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Hamilton Play Group

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Category: Have A Baby?
Forum Name: First baby? Second or more?
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Topic: Hamilton Play Group
Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Subject: Hamilton Play Group
Date Posted: 14 December 2004 at 10:32am
Hi everyone I'm 19 and have a beautiful 5 week old baby girl. I'm currently living in Rotorua but my partner and I are moving back to Hamilton in late february and I would really like to join a playgroup. If theres any I mite be able to come along to with kiddies about the same age as Grace that would be really cool. Thanks.


Posted By: darlinggirlk
Date Posted: 14 December 2004 at 11:23am

Congratulations on the baby girl. and welcome to the site.

Im also 19 and live in rotorua, im 27 wks preg with #1.

Sorry cant help you with hamilton.


Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 15 December 2004 at 5:41pm

hey welcome gywneth im also 19 i have a 20mnth old son and im pregs with number two theres loads of playgroups marsh goes to one but its through his daycare they go to it alot.
If ya wanting to meet someone same age and from hamz im here if ya need me,where abouts are u moving too?im in chartwell area.

O and my name is jess lol


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 16 December 2004 at 4:27pm
Hiya Gwyn
You can have playgroup with me until we both move away!
Maybe tomorrow?

Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 29 December 2004 at 7:19pm
Hi Jess were hoping to move to Hamilton east or claudelands so were close to the uni. it would be cool to get in touch with ya when we do move back up
i'll keep ya posted


Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 29 December 2004 at 7:22pm
Hi darlinggirlk
congratulations on your pregnancy!! Hows it all going so far?! Have you found out what sex your having?


Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 29 December 2004 at 7:30pm
hey nik how was ya chrissie?! you back home yet? i tryed ringin ya the other day but no1 was home... gimme a ring when you do get home k... maybe we should start a playgroup til we go back to uni... whaddaya rekon?


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 29 December 2004 at 7:54pm
hey gwyn,
christmas was hell, my grandparents are insane! (atleast it's over - next time i will refuse to stay at their house)

i'll ring ya sometime when i get sorted. parents are still away so i'm home alone i'm thinking about going to coromandel for new year. we'll see

hope ur xmas went well!!!

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 05 January 2005 at 5:50pm
east/claudelands is nice i live near there so that would be great o and perfect time for wen ur moving cause thats wen all the playgroups start up


Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 06 January 2005 at 1:09pm
oh cool. i can't wait to move back, Rotorua's driving me nutty! haha
so wot do ya do anyways jess?! full time mummy?! or do you work part time?!


Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 08 January 2005 at 10:03pm
full time mummy kinda,marsh is at daycare part time and since im pregs again didnt see the point in trying to find work so i guess ima  full time house wife lol


Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 10 January 2005 at 11:48am
Thats cool. I'm just gunna stay at home with Gracie n be a house wife hehehe. At least untill she's old enough to go to kindy anyways.
Are you goin to find out what your having?!


Posted By: darlinggirlk
Date Posted: 11 January 2005 at 10:10pm
hi ya, everything is going well, and nope, went twice to find out the sex but it wasnt playing the game, kept its legs closed both times,. But am glad now as i am looking forward to the surprise!!!


Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 13 January 2005 at 8:25pm
Thats cool. We found out Gracies sex, which was really good because we both thought we were having a boy lol!! All you can really hope for though is that their healthy. And don't worry labour is pretty bad but u forget very quickly and it's all worth it in the end . Good luck!


Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 28 January 2005 at 2:53pm
Hey... is this Hamilton play group still gonna happen? Can I tag along, even though my girl is a little older? I have a car, so can come to you girls (I live in St Andrews) cause my baby will be the right age! (they always are) lol

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 01 February 2005 at 2:41pm
Of course you can! In fact any of you mums or mums to be out there in Hamilton should come along!!! PM me if your interested and we can all sort something out between us.


Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 01 March 2005 at 7:08pm
Hello!! After a pretty smooth move we are finally in Hamiltron once again! If anyone would like to come along to our first little OhBaby playgroup we are having it this friday at my place. If anyone wants to come along give me a ring on 8550525.
Look forward to seeing ya!


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 05 March 2005 at 3:00am
how did your playgroup go Gwyn?

Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 11 March 2005 at 6:38pm
It was just me n Becca but yeah it was cool we had a good chat and Kiya her little girl is SO gorgeous! We got on really well, it was really cool to meet another mum in Hamilton.
How's everything going with you?


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 11 March 2005 at 11:32pm
I'm trying to start my own little playgroup over here. Jake is going to a Japanese day care so we;re looking for a japanese family, or maybe mixed family to practice our japanese on too. Most people live too far away though, so I'll keep looking

Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 06 April 2005 at 2:28pm
Hey Lizzle! I havn't been able to get anywhere near a computer for ages! How is your search for a playgroup goin'? Hope it's goin well. How's Jake doin'? Has he cut anymore teeth yet? Gracie still hasn't got any yet. She's crawling now though which is cool but man talk about having eyes in the back of your head! hahaha.


