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I think I want a number two

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Name: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Description: Trying to get pregnant? Going through fertility treatment? Just planning your first or second child? There are many people out there in the same boat to help and listen and share with
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Topic: I think I want a number two
Posted By: Madiandmini
Subject: I think I want a number two
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 2:01pm
Hi all
Hubby and I have recently discovered we are both wanting a number two..

Great, except we had decided after our first that we would leave TTC til number 1 was two, and nearly three before number 2 arrived.

The thought of two babies is terrifying me!
We will most likely leave TTC till after the New Year as I would like another summer bubs. =)

Hopefully we will have no issue TTC as we are both young ( Supposed to be very fertile apparently!).

Any one else in the same/similar boat here??
Would love to hear everyones stories!!


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 2:36pm
Yup, DH and I are planning to start trying again in December. J will 8 months so not far off where you are now. Think about it this way, if you get pg today your wee girl will be 18 months when number 2 comes and thats not really a baby anymore is it

I say go for it!


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 2:42pm
I was going to PM you!
I saw the ticker.
Great someone else is with me =)
We will have to keep each other updated than!!

That is a great way to put it, instead we will have a toddler!


Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 2:52pm
Maybe but it hasn't really been talked about when


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: zoeymil
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 2:57pm
We will be trying for #2 in the new year , My wee girl will be 1 a the end of December but she was 3 months prem so her corrected age would mean she will be 1 in March. I'm excitied but worried about money for us, maybe I need to go back to work for a year or so doing more hours than I am now. do you think having 2 will cost more??

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 3:11pm
My hubby brought up the subject!!

Same with me =) Jan/Feb as I want #2 as it warms up, Dec 18th with last bub and gosh it was hot!!

BF is free, you will most likely already have bassinet, blanket etc..
Baby clothes from last baby ( Personally I don't care what colour my baby wears at home! ), maybe just buy a few nice going out outfits. If they aren't already given as gifts!
By the time bub #2 is on solids, #1 will be having your meals so shouldn't cost much more..

I think really a 2nd bub will just cost time =)


Posted By: Leahsmummy
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 4:05pm
Hey, we staring trying when DD was 6 months old, so its taking a little longer then we both throught!! DD was only the second month of trying


Angel Baby Dec 09, We will love you forever.

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 4:18pm
Wow, wish you good luck!!


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 5:12pm
I dont think it will cost that much more really.

I cant wait, Jake is so social and loves other kids (i love that his personality is coming out) i reckon he will love to have a bubba in the house... once he gets used to sharing me of course


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 6:30pm
Aw thats fantastic!
Madison is at the clingy stage at the moment, gosh its hard work.
I'm not allowed to pee with the door shut anymore!

But this will change and she will hopefully go back to being the independant lil miss she was =)

And hopefully, fingers crossed, she will be a great big sis!


Posted By: BugTeeny
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 6:44pm
Originally posted by melnel melnel wrote:

Think about it this way, if you get pg today your wee girl will be 18 months when number 2 comes and thats not really a baby anymore is it

la la la can't hear you

Good luck!!


Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 6:55pm
#2 is definitely cheaper! You already have most things & I have found that I'm far more frugal as well, I guess it's so I can stay home & also because #2 isn't such a learning curve.

I was going to say that sometimes #2 can be harder to conceive so don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen straight away.

God help me thinking #3


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 7:39pm
Originally posted by MamaPickle MamaPickle wrote:

Originally posted by melnel melnel wrote:

Think about it this way, if you get pg today your wee girl will be 18 months when number 2 comes and thats not really a baby anymore is it

la la la can't hear you

Good luck!!

LOL Kel I am already thinking of number 3 and I dont even have number 2 yet!!!!

Thats another reason we want to start earlier, it might take a while (number 1 did).


Posted By: ElfsMum
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 8:22pm
we got preg when E was 10 months old (but mc'ed)and it freaked me out but if you can handle small age gap go for it..I'm freaking enough at exactly two years:)!

Mum to two amazing boys!

Posted By: monikah
Date Posted: 23 September 2009 at 10:51pm
my next bubby is due 18 days after DS 1st bday. im not worried, we planned it this way and altough it will be really hard for the first few years i think it will be much easier having 2 kids who are in roughly the same stages of life ie. like the same type of movies, similar toys (depending on sex) DS wont know what it was like to be an only child and be upset. we'll be used to the sleepless nights still etc... all that has changed in our budget is another cot, a twin buggy and a new set of drawers so they match. we are using cloth nappies and hopefully the next baby wont have bad reflux and need thickened formula but thats an expense we can handle.

i guess it depends how you coped after the birth of your first child (no way at all am i trying to sound patronising) i realise 2 will be harder than one esp since they sleep at different times etc but i found having a baby really easy. the sleepless nights/keeping my social life/keeping up with uni etc.. all seemed to not be a problem but if you were quite overwhelmed by the whole thing it might be better to hold off till bubs is more self-sufficient if that makes sense? anyway good luck with your decision and im sure you'll do just fine with whatever you decide :)

edited for appalling spelling that couldnt even be understood!


