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April 2012 babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: Born in 2012
Forum Description: Find other parents and parents of 2012 babies here!
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Topic: April 2012 babies
Posted By: AngieBaby
Subject: April 2012 babies
Date Posted: 30 July 2011 at 8:53pm
Congratulations to all our newly expectant mums and dads!
Here's where you will find friendship, advice, and support from other parents expecting the same time as you.
the OHbaby! team

Posted By: Bee2010
Date Posted: 30 July 2011 at 9:41pm
How exciting congrats to all April 2012 Mums to be have an h+h 9 months. I was due in April 2010 but he came in March and its 2 years ago I found out I was preggers


Angel Babe in our - 07/08

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 12:05pm
Congrats to all the April mums to be!! I have just got my BFP and by my calculations will just scrape into the due in April on the 2nd. This will be our first baby- exciting times!!

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Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 12:34pm
Congrats Daydream! I am due around April 5th. I tested on Tuesday as had been feeling a bit odd so have been waiting for this thread to start.
This will be our 2nd, already have a 19month old boy.


Posted By: noodle
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 1:39pm
awww congrats April mums to be (and those still concieving hehe) I was due at the end of April this year but she came in March! Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies!


Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 2:43pm
Hi everyone :D

Im due April 1st, have been waiting to find an April thread!

This will be our second child, we have a 13 month old DS who is a little walking talking menace!

@Daydream and Naysgirl - how are you guys feeling so far? Im starting to ger queasy in the mornings and am so exhausted all day long!


Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 4:00pm
Oooh an April Fools day baby
I have been feeling ok at this stage. Had lots of cramping last week but not so much now and the odd bit of nausea. I had a really good pregnancy last time so I'm hoping this will be the same!
I have been feeling tired at certain points in the day but think thats more related to the early morning starts thanks to my DS. Is going to be interesting been pregnant and dealing with a toddler!


Posted By: jadew
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 6:10pm
Hi April mums to be. i'm due 25th March but with my 1st I was induced at 42 weeks so may well have an April baby too.
I'm in the March group but will pop back from time to time. good luck to you all


Posted By: RachFizz
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 6:33pm
Congrats April mummies, really hope to be joining you

TTC#1 since Apr11
On hold for study!

Posted By: Kalimirella
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 6:37pm
Congrats to all the April Mummies to be.
I had my little girl in April 2010, gosh seems so long ago :D
Hope you all have happy and healthy pregnancies and your babies come on time :D

Kiara is 3 and Teagan is 2, now we're expecting our long awaited 3rd!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 6:41pm
@RachFizz- fx you'll be joining us!
@Luvn_life- I had cramping last week and today I have just been really tired. No nausea or anything yet but really sore boobs! (sorry if TMI!!)

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Posted By: Harry_S
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 8:22pm
Hi Ladies,

I am due on April 6th, POAS this morning and it was positive so still need to get official confirmation from my Dr. This will be my second baby, I currently have an 8 month old so was not quite ready for number two but I'm sure it will good fun!


Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 9:38pm
Ooh yay, the April group has started. I'm so hoping I'll be here too.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 31 July 2011 at 10:21pm
Welcome Harry_S, sounds like you will have your hands full soon!
I'll be doing the same- going to docs tomorrow to get blood test to confirm, don't think i'll quite believe it till then!

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Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 2:34pm
Oh yay,i was wondering if there was a thread.
Im due 2nd April,this is number 3 for me.
I have a 13.5yr old and 7yr old-both girls,so hoping for a boy this time,but really doesnt matter.
I single parented my other 2 from pregnancy,so this is all very different for me.
Dont really have much symptoms,only metalic taste in mouth and sore boobs-both ive had since i O'd.

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 3:29pm
Just to let you know I went for my docs appointment this morning. She sent me for a blood test for HCG levels but says I could be due anytime from 21st March to5th April and won't know until we get bloods back! It's because my cycle is so long as last few it has been 40 days. So I think I am more likely to be April but might have to join March thread too. Am I bit worried that it will be more difficult to get a midwife if all of March is booked up! I'll know more when I get my HCG results.

