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Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Living with Post Natal Depression
Forum Description: Around one in ten NZ mothers will be diagnosed with PND in the first year of their babies life. Find support and encouragement and share ideas for coping here.
Printed Date: 16 February 2025 at 9:02am
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Topic: SCARED!!!
Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Subject: SCARED!!!
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 2:58pm

really didnt want to confess this but i know i need to say something coz i know myself well enough to know i REALLY need help!!

I confess i just had a mini mental breakdown and have just woken up from crying myself to sleep, i am so angry at myself and at DH, i have also contemplated leaving DH and running to my mums and even thought about and made a mental list of what to take with me for charlotte coz i HATE it here, i contemplated myself becoming and mother and then thought about how to go about sorting out the adoption papers for her birth coz ... well we wont go there for now!!... I have also thought of downing the bottle of wine in the fridge and not giving a sh*t about the consequences! or maybe trying some of the hard liquor we have that i dont normally even drink!

Im not trying to seek sympathy, i dont want people to make rude and mean comments, i just purely want some support and advice from ANYONE that has felt like this coz right now i think im as low as i can go and wont be touching the meds yet for fear of doing something with them...


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: noodle
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 3:09pm
I cant help with how you're feeling as I haven't been there myself, and dont know what advice to give. That said though i'm worried about you and think you need to ring you're midwife and she can start putting whatever needs to be put in place to support you.
I think you have been very strong to speak out though and ask for help so be proud of that chick! hopefully you're midwife can help....ring her hun


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 3:15pm

noodle, My DH doesnt even know, hes gone off with his mum to run some errand when i had woken.

My mw and Gp are getting letters in the post about my feelings coz im in a preg/NB study and part of that came back with higher than normal scores indicating depression etc, my mw also mentioned last week that she noticed i seemed to be heading downwards again so she is aware and is watching out.

I have trouble speaking out for myself but i have my next appt mon and i am sure DH will speak up, even though i dont confide these feelings to him he knows soomething up, he studies psychology and knows the signs from my previous depression....

I cant help think that its just a phase coz we just got back from a really nice break away and all the crazy emotions with the impending birth and personal issues with money and stuff, i just think its all getting a bit much and my mind is having trouble comprehending it all at the same time...i tried to talk to my mum who has also had depression/anxiety issues and she sort of suggested that i was just on a low from the holiday etc etc so was no blardy help.


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 3:34pm
I know what it is like to feel scared because you dont feel like/seem to be the person that you used to be.

I'm not sure if you are in levin but this is the levin number for the outpatient service at horowhenua mental health 06 366 0047. They are available until 5pm today and can give you an emergency number if you need help after hours.

If you want I am on msn and facebook at the moment. My email is and I am here all afternoon if you need to talk.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 3:38pm

DH is about to get back so i cant chat on msn atm but iv added you amme!! thanks hun XX

p.s thanks for the number ill pop it in my phone!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: 1st_Time_Preggies
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 4:34pm
Have no experience or advice either but just wanted to say big

Hope you are feeling better.   

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 5:53pm
Nicola - are you okay? do you need someone at your house cause I could be there in bout 40 mins.,,,,or maybe more, i drive slowly, but seriously...if you need company

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 6:07pm

lizzle thanks so much for the offer hun but im surrounded here literally, dh is here and we have PIL and BIL like less than 10meters away ALWAYS, in one sense thats probably half the problem...they are always here, got them coming over in 10mins for a roast chicken iv cooked...every time ...SIGH...

im thinking of showing dh the original post as i think it would be easier  than trying to communicate it but im scared too :-S

edited for spelling lol


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 6:31pm
Don't be scared to show DH. like you say he probably knows something is going on just not how scared you are feeling so show him the posts...he will help you. You have to trust him ok.