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 11:07am
Eventually I do want #3..
But because I am rather young, we plan #3 when all our other friends are making babies!

Monikah- I have a friend who's #2 was born same day a year after #1!! But a far as I know she is handling it really well, goodluck!

Start trying a lil earlier then maybe.. ?
Although everyone keeps telling me the younger you are the more fertile?


Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 12:26pm
Originally posted by Madiandme Madiandme wrote:

Although everyone keeps telling me the younger you are the more fertile?

This is true, but not particularly helpful, nevertheless. What they mean is you at 23 (say) will be more fertile than you at 28, and at 28 you'd be more fertile than you would be at 32 etc. This doesn't mean you'll be as fertile at 23 as some other chick at 23. Your 23 might be similar to their 30, if you know what I mean?

The time it took you to conceive your first baby is kind-of helpful, but by no means a reliable indicator either. Don't you wish life was easier to plan?


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 12:31pm
Yes totally!!
I see what you mean.
So in theory... ( hehe ) it shouldn't be too hard for us.
#1 was the product of ONE missed contraceptive pill!!
But we are so greatful to be blessed with her presence


Posted By: Babe
Date Posted: 25 September 2009 at 9:00am
I second Monikah - when you plan #2 (yes plan not actually get coz it can mean 2 different things!) you should take into consideration how you handled #1 and also what happens if you don't cope so well this time round? Are you prepared for the possibility of PND? Recovering from a CS?
I fell pregnant 3 months after Jake was born and had an MC which was basically the catalyst for my PND and it fully sucked. I dealt with having Jake just great but when the situation fell apart about 7 weeks later I found it really difficult. I don't know what I would've done if I'd gone on to have another one then.


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 25 September 2009 at 1:10pm
You make a very good point there Babe, however, I guess in the end if you don't try you will never know!

In every aspect of life there are going to be positive and negative outcomes, and although the negative ones totally bring us down, it always seems that good old karma will eventually give us something positive =)

I see you are 19 week pregnant


Posted By: Babe
Date Posted: 25 September 2009 at 7:11pm
Yeah lol and I totally freaked after I got the much desired BFP!!! I think if you feel ready you should go for it but I was more thinking have a plan of how you'll cope with a baby/toddler and a new baby or a bad pregnancy. I knew it was highly likely I'd get hyperemesis again (incredibly I didn't!!!) so I had a plan. I've also got a plan in case I get PND again even though I also have a plan in action to AVOID PND lol so its just about being prepared y'know? Being preg again with a toddler is easier than I thought in some ways and incredibly more difficult in others and I'm just glad I had some things in place like his morning at daycare and having a night atleast every fortnight with mum and dad so I can have extra sleep. Thats what I recommend - think about everything that could happen and have some ideas just in case


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 25 September 2009 at 8:50pm
Well an update here, I think DH and I have just decided to stop not trying... I dont actually think I am ovulating atm so pretty safe.

I still want to loose weight before we get pg again, but as DH said as long as I get into a good exercise habit first I can keep doing that through out the pregnancy then should help my body cope.


Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 25 September 2009 at 9:31pm
Sorry to threadjack but Babe, you have no idea how glad I am to hear of somebody who previously suffered from hyperemesis not getting it in a subsequent pregnancy, gives me hope!!!


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: Inlove28
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 1:19pm
Im still growing number 1 but do think about number 2 bubs but not EVEN alowed to talk about it haha

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 6:07pm
Babe you make brilliant points and I think I will take that onboard!!
Sounds like you have it down to a fine art!

Melnel - thats so exciting!! Goodluck!
The only thing stopping me is I want a summer NB =) And to enjoy this years New Year.
I've found I really enjoy walking, its one of those everyday things and you can make it 'you' time too.
And when your preg swimming is the best! And its something toddlers love too!!


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 6:08pm
Originally posted by Inlove28 Inlove28 wrote:

Im still growing number 1 but do think about number 2 bubs but not EVEN alowed to talk about it haha

Haha! I was the same!!! It must just be those darn hormones


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 26 September 2009 at 7:18pm
I want a spring nb this time if possible Still need the all clear from my gynae but have an appt on wednesday so fingers crossed all is good.


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 27 September 2009 at 6:20pm
Wishing you good luck then!
Keep us updated


Posted By: Chops1975
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 10:42am
I actually got my period today event though I felt some signs that I could be pregnant...

