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The cryptic thread

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: General Chat
Forum Name: General Chat
Forum Description: For mums, dads, parents-to-be, grandparents, friends -- you name it! And you name the topic you want to chat about!
Printed Date: 09 June 2024 at 8:26pm
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Topic: The cryptic thread
Posted By: TheKelly
Subject: The cryptic thread
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 6:21pm
Cos Bex asked me too

This is how it works, its similar to the vent thread, but you can be more ventful to people
And by to people , I mean people in real life (to avoid big blow ups on here , tho what you post is your business )
No names and no personal details it ? good

again , I will start

Right , so if I don't text you for a frigging day , you tell me im a snob ,etc ,yet then you don't text me for 2 weeks and when I ask why you say you've been busy and that I wouldn't get it now that im no longer working or studying ? wtf do you think I do all day ? get the hell over yourself and don;t think im gonna text you again in a hurry


Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 6:27pm
Thanks Kell!

Don't think you can talk sh*t about my parenting skills and then think you are entitled to have anything to do with my life, nor ill I feel that you deserve an explanation because I don't particularly like confrontation so very rarely confront anyone about anything.

Go suck a fat one....


Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 6:59pm
I know I am not the centre of the world, and I know I can be hard work sometimes, but please don't forget about me! It really really REALLY hurts and when I see and hear about all the cool stuff you do, ...

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 7:05pm
Aww fattarts huge hugs hun that sucks


Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 7:19pm
OOOOH thanks kelly...


DONT tell me what to do with MY life when you arent even a member of my family... you want nothing to do with me or my kids, yet you feel you have the 'right' to tell me what I should do, and how I should 'behave' around you and yours... sort your own bloody family out before sticking your beak into mine!

And to an old 'friend'

I have been your doormat for years, stood there like a sap and was your shoulder to cry on, helped you when you needed help, lended my ear when you needed to talk, even made things for you because you asked me to... then you repay me by 'uninviting' me to your wedding because I was on the DPB and couldnt afford the bridesmaid dress you wanted me to wear at such short notice, and when I needed someone to talk to, you were 'too busy'... you complain that you were home all the time and bored, yet when I skived off work and set the day aside for you... you were too busy... and you wonder why I dont talk to you, or why you have only met Jae ONCE in the 11 months since I had her, while other friends in the same circle have seen her plenty... get over yourself, the world doesnt revolve around you and what you want/how you feel... you are not the only perons who has had trouble in their life, so stop acting like we should all feel sorry for you, because we dont... and quite frankly you are the joke of the group!

phew... that feels MUCH better!!

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 7:27pm
Originally posted by fattartsrock fattartsrock wrote:

Stop "stealing" my friends off me!!!!!!!!
I introduce you to someone and you guys hit it off, thats really nice, but it makes me feel really really sh*t when you guys now pretty much exclude me from everything.
I know I am not the centre of the world, and I know I can be hard work sometimes, but please don't forget about me! It really really REALLY hurts and when I see and hear about all the cool stuff you do, it's almost a bit like rubbing salt in the wounds...

OMG that is my whole day today!!!! you took the words right out of my mouth

As for other stuff.........hmmm no idea what your talking about as i have never done that..........well not since you stopped talking to me just before my baby was born

Posted By: MamaT
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 8:25pm

Just because you raised two children doesn't mean that what you did was right and that you know it all. I can make decisions for my son myself and it is up to DH and I what we do and when we do it. Quite frankly judging by the way your kids grew up, you didn't do such a fantastic job yourself


Whew, that feels much better


Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 8:59pm
Cool idea!

You need to set some consistent boundaries and discipline for your child. No should mean no - not no.. oh ok then if you're going to throw a tantrum then I'll let you...
They are a bit of a brat TBH and I don't really enjoy being around them at all. I especially hate the way that my daughter tenses up whenever your child comes near in case she gets hit again for no reason.

Your child does not really have a 'difficult personality'. They just have been overindulged for far far too long.


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:15pm
Please think. Letting your very large, in your face dog roam free and jump over my wee boy is really stressful for him. There's a reason he's throwing things - it's cos he's scared and tense.