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Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 6:17pm
Hi everyone! just got my double lines today! I think I should be due on about the 11th April, this is my first so its all new and exciting! Went to get a blood test this avo too so should get my HCG results back tomorrow


Posted By: troutpout
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 7:25pm
*lurk* Hun - Yaaaaaaaay for you!!!! You must be so excited clomid!!! FX for a healthy happy 9 months for you xxx

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Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 8:53pm
Congrats Hun!! good to see you in here! FX for lots of more April babies!

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Posted By: themummy
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 8:59pm
oooh congrats harry!


Posted By: DesSt
Date Posted: 01 August 2011 at 9:30pm
*Lurker In*

Congrats Harry! That must be an eager little bean who wants to join your family!

Congrats to all the other new mummy to be's as well!

*Lurker Out*


Posted By: simsim
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 10:28am
Very excited and nervous - this is number one for us! Still seems a little unreal! I previously had a miscarriage at 5 weeks about 3 months ago and was SO ILL for about two weeks prior (did not realise why, i got my period and everything) finally took a test and then miscarried two days later. THIS time I feel like a normal slightly more tired me - with incredible enhanced sense of smell! I have attempted to eat a few things and had to chuck them out because they me a bit queasy... Very hopeful this is a good sign! Have a good feeling about it.

Posted By: Harry_S
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 11:12am
thanks des and themummy! still keeping it on the dl at the mo, can't quite believe it, gotta go back to work in 4 weeks, I'll get there and have to tell them I'm leaving again in a few months


Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 12:11pm
congrats simsim. I know how you feel this is our first too and I'm trying to keep it quiet too for at least a few weeks. I think feeling sick is usually a good sign! FX for everyone it's such a nerve wrecking time!

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Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 12:26pm
welcome simsim! Yep I'm in the same boat too, first for me :) Got my HCG results from yesterday - 300 :) And i'm having another test tomorrow to make sure they are rising nicely. I'm finding it so hard to keep it to myself, even though i know its for the best... DH was so sweet this morning, as I was leaving he goes "be good to my baby today" Made me go all warm and fuzzy!


Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 1:23pm
Awww im all teary reading your posts hun! (damn hormones!) Its such a special time when you are pregnant with your first baby!.

Well I had my bloods done today, and have a scan referral which I wil do next week (dating scan) meeting my MW on Friday which is very exciting!

I havent really got any symptoms as of yet, just getting really tired after lunch (but that could also be cos of running around after a toddler!)felling a bit icky in the mornings but nothing major yet (fx)

Should we make up a due date list so we can keep track of whos due when?

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - Wants a surprise

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 2:29pm
oh Hun that is so sweet of DH
Luvn_Life you are meeting your midwife already? oh gosh that's made me think I better hurry up and ring and see if the lady I want is available! Hoping to get HCG results soon so will ring once I've got those.

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Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 2:33pm
Congrats to all the new expectant mums. It will be exciting to watch the list grow. I have been feeling pretty good the last few days, I don't even really feel pregnant which always makes me worry. Is it normal for your doc to take a blood test when you first go to them after finding out you are pregnant? I went to my doc last week and she didn't offer me one and I don't think I had a blood test when I first found out I was pregnant with DS.


Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 2:40pm
Daydream - I thought I had better book in with her asap as there is only one independant MW here so if shes booked I have to go with hospital mw's and they dont attend the birth :( SO im very glad I got in - hopefully this birth will be a whole new experience. I have the initial consult with her on Friday which is about an hour and filling out paperwork questions etc.

Naysgirl they shouldve done bloods, they need to do all the tests incl hiv, levels of vit D, hcg etc. Perhaps phone them? or your MW and see what she says. Id definately push to get the bloods done cos if you need any extra anything they can suss out a top up.


Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 2:43pm
I was going to attempt to make up a nice April list for us but I'm not sure I know how. Anyone else know how to do that?

It was kind of random when I went to the doc, she was almost like "why are you here, you've done the test at home that said you were pregnant so you don't need to see me and just asked if I was taking folic acid etc. Will check with my MW when she rings me.


Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 3:02pm
Good idea LuvnLife, I'm not sure how to make a proper list but i'll add my details to yours...