Oct 11

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 6:32pm

Tali, we have his family coming over very soon for dinner tho, should i just turn it round or wait till after they go home?


edited to add ill try after they go home tonight...everytime i re-read what i wrote the more worried i get about him reading it :-S


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 8:40pm
it will be fine nicole, he will be glad that you are being honest with him

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 9:39pm

How has diner gone? Not too stressful I hope. Have you shown your DH your post? How did it go? Personally I think you need to talk to someone ASAP, whether it be your DH, GP, MW or MMH. I think Monday is too long to wait to talk to your mw. I know that when I was at one of my lowest points I went and saw my Mum who then made an appt with our GP straight away and I felt so much better after talking to him.

I hope you feel better soon!


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 10:30pm

linzy, dinner was ok, my roasts are always a hit, dh and i had a good snuggle on the couch and felt our baby girl squirm, am about to show him the posts then probably off to bed to have a bit of a chat id say, not that i feel like it...

il report in tomorrow, thanks for the support so far ladies xx


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 11 August 2010 at 11:31pm
The first thing I would say is just to calm yourself. Sometimes this happens to me - I call it "losing the plot" and sometimes it includes having a hooley at DH (usually), just feeling overwhelmed and like I can't cope etc. etc. This is part of PND and long-term, it needs to be better managed.

Short term - you just need to calm yourself and even though everything feels like it's too much and you are going to lose it completely... everything will be fine. You probably need to do something that is relaxing and distracting so that your emotions calm down enough to think rationally. For me when I am like this, my emotions make me think IRRATIONALLY and I do and say stupid regrettable things.

I know I'm posting this after the fact... but something relaxing might be watching a lighthearted DVD and sipping a hot chocolate. Or even having a nap.

If you think you are a danger to yourself or someone else - phone the Crisis team. It is an 0800 number you should find online or in your white pages.

Let us know how you get on.

Posted By: noodle
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 7:54am
chick I hope all went well last night and you're feeling ok today. I think showing him is a good thing to do and you're very brave for doing so. Be proud chick!


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 10:27am

hey ladies, thanks for all your support and advice, i showed Dh this forum and he read through my parts and got a bit upset so naturally i cried too, however he as really sweet but told me off for not talking to him etc...

one thing that really hit me hard though was he admitted he had also thought of leaving me a few times and that he would want to take charlotte!! that has kinda scared me a little bit but he reassures me that although that would be the easier thing to do he will never do it as he loves me and wants this baby with all his heart and will fight for the three of us.

We got a the course related costs paid out last night for his study (about $500) so that has cut our cc debt in half now thank god and i feel slightly less stressed about the financial worries we have with the things still left to get...hes said we can go and get them over this week so that everythings all ticked off to remove even more stress so thats good. I think for me is to try and relax and spend more time being with DH and maybe getting out and being with people i love to be around if not for distraction but to realize that life goes on around me and that no matter how im feeling its not going to stop and end because i feel down or anxious, it keeps spinning and time keeps ticking so i need to enjoy every second of it or ill potentially miss something great!

Thanks again ladies, i think ill use this thread as a bit of a journal for a bit so feel free to keep reading along and offering advice if you want to.


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: heaf3
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 10:48am
nic im glad you were able to talk to DH about it!
and yay for less stress!
keep trucking along girl, ill keep reading as long as you keep posting!
much luv xxxx

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Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 2:01pm

Nic so sorry to read your post, good on you for talking to DH though he's a good man and he loves you and your baby girl. Sharing your fears with him means you don't have to do it on your own.
Love to you  from your OB buddies.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 2:04pm

thanks heather and fleur, it means alot knowing you guys care!!

Im feeling a bit better now...

Just got back and other than the snacks which well buy at our bit off topic in one sense but here goes...

Just got back from a big shop and other than the snacks which well buy at our next shop my hospital bag is 100% packed!!

I have now got 2 nursing singlets ($18.99 each)and two sets of button fronted Pjs (new one was $40 down to $15), plus my actually maternity pj set which also has a nursing singlet built in...we also got a set of 100% bamboo basinett sheets (so have 3 sets now) for $20 and also got a medicine applicator thingy and aspirator for her first aid kit, also a pair of jandals for the shower for $5!