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:16pm
Stop putting eggshells in the sink!!

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:23pm
And also.. stop chewing on iceblock sticks for ages and then just tossing them on the floor for the magical cleaning fairy to clean up.     

And.. for someone else

I wish you would stop saying things like 'oh I guess I'll come over because 'so and so' is busy today, so I have nothing better to do'.    And stop talking about 'so and so' like he is god and knows better than everyone else, even though he only sees you when he's not busy drinking beer and playing rugby. Oh and also..

Who gives someone a vibrator for mothers day?! You aren't their mother, or the mother of their children. WTF?! I didn't need to hear about it either, but I will bring it up A LOT, cause it's still funny..

ALSO.. I saw your trademe account where it said 'I can't play video games anymore because my kid is growing up'. HELLOOOOO, you see him once a month and think you're the greatest dad who ever walked the earth.   When in reality, you're a horrid little man who nobody likes.

Ok, done.

Posted By: MummyFreckle
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:26pm

Yes, it would be nice if you didnt make me feel guilty when I ask for help, especially when I know that you want to and its your husband that makes it hard for you to do it.

I hate how quick you are to judge others, when clearly you aint so flash in the parenting department yourself.


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:28pm
Originally posted by mamanee mamanee wrote:

Stop putting eggshells in the sink!!

Sorry Renee

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:30pm
Originally posted by Flissty Flissty wrote:

Originally posted by mamanee mamanee wrote:

Stop putting eggshells in the sink!!

Sorry Renee

Nothing makes me angrier! The rubbish bin is RIGHT there!!   

Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:32pm
I am not a bad parent because I let my child fall over occasionally!


Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 9:54pm
how dare you use me as your verbal punching bag for everything wrong in your life for 2 years, claiming im your best friend, then drop me the moment i get pregnant, telling EVERYONE that im not putting in an effort to keep in contact. well im "SORRY" that just breathing made me want to puke. (until week 28) and the most i could keep down in a 24 hour period was a handful of crackers and 200ml of ginger beer. and by the way... i would just like to tell your ungrateful ar$e that morning sickness is NOT like a hangover. bacon, eggs and blue powerade with a walk through town watching you try on 18 different dresses that you think look good but make you look like a bloated-muffin-topped-2-dollar $1ut will not make me feel better. what the hell was stopping you from visiting me? "i dont like the bus"

then sending me a 5-page text blasting me about how much better your other pregnant friend is because "SHE is 4 days OVERDUE and still has time for her friends"

go take a flying leap.

ETA: bloated-muffin-topped-2-dollar

Posted By: Jay_R
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:04pm
I feel so hurt by your lack of support during my breakup. NOT ONCE did you come and see me, even after you knew I had been beaten up and strangled. NOT ONCE have you called up and offered to have my son for a day so I could rest. NOT ONCE did you drop by with a casserole, even when you knew that I went without food for two days because I did not have a single cent to my name and only enough food left in the house to feed my child. I have always gone out of my way to be there for you, but the one time I really needed you.... nothing.

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:10pm

Yes I am still breastfeeding, get over it!

some of you guys have some really sucky "friends"


Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:10pm
AWWWWW Joshierocks That seriously sucks !!!!!

Posted By: Jay_R
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:29pm
Originally posted by Chickielou Chickielou wrote:

AWWWWW Joshierocks That seriously sucks !!!!!

Thanks I'm ok about it now, but it felt so good to get it out there!! Ok.... a tad bitter....

Posted By: Parki
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:35pm
To my 'Best Friend"
Please don't sleep with my brother & then say you were bored - GET A HOBBY!

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:35pm
yeah some of your friends really suck !!

and JR, hugs from me too , you have every right to be bitter , what a horrible experience


Posted By: Jay_R
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:45pm
Oh no! That was so no meant to be a thread hogger LOL!

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 12 May 2010 at 10:48pm
its alright JR, go to the confession thread and confess how you secretly meant to thread hog haha !!!


