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Welcome to July 2013 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: July 2013 Babies
Forum Description: Forum for parents with babies born in July 2013
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Topic: Welcome to July 2013 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: Welcome to July 2013 Babies
Date Posted: 02 November 2012 at 9:55am
Welcome to the Due in July 2013 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on! 

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other. 

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc 

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website).  We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :) 

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 05 November 2012 at 3:40pm
We just found out last week we are having number 2 on 9 July 2013. Very excited! Trying to remember when all day sickness started last time, I think I have another week before it begins :)

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: Chipchi
Date Posted: 05 November 2012 at 9:42pm
Hi  Smile

Found out this morning that we are expecting a July baby.  Excited but also a bit shocked as we weren't trying.  

Congrats to all the other Due July mums and look forward to sharing this exciting journey with you.  Smile

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 06 November 2012 at 10:17am
Congrats Chipchi! What number bub is this for you? Sorry to hear that Amy :( haven't had that problem on this forum before

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: munchkin123
Date Posted: 07 November 2012 at 3:45pm
Hi all!
Well I'm pregnant! Just found out on Sunday. This will be my first baby. I'm very excited, though tinged with a bit of fear as I had a miscarriage at the end of July at 11 weeks with my first pregnancy. Fingers crossed this baby will be a sticky one!

Congrats to you all on your good news!

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 07 November 2012 at 8:30pm
fingers crossed for you munchkin! congratulations!

Posted By: Jpatter2012
Date Posted: 08 November 2012 at 8:47pm
Found out last monday 29th October that am expecting,quite suprised as had a miscarriage in March and generally my conception times are only 18 month gaps, so this is my 5th baby bt 6th pregnancy and hoping that this baby is a girl as have 3 boys and 1 girl

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 08 November 2012 at 8:51pm
Hi everyone, I am already part of June2013 forum but thought I would join this also, as when joined that forum thought due in June but was 2 weeks earlier than thought! so due date 5th July (or there abouts) so hi! First pregnancy, after two years of trying, only 6 weeks along and very nervous... x

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Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 09 November 2012 at 10:19am
welcome to the new mums to be! Wow Anna how exciting, fingers crossed the 12 weeks goes fast for you. congrats JPatter, I'm one of 5 myself and loved it, big families are fun :) Not sure I'm brave enough to go there myself though!

Posted By: jem
Date Posted: 09 November 2012 at 10:59am
Hi, found out a few days ago that Im prego again!!! This will be baby number 2, Baby number 1 was a result of alot of fertility treatment and it took ages for us to get preg. She is now 10 months old ekkkk small gap and AF never started again after having her (not that I was getting AF by myself b4 having her) This still is not real at all and I dont know what to think apart from being excited and nervous at the same time she is soooo young!!! My very rough guesstamation would be that Im about 5 weeks I think.

I cant find the private group and would like to join.


Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 09 November 2012 at 2:55pm
Hi there, new to this fourm thing.. thought ild give it ago anyway.

Well we found out we are expecting #2. #1 is almost 11 months!

Hoping for a girl this time :)

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Posted By: Sarahdimity
Date Posted: 13 November 2012 at 5:14pm
Hi Everyone

Also expecting in Mid July - 5 weeks and 3 days today. Nervous because I miscarried in April with our first baby - hopefully this one carries to full term. Feeling very tired, but other than this and sore boobs - doing well. Good Luck with everyone

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 13 November 2012 at 6:49pm
Welcome Sarahdimity! I am with you, just very tired and sore boobs, although I am now 6.5 weeks and past week I have felt increasingly nauseous, mainly mornings and then on and off evenings. Seems to help if eat (sometimes!) sometimes feel worse because of! Really sorry to hear about your miscarriage, that must have been so hard, how far along were you?

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Posted By: melissavanvl98403
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 9:45am
Hi everybody!! I am 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow!! Found out last week and was in complete shock as my partner and I were not trying. I currently teach at a High School on the island of Niue
(in the Pacific Islands)but will be returning to NZ next month. It is scary for me being here without my family and feeling very much isolated. Looking forward to getting home. This is my first pregnancy and have no idea what I am doing so I am greatful for this website and all the informaton that is available to me.

Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 12:06pm
Hi everyone. I'm new to this whole thing but am pregnant with my first child - due July 15th and would love to be in contact with other mums to be to share stories and experiences! I would like to be a part of the private forum if someone can send me the password? :)

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 1:08pm
Hi ladies,
I am currently 6 weeks pregnant, so would be due July 10th.
Has anyone seen their midwife yet? Feels so soon but dr recommended I find one soon and try and book first scan as there may be many people trying to get there's before Xmas, hopefully can get one before, feels so far away to wait till the new year!
Not sick yet but SUPER dry skin!

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 2:49pm
I agree eeek, it will be nice to feel like I have enough time to check out a few MWs if I don't like my one, but judging by her emails and recommendations I think I will like her. Gah, tried to change my name but can't do it on phone so will try tonight!
I know this sounds odd but it feels so unreal, I kind of want abit of morning sickness just so I know it's real!! (I know as soon as I got it I'd regret saying that!)

Posted By: Sarahdimity
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 3:55pm
Hey - thanks for the well wishes. We are not really sure when I miscarried because I had a missed miscarriage. We went in for our 10 week scan and found out that day that we had miscarried - they think 8 weeks perhaps but not really sure. was very hard as the body still thought I was pregnant - but we have come out the oher side and I am just staying positive this time around.

Good Luck with the nuasea...I keep some dry crackers in my work desk just incase...:)

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 8:17pm
welcome to all the new mums! I'd be keen to join the private forum too if it starts up. I welcomed my morning sickness with a tummy bug this week, so I'm not sure if I'm living on the tail of my monday sickness or whether this is my morning sickness kicking in. Not so much fun when trying to look after a 1 year old too, they get so scared when you run off to spew!

