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Toilet training

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Topic: Toilet training
Posted By: Alianasmummy
Subject: Toilet training
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 11:35am
Ok so my boy is nearly 3 and not at all interested in toilet training. I know they do it when they are ready but he thinks its ok to run around with poos in his nappy for hours and ends up with a rash.
Each time i tell him that its because he didnt tell me as soon as he needs to go or as soon as he has done it.
Even if i can tell he has a full nappy and tell him we have to change it he will run away and not let me change him.
Im at a loss with what to do next.
he is in disposables still (bad i know but there wasnt much point buying a whole range for such a small time) but i want to put him in some training pants so he is a bit more uncomfortable and might want changing or the potty.
Any recommendations of good tt pants?? and any tt tips would be so helpful!!

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Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 2:27pm
thats exactly what my boy did too... i brought some undies off TM that have a booster sewn in. but they may not be absorbent enough for what you want....and toby still doesnt care if they are wet or not anyway and even now the only way i know he has pooed is the way he walks!

cant help rally but wanted to let you know you werent alone.


Posted By: Alianasmummy
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 2:32pm
Lol, it is good to know i am not alone.
It seems everyone elses kids around me are soooo good at toilet training and people think i am lazy for not doing something about it.
My Mother in law has 9 kids and they were all toilet trained before 2years old.... and were all perfect little angels... YEA RIGHT!

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Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 2:40pm

TBH I'd be inclined to leave him in nappies until he's showing signs that he's ready to TT.  Pooey underpants are the worst thing to try and remove (the poo ends up smeared all over but/legs/floor because there are no tabs to rip open to help you remove them cleanly).

Apparently children in cloth naps toilet train earlier than those in disposables because they can feel the wet better.  Maybe you could have a look at what you spend on disposables currently and consider whether it would be worth buying some size L MCNs for the next few months until Xavier is ready, especially since Aliana will use them later.  Or if you don't mind the washing you could put some fabric (like a liner or a hanky) inside the disposable so he feels the wet.

The other thing I'd start doing now while he's still in nappies (and you may already be doing this) is sit him on the potty or toilet regularly.  We started by always sitting Michaela on the toilet before her bath, just to get used to it.  Later we bought her a potty too and one day she was sitting on it during bare bottom when she wee'd (she got a bit of a fright - poor poppet) when I made a huge fuss about it the light went on and within 6 days she was using the potty all the time.  Unfortunately since then we've had lots of upheaval which has led to some pretty tough TTing times but that's a novel for another day


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 2:46pm

Oops.  I just realised I didn't actually answer your question.  For Michaela we use normal cloth knickers during the day when we're at home.  When we go out she wears bright bots training pants - these are good but we've never tried anything else so I don't know about how they stack up comparitively.  At sleep time she wears a nappy.


LOL at your MIL.  Mine has well and truly contributed to our TTing issues.  She used to tell us (infront of Michaela) that we couldn't TT her in winter and that we were "flogging a dead horse".  I don't think she believed that she was using the potty fulltime within a week of starting and when MIL started caring for Michaela in the afternoons Michaela stopped using the potty/toilet completely.  Plus I came home one day to her going on at Michaela for having an accidetn and telling her that she was "a pain"   GRRR - in laws, who'd have them!


Posted By: Alianasmummy
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 2:51pm
Maybe you could have a look at what you spend on disposables currently and consider whether it would be worth buying some size L MCNs for the next few months until Xavier is ready, especially since Aliana will use them later.

Do you have any recommendations? he is a big boy at 17.5kg and is quite wide, the pockets i have looked at only go to 16kgs. We have Honeychilds and itii bittis at the moment and love them both but they are med sized.

The other thing I'd start doing now while he's still in nappies (and you may already be doing this) is sit him on the potty or toilet regularly.

We did this but now he screams whenever we mention it... it started when Ali arrived on the scene and hasnt stopped.

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Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 3:08pm

Originally posted by Mrsmojo Mrsmojo wrote:

Maybe you could have a look at what you spend on disposables currently and consider whether it would be worth buying some size L MCNs for the next few months until Xavier is ready, especially since Aliana will use them later.

Originally posted by Alianasmummy Alianasmummy wrote:

Do you have any recommendations? he is a big boy at 17.5kg and is quite wide, the pockets i have looked at only go to 16kgs. We have Honeychilds and itii bittis at the moment and love them both but they are med sized.


Sorry, no idea.  Michaela's only 14kg plus she wear sposies nowadays

Originally posted by Mrsmojo Mrsmojo wrote:

The other thing I'd start doing now while he's still in nappies (and you may already be doing this) is sit him on the potty or toilet regularly.

Originally posted by Alianasmummy Alianasmummy wrote:

We did this but now he screams whenever we mention it... it started when Ali arrived on the scene and hasnt stopped.


Oh dear, that's no fun for anyone.  He needs to get excited about the toilet.  We've found the big person toilet a bit too overwhelming for Michaela so although I wated to cut out the potty stage I ended up buying a cheap one (about $7 from baby factory) and she got to decorate it with stickers.  There are also kids books about using the potty/toilet (I saw one in whitcoulls a few weeks ago but it was aimed at boys so we didn't buy it).  Do you have an open door policy so he can watch you and DH?  It might also be worth asking any young friends or cousins who use the toilet if he can go with them when they go so he can see it's perfectly normal.