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - Wants a surprise
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!

hmm, when are you meant to book midwives etc? I have no idea! And this is a bit of a stupid question i'm sure, but if you get a private midwife do you have to pay them or are they still funded?


Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 3:05pm
I would book a midwife as soon as you can as some do tend to book up fast plus gives you a chance to make sure you get someone that you like. Unless you go through an obstetrician (sp?), then midwives are funded (correct me if I am wrong anyone?)


Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 3:14pm">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!

Hope this comes up OK, feel free to change it anyway you like

Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 4:24pm">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!
Keira-#3-2nd April - will find out

Hope this comes up OK, feel free to change it anyway you like

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 4:26pm
just got off the phone with the nurse she was lovely HCG results were 480 so she reckons I am only 4 1/2 to 5 weeks which may put me later into April but I'll stick with what I've got at the moment until I get a scan in the future. woo hoo seems more real now! Just shows you charting can work if you have long cycles.

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Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 4:30pm
Hi everyone,
I feel a bit like you Nays,a little confused over whats normal even though this is my 3rd.
When i went to the docs she said the same re folic acid etc,and i had to ask if i needed to take asprin daily like i did for my others-she didnt know.She sent me for bloods only cos when i tried to pee on the test there i couldnt.When they phoned the next day to say 'yes your definately pregnant' they didnt even tell me the HCG level, i had to ask...and she was all like 'oh i dont know,ill have to go check'.
And thats all-no talk of more bloods being taken,or dating scan or anything.
I cant even phone a midwife as im not allowed an independant-have to wait now to see if i get a letter in the post for a referal from the hosp-feel a bit lost really.

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 5:00pm
oh Keira doesn't sound like your doc is up to much! I must admit mine didn't mention anything about follow up bloods or dating scans either, it was the nurse who had more information. Do they have a nurses station you could phone about your bloods instead?
Am so glad I have you guys to talk to about this news! keeping it quiet is so tough!

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Posted By: LateStarterLorna
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 7:03pm
Lurking in - congrats Harry and all you other April to be Mummies

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Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 02 August 2011 at 8:59pm
List looks great :D
Where do you get the neat little ends to your posts? With the countdowns and stuff?

I dont think dating scans are a normal procedure, I just need one because I was breastfeeding up til a month ago so I havent had a proper period since sept 2009! Lol. I am pretty positive on my due date because I know when I ovd but because im not a doctor they dont trust my judgement.. Haha.

Hun, book your MW asap - they can book up fast in some places. Ask around other mums in your area and see who they reccommend :D MW's are free but OBs can cost around $2800 + Eeeeeek!

Keira why arent you allowed an independant MW? If you dont mind me asking.

I think as long as your pregnancy is healthy all you have done are;

Initial bloods
Nucheal scan at 12 Weeks
Glucose test at ?? Weeks
Anatomy Scan at 20 Weeks

Usually follow up bloods are only needed if your hcg levels dont correspond with your EDD, Dating scans are done if your unsure of your due date, have long cycles or dont have regular periods etc.

I could be wrong though so dont quote me on that!

Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 6:58am
Hi Luvn,

I have a heridatory condition called factor 5 leiden,it means im more prone to blood clots than other people.With my 1st child,i was sent the hosp at 5mths preggy and basically told facts and figures of women with the same condition out of 96 pregnancies only 5 ended with live births-theres a big risk of clots on placenta causing miscarriage/still birth etc.
And so im supposedly meant to be more monitered during pregnancy and alot afterwards when clotting is more at risk.
My experience with my other 2 babies meant i wasnt seen by anyone until 26wks,and with my last baby after a c-section i was discharged with 90 needles and told to inject myself in the stomach for 6wks,and then i wasnt seen again till 3mths after birth.As i have successfly had 2 live births with no probs they told me then i wouldnt have to be under hosp care if i went onto have more babies-however no independant middy will touch me due to the above *sigh*
Sorry for the long journal lol

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 7:14am
oh gosh Keira - that really sucks that no one seems to want to know. i've heard of that condition, i think a lot of ladies with it take low dose aspirin? I think it would be worth taking it even if your doc said not to bother, you know its not going to do any harm so better to be safe than sorry?