Posted By: smellz
Date Posted: 14 November 2012 at 9:05pm
Congratulations to everyone! We've just found out we're due in mid July, its all a bit surreal atm as this is our first and I haven't had any symptoms apart from feeling tired. Looking forward to our first scan in a couple of weeks to make sure everything is okay :-)

Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 9:11am
Hi all.. I posted yesterday but somehow has deleted lol - sorry Guest!! I found out yesterday that i am 7 weeks so due early July with my 2nd. Rather exicited to have only seen 1 heart beat yesterday as i dont know how i would have coped if there was 2 or more lol. I just started a FB group - are we all on FB? If so do you want to private message me and i will add you to it? Im very much of a newbie to all this so please bare with me :)

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 10:30am
Congrates to everyone.. Well the sickness has begun! Im sure i never got it with Matthew..

And tiredness, very hard getting up to a waking 11m/o during the night!

We have got our midwife, 1st app 6th december then we can book our first scan (yay!!)

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Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 12:19pm
Ah Kashmir, 2nd pregnancy must be so much harder with a wee one to look after at the same time!

Just met my midwife, Dee from west auckland midwives, so lovely, I am going for a dating scan late next week as I had very irregular periods.
Quite excited, but also very nervous!

Posted By: KennyJ
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 3:30pm
Hi ladies... I found out earlier in the week that I am preg with #1. I am having a dating scan in a couple of weeks as I have mild PCOS and irregular cycles but I think I am 5 weeks tomorrow (so due around 19th July). It is a HUGE suprise that it happened so quickly - my doc actually didnt believe me when I went to see her! - but at the moment all I am feeling is freaked out that something bad is going to happen...
I have been feeling a bit nauseous (like a mild hangover) for a couple of days and I am really thirsty. I have also been having mild twinge like pains really low on my right side of my stomach (but not all the time). Is it normal to be having pains this early?
Is anyone else freaking out or is it just me?
Also, should I be ringing around midwives now or waiting until I have had my dating scan?
Any help would be muchly appreciated as I have got no idea what I am supposed to be feeling or doing...

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 3:42pm
Hi KennyJ, Congrates!

I had a couple of pains and googled it and it seemed like it shouldnt be a big deal, but that could be a good reason to get in touch with a midwife, i dont think its ever really too early to find a midwife - esp if you would like to 'shop around' and check out a few different midwives.

Some days im super excited and positive and other days I'm really anxious! I've just been trying to tell myself that it is what it is and am trying not to think past Decemeber and the 12 week scan (although it is hard not to think about july and what it could be like!!)

Posted By: KennyJ
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 4:50pm
Thanks Mrs S... I am also trying to take every day as it comes and think positive thoughts - its really hard to not think about what might be happening next July though!

At this stage I think my 12 week scan will be early Jan which seems like an eternity away! Hopefully having an early scan will ease my worry a little bit.

I think I will do some midwive research tonight and maybe ring around a couple tomorrow. Did you meet up with more than one midwive to make your decision?

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 5:18pm
Hi everyone! KennyJ, I think the earlier you get on to a midwife the better as you can always change, meet a few and have time on your side to decide :) Is anyone in this group in Wellington? That is fantastic Eeek that you have heard a heartbeat! I am where you are at, think 7 weeks tomorrow and going in tomorrow morning for a scan, as I went last Tuesday but was slightly too early as I was only 5.5 weeks. Like a lot of you I had extremely irregular (to the point of not existing!) periods so it was hard to tell how far along I was... very excited/nervous/apprehensive about tomorrows scan, cant wait though :) Kenny J I also got a lot of twinges and aches esp early on, from 4-5 weeks I had back and leg ache a lot but that has subsided,still the odd twinge and crampy feeling in tummy but hear that is completely normal...Kashmir that must be hard for you! Morning sickness alone is hard enough!, hope it subsides a bit for you, I was recommended peppermint tea to help today! Love to you all!

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Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 15 November 2012 at 6:36pm
It was nice Anna.. Only saw heart beat - haven't heard it yet. Cant wait for 12 weeks as "it" will look like a real lil person :) I havent had the best day today.. Very low in energy and didnt feel like any food - poor Mr 12 months had a rather boring day lol. Such a sore back - all i wanted was a bath so when hubby got home i was straight in :)As you can see im quite new to OHBaby .. if you are wanting to join a FB group pm me or kashmir_b and we will add you :) xx

Posted By: KennyJ
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 8:35am
Good luck for your scan today Anna!! I am also in Wellington :)

When did morning sickness kick in for everyone? I havent properly sick yet but I think I am probably a couple of weeks behind everyone else. A part of me wants to start feeling really sick so everything will start feeling more real...

Hope you all have a great Friday. I am already counting down the hours and really looking forward to having a sleep in tomorrow morning!


Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 8:49am
Ahh a sleep in - what is that KennyJ hahaha.. I wish!! my morning sickness started a week ago - also havent been physically sick but i feel like crap all day and dont eat much :( very low energy so i have started myself up on iron supplements etc.. Hope that helps :) I dont remember feeling like this with DS!! Good Luck Anna :) xx

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 8:50am
KennyJ I feel the same way about morning sickness! I know once it started I would want it to stop but at the moment it's hard to believe its real!

Anna, when you went for you scan and it was only 5.5 weeks could they tell if everything was ok still?
I'm am going for what they think is my 7 week scan next week but if our guesstimation is off I might only be around 5 weeks, gah hate the thought of going and leaving not knowing anything more than before we went. although i am excited! Glad I get to have one before 12 weeks but also feeling very apprehensive.
Such a strange time, feel so excited yet so scared!

Posted By: cupcakekiwi
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 1:01pm
Hi all. I just took a test this morning and I got a positive result! My first baby is on the way    So excited, but it really doesn't feel real, so I'm going to take another test on Monday just to make sure! If all is true, it looks like I'll be due on July 22nd!