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 07 April 2005 at 11:05am
Hi Gwyn

Jake is good. He has two teeth now. Wow Gracie is good, crawling this early!! Jake is nearly craawling, but tends just to get frustrated. He can move himself in a circle and backwards, but not closer to the tv or the remotes that he REALLy wants to get to.   So then he yells and screams. Didn't help last week he got a BCG vaccination and has this nasty scar. they rub meddicine on his arm then pucnture it twice with a needle grid thing. it looks like he was leaning on something sharp. He has two - nine needle marks on his arm. Anyway, it got really red and tender - as it's supposed to - but meant that he couldn't put any pressure on it, and that when he roklled over in the night, he'd wake himself up.

Howeverthis week is going much better for sleeping. Is Grace sleeping through the night?

Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 08 April 2005 at 9:54am
What was the big injection for?! Sounds pretty traumatising! Poor little guy! I'm taking Gracie for her 5 month immunisations next week. Yeah Gracie sleeps through the night, she has been since she was about 6 weeks. She has the odd night where she doesn't sleep through, she had a cold last week so had a couple of fussy nights but nothing too serious. She sleeps from bout 8pm to 730am so she's a pretty good sleeper. I think she tires herself out during the day LOL. How's Jakes sleeping?


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 09 April 2005 at 12:54am
jake goes to sleep every night at problem. Then wakes again at 12...drinks 200mls of milk......goes to sleep, back at 4-5, another bottle, and up at 9am...anoither bottle.
At my doctors suggestion he has difference. He's slept through the night about twice. Drives me crazy as he wakes up about an hour before I have to get up to get ready for work, then keeps me up, then just as my alarm rings, he drifts off peacefully. in the morning as I wake I really despise my husband for being able to sleep in. as you may have guessed, I'm not a morning person!!!

Anyway, the injection is for BCG, don't ask, i have no idea what it means. My midwife in New Zealand suggessted having it too, for when we returned to NZ but was a little reluctant to give it to such a small baby at that idea how they administer it there.

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 09 April 2005 at 9:55am
that's a lot of waking! poor you lizzle!

is it hot over in japan?
my kidlet wakes when she gets cold. i've been wrapping her up good and proper so she can't escape and wake me up!

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 10 April 2005 at 2:03am
jake's a hot boy!! It;s spring now so the temp is up a bit. When he was first born, we always made sure we put on an extra layer than me, as we were told.....then he got heat rash! So now, i put him in the same amount of clothing as me and he's fine. at the moment he has a temp so he's in a singlet lying on top of the blankets and perfectly fine.
I've decided the best present for anyone having a baby is concealer for those attractive under eye bags.

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 10 April 2005 at 1:22pm
That's a really good idea!.. or maybe just a paper bag for those days that no matter what you do to make yourself look better you still look like chuckie's bride!

Hey for those mummies in Hamilton.. we are thinking pretty strongly about moving up there once i graduate - I am applying to waikato hospital's new grad program as well as palmy's so it's just a matter of who wants me basically. what i need to know is.. what are the house prices like, for renting or buying.. a decent 3 bedroom with at least a medium sized yard? also, how many daycares are around? and is it really important to have a car or are there still ways and means of getting about.. palmy is so much smaller and i only have my learners.. so if we move i figure i will need my licence by then.. also if we are gonna move it will be pretty short notice to get into daycares.. like i dunno, 2 months or something. it's crazy.. a year away.. and yet we have to start thinking about it all now.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 10 April 2005 at 2:37pm
hehe paper bag would be handy!

i don't think hamilton house prices are too bad... but that's as far as my knowledge goes.

exciting moving! you'll be with your sister!

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 10 April 2005 at 2:38pm
and lizzle... maybe jake just likes your company in the middle of the night! i feel for ya tho

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 10 April 2005 at 7:49pm
I put bob the builder in the cot, and dumbo...maybe he'll prefer them.

Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 11:21am
I don't know what Palmy house prices are like, but in Hamilton it depends on the area you are in... there's some areas you DONT want to live if you can help it, but for the most part, it's about $250+ per week for a 3bedroom place with a yard of some sort. There are cheaper places, but be picky! In Melville, (the suburb nearest the hospital) there are some really nice places for $250-300, and its one of those suburbs that isn't a bad place to live (we would live there if that's where we'd ended up) but at the same time it isn't exclusive by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't know about daycare, sorry... the buses are pretty good during the day, but the routes all finish at the transport centre (the main bus depot) in town at about 6:30pm and thats it.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know, or just ask if you have any questions... I've lived in Hamilton for 4 years now.

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 1:07pm
kewl, yep we would want something close to the hospital - i did notice they have a daycare right next to the hospital but i would assume that would be full of all the docs/nurses kiddies - and therefore be pretty hard to get my babies into at a moments notice.

and yep - Nikki that's the main reason we want to move - to be near my sister.. we wanna get out of Palmy, and my sis and I miss each other heaps cos we are pretty close.. so that way I'll still have some support networks up there too. (she lives between Matamata and Cambridge)

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 4:42pm
hey, wasn't it your sister having the problems with her little one? How is everything going? If it's too sensitive at the moment, ignore me completely!