I also got all these great bits from countdown, i got a dishwasher basket for bottles, toys all that for $5!, got two pacifiers, got a bottle for WAY later lil for $4.40, and got a wrist rattle for $3.98.

Im feeling really fully prepped now, am about to hang up the last curtain in her nursery and then paint her wooden "C"

those that have FB will be able to see the finished nursery otherwise youll have to wait for my tour video on youtube


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 2:22pm
that is fantastic nicola. well done you, you have got heaps accomplished today. it is so exciting that your nursery is nearly ready.

its fantastic that your dh is there for you and helping you plan to get around those feelings.

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 2:44pm

Good for you hun, doing stuff always give me a sense of acomplishment and makes me feel better.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 2:46pm

do you guys want me to post pics of the nursery in here?? theyll be on my FB and probably in sept thread tho...?

Done the curtain all by myself, DH will be proud and now off to paint her wooden "C"...then  its picture taking time lol


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 3:05pm

Stick em in the photo gallery if you want to show them off in here.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 3:21pm
good idea fleur!! dahhh haha ill post when i have posted them there so ya know ;)


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 4:10pm
Glad you are feeling better Nic

It is pretty normal to be scared as the baby gets closer and closer, but not normal to be terrified, IYKWIM? So I do think you need to reinforce to your MW and perhaps to your mum that you are feeling more than just the normal worries that every mum gets ok? And if they aren't forthcoming with help, keep looking until you find someone who is.

Did you do antenatal classes? I had a bit of a meltdown when DD was 5 months old, and I ended up showing up on the doorstep of our antenatal class teacher in tears, because I knew she'd have the contacts to help me (and I also knew she'd happily open her arms to DD for an hour or so which I desperately needed). So maybe that is an option for you?

Looking forward to seeing the photos too


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 5:10pm

Yeah we just finished those on tues so that probably contributed to the Holey crap side of it lol

photos are on my FB now and just making the topic in the photo gallery now, go check it out

heres the link -


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 12 August 2010 at 9:21pm
OMG the nursery looks fabulous, what a wonderful job you have done!

Glad the talk with your DH went well

Sounds like you accomplished alot, I always feel better when I can cross soemthing off my To Do list


Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 1:23am
I read through a Pregnancy Book in my pregnancy and it said it was normal to have anxiety as you come closer to your due date. I remember wanting everything to be prepared, ready and perfect. It's partly a hormonal nesting thing I think. The funny thing is - after the baby, everything gets really chaotic and disorganized lol

But in terms of your mental health, let your midwife know and ask for a Maternal Mental Health review - they usually say go to your GP first so that's another avenue. I have talked to Maternal Mental Health and they have said that sometimes going on a anti-depressant in pregnancy or early on after the baby is born can PREVENT PND. Your GP can consult with Maternal Mental Health for advice. No one likes AD's but I thought I was at risk and wish now that I'd had that information as I would have taken them early on to prevent PND.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 11:00am

well bubs has officially dropped as well, my tummy is super low and the pressure and round ligament pain is crazy! i now CANT go through the night with getting up to pee, hav managed to get this far without needing to so that pretty awesome but now my sleep is really disturbed and its making me really irritable. Of course DH is copping all the flack from that as well and it pushes him away as he doesnt want to be around a grouchy B****.

I seem to be falling into a rhythem and wonder if its bubs' activity that waking me as it seems to be every 2.5-3 hours ish which is probably when shes going to wake for feeds. Its really frustrating as im so tired and want to get as much sleep as i can before she gets here but shes obviously intent on me learning now. I dont know how to handle myself and my emotions when im tired because they just snap so easily, i can see myself getting annoyed and then just snapping back at someone who i know has good intention but they just piss me off asking simple questions like "how are you?" or "what did you get up to today?" grrr

I got my letter from the sleep study im in with massey university studying the effects of tiredness etc on pregnant women and then women with a newborn, anyway it says my edinborough score was 16 and that they have forwarded this to my mw etc...crazy seeing it on paper, makes me realize i cant just walk away from this, noting will change if i dont do something about it. My mw will also have the letter today and so im sure she will bring it up on monday at my visit so im going to make sure that DH knows and that he helps me talk it through with her more so that we can sort something out...

nathansmummy - my mw has also said that going on AD's before the end of preg can help prevent some cases of PND.