I guess there is no chance that a positive home pregnance result isn't correct?

It's so great to have a forum like this to chat, as I've been given strict instructions by my partner that I'm not to tell any family or friends yet!

Would be interested in the private forum too.

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 4:48pm
Mrs S, yup when I went in at 5.5 weeks the lady said: definately a pregnancy, i think i can detect a faint heartbeat but can't be too certain. And then today! she detected a heartbeat so I am very happy :) DP and I saw Babys flickering heart and all looks good she said. Officially 6 weeks and 4 days along so 3 days earlier than thought (more waiting haha). So due July 8th. KennyJ - do you have a midwife yet?
As for morning sickness that kicked in for me just before 6 weeks, feel like rubbish :( it is 'good' to have I guess to really 'know' that everything is doing its thing, but its so yuck to go through, I feel crap constantly, worse in evenings and first thing in the morning but my evening nausea is slowly moving earlier and earlier into the afternoon :s blaaa! Welcome cupcakekiwi! I don't think there is any chance that a positive preg. test is incorrect! you should do another one in the wknd :) curiosity would get the better of me! hehe. All the best x

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Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 5:17pm
Oh yes!! Im def feeling the pregnancy this time around! And keeping up with my 11m/o is hard already LOL, ill hate to think what it will be like in the 3rd trimester

OOh we have to wait for our 12 week scan to see our wee ticking bubby :D But i guess it will be cool to see a 'real' little person not just a lil baby blob

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Posted By: Piglet13
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 6:45pm
Im not actually due in july im due in january but thought id congratulate everyone :)

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Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 6:58pm
Thanks Rickers :) Welcome CupcakeKiwi!! We have a FB group started (only 3 of us there already) but if you are keen to join and chat more on there either PM Kashmir or myself and we will add you - I find it hard to keep up on forums lol.. Kashmir i know - third trimester is going to be hard!! at least it wont be during the summer!! DS was on best behaviour today and i also downed a hole lot of supplement pills this morning so going to keep that going and hope it helps!! Havent felt very sick today but still not very keen on food - Hope tomorrow is another good day :)
I was put back 3 days in my scan (a lil gutted but also means DS will be 'that' much older hehe)

Posted By: HockeyChick
Date Posted: 16 November 2012 at 10:59pm
I found out I was pregnant about a week ago. Will be my first child after 2.5 yrs of trying and fertility treatment. I'm 5 weeks ATM and due 17th July.
Haven't even thought about midwives just yet, still hoping its all real.... No symptoms to speak of but been having cramping and some slight bleeding, which fertility specialist assures me is normal, but can't help freaking out - anyone else with similar? Will feel a bit more relaxed once I get to see heartbeat on my 7 week scan. I would like to join private group please.

TTC#1 since May 2010
5 x Clomid BFN
1st IUI   BFN

Posted By: Miriamsusannah
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 9:21am
Hiya......we have been trying for our first baby for 2 years and finally decided to get some help a few months ago....and after a harrowing couple of months of daily blood tests, fertility drugs, injecting myself, and IUI insemintation....we are expecting our first baby (or babies!!) July 13th!

We are so excited!! I've had a few side effects pretty much since the word go, bloating, heartburn and extreme tiredness are really getting to me...but I'm so lucky the nausea hasn't started yet....especially with my HCG blood test readings being so extremely high (fingers crossed its twins!! My nurse has a sneaky suspicion)....can't wait for my first scan on the 27th of Nov...
Good luck to you all...I hope your nausea goes quickly xxxx would love to join private group x

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 9:37am
Hi HockeyChick and Miriamsusannah! welcome! We are all in the same boat! all trying for so long and now you are probably like I am and just can't BELIEVE it!!!!! I am 7 weeks on Monday and STILL can't believe it, even though I found out I was preg. at about 4.5 weeks. Feeling good today which is a change from yesterday. Nausea has hit me bad the past week, its awful! that is so so exciting Miriam that u may be having twins!! HoneyChick will be hoping and praying everything is ok for you! I am sure it will be :) I have read apparently some light bleeding/spotting effects about 40% of pregnant woman.

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Posted By: Miriamsusannah
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 9:53am
Thanks Anna97949!
Yep I found out at four weeks too and I'm still absolutlely in shock that it actually finally happened....after all those negative preggy tests it was unreal to get a positive...I did like 6 tests just to see the second line...haha a bit mental yes....but v satisfying....I'm lucky I get weekly blood tests from my fertility specialists so I know things a coming along v nicely....well much higher than expected...yippee ....imagine if it's twins!! Glad you are feeling a little better today...long may that continue! Good luck x

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 9:57am
Oh wow!! thats so great Miriam, glad that you are getting tests, esp. helps with peace of mind as the first 12 weeks are seeming to take forever!!!!! Haha, I was like you! I think I did 4 tests in total plus one at doctor. Hahaha. Can't wait for 12 week scan... Totally unreal right! :)

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Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 10:04am
Welcome Hockeychick and Miriam!!! and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was the same (with this one) 2 tests just to make sure i wasn't seeing things - even got my sister to take a peak just to make sure i wasnt making it up in my head haha.. However i have been one of the lucky ones and feel pregnant 1st try!!
12 week scan will be just before christmas for me so am hoping they fast track the results so i am able to tell family on christmas day.

How is everyone feeling today? Me - a lil off (i seem to have good day then bad day etc) but i feel a PJ day coming on ;)

If you are wanting to join the Private/Secret FB page - please PM Kashmir or myself with your FB name link and we will add you :)

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 6:11pm
Congrates to Hockeychick and Miriam and who ever else i have missed. Its so hard for me to keep track with forms And lots of sticky baby dust to all, esp those who have been trying for a while. :D

Today has been 'seedy' to say the least!! Oh Eeek for me pretty much every day is a PJ day lol, even before we found out we were preg again LOL, unless we need to go out for swimming, shopping etc LOL..