As we had a few romantic days and no condoms in the house we knew the possibility was there..
So we're not really trying; if it happens it happens

But I feel surprisingly disappointed that I'm not...weird...


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 1:02pm
Hi Ladies, yay i found a forum where i can chat with people who are in the same boat :) my daughter just turned 2 on the 12th of this month, i am so ready for another one, and hub wasnt really into the idea, but now since seeing his good mates baby on the weekend he is ready, he has told me to keep it a suprise of when i come of the tablet, and tell him when i fall. With Maia it took me 6months to fall with her since coming of the pill and with only one ovarie, this time round i am on a different tablet so i am not to sure how long it will take, so i have one more packet of my pill after i finish the one i am on, so i was thinking of coming of after that packet, i will be working at my job a year in march next year, but we are also having to travel to the islands next year for my husbands brothers unveiling so i am worried if i get pg will it be safe to fly over, and things like that, and also cause my labour and birth with maia was quite scary, i have been so eager to have another one for quite sometime, but also a few family memebers and friends have either lost there babies when they were due to be born, and the others have miscarried, so i am worried about that to.

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 28 September 2009 at 7:14pm
Chops1975 - I know that feeling!! I was late this month and have had a few of those preg signs but not preg.. Darn haha. Good way to be but I think secretly you may have your hopes up??

Welome maia07!!
Wow I say go for it! Theres always gonna be a chance of MC and things, but if you don't try your never gonna know the outcome.
You can try workout a estimate kind of date for next one..but i guess it will be a very rough estimate..
Mine will be a bit like that, i'm going to try for a spring/summer bubs again so I will come off my pill beginning of new year and probably use condoms for a month or so and hope for the best!

But however it goes I will just be happy with a healthy bub!!


Posted By: Babe
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 9:05am
Weegee yeah I was blown away when I just got normal morning sickness lol I kept waiting and waiting for it to get worse! I took B6 from 4 months before BFP (I absolutely think it helped with MS!!!!) and was drinking over a litre of water a day for those months too even though we weren't planning on TTC. I think it really helped get me off on the right foot coz I was hydrated and of course B6 can be a huge help with hyperemesis and MS if you're on it early enough!!

LOL Chops totally understand that feeling! We kept getting preg unplannedly and got more and more disappointed each time it didn't work out til we suddenly realised that we actually WANTED another baby then all of a sudden we got a sticky BFP

Maia07 welcome to OB I reckon go for it! MC's are pretty common but remember that something like 70% of fertilised eggs don't implant (can't remember exactly sorry) so early MCs are really just part and parcel of things and if you have a problem later on in your trimester then its best to be able to get on it early. Good luck


Posted By: SpecialK
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 9:15am
wow mel, that's awesome - good luck!

I am very clucky, and waiting to ttc # 2 - I had to have an MMR vaccine and you can't get pregnant for 3 months after having it. So we'll probably start trying in December as well. I keep having these dreams that we'll have twin girls next...

I think all we'll need to get is a toddler seat for the buggy, and some more clothes - new bub will be in bassinett while H is in cot, and then by the time bub is ready for cot, H will probably be in a big bed. Much cheaper second time round I'd say.

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 9:39am
HI Ladies

thanks for the lovely welcome :) yes thats is true, and i believe if god wants it to happen it will and if m/c occurs it perhaps it means that it wasnt meant to be or something. I am getting quite excited actually and me hub is to, asked me lastnight if i had come of the tablet yet, i said no not until beginning of november.

I to special k was thinking what i would need second time round, i am lucky that with maia's clothes that i have kept some are unisex so could still use them, and Maia is in her own bed, i borrowed a bassinet last time, and she was only in it for 2months not even that as she was quite tall, this time round i think i will just put bubs straight into cot with it at bassinet level. and our pram doesnt have a toddler seat that i can get for it but its a real good pram as it came with the capsule included, i took a quiz on facebook the other day that said i would be having twin boys when i am 24, and i had a dream the other night that i had twins to, i hope that wouldnt be so, or i would have to buy another cot etc!

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 9:45am
Never new that..Good to know though as my sister recently had a MC.
Lately DH and I have been rather careless with contraceptive, I think somewhat secretly we are both wanting #2..
Haha if we have slipped up thats great but otherwise we will try to wait so I can get my summer bubs!
I think all this baby talk is making me want another bub right now!!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 11:23am
I wish when i might have been careless that i could have fallen pg, but i think with me only having one ovarie maybe helps not falling pg when i have forgotten to take the tablet which is not very often! lol

you and me both madiaandme wish i could just come of the tablet and fall pg straight away lol

Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 11:59am
We took 18 months to conceive out baby and there was no reason as to why it took so long, sometimes it just does. so when this baby is born we will just not bother with contraception and see what happens and if that means we have two close together then so be it. Seems silly for us to wait when we might have the same problem conceiving again.