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 7:50am
Yeah the condition wasnt found until 1995 i dont think its extremely common and alot of women dont know they even have it.I think i had the test after a long period of prolonged bleeding,that was back in 1996, and was told id have to take asprin daily from age of 40.All my family had to be tested as well and we found it came from my dads side who had died of a sudden heart attack in '95 without even knowing he had the condition-go figure.
It just annoys me that i meant to be monitered more than most yet,it ends up being put on a hosp waiting list and waiting to be seen by anyone for weeks

Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 8:06am
Thats a lot to deal with Keira and it sucks that you get pretty much left on your own to handle it. You would think that they would monitor you as much as possible, sure would make things more reassuring for you.

Can't remember who was asking about the ticker things, if you see a ticker that you like of someones, you can click on it and it should take you to another page where you can set one up. Lilypie is one the ticker pages, thats where I got my ones from. Also in the forum guidelines, there is a part that explains it for you.


Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 8:07am
Originally posted by daydream daydream wrote:">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise

Just added myself in


Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 8:42am
Morning ladies,

I got my ticker bar from fertility friend but you can also get them from lilypie and tickerfactory. I think if you click on someones ticker it should take you to the webpage to set one up.
Oh Keira, it sounds like you've had a time of it! I can understand your frustration I would be expecting much more to be done by now for you.
How's everyone feeling today?

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Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 3:58pm
Hey guys,

Keira that must be pretty freaky for you, but really positive that you have already had previous healthy pregnancies. I am highly terrified of needles so imo you are so brave having to inject yourself! Wow. I hope you get to see someone soon, if it were me id be ringing and hassling every day so they get sick of you and rush you through :D

I am SO exhausted, all the time! After lunch all I want to do is sleep, I suppose it doesnt help having a nutty toddler to run around after and then full time study on top of that.. I just dont know how I am going to cope with two kids! Anyone else really tired yet?

Got my bloods back today, hcg levels were 3152 at what im guessing is 5weeks exactly, theyre good but alot lower than DS but nothing to worry about :D

How is everyone else?

Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 4:16pm
Testing :D


Being a mummy is the most amazing job in the world!

Luvn life right now :D

I love my monster boy! You give me the best cuddles in the world!

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 5:35pm
hey everyone, had my second BT this avo so just gotta wait till tomorrow for my results. FX they're good!!!

Still no major symptoms othr than having to pee all the time! haha

Those are great numbers Luvnlife! I know what you mean about not knowing how you're gonna fit everything in, between study and work i am a bit worrid it is all gonna be too much! but i figure i will take it day by day and just put myself first no matter what!


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 7:24pm
Evening everyone,
Well what a busy day, took the car for a warrant and 2 new tyres later...hmm
Then i went to work and popped into a store that i thought wouldnt take me very long-i was there 6hrs!!!!
Oh im a sales rep for a toy company-if no one can understand what im talking about lol.So i didnt get to eat till 5pm arghh!
Not really any symptoms either, remember feeling really tired and sick with my others tho.
Yes i will keep trying midwives-im determined i dont want to be under the hosp system this time.As when you are you basically just get anyone whose on at the time when you give birth also.My first baby was a 23hr labour on New Years Eve of all times-and i had 4 different middys takeover during that time.

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 03 August 2011 at 8:12pm
good luck for you BT results Hun! I phoned midwife today but no one answered so I just left a message. Have a docs appointment on Monday so will ask if I get second BT then. Have a little tiny tiny amount of brown spotting (sorry if TMI), so am hoping it's nothing to worry about but will mention it to doc on Monday.

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Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 11:10am
Hope theres no spotting today DD.
Well i phoned a maternity unit the other day that although they said none of their middys would probably take me on,they would give me an appointment anyway just to discuss and then refer me on.So ive just got the appointment date in the mail which is 5th Sept-i will be 10wks by then.I dont know whether to be happy i actually have an appointment date or annoyed that its so far away and i will probably still come away from that appointment not knowing who my LMC is going to be.
Im hoping they can at least refer me for the combined screening scan-although if their not going to be my LMC i dont know if they can?