We are real home bodies me and ds.. Toys and mess everywhere then a quick clean before Daddy comes home LOL

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Posted By: Hamster
Date Posted: 17 November 2012 at 8:33pm
Hi all & congrats to those that have already posted!

I left it a bit to sign up - 1st one and was trying to get my head around it! Similar to Anna, I went for my scan and found I was only 4.5 weeks. Had another scan yesterday and saw the heartbeat which made me feel much better :) Due date 3 July and boy has the morning sickness kicked in (Or should I say all day sickness....)

Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 8:13am
Welcome Hamster (and yes Kashmir im the same as you - very hard to keep up with lol) so welcome to everyone else that i have missed **hangs head**

Ahh tell me about it Hamster - all day is just not fun - i was able to have a little sleep in today as hubby got up to Mr 12 months up but feel i could still sleep for another 7 hours!! maybe a nap this arvo?

I was the same with 1st pregnancy (lost at 6.5 weeks) went for a scan and was far too early so they rebooked me. Unfortunately didnt get the chance to see lil baby again but IMO everything happens for a reason..

Lovely day here in my corner of the world so off out for a yard day i think :)

Hope you all have a lovely day xx

Posted By: Jen99510
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 11:41am
Hi Everyone. We found out a week ago that we're expecting out first bubs in July. So many things to decide! (like do we go for a midwife or an OB?).
Im looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months.

Posted By: Jen99510
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 4:13pm
I forgot to explain - the reason I'm considering an OB is because both of my sisters had very tricky births, and my family have all suggested that I go to a specialist, just to be super safe. I just don't know if that's safe or paranoid.

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 7:54pm
wow, so many posts since I last checked! welcome to all the new mums to be! finding second time round morning sickness is not so bad, perhaps it's being able to rest often and eating every couple hours (even just a piece of bread) has really helped!! haven't thrown up in 2 days!! Congrats Jen! It's such a personal decision, if you've had family history of tricky births you may feel it gives you more piece of mind, but they do have specialists in the hospital (if you plan to birth in hospital) and it saves you $2500. Plus the specialist can't guarantee they would actually be in the room with you when you are giving birth anyway. But sometimes it makes all the difference to have those extra appts during your pregnancy to confirm all will be well on your big day. All the best to all the other mums with all day sickness!!

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 7:56pm
I booked in my first MW appt in 2 friday's time. It's nice to have little milestones to look forward to rather than 12 weeks which still seems so far away

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 8:19pm
Has anyone else got dry itchy skin?! I have no sickness yet (many foods make me feel ill but fortunatly no vomiting yet!) but my skin is soo bad! It is just flaking off and after a shower I have to spend about an hour or so in my dressing gown before dressing otherwise I just get soooo itchy!

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 8:20pm
Oh and def agree Loulou, 12 week scan seems so far away any dr or midwife checkup seems so exciting!

Posted By: EmmaF
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 8:44pm
Hello all expecting mummas! Found out two weeks ago that we are pregnant with number two. I think I will be due around 4th July. Happened a little quicker than I was hoping but very excited :) DS will be turning the big 1 in 10 days - eek! Was strange as I didn't really feel pregnant this time, but did a test anyway when period was only about a day late. Very surprised to get a strong line straight away. Morning sickness hit full force last Saturday and I spent the day with my head over the toilet! Has eased off each day since as I've got better at managing it. So that's a relief. Was getting freaked out that it might be twins! Double hormone level = strong line on test = double morning sickness. I would love to join private group and Facebook group. Will PM now if I can figure out how... If you don't hear from me soon please someone come looking for me! ;)

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 18 November 2012 at 9:03pm
Hi EmmaF and Jen! exciting times for us all :) yes I find if you find a way to manage your morning sickness it helps, start to know what foods sit well etc. I have been up and down today but on the whole not too bad at all. 7 weeks tomorrow..LouLou definately agree, milestones help SO much right! I next see my midwife Dec 10th. Mrs S - a little bit of itchy skin...but I when was first pregnant I had just returned from Gold Coast so don't know if it may have been because of the sun burn too! :) My skin is a lot drier in general though, have also started getting a lot more pimples! I look awful! Just cant wait for people to know and can explain a lot haha. Have a nice night everyone

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Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 10:12am
no itchy skin here, but yes on the pimples! hormones do unkind things to us :)

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 10:20am
6 weeks today and having our second scan :) Hoping to see the heartbeat!! :)

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 1:48pm
Hi 1st time mum! exciting! hope you hear it too! if not they will prob get you back in another week or so :) I am a first time mum also! - exciting times but hard going first trimester...
Home sick today from work. Just felt soo nauseous this morning actualy couldn't physically get ready for the day. Felt on and off sick, mainly on, cereal is like the only thing I can eat - have had two bowls already today! Feel so yuck and lazy with the sun shining outside! Hurry up 12 week mark I say!

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Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 2:22pm
Hi Anna! Yes, am very excited - having the scan at 415. My mum's coming to this one too and being her first grandchild, she can hardly contain her excitement either :) Sorry to hear you're not feeling well - I have had the constant nausea all day too - started last week but I haven't thrown up yet. I have been coming to work as only started here a month ago and don't want to take time off!! (I fell pregnant my second day here lol)I am dreading the day (if it comes) that I get so sick I can't come to work - as what if it lasts for weeks? What would I tell my work?! I am hoping that you are feeling better very soon. I have certain foods that I find easier to eat than others, boiled eggs and apples are a go at the moment. Last week I had a day where I craved gherkins and the next day it was black licorice - both things that I don't normally eat!! Hhmm, gotta go with it I guess!

Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 2:23pm
Also Anna - when is your baby due? I'm due the 15th :)

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 2:27pm
Wow 1st time mum you are exactly the same as me! I only started my job here in Wellington mid Sept. so was totally scared to tell my boss, I did when I found out just to put her in the picture and to have someone at work who knows, she was amazing and happy for me, assuring me that any time I need off to have scans/appointments to go for it - so thats lucky. Although the first few weeks I felt fine and hasn't been until this past week nausea is grad. getting worse so yes, I am the same as you in thinking - what if you actually physically cant work!!! Just going to have to drag my self in from tomorrw I think... and I definately think it makes a difference depending on how much sleep you get, food you eat/dont eat and exercise/fresh all cooped up but just cant do anything really. Would you feel comfortable telling someone at your work?
I am due July 8th :) :)Yum your boiled eggs actually sound amazing - ! perhaps a dinner option for me hehe.All the best for the scan! Its so exciting.

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Posted By: cupcakekiwi
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 2:31pm
Hey ladies.
Took another preg test yesterday, after I didn't quite believe the first one on Friday! And its officially true! Due around July 22nd. :)

Having lots of trouble trying not to arouse suspicion, as of course I'm no longer drinking alcohol and only having the occasional weak coffee now.

How do you guys get out of the "why aren't you drinking alcohol" question? I've been on a healthy, get fit routine the last couple of months, so I say I'm not drinking as I want to lose weight and not have so much sugar! I tend to overcompensate with too many excuses!

A friend said a few months back, you say you're on anti-botics and if they ask what for, you say you don't want to know, or girlie stuff!

Considering I won't be over the first trimester until mid January, Xmas and New Year are the worst time to try and keep my secret, and not drink!

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 4:12pm
Congrats cupcakekiwi - great news :) I think just say you have made a decision to do a bit of a detox over the summer season and see if you can last a few months and hope u have their support or something?! haha. Its hard aye. How many are you going to tell that you are preg? just close fam/friends? So hard to know who to tell and who not to, there a few very good friends I haven't told...but they are also the kind of friends who are terrible at secrets! so think will hold off telling them for a little bit..

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Posted By: Fi1982
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 4:18pm
Hi everyone! After four months of trying we are six weeks and four days pregnant (not that I'm counting!) and would be due 11th July. This is our first pregnancy and we are super excited by the prospect of starting our own family. I have to admit though I definitely have the jitters about how things will go and feel like I have no clue about this next stage of our life together...which leads me to here. Would love to have others to share this time with, particularly at the moment as we are not officially sharing with other until after the 12 weeks stage (although we have had people asking questions:/). Our families also live overseas so we feel a little alone at this exciting time!So look forward to following the forum and if there at any groups I can join would love to be involved!

Posted By: HockeyChick
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 5:24pm
Hi Fi1982,
Congrats. It is a very exciting time but yet so hard when you want to tell people but are waiting to get to the 12 week mark.... I have told a couple of close friends, but I'm terrible at keeping secrets, so we'll see how long it lasts lol. I'm 5w and 4d today, had my hcg levels checked and they were 19,500 which is good as they are going in the right direction    Lol my weekly blood tests are all I have to look forward to at the moment until my scan in another couple of weeks.... Seems so far away!

TTC#1 since May 2010
5 x Clomid BFN
1st IUI   BFN

Posted By: Mrs S
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 5:43pm
Oh my! I didn't even really think about work, I have only been at my work 5 weeks! And I wouldn't be coming back after I had the baby, oh dear that's really not going to look good! Hopefully I can have my scan before Xmas and then tell my boss before we all go on holiday for 3 week. Not sure how well it will go down though!

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 5:50pm
Welcome Fi! Understand how you feel hun, at the start you are overwhelmed by happiness and elation and then you realise omg, this is actually happening!!! Its pretty surreal. We are due around the same time, I am due 8th July.

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Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 6:04pm
I just had my 6 week scan and got to see the baby's heartbeat! Only one baby in there and apparantly i'm 6 weeks 3 days - even though it's 6 weeks today since the first day of my that because I ovulate early in my cycle?! So this means that my new due date is the 12th of July :) Any other 12th of July mums to be out there?
Anna, there is only me and my manager at work at this point as we are a new business just opening up and after all the hastle we have been through trying to find a third staff member I am worried about what she will think about the fact that she is going to have to replace me...

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 6:13pm
Oh no! Dont worry, these things happen all the time and great that your manager is a she so hopefully she will be stoked for you:) Isn't it so great seeing the heartbeat! Makes it so much more real! I am due 5 days before you :)

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Posted By: Patsy99616
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 7:30pm
Hi July mums! I took a test first thing saturday morning after waiting anxiously all week, trying not to get myself all excited when my period was late. Only 3 months of trying, but I'm sure you all know what it's like to get your hopes up in that first week of missed period. So today I am 5 weeks and visited my GP, a friend told me to say that I didn't know how far along I'd be so I could get a dating scan- however that didn't seem to work. Can I go for a scan myself? Or do I get a midwife and discuss this with her? I feel like I'd like a 6 week scan to put my mind at ease! Very excited, and have told just a couple of close friends... which is nice because one has a 10 month old, nice to bounce ideas off others who have been in the same position.

I have had a wee bit of nausea, cramps and headaches which I hear are all normal - Due July 21st


Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 7:42pm
It looks like we will all have alot of company on our journey through to July! How exciting!

It is always scary telling work, but most people are really understanding of family situations, and businesses must allow you 10 days during your pregnancy to see midwives, docs etc, so they know they need to be a bit more lenient. I had a grandiose plan to not tell anyone about my first pregnancy til 12 weeks, but ended up telling my employer at 7 weeks since they asked why I was so green :) This time around we have told all our family and close friends, I figure if anything bad was to happen I would tell them anyway for support, so they may aswell get good news!