Posted By: james
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 7:57am
how dare you hit my sister and newphew who do think you are think you are so tough what hitting people makes you tough i am so pround that my sis left your sorry arse and put you in jail i hope u rot

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:30am

Let me make my own decsion please and give me time to make it. Yes I know we both want to jump into bed together but let me make sure walking away from 8 years is what I want to do.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: BriAndOlisMum
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:34am
I wish you would just keep your nose out of my family's business, you have been with my brother for a year, you can't just call MY mum and dad, mum and dad cos you have your own parents and you haven't even known my parents for long. My parents break up is none of your business, sure you can be there for my brother through this time but stop acting like they are your parents cos they are not. And I wish you would stop chatting to me on facebook every time i am online.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh breathe Tania lol


Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:28am
Stop pushing your parenting views onto others. Yes, you are entitled to raise your child how you wish but it is not on to make other people (especially first time mummies) feel guilty for the decisions they make.

Also every time you jump in with unsubstantiated and seemingly far fetched 'facts' and figures you just add weight to the idea that you and your ilk are uninformed morons. You are not, as you seem to believe, furthering your cause.

I would dearly like to call you out in public and challenge some of your preposterous claims but for the general peace I won't.


Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 11:49am
I bet you've taken my card , and I bet you're going to pretend you forgot you had it , just give it back now


Posted By: Chex001
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 12:08pm
Omg some of you guys have such sad friends. Made me sad just reading thru this.

ok heres mine...

Can u just leave me alone. I havnt text u back or answered when u ring 4 months now so get the message. You have ruined my life already so stop trying to keep doing it. Im gona have a baby soon and I really dont need to deal with your sh*t, asking me if I still see him, telling me that you are still with him, telling me u r pregnant again for the 500th time but if I am still with him then u r gona have an abortion etc etc. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. And for the record your a pyscho b*tch, who goes around threatening people with knifes for any reason!!!


Posted By: Aprilfools
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 1:36pm
I'm lurking but if I start I won't stop.

I can not believe what some of you have dealt with from your friends though.


Posted By: lilfatty
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 2:37pm
You are an idiot who has no idea.

Mummy to Issy (3) and Elias (18 months)

I did it .. 41 kgs gone! From flab to fab in under a year - LFs weight blog

Posted By: MrsH23
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 2:43pm
Stop asking me how/where "Your baby" is when I come over, last time I checked I was the one who gave birth to him and look after him, not you!!! You have 3 kids of your own that ARE "your babies".

I could go on but I'll stop there.

Lisa mummy to Ryan">

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 2:44pm
I know you are doing stuff to your fence and garden but the chainsaw noise is making me want to claw my own face off and my baby keeps waking up because of the noise.    

Posted By: IVFGirl1111
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 2:51pm
You are SO up yourself and you seriously shouldnt be - you big fat lazy cow!

Now THAT felt better!

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 3:11pm
Get a life you freaking idiot!

Posted By: Peanut
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 3:13pm
Originally posted by MrsH23 MrsH23 wrote:

Stop asking me how/where "Your baby" is when I come over, last time I checked I was the one who gave birth to him and look after him, not you!!! You have 3 kids of your own that ARE "your babies".

I could go on but I'll stop there.

Could so agree with that one! Does my fricken head in!

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 3:54pm
Thank F**king god for this thread!

I know you are a young mum but so am I. Are you that f**king stupid!! Get a clue, I can't believe you are such a f**king air head!!

Use some common sense once in a while! Sh*t I can't believe what I just saw!

ARRGHHHHHH!! Your poor child.


Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 4:24pm
OMG... would you just make up your god damned mind already!?!? You either want to sell, or you want to rent, but either way... would you stop pi$$ing around and just DO it already!! I am sick of putting my life, and my kids lives on hold while you fartar$se around making a decision... and STOP asking your son to make the decisions for you!!! Dont you think that at 65 years old, you are old enough to put your big boy pants on and sort your OWN sh!t out!?!?

Ahhh that feels better...

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: MummyFreckle
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 5:12pm

Can you pull your head out of your a*se for two minutes and realise that you are wrong and should just shut the hell up.





Posted By: .Mel
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 5:17pm
I just wish you'd grow some, and instead of hiding behind others and their opinions, actually have an opinion of your own! God!