I have no idea whether any of these tips will help but I hope they do.  There's also a TTing thread in the toddler section where people have posted their trials, tribulations and successes.  Here's the link: -



Posted By: kiwimonkeys
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 3:15pm
Sounds like he's not ready to TT... espec if he's screaming when you mention it.
We had the potty in the bathroom and sat my DS on it everynight before his bath for about 6 months before he was ready to go into undies.
Wigglebums make XL pockets if you ask. I would seriously look at investing in a few, maybe just 3 to start with, as you can then use them overnight until he night trains as well. We only used sposies on my DS, but now that we use cloth on Ava, we use cloth on my DS as well at night. But he's only 16kg at 3 years old and we use GreenKids Anytimes, but I wouldn't recommend them as they only just fit my DS.
If you want to make him a bit uncomfy.. you could always try undies on inside his naps... but Poo is really awful to get off undies
You could try taking him shopping for a 'special' potty just for big boys?? That might help him get over his hatred of them?
Good luck anyways.. whatever you decide to do :D

Mum to Max (18 May 05) and Ava (9 April 08)">

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 3:20pm
both my boys were in cloth nappies and they didnt train earlier...    so i think that is a bit of a myth.


Posted By: kiwivic
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 3:22pm
My Grace didn't start TTing until she was about 2yrs 7/8mths. Until then she's had no interest in using either the potty or the toilet. She refused to try and was happy in a wet/stinky sposie! In the end I invested in a bigger, more comfy-looking potty from Spotlight - it had a big flat seat and a removable try for tipping out the wee/poo afterwards. I think it was about $30. We left it in the lounge with all her toys/TV and then after her nap in the afternoons we'd strip her bottom half so that she had a bare bottom and could have easy access to the potty. We found that when she didn't have to leave her toys & things she was much happier to use the potty - and very rarely had an accident on the floor. Within a couple of weeks she was totally trained during the day, however it was another year before she was trained at night. By this point we had a baby in cloth so we bought her some Fuzzis to wear as a night nappy. She loved them!!! They were old-style XL's as she was probably around 16kg at the time too - but I think the new style L would probably fit as their new range seems bigger? They lasted really well (still seem immaculate!) and had a large pocket for stuffing. She's now 20kg (4.5yrs) and I'm sure they'd still fit.

Vic xx


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 3:30pm

Originally posted by kiwivic kiwivic wrote:

We left it in the lounge with all her toys/TV and then after her nap in the afternoons we'd strip her bottom half so that she had a bare bottom and could have easy access to the potty. We found that when she didn't have to leave her toys & things she was much happier to use the potty - and very rarely had an accident on the floor.


This is what we did too.  I'm sure that's is why she TT'd so quickly initially.  She started having accidents when the potty was moved and then got worse when her nana put her down for having accidents.


Posted By: Alianasmummy
Date Posted: 30 September 2008 at 3:37pm
Im looking at the honey childs now. theyre the same as fuzzis arnt they?

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Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 01 October 2008 at 1:54pm
I think Jaxk is almost the same age as your boy and we are having the exact same problems. He denies having poos even tho he walks funny and it must hurt him. Its so frustrating as Jack goes through stages of going on the toilet and then just stops. He was doing all his poos at the toilet before he was 2 and now he does nothing. I have a few pairs of those training pants but they don't change anything he still runs round in wet and pooey undies. Jack is in cloth and I find they rub his legs quite a bit so use undies at home to keep accidents from landing on the floor.

I'm not sure how much Jack weighs but I think around 15kg maybe and our favourites are large drybees and they still have heaps of room.

Posted By: kiwivic
Date Posted: 01 October 2008 at 1:58pm
Originally posted by Alianasmummy Alianasmummy wrote:

Im looking at the honey childs now. theyre the same as fuzzis arnt they?

The Honeychilds are smaller than Fuzzis. My son is 14.5kg (25mths) and he wears his large Honeychild on the second-largest thigh snaps. I'm not convinced it would fit well at 16kg - I personally think you'd be better off trying a Fuzzi at this point (even though I love HC nappies!).

Vic xx


Posted By: kiwivic
Date Posted: 01 October 2008 at 2:00pm
Originally posted by kiwivic kiwivic wrote:

Originally posted by Alianasmummy Alianasmummy wrote:

Im looking at the honey childs now. theyre the same as fuzzis arnt they?

The Honeychilds are smaller than Fuzzis. My son is 14.5kg (25mths) and he wears his large Honeychild on the second-largest thigh snaps. I'm not convinced it would fit well at 16kg - I personally think you'd be better off trying a Fuzzi at this point, especially if you want to be able to use it at night (even though I love HC nappies!).

Vic xx


Posted By: Alianasmummy
Date Posted: 01 October 2008 at 2:06pm
Thanks Vic, yea i was looking at the sizing chart of them both and have gone with the Fuzzis. The only prob i have is they wont be very girly looking for when Ali goes in them
Xavier is really excited about getting his new nappies and helped choose the colours with me today.
Yay for no more disposables in the trash
Thanks everyone for your advise, ill keep making it fun for him and EVENTUALLY it will click

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Posted By: kiwivic
Date Posted: 01 October 2008 at 6:39pm
Originally posted by Alianasmummy Alianasmummy wrote:

Thanks Vic, yea i was looking at the sizing chart of them both and have gone with the Fuzzis. The only prob i have is they wont be very girly looking for when Ali goes in them
Xavier is really excited about getting his new nappies and helped choose the colours with me today.
Yay for no more disposables in the trash
Thanks everyone for your advise, ill keep making it fun for him and EVENTUALLY it will click

That's really cute that Xavier is so excited. My Grace was really excited too and loved picking her colours. When she first put one on she said "Mummy, this is so comfortable!" - it was so rewarding!


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