Oct 11

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 12:08pm
yes that is so true, these things can take time, and as they say patients is a virtue thats fair enough

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 12:24pm
Yes that would save so much time =)
And I find I am a rather organised person so it would suit..
Haha I wish!!
I've saved all Madi's clothes, so if we have a girl this time round that'd be fantastic, if its a boy I will still use Madi's clothes ( tehe ) at home, and go TradeMe-ing for the rest!!
As for pram I have a Mt Buggy urban and I walk alot so I think I will have to sell up for a Phil&teds inline.

This time round we are going to buy our own bassinet, last time we borrowed, but I would like a family one, a good one we can give to Madison for her children ( Waaaaay in the future I hope! )

Haha I done that facebook quiz, apparently I will be 30 and have something like 5 kids..Twin boys in there too haha


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 12:31pm
Good point there nat, congrats on being preg though!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 12:47pm
i have been looking at those phil &teds prams to madiandme but i was thinking if i only have one this time round i can put bubs in front pack and push maia in the pram, that is such a good idea i am so going to buy a bassinet this time round, and who know we may have more kids, i also want to get one of those bouncers this time round as well.

And go the trade me clothes, my auntie brought maia heaps of nice clothes of there in such good condition i would do the same this time to

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 12:56pm
I am getting a P&T just trying to decide between the dash and vibe models right now.

I have kept everything of Jakes too.... Quite a fair bit of neutral as we kept the gender a surprise (and will go again). Hey if I have girl and one of you have a boy we could swap some clothes

**waves at specialK**


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 1:15pm
Maia, i've used a sling for madi often, and my nephew in stroller,they are great for n town and short trips but over an hour they start getting a tad uncomfy..
And i'd say borrow a bouncer..they are the type of things you share round friends.. lol or go trademe-ing =)

Pretty much all Madi's clothes were 2nd hand or bought for her by loving family
Up till bout 6months old they're generally really nice, but once they start crawling knees get worn and sleeves etc

Melnel - Depends what you use buggy for most..
If you have it in the car heaps then dash. They're smaller..
Sounds like a good idea!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 1:29pm
melnel are you looking at a brand new phil and teds? or one on trademe? that is such a good idea we could do swapsies when i fall i may or may not find out this time round,will be nice for a suprise but nice to no to hehe

that is true, maybe need to look into a phil and teds pram to, i am having a good old look on trademe wish i could bid on things allready!!

how are you ladies days going?i am at work and we are quite quiet today :(

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 1:36pm
I agree, just hope we don't all get the same sex!!
Someone should start up an online swapsies site, that'd be soooo great.

You can also layby P&T strollers on websites like

Just at home with Madi, she's keeping herself busy smearing marmite sandwhich on EVERYthing, haha but she is happy
Must be quiet, your on OB!!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 1:56pm
haha yea hopefully lol! oh yea that would be pretty cool aye :)

Oh i might go and have a look there.

at least shes happy thats the main thing, my daughter goes to my sister n law while i work which is good not so much money for us to fork out on childcare. Yes we sure are haha

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 2:09pm
Where do you work if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah it would be sooo helpful. All us mums would save ALOT of money. lol

Thats good of her, I am looking at caring for another baby just for bit of extra money, i'd looove to go back to work but hubby goes away about twice a month up to Taupo for work so i'd never have childcare available. Also I wouldn't get taxed    hehe


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 2:43pm
hi madiandme thats ok i dont mind you asking :) i work for smith and smith glass in penrose at the contact centre, i do everyones booking for appointments etc. been here 6months. so i will be entitled to the parental taxt leave as in march next year i will be here a year. they also hold me job open for me a year as well.

We sure would. oh yea that's what i was going to look into doing as i have part of an early childhood degree, but then i thought about it if i was sick etc, oh thats a good point lol

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 2:50pm
Oah thats good timing then!!
Would make it harder definetly, but I rarely get sick..
But I know what ya mean!
Once my hubbys finished the Taupo trips for this year i'm thinking I might go back to bartending, just casual work two nights a week maybe more.
Just depends whether we get preg next year!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 3:01pm
yea hehe :) then i will see how things go and will come back after a year, and maybe part - time or full time we will see what happens!

Thats good that you dont get sick :)

fair enough i stayed home with maia for over a year and a half, and just needed to get back into the adult convo and not about babies all the time, have met great bunch of people etc

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 3:13pm
I don't blame you there, I miss having adult converstions already.
Sounds like you've got it sussed!
I think its just coz I refuse to get sick if that makes sense..

