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"comfort" toys / blankets

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Topic: "comfort" toys / blankets
Posted By: jax
Subject: "comfort" toys / blankets
Date Posted: 30 December 2006 at 7:47pm
At what age did you ladies start using one for your bubs, IF you used one? Any success, and / or advice ? It plays on my mind about being a safety issue if a toy was in a cot, but surely if the toy didn't have any small parts that were a choking hazard it might be ok ? Look forward to hearing your thoughts..

Jacquie - Mama to Erin, 13.07.06 - Chief Cat Chaser & Marmite Sammie Eater

Love many, trust few, harm none. ~Anon~

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 30 December 2006 at 7:51pm

Andrew has a soft and silly Tigger that he is permanently attached too. I can't remember (sorry) if he had it in his cot with him at a young age but once he was about 9 months it was with him everyday and still is. His Tigger is not little and had not "extra" parts so was fine for him to have with him.

I wouldn't push something on to her, give something you want her to be with and let her "tell" you what she thinks of it. She may start with it for about 10 minutes each day and then one day not let go of it.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 30 December 2006 at 8:06pm
My girls both took to a favourite toy about 10 months but I've heard that it's good to introduce a comfort toy at the 6m mark as they go through the separation anxiety thing then (just one time of many though... ).

Hannah first had a little shawl/blanket thing until her 1st birthday when she got a soft washable doll. Briona was getting quite attached to Hannah's doll at around 9/10m so we got her the anticipated 1st birthday present doll early


Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 30 December 2006 at 9:18pm
he he he. I am an evil mummy. I deliberately fostered the girls attachment to their cuddlies.

Paris's Bunny blankie (by tommee tippee) was given to us before she was born and i decided that was great. I used to have a whole blanket i carried with me, i imagined the annoyance that would be.. so wanted to attach them to something small and portable.. and easily washable. so once PAris wa about 3 months old, i would put it in bed next to her till she went to sleep, if i gave her her dummy to calm her or whatever when she was hurt or crying, i would grab bunny too and cuddle him up with her.. so she became used to associating bunny with being comforted... It was natural for it to pregress from there, we would take bunny as the toy to cuddle in the car, in the buggy etc.. taking other play toys, but only bunny to cuddle. and by the time she was about 7 months she was well and truely attached.. in that time we had gone out and got 2 more.. it's a good idea to do your research if you're gonna do it this way, and buy at least 3 the same to cover washing or losses.

With Ayja, we did the same, putting it in with her, giving her that to cuddle for bed time etc, comforting her. and she has taken to it well especiallysince she never had a dummy to use for the comfort. I went out and chose the Jammie bear before she was born, and rigged it with mike that he would take Paris to "choose" the present to give ayja once she was born.. prob is, by then, they went on clearance.. and he only ended up finding 2 of them. HAve not since found any others despite numerous pleas on here and to family around the country, and hers are looking very sad as one lives at home with us and one lives at daycare.

We also found when weaning Paris off the dummy, it was nice to have something else she associated with comfort so once the dummy was taken away forever, she still had her trusty bunny. Both girls take theris most places in the car, but as a rule, cannot usually take them out of the car with them unless they are realllllly tired or are going to be staying for a long time or sleeping/napping there. They are not allowed outside, and have to either sit on the couch or whatever if the girls are doing something or playing..(except for dollies etc.. they can still put them to bed fed them all that guff) so they are comfort toys, but i don't let them have them permanently glued to one hand. (as i a said, I am a mean mummy. lol)   I think there are plenty of nice small ones out there that would be good to use. Ayja chews hers alot, and Paris used to as well on bunny's ears.. You can get teddies, ducks and bunnies from farmers with chewy hands and feet.. i think those would be kinda good and durable in a way.

Sorry , long post.   My girls love their cuddlies, am glad i managed to get them attached to something small.

Paris and bunny, at 2 months old, and at 2 yrs old

Ayja and Jammie-bear (he's a bear wearing pajamas..Jammies.) when she was little.. and a few months ago (early morning, before we had managed to prise him off her)

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Peace
Date Posted: 30 December 2006 at 9:22pm
They say around 8 months is when they can pick out a "favourite" I'm picking through Olivia's toys now trying to decide what she should have but I think that Hubby's old toy, "Buddy" might be the hands down winner because she just loves him to bits and has big chats whenever she rolls onto him!

DD1 May 2006
DD2 March 2011
DD3 August 2012

Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 30 December 2006 at 10:49pm
Janine you reminded me that DH had to get used to not only taking now two girls everywhere we go, but also two dolls!