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 12:09pm
nicola can you please please please please please please please come and do my nursery yours is sooo awesome.

I am kind of jealous that you are feeling the baby as I havent felt it yet... I know a long way to go yet. Although I can see how the sleep deprivation starting is a pain. You will figure out a rhythm and it will get better. But doing simple things like making sure the dishes are done etc before you go to sleep so you dont end up with a ton of stuff to do when you wake up will help.And asking dh to put his stuff away/help with dinner should take some of the pressure off. Its all about minimising the stress

I know what you mean about the stupid questions. In a couple of weeks they are going to start asking you if you have had the baby.

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 4:22pm
Wow I havn't been able to sleep though the night without getting up to pee since I got my BFP!
The only thing that seems to help is going to bed early, then at least I get a decent length of rest even if its disturbed.

Charlotte's room is beautiful she's one very lucky girl having you for her Mum.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 5:14pm

haha amme i have thought about doing some nurseries, iv had a few PM's over my preg about people wanting to fly me to them to paint a mural etc haha....maybe i should look into it lol might be hard with a new babe but feilding isnt far Wink

i felt quickening from about 14weeks and kicks by 16 weeks which is quite early for a first im told, but she has always been a very active bubs...i dont get any peace anymore haha and some movements hurt too!

fleur - we go to be around 11pm or something as dh isnt home from work till about 10:15 so hes wired and usually stays up a bit and i cant sleep with noise in the other rooms or without him in the bed when i know hes here. So early bedtimes arent really our thing...i was up at 3 am and 5:30am this morning and then up again at about 8am i think....really takes its toll as it takes me so long to get comfy for sleep now (trying to ALWAYS be on the left to turn bubs) that it takes ages before i get to the quality REM sleep....


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 7:22pm

ergh sometimes i feel like i have no dam support!!

mum said (7:11 p.m.):

your father and me tomorrow

me only sunday

~*NICOLA*~ said (7:12 p.m.):

do you want company?

or want to come to company?

mum said (7:13 p.m.):

i have too much to do to come up there

what day are we talking

~*NICOLA*~ said (7:13 p.m.):

i dunno

i wanna see you before Bday and i only see it happening this weekend or next at the latest lol

mum said (7:13 p.m.):

you should be staying home now getting to close

~*NICOLA*~ said (7:14 p.m.):

meh its not far away, only 30mins

 mum said (7:15 p.m.):

sunday would suit me better for you to come but your father is going to bowls sunday

mum said (7:16 p.m.):

i will also be getting a hair cut probably sunday

mum said (7:17 p.m.):

as remeber we only came back from holiday on monday and have worked all week so haven't had time to do anything around here which it needs it badly and i have to finish charlottes cardy before it is too late

~*NICOLA*~ said (7:17 p.m.):

well see then as mat needs to sort me some petrol anyway, it might not be worth worrying about it then...


*que the tears* i hardly ever get to see them because of the distance and dads contstant bowls games...they never come up here (because they have no need to..UMM MEE YOUR DAUGHTER!)...i only go down to see them too ya know!!! grrr!!! and not only that but mum packed a crabby when i said how marie (godmother and honourary aunt) will be coming up after the birth and that she has even orgnised to drop everything at work to come up from wellington at the drop of a hat..when she will only come if the "timing is right" etc etc...and then had the nerve to say that the grandparents should be the first to see and hold her not friends!!!

Marie IS her family!! and the ONLY friend im letting visit while in the unit, extended family and friends are waiting till i get home thanks....grrr makes me so angry but so dam upset that i have to apparently have this baby to everyone eles schedules!!!....