What kinda bassinet did you loan for Maia?
By the way, I love the name Maia!!


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 3:16pm
I have just filled out my paper work to join Porse. Will be nice to have a wee friend for jake to play with!

I am looking on trademe for a P&T, I am leaning towards the dash but only 2 have come up on trademe in welly and dunedin so the freight costs were too much Hopefully one will come up closer to home soon.

I never got my sling. I find it really awkward, thinking I might take it with me to the parent and child show and get them to show me how to fit it properly.


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 3:18pm
Oh i hear you there :) slowly have it sussed it sounds like i do but when i find out that i am pg etc maybe a different story lol!
Oh yes it does

I got it from my ex sister n law which was a can sort of one but it was very small and maia wasnt in it to long. oh thanks i to do :) when i named her that the name wasnt really round now since naming her my mums work friends, and me cousins friends have named there kids maia to i wasnt happy lol

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 3:38pm
oh good on you melnel it will be nice for him to have an other to hang out with etc aye. whats the difference with the 2 prams? i thought they were all the same am i wrong there??

oh k i dont have a sling, just have the baby pack but i never really used that with maia was a bit to akward and sore to use as she was heavy lol

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 4:11pm
Yes but you'll be pg so it will be alright!
Yeah I bet, like the name Madison is sooo popular now. Maia was on my short list of names for Madi =)
I'm really liking the look of the Cariboo bassinets, they are really big. The only thing they don't have is wheels..

Nice Melnel, I have correspondance, but I find it really hard to do as Madison will distract me and I find it too hard to get back into it.
You still have a bit of time to find one, or you could layby a new one?

The slings are tricky to work out, but mine came with really good instructions with good diagrams.
Its a Dulce&Zoet one.
I'd say its well worth figuring it out as they're very handy!


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 4:18pm
Check out this page Maia07, its a quick comparison of the phil & teds range..


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 4:59pm
Well yes thats true, oh yes madison was on my list as well as i taught a madison in my day care she was the lovelist little girl :) oh i havent seen them, i was even looking at the baby factory the bassinets brand new a not to badly priced at the moment to.

i was thinking of finishing my studies i am like you madiandme i wouldnt be able to concentrate properly thats why i want all me kids out the way first then go back to study.

thats true, but its a matter of selling me other one which is still in use as me sis n law uses it to walk with maia as she doesnt drive. but plenty of time for all of that aye. thanks i will have a look at that site :)

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 29 September 2009 at 5:08pm
They retail Cariboo bassinets in Farmers, but Farmers is always over priced.. I want a nice big one thats styley =)

Yes i'm exactly the same! Leave it till my babies go to school!
Seems agggggges away though..

Yip i'm in a dilemma really with my stroller, its a designer Mt Buggy Urban, 3months old. So I don't really want to sell it I love it to pieces, but they only have a toddler board that wheels behind stroller to accomodate a toddler.
In all honesty how long does Mt.Buggy think toddlers can stand for!?!! lol
Yes heaps of time..


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 8:33am
oh yes i totally agree with you, they are to over priced!

I know it does seem ages away, but the years going as fast as they are now seems like they will be at school in no time! lol arghh

I have the urban escape one i wonder if thats similar to yours madiandme? my one doesnt come with any of those :( so i think i would need to sell it but that is a true point.

Sure it :)

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 11:25am
The kiddy boards for Mt Buggys fit all models I think... In their range anyway.

You are too right there, Madis almost 1!!!

But to Farmers credit they do occasionly have really good sales =)


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 30 September 2009 at 11:40am
oh ok, but i agree with you, i dont think i like the board thing. oh wow she is not long to go now maia been 1 seemed like years ago haha

that is true, i saw a dora the explorer kitchen there reduced from $250 down to $80 which i thought was a damm good price am hoping to go and layby it this week for xmas. Oh wait they no longer do layby anymore do they

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 1:28pm
hi ladies, just been looking at the prams, would you think going for a phil and teds or theres some nice double ones side by side that look nice to hmmm

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 9:01pm
Just a note with the side by side ones...they're very wide!! We have a Childcare brand one, which is around 10cm narrower than the P&T and Mountain Buggy ones, and we still struggle to fit through some shop doors!!!

We have already talked about #3 (because we got #2 free with #1 hehehe) but I have to wait until the girls are around 2 before we start trying *sigh* Mind you, we also have it in the back of our minds that we just might get twins yeah!!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 01 October 2009 at 10:43pm
Wow K8e, talking about number 3! Hmm 4 under 2 would be a bit of a handful, think even baby mad me might want to wait.. just in case :)

I find the side by side to bulky, much perfer the P&T singles with toddler seat. I am thinking about getting a cheap double MB off trade me to have as well.. for long walks especially if Jake is around 18 months when number 2 is born. He will still want to lay down to nap then....