Who is going to find out the sex of bubs? First time we kept it a surprise til the birth, this time I'd quite like to find out, will wait and see at 20 weeks I guess :)

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 8:13pm
Congrates to the new ladies :) Today has been meh! the smell and taste of kiwi fruit is disgusting! and absolutly no foods are satisfying! ugggh!

We have a secret/private Face Book page going. Either PM me or Eeek your email/FB account and we will add you :)

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Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 8:13pm
Here is our growing list! Sorry if I have missed anyone or have incorrect details, please amend it if it needs it...

Due 3rd July - hamster - Baby #1

Due ? July - Eeek - Baby #2

Due 4th July - EmmaF - Baby#2

Due 5th July - Anna97949 - Baby#1

Due 9th July - LouLou82 - Baby#2

Due ? July - Chipchi - Baby #?

Due ? July - Munchkin123 - Baby#?

Due ? July - Jpatter2012 baby#5

Due ? July - jem - Baby#2

Due ? July - kashmir_b - Baby#2

Due ? July - sarahdimity - Baby#?

Due ? July - melissavanv - Baby#1

Due 10th July - MrsS - Baby#?

Due 11th July - Fi1982 - Baby#1

Due 13th July - MiriamSusannah - Baby#1

Due 15th July- 1st time mum 2 b - Baby#1

Due 17th July - HockeyChick - Baby#1

Due ? July - smellz - Baby#1

Due 19th July? - kennyJ - Baby#1

Due 21st July - Patsy99616 - Baby#1

Due 22nd July - cupcakekiwi - baby#1

Due ? July - Jen99510 -baby#1

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 19 November 2012 at 8:17pm
13th ish for us :) baby #2

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Posted By: Eeek
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 8:32am
Due 4th July :) Do we just copy paste if we want to update the list? lol

Much better night for us last night - son slept right though so feeling a lil like myself again :) no sickness (feeling) this morning but wont be surprised if it catches up on me during the day.

Welcome to all the newbies - what an exciting time we have ahead of us!!


Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 10:07am
yeah just copy and paste! Couldn't bothered formatting it to look pretty :)

Due 3rd July - hamster - Baby #1

Due 4th July - Eeek - Baby #2

Due 4th July - EmmaF - Baby#2

Due 5th July - Anna97949 - Baby#1

Due 9th July - LouLou82 - Baby#2

Due ? July - Chipchi - Baby #?

Due ? July - Munchkin123 - Baby#?

Due ? July - Jpatter2012 baby#5

Due ? July - jem - Baby#2

Due ? July - sarahdimity - Baby#?

Due ? July - melissavanv - Baby#1

Due 10th July - MrsS - Baby#?

Due 11th July - Fi1982 - Baby#1

Due 13th July - MiriamSusannah - Baby#1

Due 13th July - kashmir_b - Baby#2

Due 15th July- 1st time mum 2 b - Baby#1

Due 17th July - HockeyChick - Baby#1

Due ? July - smellz - Baby#1

Due 19th July? - kennyJ - Baby#1

Due 21st July - Patsy99616 - Baby#1

Due 22nd July - cupcakekiwi - baby#1

Due ? July - Jen99510 -baby#1

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 10:38am

Due 3rd July - hamster - Baby #1

Due 4th July - Eeek - Baby #2

Due 4th July - EmmaF - Baby#2

Due 5th July - Anna97949 - Baby#1

Due 9th July - LouLou82 - Baby#2

Due ? July - Chipchi - Baby #?

Due ? July - Munchkin123 - Baby#?

Due ? July - Jpatter2012 baby#5

Due ? July - jem - Baby#2

Due ? July - sarahdimity - Baby#?

Due ? July - melissavanv - Baby#1

Due 10th July - MrsS - Baby#?

Due 11th July - Fi1982 - Baby#1

Due 12th July- 1st time mum 2 b - Baby#1

Due 13th July - MiriamSusannah - Baby#1

Due 13th July - kashmir_b - Baby#2

Due 17th July - HockeyChick - Baby#1

Due ? July - smellz - Baby#1

Due 19th July? - kennyJ - Baby#1

Due 21st July - Patsy99616 - Baby#1

Due 22nd July - cupcakekiwi - baby#1

Due ? July - Jen99510 -baby#1

Apparantly i'm 3 days further on than I thought with a new due date of the 12th :) Have changed it above :)

And yes, LouLou, I think we'll be finding out the sex :)

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 7:23pm
Great idea setting up the list LouLou! so good to check where everyone is at! :)
Managed to stomach sausages, eggs and salad for dinner tonight and loved it! sorry if this makes anyone want to hurl haha. Feels good to be able to eat decent food.

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Posted By: Fi1982
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 7:36pm
wow so many babies for July! Great to share this time with others! (particularly when we are still keeping it quiet) Lou Lou we won't be finding out the sex, or at least we don't think so right now... :)

I have a quandary if anyone would like to spare a thought... Mother in law suggested last night they arrive to stay with us a week before the baby is born and then leave three weeks later... Awkward. It's my first baby and I am a very private person. I would prefer to settle in with baby first and get through first couple of tricky weeks before having guests for a month. it's also a time I feel like a will need my Mum more than anyone. I just don't know quite how to diplomatically handle this one.... Our families are in oz so visits of some length are the only option

Posted By: MissJ
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 7:45pm
We're due on the 19th of July.
I was complaining to my partner a few days ago that I didn't really feel sick, so I didn't feel pregnant. Well, luckily (in a weird way) I'm getting spells of nausea now. So I feel like part of the club.

Has anyone heard much about "Due West, West Auckland Midwives"?
I've been emailing them with all sorts of questions and they seem to be lovely.