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 8:17pm
from me nicola. it must be really hard. dont let it get you down hopefully everything will sort itself out after the baby is born.. if not its their loss not yours

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 13 August 2010 at 9:02pm

thanks hun, im just so over it

im seriously not going to tell anyone iv gone into labour or shes born if I have to have this baby to everyone else's schedules!!!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 12:28am
lol Nic, I was up to the toilet almost every hour it felt like at the end...and sure as heck was up and down like a yoyo early on....I reckon it is just your body warning you what is ahead lol!

Glad you told DP, I am sure things will be easier with him knowing how you are coping with things.

The nursery is awesome...didn't click that you are Nicola from ohbaby craft group. Put some more pics up on there coz we have had only 1 photo this the lamp too, very clever. Oh and the C...was that with paper and things?


Oct 11

Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 1:40am
I found that pregnancy brought up a lot of issues for me with my family - particularly my mother. And I don't have sufficient support either - so you are in good company. Sometimes I get angry about it, or frustrated when I really need it - but mostly I think I've come to accept it, but I know it's hard. You know what you should experience particularly at this time. I tried to set up support for me prior to having DS but it just didn't work. It's hard to rely on other people... But lately I have really come to appreciate my mother's company and the IL's. They don't nearly what they should do in terms of help and support, but I still enjoy seeing them and the joy they get from seeing DS that only family can really experience.

Let the tears go and feel angry and say what you need to say, but things often change once a baby is around. And some things never change... I know how hard it can be.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 9:32am

Tali, ill copy some of those pics accross, its a wooden C from spotlight, and also some wooden swirls from there too, i have a small colection of them, i used them on her shower invites too....and the glitter flowers where just scrapbooking embellishments and match on most things iv done like her name plaque and her ceiling light shade...then ribbon all the way around....done...took maybe 30mins

last night, once again sucked!! have pain running down the whole right right of my back from the way i must of ended up sleeping...also still feeling crampy under my bump....ergh i feel huge right now and have three week left!!! maybe up to 5 if im late and get induced....OMG that is sooo not a nice thought right now!!

the problem is nathansmummy that we are rural, although its not way out (like 5-10mins to town) i still need a car to get anywhere and we have one in this family which dh's takes to work unless i drop him off and have to head out at 10pm to get him, its not safe to walk anywhere as we live on a very main road (highway) and many trucks come down it and cars go very fast...although im close to alot (other than friends and family) i feel super isolated!! ALL of my friends IRL are at least 30mins drive away so never come up to see me anymore and coz of my lack of vehicle its hard for me to get to them too....sigh...



CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 10:03am
wow- that nursery is AMAZING!!!!! you've done such a great job, what a lucky girl Charlotte will be

I agree- pregnancy and babies can bring up lots of issues with family Some of it good, some of it bad, and some of it can turn into a right horror story (like what's happened with us!) Take it easy on yourself hun

sounds like you're in a very tough space and right now you really need support to get stronger. Just wondering, do your parents know that you've been struggling? It might change their attitudes if they did....or it might not (depends on what they're like)


Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 10:18am

mailto:M@B08 - M2B08 - she does know as shes on AD's too!!!! hers was from being made redundant and and losing her confidence and then anxiety when trying to get jobs etc etc etc....she knows EXACTLY how i feel and we are usual;ly in general very close but she just seems to think that because she had no family around and no help when i was born that we dont need it like ummm different circumstances for a start...she was 10 years older than i am when having her first, which makes a big difference and i HAVE family nearby so it isnt any excuse to just ignore me!! She is really excited to be a NAN and they have picked that they want to be called NAN and POP and she loves talking to my belly and feeling her move when i do see her and has gone bonkers and spent lots on wool and knitting stuff for her, but general support is absent...

 have another worry today, i know bubba is supposed to slow movements down and stuff near the end but how slow should it go and how quickly should it decrease, iv noticed over the last few days (since she dropped) that she isnt moving around as much or as unsure if i should be worried about this or not as she IS still moving but its alot less (shes been VERY active)


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 10:32am
Only you know what your family is like, I'm finding having a baby doesn't make them behave any different to how they did before.