Mr Mellow (16)
Miss Attitude (8)
Destructa Kid (3)

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 5:46pm
stop drinking. stop smoking. You are going to die in front of me again and although I tell you how I will spend the money you are leaving to me in your will, i on;y say it to shock you into being healthy. Don't make me take my children to your funeral.

And person two: you spent three weeks at my house. you never once played with my children. you never once took them to the park and yet you found the time to clean all the house windows - inside and out - twice. So when you say you are coming to Gi8sborne and expect us to drag the children over, you should understand when I say no.

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 6:15pm
argh ! I dont WANT to eat dinner with you , I want to eat dinner later , stop coming to tell me dinner is ready , I heard you the first time and I DON"T CARE


Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 6:51pm
The reason im not making much effort with our friendship is because I just don't care anymore . Sorry


Posted By: BaAsKa
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 6:52pm
your an ugly looser with bad teeth!! and an ugly hubby!!

and F you Sister!!!! you are making me hate you more everytime you talk to me!!!

i feel so naughty! lol

Posted By: Daizy
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 6:53pm
The only reason we are 'friends' is because I am too scared not to be!


Posted By: Jay_R
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 6:54pm
Walk a mile in my shoes before you make judgements, you self-important, immature cow. When YOU have been through what I've been through then maybe I might take you seriously. Til then, rack off.

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 7:13pm
hurry up and get home , just because my knee is a bit better doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt and I want Tyler bathed but it hurts to much to kneel on the bathroom bloody floor , HURRY UP !!!


Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 7:40pm
PI$$ OFF and smoke inside your own house instead of outside my front door you LOSERS    Oh, that's right, you don't even LIVE next door. You work there, even though your boss is supposedly running a "home office" not a blimmin recording studio

Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 8:26pm
You said nasty malicious things about MY husband which involved me, and then you denied it.  We know you're a liar!  Just be honest for ONCE in your life and and tell the friggin truth about the nasty things you say about people!  You're disloyal, dishonest and just a plain old selfish person!

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 8:37pm

Originally posted by MrsH23 MrsH23 wrote:

Stop asking me how/where "Your baby" is when I come over, last time I checked I was the one who gave birth to him and look after him, not you!!! You have 3 kids of your own that ARE "your babies".

I hate that too!


Dog saliva is not sterile.  It is disgusting, they lick their balls for f**ks sakes!


Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 8:46pm
Stop posting pics of my son on your FB without my permission. without even asking me. without even telling me. and DONT get angry if i decide that even though you p!$$ me off by doing that, if i see a nice pic of him, i WILL save it to my computer. how DARE YOU say "they are my pics, dont take them" he is MY SON!!! also when we drop you off home every week.... i do NOT need a running commentary of what he is doing. (i kid you not...-> ) "oh he just blinked. he is sucking his fist. he just blinked again. oh did your hear that noise he made? oh he just spilt a bit. oh he is blinking really fast"


ETA: yes me may be your nephew... but he is not YOUR nephew (IYGWIM) and by the way... if he is asleep in the moby while we are out and about, and you ask ofr a cuddle and i say "no he is sleeping" dont roll your eyes and sigh heavily.... how about i wake you 45mins into a deep sleep while you have a sore tummy and have teeth pushing their way through your gums then ask you for a hug? hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:03pm
Argh that photo one reminds me -

Stop stealing photos from my FB of my personal family moments and posting it to your own for your friends to see. If I wanted them to see I would have made the setting 'friends of friends' and not 'friends only'. Who knows what weirdos you have on your list.

Also I highly doubt that my MIL would appreciate you scanning and then posting a pic of her in her 20's in her bikini on your FB page for your friends to pass comment on. I suspect she would be mortified.

Learn some internet etiquette for god's sake!


Posted By: .Mel
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:11pm
Originally posted by Bobbie Bobbie wrote:

Argh that photo one reminds me -

Stop stealing photos from my FB of my personal family moments and posting it to your own for your friends to see. If I wanted them to see I would have made the setting 'friends of friends' and not 'friends only'. Who knows what weirdos you have on your list.