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 11:15am
Morning everyone, just got my second lot of bloods back and they've gone up to 890 yippee! Just booked in my 7 week scan too for the 22nd August. Can't wait to hear bubbas heart beat!

How are you going DD? Has the spotting stopped?

Oh Keira well I'm glad you are a little closer to getting something sorted but i really feel for you - how frustrating!

How are you doing today Luvn and naysgirl?


Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 11:32am
Hi Hun,

Good news on the second set of bloods! you've booked your scan already aghhh! I feel like I haven't done anything! Did you book that with the midwife or through the docs? I haven't heard back from the midwife I left a message with yesterday- should I phone again or leave it for a bit? She could just be delivering babies!
The spotting went last night but still a little bit this morning. I searched online and it could mean nothing or the start of something so I'm just going to try not to worry about it!

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Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 12:02pm
Fingers crossed DD that the spotting isnt anything to worry about.
Exciting about the scan Hun, not too long to wait. I was speaking to my MW yesterday and she offered me a dating scan which I said not to as Im pretty certaing of my dates. But then when I got off the phone I thought that maybe I should have taken it as then would have got to see that everything was ok but oh well. Time will tell.

I have been feeling pretty good, apart from been really tired! I'm finding it hard to get much achieved during the day. I have been having 1 normal coffee at breakfast and then decaf afte that, but I am missing my extra coffee hit!


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 12:43pm
Yay for the scan Hun.I soo want to know what my bloods are now, its been over a week since i had them done.
Im sure the spotting will be nothing DD.

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 2:02pm
Thanks ladies! Am just hanging around staring at my phone waiting for midwife to call!
Naysgirl I am hoping I'll be offered a dating scan, although sure of dates my cycle is irregular so would be good to get a more definite due date.
Keira I am the same really want to know my bloods now! This weekend going to be so slow and trying to get out of everything so don't have to explain why I'm not drinking!

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Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 2:07pm
Hope she hurries up and rings you back DD, does the waiting ever end???!

Are you going to get another lot of bloods done Keira?

hehe DH is being so funny - he said he just wants to tell everyone today, and this from the guy who doesn't get excited about anything! haha


Posted By: Harry_S
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 2:21pm
Hi All,

A good excuse for not drinking is "wanting to get over being sick" I used that when I was pregnant with my first..."yeah I'm not drinking tonight, I've just had a really bad flu and want to keep up my immunity", my boozy friends bought it the first time I used it anyway LOL

I found that midwives dont usually want to see you this early on in pregnancy so you probably don't have to rush around trying to get one (unless you have someone specific in mind already) at this stage


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 4:07pm
Aww cute about DH Hun.
Yeah im finding the not drinking thing differcult too.I usually drink a bottle of bubbling on a weekend,and last weekend i found myself pouring sparkling pink grapejuice into a wine bottle so my 13yr old didnt suspect-lol.
Well ive done a bit of internet googling today on my condition just to see if i could read anywhere about women with the same that didnt have to be monitered by the hospital....well wish i hadnt now as i read most women are given heprin injections in early pregnancy.See if im supposed to be getting this then i havent been told-arghhh!

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 04 August 2011 at 4:44pm
I guess with it being the first one I just don't know how everything works! But midwife was recommended by by doc which is why am trying to get her! I don't want to seem pushy if I ring again!
Yeah its quite tough as I am usually glass of wine on the weekend no matter what kind of person! ha ha no one will believe me. Will have to say was out the night before!
Keira- hilarious about the pink grape juice that sounds quite nice actually. As we all know googling is the worst (and sometimes best) thing you can do! can you make an appointment with a different doctor maybe and talk to them about what happens next? or can you get in touch with your OB from last time?

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Posted By: spasebaby
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 11:37am

Hi all I am 24 almost 25 in a couple of weeks I am now five weeks preganat with My first Child!!! I had a miscarrage in March so am very Nervous going in for 6 week scan on Friday 12th!

I now live in Brisbane would love to met up with new mums to bee..

Wish you all the best xx

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 1:57pm
Congrats spasebaby!! welcome!!!

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Posted By: Parki
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 2:18pm
Hi Ladies,

I am VERY cautiously joining this thread! I still can't believe it!
I have been a member on here for almost 5 years and never been able to post in any "Due In' threads!

