things....and then one of us can have a go for me if you want...or we may want to go for a drive to auckland if you want but try the clothing thing.....i have alot of ideas but nothing really worked for me...oh ty started when he had a swim for the first time and was in the nud....soo every baby is different...hang in there he honetly doesnt sound that far away from doing it.


Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 08 June 2010 at 8:30pm
Thks Tys Mum. I spent today at Plunket family centre. The new plan is, first feed of the day boob, then try bottle every 2hrs till 5.30pm, then boob, then boob again 7.30pm and boob max once per night. He did take 100ml over three bottle feeds today with a heck of a lof of screaming., at plunket. But tonight at 5.30pm he started on the boob and feel asleep. And now he is refusing boob all together - also mostly refused his solids at dinner which is very unusual. He is so hyper tonight.... and only 3 tiny ie 15min cat naps today......

Posted By: TysMummy
Date Posted: 08 June 2010 at 8:41pm
now its getting exciting he is coming around good on you for hanging in there....100mils how awesome....mia has that all day :) something i just remembered...are you expressing or formular? mia got saw tummy with all formular apart from one and she refused expressed.....she will also only take it cold not warm...arh babies aye? what doesnt kill yah makes you stronger


Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 09 June 2010 at 6:54pm
he wont take anything in a bottle, formula, ebm, water etc. Today at plunket thouh he had 3 attempts and 50mls at one, 20mls at another and none at another feed. I then tried bottle at home and got 20mls with a lot of crying hysterical each time. Only 1 wee nap today also. Just put him on boob and quick suck now asleep... will let him sleep 1 hr then try boob again. Man him feeding on the boob now is good relief.... lets hope he keeps improving

Posted By: FayeG
Date Posted: 12 June 2010 at 5:12pm
after 6 weeks of trying every day, going to the plunket EVERY day for 6 weeks for them to try my DS on the bottle, after thousands of tears and frustration from me, I am over it!! I have just been trying to feed my son from a big persons cup as at least I can "sometimes" get formula into him that way. I am still breastfeeding first and last feed of the day and once through night if needed, but I have to wean these as well. So through the day I just offer cup feeds and mix formula with solids. It takes me over 1hr to get 100ml into him though and its a battle!! I have 4 weeks till I go away for 10 days so by then need to have stopped all breast feeds. But seriously I am going to be spending all my time feeding him from a cup.. anyone else used an adult cup straight off??

Posted By: KGB2010
Date Posted: 13 June 2010 at 5:17pm
Hi, I am new to posting and am also struggling to get any fluid into my DS via any means. I feel like I am the only one, but reading this post seems there are a few with problems. I have just posted a topic on going cold turkey??

Posted By: anon
Date Posted: 14 June 2010 at 12:45pm
Definitely look at changing the stage on your teat. That worked for my son - he refused the bottle he used to have and accepted it when I changed the teat.

Regarding night waking - they often start doing this around the 4mth mark because their sleep changes as well... .they start waking up completely from their sleep cycles so you need to teach him (if you haven't already) to self-settle. A last night feed from you should be adequate - he doesn't actually need to get it from a bottle to sleep through, but I hear that you want to get some rest.


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