Also I highly doubt that my MIL would appreciate you scanning and then posting a pic of her in her 20's in her bikini on your FB page for your friends to pass comment on. I suspect she would be mortified.

Learn some internet etiquette for god's sake!

nooo thats shocking!

Mr Mellow (16)
Miss Attitude (8)
Destructa Kid (3)

Posted By: HoneybunsMa
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:45pm
FFS if you want a new job how about YOU apply for it then. I'm sick of doing it for you. I am willing to HELP you but not do it ALL!!

And when you get home after I have had grumpy baby all day and cooked dinner eat said dinner and take off to play zombies with my brother then don't get sh*tty at me about not spending time with me.


Posted By: HoneybunsMa
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:46pm
Please learn to embrace deodorant. You stink, but because your family I say nothing.


Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 9:56pm
Oh that photo one is annoying!

I find it creepy that you have met my baby twice, and each time had the camera in her face the whole time you were here then put up a WHOLE album of her on your facebook, with 100photos, without asking my permission (which by the way I would not have granted). Pity I'm too soft to ask you to take them down but it does really upset me

Oh and to a certain MIL who shall remain nameless... STOP harping on at me about getting my baby's gums cut so her teeth come through SO WHAT that she only has two teeth at 14months - they will come thru when they're ready!!!

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:01pm

Do they teach you how to be a prat in law school too?  You sound like you're full of yourself dropping big words into conversations to make yourself seem smarter, it's ostentatious.

TBH when you go on and on in great detail about NZ statutes my mind wanders..

I've dealt with plenty of pompous lawyers in my professional life and had to bring many of them down a peg or two.  When you tell me things like because you are a law student people do as you say it takes all my will power and self control not to burst your bubble and bring you back down to size.

You're trying too hard.  You don't need to impress me and if you did you'd be going the wrong way about it.  I love you and I'm proud of you and always will be but prefer spending time with you when you're not sitting on your high horse.


Phew.  I think that vent was a long time coming.


Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:04pm
Alright Rachie who do i need to talk to for ya!?! You just let me know!

You stupid cow fair enough you defriend us because we are your "workmates" and not your real friends but why are you keeping our partners on your FB when the only reason you know them is through us!! Don't expect to be fake nice to me on Saturday at work coz i'm sick of your two-facedness and wont be putting up with it any more even if it makes your work day horrible!


Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:06pm
Hehe thanks Bex

Get all the partners of the deleted girls to delete the psycho girl from THEIR profiles

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:09pm
Haha yea DF already has and so has one of the other partners, but the other one works with us and "doesn't want to get in the middle"

The great part is (however unprofessional it is of me) I am running the store on Saturday and she has to work under me... gutted for her


Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:26pm
Stop saying the first thing that comes into your head and instead stop and think about how what you say can be hurtful to other people. And even tho you seem to think you are something special there is a reason you are still single and end up in crazy's because you are a weirdo. Oh and I can't really be bothered to be friends with you anymore but I keep you on facebook just so I can laugh at your status updates saying how great you are.

Gee that feels good...


Oct 11

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:31pm
Stop asking me when I am going to have a baby and in the next breath moan about how terrible yours are! You moan so much about them that you don't even realize you do it, probably because it's your only hobby. You only want me to have kids so I can be as miserable as you and we can moan together. Well guess what, I love my life and will continue to when I have children.

Posted By: Lexidore
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:32pm
Go Nat!!

Hugs L_R


Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 13 May 2010 at 10:55pm
Stop PRETENDING you went to med school for 6 years yet you work in retail... you must think we are retarded and know no one in the medical profession who could tell us that you graduate at the end of year 6. Yes ther is more study but you graduate as a Dr at year 6. LOSER. No one is impressed by your braggin, becasue no one else beleives you EITHER!!! fess up that it was only a year or 2 at very best, stop trying to sound impressive. Im sure when you tell customers that you "did 6 years at med school" they are thinking why in the hell are you working HERE? LOSER.
Oh and your girlfriend, the one you cheated on your wife with, is NOT the only woman who ever had a baby. seriously. I know it's hard to believe.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 6:57am
annie - maybe they DID six a first year (did not pass the first five times)

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:43am

Some of you have really sucky friends, while I don't have many friends I'm thankful for the ones that I do have, need to be a better friend sometimes too.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:57am
just reading this thread is like a vent in itself

stop making me feel guilty for asking you to help out a bit more!! yes i only work part-time, but the rest of my time is spent raising YOUR children so i don't have time to pick up after you as well

and to person no. 2...
you either love a good debate or you don't. you can't play devils advocate and then sulk when someone disagrees with you - that's not how it works! grow up ffs...