DH & I have been TTC for 5 years and undergone two rounds of IVF. First one failed & second one.... Well here we are....We are currently 4 weeks & 4 days.
I am soooo terrified of miscarriage or getting too excited but I can't help but feel amazing and elated that we finally got a BFP!

Had my first HCG test on Wednesday and that came back at 378. I have my second on Wednesday the 10th and then if everything is ok, we will book in for a scan.

Hope you don't mind me joining you.

Congratulations to all you other ladies!

Posted By: Parki
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 2:25pm
Originally posted by naysgirl naysgirl wrote:

Originally posted by daydream daydream wrote:">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise
Parki - #1 - 9th April - Happy with either, just want a baby!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!

Just added myself in

Posted By: Harry_S
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 2:28pm
Hello Parki, I hope the levels continue to rise for you


Posted By: Harry_S
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 2:30pm
And hello and congrats to Spasebaby too (sorry I read the posts from most recent back LOL)

Cant believe I'm 5 weeks pregnant - still hasn't fully sunk in


Posted By: Harry_S
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 2:32pm
Originally posted by Parki Parki wrote:

Originally posted by naysgirl naysgirl wrote:

Originally posted by daydream daydream wrote:">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise
Harry - #2 - 6th April
Parki - #1 - 9th April - Happy with either, just want a baby!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!

Just added myself in


Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 3:19pm
That;s wonderful news Parki! especially when you have waited so long! FX for lots of HCG rises! I am going for my second BT on Monday so hope next week is good for us all. It's such an exciting time you must be over the moon!I know what you mean about trying to contain the excitement which is why I'm not telling anyone yet but it's so hard not to!
The list is starting to look good ladies!

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Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 3:20pm
Welcome Parki and spasebaby - woohoo!!!!

Isn't it am amazing feeling knowing you're pregnant? I still can't quite believe it. And it feels wierd having this huge awesome secret and not telling anyone yet - its so hard!


Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 3:22pm
Ooooh welcome to our new members - sending you both loads of sticky dust!

Had my first mw appt today and it went great, besides the fact DS was being a little menace! My middy is awesome and really lovely, I am so lucky to have her as she is the only independant mw in my town and only takes on two ladies per month! So glad I called her when I did :D

Yay Harry for 5 weeks!

5w5d today, counting down to my scan in 11 more sleeps! Yipee :D


Being a mummy is the most amazing job in the world!

Luvn life right now :D

I love my monster boy! You give me the best cuddles in the world!

Posted By: Luvn_life
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 3:25pm
I remember the excitement of getting pregnant with your first! You guys will cherish this time for ever!

Second time round im excited but not elated like I was before, im trying to picture how im going to fit a newborn into my life and its pretty scary! Dont get me wrong this baby is very much wanted and planned but im just worried that I might not have enough love for another bub, DS is my life and I just dont know how another baby is going to fit in! Silly hormones making me worry over whats probably nothing!


Being a mummy is the most amazing job in the world!

Luvn life right now :D

I love my monster boy! You give me the best cuddles in the world!

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 3:35pm
oh Luvn, you will have plenty of love to go around

Spoke to a midwife today and she was lovely, I just want to talk to one more that I quite like the sound of and then I will decide Apparently there is a really high ratio of midwives to women in Dunedin so I giess we are lucky down here!


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 5:09pm
Hi everyone,
Well feeling a litte nauceous today.
Know what you mean im really scared of telling anyone this time around.Both of my last pregnancies were unplanned,and with the 1st one i got sick of people telling me how sorry they were :(...wasnt as bad with the 2nd but my grandma cried she was so upset :(
I just want to have 1 pregnancy that people can say congrats...and i have to get round that mindset.

Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 5:14pm
Luvn-its very normal to feel like you do with your second baby.I never did,but had friends who did.I guess as mine were like 7yrs apart i had plenty of time lol.
But you do have enough love,and the love for the child you have now doesnt change-not ever,so dont be scared of that.
Im laughing though as i type this as its just hit me, i dont have ANY baby things left....held onto them for 13yrs,and just last year threw everything into a jumbo skipbin.So it means buying everything again *sigh*

Posted By: Blue Moon
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 7:37pm
Hi ladies Congrats to all you April mums to be!! I got my BFP this week and am due on April 13. This will be my first baby and DH and I are super excited. Can't wait to tell EVERYONE but I know we have to wait! I feel like the next few weeks are going to go soooo slowly. My symptoms have really only just started in the last few days - have been super tired, headachey and have had no appetite. It's such a weird feeling to finally be pregnant. I have to keep reminding myself that yes I actually pregnant - it's not just a dream


Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 8:30pm
hey Blue Moon - yippee!!! Welcome :) I so know what you mean, the past week since i got my BFP has gone sooo slow! haha But i am loving it


Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 9:16pm
hey BlueMoon welcome to due in April and congrats!!
These days are going so slow now! but before we know it we'll all be huge and say where did the time go!

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Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 9:52pm
Think I'm starting to get a bit queezy - eating seems to help though!


Posted By: Itsme
Date Posted: 05 August 2011 at 10:27pm
Hi everyone. Congrats to you all! Found out on Monday we were unexpectedly expecting number 6! Due on 9th April. Keeping it quiet at the moment as it is still so early, so it is nice to be able to announce it on here I agree, this week has gone very very slowly.

DH and i have been married 20yrs. Our children are 19, 11, 8, 3 and 1, so things are pretty busy already!


Posted By: Blue Moon
Date Posted: 06 August 2011 at 10:05am
Congrats Itsme Wow number 6! It will be great to have someone with such a lot of experience on our thread!

It seems April is shaping up to be a boomer month


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 06 August 2011 at 11:01am
Morning everyone,
Well alot going on in the body today...have really bad backache,and lots of stretching it seems-and so early on too!
Last night i even found it uncomfortable to sleep on my tummy,and im struggling to do up my work pants already!arghhh


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 06 August 2011 at 2:32pm">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise
Harry - #2 - 6th April
Parki - #1 - 9th April - Happy with either, just want a baby!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!
Keira-#3 -2nd April -will be finding out


Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 06 August 2011 at 2:49pm
Lots of symptoms Keira! I quite like getting them though, even the not so pleasant ones, cos at least I know my little one is growing!


Posted By: M & M
Date Posted: 06 August 2011 at 2:57pm
Hi I poas yesterday and to my surprise got the 2 blue lines.

Not sure what to do next, have started looking for a midwife to call.

I am estimating a due date of 2nd April based on LMP.

guess I need to find out some more info.

This will be our first time pregnant

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 06 August 2011 at 5:30pm
Congrats Itsme and M&M!

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Posted By: Marocha
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 8:55am
Hi everyone

I'm an IVF graduate like Parki, although me and DH have been extremely lucky and got a BFP on our first round.

Also a little scared to join this thread with it being so early, but in saying that we have actually told quite a few people (the people that knew we were doing IVF). Nothing could be worse that our BFP not going well, not even having to tell people, so we have decided to celebrate and enjoy this time. It has been the loveliest time too!

Good luck to everyone. We have our next blood test on Monday for HCG levels and I guess our 7 weeks scan a couple of weeks after that. Haven't contacted any professionals yet as we get early care from the fertility clinic, but I understand we probably need to get onto a waiting list for a MW soon.

Posted By: Marocha
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 8:57am
Originally posted by Keira Keira wrote:">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise
Harry - #2 - 6th April
Parki - #1 - 9th April - Happy with either, just want a baby!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!
Keira-#3 -2nd April -will be finding out
Marocha - #1 - 11 April - can't wait to see a heartbeat!

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 9:59am
Hey Marocha - welcome and congratulations due date Buddy


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 10:16am
Welcome to all the newcomers
Well i feel like ive been hit by a bus today,have just woken up after a 12hr sleep!My back is killing me and feel like im completely zapped of energy.


Posted By: Blue Moon
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 10:57am">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Keira-#3 - 2nd April - will be finding out
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise
Harry - #2 - 6th April
Parki - #1 - 9th April - Happy with either, just want a baby!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!
Marocha - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to see a heartbeat
Blue Moon - #1 - 13th April - will be finding out!