Fi1982 - my mum went to stay with my sister when her baby was born, and she did the same for my brother and his partner. They were both worried that it would be weird, but both said she was a life saver through the first few difficult days. That said, it all completely depends on how you feel about it, its most important that you are happy and relaxed.

Posted By: Fi1982
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 8:14pm
Hi Miss J! Congrats on the baby news! I too have been worried about the lack of morning sickness and then bam! Today I am so green and wish I had not wished it upon myself... Have spent the whole day shovelling dry biscuits in my gob!

Agreed on the mother coming to stay with me, just to so sure about the mother in law :/ think there a things that will go on that are a little too personal...good luck with the midwife search :)

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 8:20pm
Hi Fi! could your husband have a word and perhaps say that you would love her to stay/help (so she feels needed/important) but perhaps not for that long? maybe 2 weeks after coming home? eek. Hard one! Or maybe even for a few days straight after...definately do what you feel is best, as its your time!! :)
Haha, agreed on the morning sickness scenario, when you feel fine you worry something is wrong, and when you feel crap you wish like anything u could feel better - !! haha, cant win.
Today has prob. been my ideal day, on and off nausea that I was able to handle ok until mid arvo, then have felt fine, just tired since. My sore boobs have not subsided since before i found out I was preg! ouch.

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Posted By: Nadsage
Date Posted: 20 November 2012 at 10:11pm
Hi, I've been lurking on here for a few days but I had a bleed Thursday so I wanted to make sure things were ok before posting.   Had a midwife appointment today and hcg levels all good :) So number 3 for us due on July 13. We have two girls aged 3 and almost 2.

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 21 November 2012 at 9:49am
ongrates Nadsage!! ooh scery! i assume its all normal with implantation? :) ooh two girls, bet your hoping for a boy this time :)

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Posted By: KennyJ
Date Posted: 21 November 2012 at 1:59pm
Congrats to everyone new - the list is getting quite long already :) Hope that everyone is having a good week so far.
I have had a weird week - still no sickness but feeling quite tired, have got sore boobs and also really thirsty all the time. I have been really emotional though and feeling really stressed and tense. I feel like I should be excited but all I am feeling is dread that something is going to go wrong... I am trying to relax but this feeling is always there. I am worried that stressing out is bad for the baby but at the same time I cant stop :( We havent told anyone yet and I am wondering whether I should tell my Mum so at least I can talk to her about what I am feeling (I really wanted to tell her in person though and we dont live in the same place...)
It also doesnt really help that I havent got a midwive yet - I called three different places in Wellington last friday and followed up this morning but havent heard anything back.
Anna - how did you get on with finding someone in Wgtn?
I have booked my dating scan for next Thursday so I suppose I just have to try and relax until then and cross my fingers that we will be able to see a healthy hearbeat.
Sorry for the rant - I just needed to get it off my chest. Im sitting at work tyring to concentrate but its really not working... I need to keep telling my self to take some deep breaths and hopefully I have no cause to worry but if something happens then we will just deal with it at the time...

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 21 November 2012 at 5:21pm
Hi KennyJ! - I found it hard too, about my 7th person I had some luck! Prue Carter is her name, have only met her once and she seems great, you should try call her? think I was her first for July so you may be in for some luck?! Yes I think tell your mum, I have felt better telling a couple of close ppl, you are able to breathe as feel like you have some extra support. I am exactly the same as you in terms of stress and worry, have tried for 2 years for this little bubba and it seems like it is too good to be true ! So happy but at same time so worried, plus our financial situation is so BAD at the moment, my DP is in insurance and with it only being commission based its HARD going!! Welcome Nadsage! :)

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Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 21 November 2012 at 8:21pm
Oh that's a hard one Fi, I agree with Anna you just need to do what you feel comfortable with... perhaps you could suggest they come a couple weeks after the birth once you have had some alone family time, although we survived the first couple of weeks with family bringing around food, otherwise I don't think I would have eaten! Maybe you could just have a conversation about boundaries and what you feel comfortable with. Is hubby on board with how you're feeling?

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: LouLou82
Date Posted: 21 November 2012 at 8:26pm
welcome MissJ and nadsage! list updated below

Due 3rd July - hamster - Baby #1

Due 4th July - Eeek - Baby #2

Due 4th July - EmmaF - Baby#2

Due 5th July - Anna97949 - Baby#1

Due 9th July - LouLou82 - Baby#2

Due ? July - Chipchi - Baby #?

Due ? July - Munchkin123 - Baby#?

Due ? July - Jpatter2012 baby#5

Due ? July - jem - Baby#2

Due ? July - sarahdimity - Baby#?

Due ? July - melissavanv - Baby#1

Due 10th July - MrsS - Baby#?

Due 11th July - Fi1982 - Baby#1

Due 12th July- 1st time mum 2 b - Baby#1

Due 13th July - MiriamSusannah - Baby#1

Due 13th July - kashmir_b - Baby#2

Due 13th July - nadsage - Baby#3

Due 17th July - HockeyChick - Baby#1

Due ? July - smellz - Baby#1

Due 19th July? - kennyJ - Baby#1

Due 19th July - MissJ - Baby#?

Due 21st July - Patsy99616 - Baby#1

Due 22nd July - cupcakekiwi - baby#1

Due ? July - Jen99510 -baby#1

<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>

Posted By: Zoeysmumma
Date Posted: 25 November 2012 at 11:34am
Hows everyone doing? I am 8 weeks along tomorrow and feel like my symptoms are slowly disappearing, maybe I just have good and bad days but as much as it SUX to be nauseous etc. it is also a good reminder things are 'going well'?? I have read and heard so much about 'missed miscarriages' that it scares me so much and these four weeks can't go fast enough for my 12 week scan! Love to you all :)

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Posted By: MissJ
Date Posted: 25 November 2012 at 6:15pm
Hi Anna. I know how you feel. The days I don't feel sick I start to worry. I'm only at 6 and a bit weeks, so I haven't even had my dating scan yet. Every time I feel sick I feel relieved that something is still happening. Try not to think about it too much (easier said than done!).
LouLou82, to make more sense of your list, I'm the same person as Jen99510 - I registered as MissJ, and the site called me Jen99510 for a while instead.. very confusing!! So I'm due on the 19th, and its my first :)

I've been doing heaps (maybe a bit too much) of research about hospitals and midwives, and heard some amazing things about Waitakere.. So looks like I'll be going there (its closest to me, so that's perfect).