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 8:30pm
nope that's fine.. it was my little sis having probs. I have 4 sisters lol.. the one in hamilton is 10 yrs older than me.. she's kewl.

mum has guardianship, little sis had moved to feilding with some friends.. about all i know right now.. am staying out of it. lol. but baby is in hospital right now cos he's got bronchiolitis. it's all fun and games in our family (the reason i don't want heaps of kids.. less kids, less dramas, lol).

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: toniellis
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 10:51pm
Hey there I would like to know how the play group is going? I'm going to be moving to Waharoa at the end of May and although Matamata is closer it would be nice to meet up with some people from here.
Hey Lizzle what part of Japan are you in? My uncle Pete lives over there (can't remember exactly where right now) with his Japanese wife and they are expecting their first son together in about a month. His name is going to be Daniel Desmond. I can't wait to have a new cousin even if he is younger than my son! :-p

Mum to Alex (11), Blaire (10) & Erika (8) and Damien (6)

Successful HWB VBA2Cs!
Soon to be surrogate

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 2:32am
Hi Toni - I'm in chiba, about 40mins from Tokyo! Hey janine, we just came back from the doctor - Jake has bronchitis too!! Luckily just milkd, but i felt like such an overprotective mum when we went to the doctor. Jake, who had been all grumpy and obviously feeling bad, found new faces to entertain and became a picture of health, jumping around, singing and giggling. I had to constantly say to the nurse - "I swear, he had a fever this morning, he has a bad cough"

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 8:42am
Lizzle,its always the way with kids lol,they are all sick and show the signs wheh u r at home,but turn up to the dr and they are all happy and playful lol.

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 8:43am
yep Paris is the same when she's sick - the minute we walk into the doctors office she's a picture of health.. ARGH! i think it may have something to do with the kewl playground and slide set they have there.. we are beginning to think she pretends to be sick so she can go and

Which one has Jake got? there's two different ones.. Bronchitis, which is mild.. and Bronchiolitis..which is pretty full on and highly contagious for littlies.. hence why we haven't been up to visit him. either way it's still not nice for parent or child..

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 1:42pm
well, i guess it is bronchitis as he is allowed to go to daycare today as long as he takes his medicine.

Posted By: melz
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 4:22pm
You never know Lizzle, being sick may help Jake sleep better - as long as the coughing isn't too bad - and may start a routine!

You may have to start being a mean mummy and not giving his nighttime bottle. My darling daughter would have a bottle at about 3am until we finally had enough at about 7 months. We thought that because she was drinking it, she was hungry but it was just her being a guts. Some magazines suggest slowly watering the milk down -if he is on formula, or only giving him a bottle of water so that he thinks it isn't worth getting up. That didn't work with Angie she would just drink the water!

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 13 April 2005 at 2:44am
but he cries!!!!!!!! and he drinks soooo much!!! It's hard as I have to get up earlyu in the morning it's easier to give in. I know I'll have to be mean one day, but I keep putting it off! .....

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 14 April 2005 at 1:49pm
I just gave the bottle. sometimes even now, if paris wakes at night - i know it's a sure fix to get her back to sleep - most times i don't give it, but sometimes she actually needs it.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 15 April 2005 at 11:19pm
yeah, i must admit, while hannah sleeps through usually... when she does wake up the only way i can get the little toad back to sleep is to feed her.
she gets so wide awake so fast!

maybe jake will grow out of it... sooner rather than later i hope!

Posted By: Gwyn_n_Pete
Date Posted: 08 May 2005 at 4:08pm
Hey Everyone!
To start with (lol) Janine, we live in Claudelands in a little right of way st in a 3 bedroom house with a fully fenced section and a garage and we pay $240p/w rent, but as Becca said it just depends where abouts you live. One area, if you do move, to try steer clear from is Hamilton East because it's student central. We were looking for weeks before we found our place. There's a really good bus service there too. Daycares I'm not entirely sure of but there's heaps of playcentres around the place. I really like Hamilton so if you do get a chance to come I'd take it.
As far as sleeping goes Gracie's been a bit funny with her sleeping lately too, waking up a couple of times a night and been really hungry the last couple of weeks. I dunno what it is it's so bizarre because she was sleeping through for so long so! I definately feel your pain! We're thinking about putting her on formula now too, my nipples have been really sore and cracked and the nursing cream isn't helping, my mum thinks it might have something to do with the change in the weather..?!
Anyways though, how's Jakie goin' Lizzle? Is he better yet? Hope so.


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 25 June 2005 at 8:42am
Thought I'd resurrect this topic!
Saw Gracie and Gwyn yesterday. Gracie is great - little monster!! She's so much bigger than Hannah and was forever trying to eat her. (My defenseless child needs to get a bit tougher!) Gracie stands up by herself, very confident on her feet! and she plays a really cute game where she rocks her head and body from side to side, it's so funny to watch.
Definitely a fun baby to play with

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