Posted By: Blue Moon
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 11:02am
Just added myself to the list

Welcome to the newbies! I've really been struggling to stay awake over the last few days - the fatigue has hit me hard! Otherwise feeling good I've just been trying to decide how much longer I can continue to play netball and do weight training. Any thoughts on this? I want to maintain my fitness but I don't want to overdo it. What are the rest of you doing for exercise?


Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 11:12am
hey Blue Moon - I'm trying to walk for an hour a day, will do some cycling again soon - but at the moment I'm too scared! Will be swimming, and start antenatal yoga at 14 weeks... or that's my plan anyway!

Maybe talk to your doc about how much/what you can still be doing and how long for?


Posted By: Skittle
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 1:44pm
Hey guys....I am new to ohbaby, but got my BFP last due date is 12 April, and this is #3. I have an almost 4 year old girl and a 5.5 year old boy. We are stoked :D

Same as some of you others - already getting the stretching sort of appetite! Not feeling sick....very tired though....

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 1:46pm
Hey Ladies and welcome to more newcomers! I've still got spotting so trying not to panic. Going to the docs for a blood test tomorrow so am hoping the results will give me hope. It's difficult as trying to not to over-react but at the same time not get my hopes up too much either. Trying to tidy any old junk out of the house now to give us more space for new arrival.

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Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 3:12pm
Welcome to the newcomers, the list is growing nicely :)

Blue Moon- I play indoor netball once a week and will continue to play until the end of our season which is around September I think. Also do an exercise class for mums called Wheelie Fit mums which involves jogging, lunges etc. I plan on doing that until I get too uncomfortable and will then move down a class that is less intensity. The personl trainer who takes that said that as long as I make sure I do the exercises correctly, don't get too hot and not push myself to much, I will be fine. I think that if you are already doing the exercise, you should be ok but not to start something new, like decide to start runnning. But talk to your MW or doc.
I will also aim to get some good walks in during the week, aiming for an hour each. We have two dogs so its a good excuse to get out for some exercise.

Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend


Posted By: naysgirl
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 3:14pm
Sending positive vibes your way Daydream, hope the spotting eases up for you.


Posted By: Itsme
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 4:53pm
Originally posted by Blue Moon Blue Moon wrote:">

LuvnLife - #2 - 1st April - a surprise!
DayDream - #1 - 2nd April - a surprise!
Keira-#3 - 2nd April - will be finding out
Naysgirl - #2 - 5th April - a suprise
Harry - #2 - 6th April
Itsme - #6 - 9th April - a surprise!
Parki - #1 - 9th April - Happy with either, just want a baby!
Hun - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to meet my baby!
Marocha - #1 - 11th April - can't wait to see a heartbeat
Blue Moon - #1 - 13th April - will be finding out!

Had to add myself in too!


Posted By: Blue Moon
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 6:44pm
Hi Daydream, I'm sure your spotting will be nothing to worry about. Apparently it's quite common and normal in early pregnancy. Hard not to worry though I know! Hopefully your mind will be set at ease tomorrow.

Naysgirl and Hun that's reassuring to hear I'm not the only one carrying on as usual! My DH seems to think I should be wrapped up in cotton wool now. Cute but annoying!


Posted By: Parki
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 6:48pm
Yay! Hi to all the new Mama to Bes
Hope everyone is feeling happy & well. I am so tired today it's ridiculous, I have had three naps and I'm still yawning!

For those of you who have had HCG bloods, how far apart were your blood tests?

Also, is it alright to eat frankfurters that were bought today & refrigerated and will be boiled?

So many questions! First timer!

Posted By: bayroba
Date Posted: 07 August 2011 at 7:15pm
Thanks Blue moon- had a bit of a cry- hormones! FX!
Parki- I had just bought frankfurters and I wasn't sure. I'm sure if they are cooked it must be ok, but I googled it and it said you shouldn't eat them so i've just been feeding the to DH! I thought just in case! Will be interesting to hear what other peoples thoughts are as I have another whole packet in the fridge! Also to answer you HCG bloods question my 2nd test will be a week from the first one but lots of people have had them closer than that.

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