I just want to have my first scan already, I need to know this is all real.


Posted By: Jane100159
Date Posted: 25 November 2012 at 8:40pm
Hi, I found out I was pregnant a week ago and I think I have experienced every emotion under the sun, today I whipped through about 20 emotions in 10 seconds! .I am nearly six weeks and am due on the 25th of July. Was interested to see that others are experiencing thirstiness too as I have had such a dry mouth too. Have had mild nausea this week and felt yucky today but am hoping I can put on a sunny disposition for a week of work. Like a couple of others I also started a new job (4 months ago) and am hoping to keep the pregnancy a secret until the New Year.
Have told a couple of family members and close friends but I must admit it is so hard to keep things quiet at this time of year especially with so many functions - bit grumpy about all the food restrictions at the mo - am such a fan of deli meats and sushi. May have nausea but still have a fine appetite - long may it last.

Posted By: gsbuni12
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 8:16am
morning ladies, got a positive result just this morning so going well will be due around 29 july. very nervous as had a miscarriage early august this year at about 8 weeks. with that preg i had the sorest boobs u could imagine but nothing else. this time just really sensitive nipples and a bit nauseous and tired. fingers crossed this one sticks and is healthy :) congrats to the rest of you, cant wait to get to know you all better

Posted By: GingaPip
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 9:36am
Not sure if I have figured how to work this forum thing but here goes...
I'm currently 8w6d, due 2/07/13 with my first baby and although excited feeling really gross. Darn all day (not morning) sickness!
Can anyone recommend a great antenatal class - wondering if we do the free one or pay...? We are in central/west but will be moving further west (hopefully) before baby arrives.

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 10:37am
Congrates to the new girls :) The nausea is hell isnt it. i have it constantly which is such a drain with a 11.5 month old to take care of too.. Weird as i never had MS with Matthew at all :) Hope every one is doing well and that sticky baby dust is doing its job

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Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 12:15pm
Hi everyone (I just tried to post this but it didn't seem to work so, sorry if it comes up twice. . .
Congrats to all the new mums to be!!
I am having a bit of a personal issue and don't quite know what to do about it. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue and may be able to offer some advice - this is a wee bit graphic so feel free not to read on. . .
Last weekend after having sex I started spotting - there wasn't very much of it and it was a dark colour but I still started to panic. I went to the A and E and they did a urine test which showed a strong positive and an internal exam which showed I had a nice closed cervix. She advised against having sex until my scan the next day, so decided not to for a week just to be on the safe side. The scan the following day showed a nice healthy haertbeat so we were very relieved. We still didn't have sex until this weekend but the same thing happened again (even though we were very gentle!)This time there was a bit more bleeding but it seems to have almost stopped now (just a tiny bit of colour when I wipe). We are now terrified of having sex in case we are doing something to harm our baby!
Has anyone had a similar experience or can offer any words of wisdom?! As at this rate I don't think we'll be having sex again until baby is born!!
Thanks ladies x

Posted By: Casey100212
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 1:56pm
Hi Munchkin,
Just had to have a wee giggle when I saw this. I just found out today i'm pregnant with our first child as well. We also had a miscarriage with our first attempt as well. How nice it is to hear that we aren't the only ones in the situation as well. I get what you mean about the fear - makes it very scary when you have already been through it all before. I hope your pregnancy is going well so far

Posted By: Casey_Jane
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 2:15pm
Yay I'm pregnant! We found out today we are expecting our first baby. This is our second time around so we are very nervous. We had a miscarriage in September that ended at 11 weeks. I never expected it to happen this fast again. Staying positive that all will be fine this time.

Posted By: Casey_Jane
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 2:24pm
Originally posted by gsbuni12 gsbuni12 wrote:

morning ladies, got a positive result just this morning so going well will be due around 29 july. very nervous as had a miscarriage early august this year at about 8 weeks. with that preg i had the sorest boobs u could imagine but nothing else. this time just really sensitive nipples and a bit nauseous and tired. fingers crossed this one sticks and is healthy :) congrats to the rest of you, cant wait to get to know you all better

Sorry about the three messages in a row I think I have worked out how to use this now. The story above is pretty much exact to how it is happening for me this time around. I'm also due 29 July. Last time around I had very very sore boobs I couldn't even lay on them but this time just nipples as well. I wish you all the best of luck

Posted By: 1st time mum 2 B
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 2:44pm
Welcome Casey and congratulations!

Posted By: kashmir_b
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 2:52pm
1s time mum!!

I myself havnt had simular experiences, but it must be frightening.
I did a bit of googling and most say it it completly normal to have some bleeding in the 1st trimester

Did the doc give you any explination?

Maybe you and DH can do other things to please each other? Maybe oral or massages? Keep the needs at bay but also keep your worrys away :)

I hope this gets sorted out and you dont have to worry.

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Posted By: Taz39
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 6:31pm
Hello ladies, can I please come along for the ride with you guys...   I am having my first at the end of July. I am nervous and excited at the same time.   

Posted By: fairyfloss
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 10:05pm
Hi everyone, i just found out that im pregnant with my first baby a few days ago! im absolutely over the moon Ive had a bit of nausea, lost my appetite , quite tired and starting to get sore boobs. I'll be due around th 21st of july next year

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