Washable dolls are GREAT but it's difficult to have the kids go without them for a day's wash


Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 11:08am
we have a Duck cuddlie like Paris' bunny - I've been "trying" to introduce that (but not at bedtime because it has a cloth-flannel like body). She is more interested in her plastic chicken rattle that was given to her by the guys at my work! LOL

I just tried to see if we have any photos of her with "chicken" but we don't - can't be that attached to it afterall LOL


Posted By: jax
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 12:08pm
I remember chicken

I'm going to see how things go with 'Bunny', not going to force the issue, but hopefully she will take to him. Trouble is I can't remember where / how we got him !

Jacquie - Mama to Erin, 13.07.06 - Chief Cat Chaser & Marmite Sammie Eater

Love many, trust few, harm none. ~Anon~

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 2:31pm
Ella has a thing for manwhale at the moment long story on the name but heres a pic of her and him lol

Posted By: meow
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 2:49pm
What is your reason for wanting her to be attached to one? Just curious

In saying that though, I wanted Ella to have a comfort object when I weaned her..I tried and succeded giving Ella a monkey and a dog toy (well it was just "monkdat" at first, but she liked the dog too) when I weaned her from breastfeeding.. 13.5 months. I wanted her to have something else other than me to comfort her. It worked, and she still takes either one of them to bed with her, and another one or two of her animal friends


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 3:06pm
Aww meow that is so cute!! hehe

Posted By: AstonsMummy
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 3:39pm
Aston has one of those cuddlies from Baby City, its blue with an elephant on the top and like a blaket for a body, has silky stuff on one side, he loves it, I dont think hes "attached" to it as such just yet, but when he has it he loves it, when he goes to bed he sometimes plays with it but I always go in and check on him and move it away once hes alseep, usually just lye it beside him.


Posted By: AstonsMummy
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 3:40pm
Oh and we got a portrait done of him with it, I'll see if I can be naughty and take a photo of it haha


Posted By: AstonsMummy
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 3:46pm
shhhh dont tell anyone but heres the portrait...


Posted By: jax
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 4:25pm
Originally posted by meow meow wrote:

I wanted her to have something else other than me to comfort her.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell

Jacquie - Mama to Erin, 13.07.06 - Chief Cat Chaser & Marmite Sammie Eater

Love many, trust few, harm none. ~Anon~

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 5:49pm
I did what Janine did - inflicted Fussy Bubba on Maya at about 7 mths when I stopped wrapping her coz I wanted her to have something to comfort her. She got reaaaaally attached to it, now Fussy goes just about everywhere (except to preschool) but the bugger is that we tried alternating Fussy's, but she can tell the difference so we have Fussy and Fussy Fake and only the real one will do at bedtime so heaven help me if we lose Fussy. She's looking a bit sad atm too, has just had her first repair job and is looking quite bald!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: MyMinis
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 9:32pm
Haleigh has a velour blanket and now a soft dog shes been attatchefd to her blanket since she was 5 months and the dog she just got on xmas day.
I only have the issue with having to wash the blanket so often because of it going everywhere.

-------------">"> - bebo

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 31 December 2006 at 11:51pm
HE he, poor Maya.. with paris, she took a little bit to get used to the new bunnies.. cos they obviously didn't smell the same and weren't the same feel (that and one of them was a little more over-stuffed and looked like he was having a fat-day, lol), so for a while she sometimes took 2 of them to bed and now she just alternates.. whicever we can find she takes, one goes to daycare usually and one in the car and one on her bed..saves carting them all around.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 05 January 2007 at 10:19pm
I want Jack to have something but at the moment its just me

Posted By: sparkle
Date Posted: 06 January 2007 at 11:35am
I'm in two minds about blankies and the like. I think they are great for small children, to have as a comfort aid, but my main gripe steams from one of my best friends. She's 29 and still has her blankie! It's disgusting!!!!    It's now a few strands of blankie all knotted together and believe it or not, it still goes almost everywhere with her.........even when she has "sleep overs" she manages to smuggle it into the pillow case before anyone notices!!! Her parents tried a few times to take it from her, but if anyone dared tried now it would definitely end in carnage!!!   The thing is, even she knows it's a bit ridiculous, but still can't bear the thought of throwing it out.


Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 06 January 2007 at 4:35pm
lol my 16 yr old sister still has hers 2.

Mum to paris that top pic of paris looks so much like Jack at that age its scary

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