We are casually TTC from my next cycle (mid Oct) YEAH. Really want this weather to fine up so I can get out walking again.


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 02 October 2009 at 9:52am
thanks for that k8e i wll keep that in mind :) melnel whats the cheap mb your talking about what do they look like? i will be wanting to do a lot of walking next time to,

oh yay exciting stuff :) i will be coming of the pill in the 1st week of november thats when my pill will be finished. and from then it will be tcc wish i could come of the tablet sooner, actually maybe i will i will just finish this packet and wont take the other packet? or do you think i should finish the last packet ladies?

this is also the pram i was looking at

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 04 October 2009 at 10:14am
I've been holidaying =)

Melnel with the strollers I think you're right there, I live on the edge of country and do a ton of walking and madi will still be young when #2 comes so a side by side would have the layback benefit..

But they are definetly wide!! I struggle to get my single Mt buggy through some doors!

Thats why I was gonna go with an inline stroller..

Maia, I say go for it!!
May aswell


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 04 October 2009 at 10:28am
I say go for it too! We decided to last night

I am looking at getting a double mb off trademe... I have been watching and you can get them for about $200... or maybe hiring one from babyonthemove for the first few months. It will be aswell as the the phil and teds...


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 04 October 2009 at 10:37am
Yeah that seems the best way.
Yay mel, good luck!!
Partner and I have been rather careless, as we are also thinking about blowing the summer baby idea and going for it..Though I do wanna be selfish and enjoy this Xmas and New Year =)

So we will see


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 04 October 2009 at 2:45pm
Hi ladies, why thankyou :) so i will be finishing this packet and then we will go from there, just got me monthly friend today so annoying, and have marked it on the calender so i now when it should be due next month lol! ooh exciting we are all trying at the same time, pity we didnt live near one another we could compare notes etc, i have to make sure this time round i find a midwife, last time as i was all new to this i didnt have a independant mw which was a real mistake, but at least i no now :)

hows everyones weekends going?i think i might smell my pram, or keep it as a spare, not to sure yet, its just that my sis n law uses it during the week when she has maia hmm decisons decisons one step at a time lol

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 04 October 2009 at 3:41pm
Oah I am dredding finding a midwife! I have moved since my first bubs so last mw is out of the question And Hawera is very small..

And definetly go independant!! I've heard way too many horrible stories from the other types.

My weekend has got to be the most boring ever!
I am stuck at home, no car, running really low on groceries, crap weather and to make it worse Madi is being exceptionally clingy!!
(DH is away on work for the week.)


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 04 October 2009 at 8:52pm
oh dear not good, hope you will be able to find a nice one easy, yes i am one to be able to share the horrible story with no independant mw, but i learnt from that mistake, so as soon as i no i am pg, i will ring to find an independant mw.

Oh dear, actually yes mine to yesterday was just not a good day for us found out my tyre was so flat and damaged dh tried to pull the nuts of to change to space saver and broke the thing you use, then he had to go to his work to get one from there thank god that did the trick then when we got the spare of we found that was flat, so he had to go pump that up, then after we went to go get the new tyre we had just gone from the place to do our shpping come out and that tyre was flat to, so had to drive all the way back and get a new one and had to pay and xtra $10

and we to dont have much food in the house to.... due to a family crisis man why is everything always about money ayE!!!!hope you end up having an ok week madi and me

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 9:51am
Oah no !! Sounds hectic!
I swear money ruins our ability to enjoy life
I wish somedays that I could live in one of those communal groups who live off the earth, no money at all. That would be so nice.

DH is back tonight thankgod.


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 9:59am
With the mw thing, my sisters mw nearly killed both her and her baby. She was with Partners in Pregnancy in New Plymouth.
Bloody mw refused to change her due date, even after other mw who took my sis on her mw's days off said the date definetly was wrong. In the end she had a 10lb 4oz baby by caesarean because he went into distress.
We worked out that baby should have been born nearly 3wks before! Not cool at all


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 11:01am
oh dear thats awful, my experience i had was not with the maternity unit mw's it was mw's at the hospital

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 11:08am
I had an independant mw but still had bad mw at the hospital. I blame them for my c section. If they had communicated with me about what I wanted some things may not have happened and Jakes heart rate wouldnt have dropped below 80bpm!

Grrrr, birthcare for me next time!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 11:19am
mel nel i thought with independant mw they are suppose to come with you to the hospital etc to? madi&me am glad for you your dh is coming home tonight, i am at work at we are a little busier today heaps of people away and i fell sick with my monthly friend :( bring on me being pg so i dont have to worry bout that part for a while lol

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 12:36pm
They do but I was induced with pre eclampsia so my mw met me at the hospital and administered the first lot of gel and was not supposed to see me again until I was 7/8cm dilated. Unfortunately the staff mw decided I was not coping and called her in when I was only 4cm! The poor woman had only had 4 hours sleep in 48 hours and I was her 4th birth in that time frame with the 5th at home in early labour.