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: Jay_R
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 11:02am
Stop taking advantage of my kind nature. Just because I am a kind person it does not give you the right to use me when its convenient and then completely ignore me for months on end. Its mean and it hurts. And one of these days I'm going to tell you so.

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 11:43am
I am 28 , not 12 , I am married and have children and what I do , what mistakes I do or don't make, are my concern . Stop getting all worried and stressed about me and stop lecturing and being a PIMA , you are 80 , and you have spent most of your life worrying about silly little things you can' change .

I really dislike you , you are a mother yourself , so surely , surely you would have some knowledge as to how crap it would be to lose your child .
She has lost her child , her child died infront of her,unexpectedly and her grandchild is all she has left of her , of COURSE she is going to be upset when you force her son in law to take her out of the daycare shes gone to with her nana since her mum died , of course shes going to be upset when her whole reason for getting up in the morning is taken away cos you decide to be a little f*cking b*tch .
And further more ,who comes round to someones house and TELLS them they are not allowed to mention their dead daughter , to their dead daughters daughter ? or show her photos , and then what rude little biatch tells a woman who is trying to explain to you why you being with the man her daughter had married and should still be married to is hard "stop being so over dramatic "
YOUR 23 !! have some respect !
And btw, being with a guy for 3 months ,does not make you a "mummy " , I know your jealous of her real mum, you should be , she was 10 times as pretty as you , and everyone loved her , and if she was here , she would kick YOUR ass .
And YOU , person number 3 aren't much better, after everything they did for you and you just let her be a cow like that , pathetic, grow some balls .


Posted By: My3Sons
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 11:48am

Butt your bug fat stupid head out of other peoples business! Did I ASK for your opinion??  And if you have any concerns about any of my children come talk to me about it rather than behind my back!  Stupid overopinionated woman!  Maybe you arent right about EVERYTHING?!?


ahhh that feels better!

Mum to Mr 10, Mr 6 and Mr 4

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 12:03pm
Argh !!! go to sleep !!!!
you are tired ! stop fighting it !!!


Posted By: Whateversville
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 1:02pm
Okay here I go!!

Person 1) GET A JOB - Stop pretending you're sick, get off the benifit, stop going to your ex's house and staying in bed for days then coming to see us and acting like you hate her. We know you lie. Your seizures are fake. STOP IT

Person 2) Stop taking all the credit for your baby. You did NOTHING you ignored me the entire pregnancy and now hes here you're acting like father of the f**king year you've seen him 9times..He cries when you hold him coz you STINK of smoke & your beard is ugly
I can't believe you posted photos on FB the night he was born when 95% of my friends didn't know he was born yet..That should have been MY joy to share..A-HOLE.
When you haven't seen him in over a week and never txt to ask how he is if someone asks you on FB how your baby is DON'T SAY GOOD say i don't know im a dick and don't visit him..
GAHHH i strongly dislike you..

Person 3) Turn the TV down!!!!!!

That feels a lil better

Posted By: BriAndOlisMum
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 1:21pm
You are such a BITCH I thought I would give you the benefit of the doubt and be nice to you through all of this but you just shat in your own nest sorry. You will NOT be seeing my kids unless you put DD's money back into her account!! You say you won't spend it but what else are you going to do when you have no money, you're not going to go out and get a job, you have not worked in the last 26 years so why would you get one now. Its your own fault that you have lost everything, what made you think it is ok to cheat on your husband of 27 years. f**k YOU


Posted By: HoneybunsMa
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 1:28pm
Stop rubbing your feet together the sound of your socks catching against eachother is really f**king annoying! If your going to watch tv then watch it, if your going to read the paper then read it you can't do BOTH! If you must have it on then turn it onto something enjoyable not s**t about people being carved up/abducted/killed etc. Oh and put your f**ing dishes in the dishwasher, you only have a bowl and spoon put it in the dishwasher! It's not like you rinse it out and use it again later, you get a brand new one everytime. Oh and the couch is not a table, move all your crap off it! The newspaper doesn't need to sit next to you all day, if you've read it then put it in the recycling!


Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 1:53pm
Originally posted by rachelsea rachelsea wrote:

Oh and to a certain MIL who shall remain nameless... STOP harping on at me about getting my baby's gums cut so her teeth come through SO WHAT that she only has two teeth at 14months - they will come thru when they're ready!!!

Seriously???? Cut the gum before the tooth does it, what the hell with. This post kinda stopped me in my tracks!!!


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 2:29pm
Yeah must admit I was wondering 'who does that?' as well.


Posted By: Whateversville
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 3:27pm
Stop 'patting' my baby he's not an animal!

Posted By: lil_lease
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 3:30pm
Who cares where I used to work, or what job I used to do. At least it was a damn job. Get off your high horse, grow up and get over it. You're not even old enough to GET a job so shut up about what I used to do temporarily.
It paid the bills.

That feels a bit better.

Antony, gone but never forgotten 2-4-2010

Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 3:41pm
Originally posted by Trudz_Tyler Trudz_Tyler wrote:

Stop 'patting' my baby he's not an animal!

I loled at this!

Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 3:42pm
How can you complain about having no money to do anything while on the dole... but post photos and status updates about all these nights out and parties you manage to go to??? And the amount of money you blow on kids clothes is unbelievable!! When I was on the dole I had to rely on hand-me-downs for my kid cos I couldnt afford brand new, let alone brand name!!!

Been itching to get that one off my chest for months!!

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: lil_lease
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 3:53pm
Why is it that I tell you I'm pregnant and then you're all trying to get back into my good books after years of being a right a.hole. Then when I tell you I lost the baby theres maybe a week of contact and then nothing since.
Why do I always have to ring you? Or txt you? Or visit you! Its been happening for years and I've finally had it. You're the reason I dont have a relationship with my own brother!
Dont blame it all on your ex-wife, you just didnt have the balls to stand up to her and do the right thing. You're too much of a cowardly prick.

*pant pant*
That's MUCH better. Been holding that one in for years.

Antony, gone but never forgotten 2-4-2010

Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 4:10pm
Originally posted by Little_Red Little_Red wrote:

Originally posted by Trudz_Tyler Trudz_Tyler wrote:

Stop 'patting' my baby he's not an animal!

I loled at this!

Pat pat, pat pat

In a quirky mood today


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:04pm

Stop reading my txts, they are for me not you.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:15pm
I NEED to get it off my chest...sorry in advance for offending anyone.,..(and its not aimed at you, just in general but mainly at my family and soem other people I

You smoke, you smell and your breath stinks. You smell like a sour mix of body odour, must and stale smoke. youck. Dont think that impulse you spray over yourself covers it up, it dosen't it just smells like loo freshner on top of gross yuck cigarette.
When you give me stuff of yours it stinks too. I don't lend you stuff cos I hate the way it smells when it comes back. I had to throw out that iron you gave me, that good one because I couln't get the smell out of it and when I used it all my clothes smelled smokey and gross. Your house smells because you smoke inside. I don't come to your house often because it smells really bad, smokey and musty and yuck and when I leave we smell like that too and it makes me feel sick and embarrassed. I feel embarrased when I introduce people to you because you smell.
Standing at the door as a token gesture while it all wafts back in dosen't really count as smoking outside. Niether does sticking your head out the window.
Your poor kids reek of it too and I do''nt like hugging them.
Their exzema and asthma is bad because of YOUR lifestyle choices not their bad luck - although it is bad luck they have loser parents like you.
And you smoke in your car. not only isn't it registered warranted or insured its like sitting in an ashtray. Yuck. Your poor kids have to be trapped in that car with all those foul smelling chemical residues.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:17pm
awww kelly - i luv you... your friend was very lucky to have you in her life.


Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:20pm
Naww thanks Deb ( I think im the Kelly you mean ) I luvs you too


Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:26pm
Originally posted by TheKelly TheKelly wrote:

Naww thanks Deb ( I think im the Kelly you mean ) I luvs you too

you certainly are! i was touched to read your post on the last page and couldnt really find the words to say how special that relationship sounded. and now i sound like a cryptic nob! LOL!


Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:36pm
aww thanks Deb , it was a special relationship, we were friends for 17 years, she was awesome , beautiful , kind , funny and a real goober at times . She was very loved, a thousand people came to her funeral , im proud to have been her friend , I miss her a lot ...
Her little girl is gorgeous and looks just like her ..and I show her pictures of her mum everytime I see her ,heh .


Posted By: Whateversville
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 5:58pm
Stop breathing your beer breath on my baby. It's not going to make him like it when he's older it also doesn't make him a bloke.
I thought I said turn the TV down!
AND shut the door!

Posted By: Parki
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 7:54pm
This is MY house and you board with US so dont sit in front mf MY 50 inch tv and watch sport 24/7 - I like to watch TV too sometimes.

And while I'm at it. Learn how to change a toilet roll, put a bin liner in the bin, wipe the bench down, & clean the hell up.

You pay next to nothing and have every luxury you could ever imagine while DH & I try to pay everything off beofre we have a baby. I work two jobs while being exhausted form IVF while you sit on your spoilt Mama Boy a*s. So how about you vaccum, clean the bathroom or even the toilet, even just ONCE so I don't have to come home from work and clean up after you!.

Lazy sh*t.

P.S. If you shave your head one more time and leave the hair in the sink I will hurt you.

Woooaaahhhhhhhh I'm good now

Posted By: HoneybunsMa
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 8:07pm
I understand you are sick BUT you are NOT an invilid! (sp) The fact that the phone just rang and you let me walk across the room to get it shows that you are just plain LAZY especially when said phone is sitting right behind you, literally right behind you by your head, reach your fkn arm up and get it already! It's not even a corded phone ffs!


Posted By: MrsMojo
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:28pm

The whole world does not mumble.  Get your hearing checked.


Posted By: Snappy
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:30pm
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:

The whole world does not mumble.  Get your hearing checked.


Posted By: caraMel
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:38pm
God you're annoying and up yourself!

Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:

Posted By: Shezzey
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:56pm

Gawd... i think it is about time you lost heaps of arrogance instead of weight.   That would impress me more

Posted By: Parki
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 9:57pm
I hate your guts, seriously. I have never hated anyone and you are the first!

You micro managed me, treated me like sh*t, took credit for my ideas, belittled me & made me do ridiculous things that were NOT my job like baby sit your kids because you had no balls to tell wife you can't take 3 small children to work. You were a total as*hole, your wife was a b*tch had no dress sense and everyone hates you. You were the worlds worst Manager and I hope Managment figure out you are terrible at your job.

Then you made me redundant and let someone else tell me you gutless freak!

P.s; That time you dragged us to your place for dinner.... Your wifes cooking was sh*t !

I Actually LOVE this thread! It's so theraputic!

Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 10:02pm
Originally posted by MrsMojo MrsMojo wrote:

The whole world does not mumble.  Get your hearing checked.

Argh!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!

You know, if singaporeans and Japanese people who don't even speak English as a first language can understand me then I'm pretty sure the issue is YOU. Not the "fact" that DH and I both mumble!

Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 10:05pm
The whole family knows you are stealing mums money while she is in hospital, however if she is happy with you blowing her money on drugs and booze and SMOKES as well as taking "board" off her (and she dosen't seem to mind - hell she even makes escuses for you) - even though she has been in hospital for 6 weeks and will be for 6 more - you will find when it comes time to pay for her funeral, the entire family will tell you it's your problem loser.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 14 May 2010 at 10:07pm
actually that was a bit harsh.... I will just stick with I hate you. I don't ever want to see you againm, however I know that unfortunately I will have to endure you again but as long as I am alive you will not ever live with me and my children again.

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

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