Turns out the head mw had decided that I was going to need a csection with out ever having examined me. I may have always needed the section but I do believe her actions made it impossble for anything else to happen.


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 1:17pm
Thanks Katie, i'm so looking forward to being preg for that reason too!!
Its always there when a don't want it too.

Melnel - Thats awful, I think the key is to find one that you communicate really well and easily with..
That way you''ll be more likely to get the birth you want. ( Well, in theory )
Independant mw's are definetly over worked!
At least next time you know to MAKE them check!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 1:34pm
oh thats awful melnel. I went into labour 3 weeks early and the dam middlemore hospital sent me home 3 times, i ended in the end ringing them up to say i need to come in i was in so much pain.

I ended up going in finally and one of the ladies that sore me first of all who was lovely said she would try to sign on to me when i come in next. Ended up going in got given pethadine and that didnt do anything, i got taken to a ward to wait till i was closer full dialation, my mum and dh were with me they werent allowed to stay with me and cause we lived at least half an hour away from the hospital they had to go wait in the freezing cold outside in the car.

They finally sent me down to the delivery suite where mum and them could see me they then called the guy to come and do the epidural which took 4 attempts ...they finally got it in and it did ntohing the mw that was on was so horrible, finally the lady that said she would sign to me came on thank god and she requested i needed a higher dose and i had to go on antibiotics and fluids to as i ended up getting an infection from waters being broken to long, and that strep b, also had to on fluids i was dehydrated etc, then after being drugged up so much i was asleep then i woke up to them saying if i wasnt fully dialated soon they would have to do a c section i woke up to vomiting and that was maia half way out, then i had to be told when to push as i couldnt feel a thing

then i ended up have a haemorage and all most had to have a transfusion, so it was an awful experience for me hence why i am a little worried for next time round

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 2:35pm
OMG!! I am stunned!

Don't know what to say there, but that is shocking.
You are so brave to have another, and I hope this time round you get a cruisy birth!
Wow, sounds like a very useless hospital..
Its pretty shocking that things like this still happen, when they really shouldn't. Bloody hospitals


Posted By: SpecialK
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 2:53pm
Mel, maia those are awful birth stories! No wonder you are a tad worried about #2!

Last week I've been feeling odd - queasy, sore boobs, etc so took a test and it was negative. The chances were pretty small anyway, as I am still BF and on the mini pill. Anyway, DH and I had a talk about it, and decided to stop taking the pill and just see what happens. So that's pretty exciting.

Although last night Harry was up every 2 hours, so I am shattered today and am quietly freaking out about how I'd cope if I had a toddler as well and had no sleep!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 3:12pm
Yes it was very scary and i to thought the hospital was useless my mum wrote a letter to them to explain how she was not happy with the situation that had happend etc, and they said if i had maia at the right time i would have been in the maternity unit and that wouldnt have happend. But i am hoping next time round wont be as bad.

ooh excting special k :) i only have 1week of the pill to take yes, then we will see how it all works out from there :) wish me luck lol.

must of been the night for it i was up with maia most of the night to she was yelling out to me mummy, mummy, and wouldnt go back to sleep, so she ended up with us naughty i know lol :)

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 3:26pm
ladies how do i go about adding my lilypie ticker to my profile?

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 3:29pm

Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 3:32pm
test 2


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 3:36pm
testing 3


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 4:01pm
I think our bodies just cope.. I'm sure you guys aswell were freaking before 1st bub, but you get used to it!!
Good move Katie! That is true, but it still shouldn't have ended like that!
With the ticker go into profile next to these things, Active Topics Memberlist Search Private Messenger Profile ( There is two profile links)

There is a box in there where you input the url code


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 05 October 2009 at 8:36pm
SpecialK yah!

I was well looked after, just not consulted about some things prior to my mw arriving. I dont hold anything against her, its the hospital staff I have issues with.

Went and saw my mw today and we had a big chat about everything. I am getting a bit excited.


Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 8:31am
Aww exciting melnel!!
I need to find a mw in my lil town, I have no idea where to start!!


Posted By: SpecialK
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 9:55am
Ooh exciting Mel! Did you have Jake at North Shore hospital? I have heard a few horror stories about the staff there, hopefully next time will be a much better experience.

I think I am going to have to do another pregnancy test... super queasy this morning and cramping quite low down. If I am not pregnant, I have no idea what this is, just too weird.... maybe just tired.


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 9:58am
madi and me yes your quite true there, hence why i am a little apprehensive in going there next time round :(

aw exciting news mel nel :) so should i be looking for a mw now or wait to find out when i am pg?? this stuff is new to me the independant mw's that is

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 11:02am
wait til you are pg hun, i just popped into to see mine and ask her some questions about being pg again soon after a c-section.

Yup SK, I had him at NSH. I had a mixed bag of staff in the birthing suite... I was there for 4 shifts changes tho LOL. The mat ward mw were fantastic though TEST!!!!

Where did you have Harry???


Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 11:08am
Madiandme - can you PM me the name of the midwife at PIP? They WERE going to be my midwives, until we found out it was twins (no midwives in NP will look after a twin pregnancy) and then I was under hospital care.

I can't speak highly enough of the midwives at Base Hospital - because of my care situation, I just got whichever midwife and registrar/consultant who was on at the time I went into labour, and the midwives were fantastic (I went in at 4am because my waters had broken, and I was only 33w4d). Can't say much for the consultant who was on when I first went in, but he doesn't have a great reputation anyway, but the second one was great - I needed a c-section as my bottom twin was bum first, and the first consultant wouldn't let them prepare me for surgery, he wanted to try to stop the labour for 24 hours to get steroids in, even though my waters had broken and I was having contractions (they can't stop it once you have both). I was in labour for 5.5 hours (and wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink, or any pain meds because I HAD to have a c-section) before the second consultant came on and sent me straight up to theatre.

As a result of my care with the girls, I am thinking about being under hospital care next time as well.

maia07 - wait until you're pregnant, but once you get your BFP ring pretty much straight away!!

Posted By: SpecialK
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 11:40am
Mel, my LMC was an obstetrician, so I had Harry at National Women's and then transferred to birthcare. It was awesome, because the ob organises a labour midwife, so I only had 2 people looking after me the whole time. It was really good for continuity of care, they both knew what I wanted re pain relief, interventions etc .

Birthcare was mostly great but in the 3 days there we had about 10 different midwives who all had slightly different opinions about things, so it made it harder - I had heaps of issues with BF, and they all wanted me to try different things. Some were really big on the whole "breast is best, formula is evil" attitude which wasn't helpful!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 12:13pm
thanks ladies :) i hope next time wont be as bad i was in labour for over 36hours it was awful and when i got transferred from the hospital to the maternity unit which was so awful i just had time to be given a shower at the hospital then the ambulance had arrived and i had just had me catheter taken out etc and that was it i was gone, got to the maternity unit and they made me cry saying i shouldnt be here if i couldnt walk, they had no wheel chair for me etc, it was awful and they made me feel awful the whole time i was there, i had major troubles with breastfeeding etc, thats why i could only breastfeed for 3mnths may not bf this time special k they were like that with me to, oh i pray to god its not as nasty this time round

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 3:29pm
Wow i'm so shocked at the standard of care and to think we are a civilised country!!

All this chat is making me really wanna throw in the idea of a summer bubs and just go for it...
I'm really not looking forward to picking a mw though...
Minik8e I agree the hospital staff were fantastic, and even to me and I am a young mum! ( Other young mums I know said they were mean. ) They really helped me bf too. I would have been lost without them!!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 4:47pm
Hi ladies, i am in a state of to go through or not to go through :( just thinking of my labour etc again is really freaking me out, and we plan to go to tonga next august for my brother in laws unveiling that go trqagically killed this year, and i was thinking i dont no if it would be safe for me to travel while i am pg and now i dont no what do i really want to go for the unveiling and i really want a baby oh what to do

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 06 October 2009 at 5:34pm
Madiandme...there are some nurses/midwives there who didn't really endear themselves to me, but most were pretty good - more so because I was a "boarder" mother - I stayed in the Post Natal ward for the entire time my girls were in Neonatal, so just over 4 weeks. They got to know me pretty well!!

And I have heard conflicting stories about that midwife as well...but all good, not the one I was going to go with!! There's one up the hospital called Sharon - I her and wish I could have her next time....

Posted By: Madiandmini
Date Posted: 07 October 2009 at 10:43am
Minik8e - Yup, I loved the majority of their nurses..
Thats lucky!!

Oah Maia07 sounds like your in a pickle
Maybe just go with the flow...? (As in, if it happens it happens..)
If that makes any sense haha.

DH got home last night, and he wants to make a baby now!! Yay, so here we go wish us goodluck

Would be awesome if we all ended up concieving around the same time!


Posted By: maia07
Date Posted: 07 October 2009 at 10:56am
I sure am yes true as i dont think i would fall straight away, i will have a think on that one. i still have one packet left of pills to take may or may not take them.. oh exciting :) yes it would :)

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