If anything they irritate me even more, I'm possibly a little more sensitive with pregnancy I also feel protective towards my daughter and feel its my job to stand up for her and stupid comments that people make.

I hear ya about lack of visitors I live in Feilding and you'd think it was the end of the earth for people to come and visit. Without OB and FB I think I'd go crazy. Especially with Dh being away I've found it quite lonely.

Do you keep a movement diary? I know there is a page for one in my MW baby book. If in any doubt give your MW a ring its only a phone call and she can put your mind at ease.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 10:45am

very true fleur!! no i havnt needed too coz she was so active, she would give me my 10 kicks before i even got up in the mornings lol

OMG! i know the feeling, without OB and FB id been really screwed! its the only thing stopping me going completely off my rocker! well have babes soon to keep us more occupied tho Wink

I really need to go to some of the meet ups if i can as i think that would help too, but im really shy at first and get anxiety when trying new things like that so it becomes really hard for me.

Although sometimes i worry about being too addicted to it, coz even when im away from home i want to check my fave threads and FB :S but i think id be worse without it as id have NO human contact other than DH and PIL....


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 11:15am
Everyone is feeling the same way at the meet ups, the first time I went to a Palmy one I wasn't even pregnant and felt like a right idiot. Everyone is lovely though and super friendly.

ATM I've only got work and the cat, its sad when I look forward to Mondays so I have someone else to talk to even if they're only boys.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 11:20am

lol yeah i look forward ot mondays as thats DH's friday so that means we are close to our weekend and i can go out and do stuff!

Maybe ill make the next palmy one if i find out about it before it happens for a change haha and maybe  i can provide NB cuddles as an icebreaker haha


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 1:34pm
Nic for me, it wasn't so much that there were fewer movements, but as DD got all squashed up in there, the movements were much smaller as she couldn't do big kicks and punches anymore. Def call your midwife if you are worried though. I had mine come and monitor me in hospital during a long weekend cos DD had gone quiet - I felt bad bothering her, but it was worth it for DD's safety!

And yep, do come to the next Palmy meetup. In fact, why don't you go and start a meet-up thread for a day you can come? If I'm not working, I'll be there


Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:12pm
Bamn - I know how you feel in terms of one car family at least... it really does suck. It gets more isolated when you have a baby, too, so I'd recommend making a plan for how and where and when you might get some socialization because that isolation was a big part of my PND as was lack of support.

I remember those last few weeks of pregnancy I was soooo uncomfortable. I wouldn't be surprised if OB and FB get the flick once baby is here though - at least for a little while

Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:13pm
P.S. Their movements slow A LOT in those last weeks. I remember going on the movement monitor once (forgotten what it's called) and he was fine...

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 6:21pm



CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 7:16pm
hmm now I'm wondering what your reply was....!!

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 14 August 2010 at 8:04pm
Me too


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 15 August 2010 at 2:22pm

its ok im fine....iv been feeling really miserable and crampy and had some nasty "practise" contractions last night which were really bad compared to even the evening ones which i was timing as were 30mins apart...i have a feeling ill be dealing with this for quite some time...yay for fullterm today though!!!


I have had more of the baby cant be born this day or on a weekday and sh*t too, dh tried to get me to go down to pram to see mum anyway and screw the petrol costs but im feeling so rejected and miserable that i just dont want to, i feel like im not wanted anymore...not that he realized it when he said it but, dh also said "its really sad that a mother doesnt want to to see her own daughter"...i had to bite back the tears while i dropped him off


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 15 August 2010 at 3:13pm
Originally posted by nathansmummy nathansmummy wrote:

It gets more isolated when you have a baby, too, so I'd recommend making a plan for how and where and when you might get some socialization because that isolation was a big part of my PND as was lack of support.

I agree very strongly with this. We ended up extending our mortgage so that we could buy a second car so that I wouldn't be stuck on my own all day. Now I tend not to go more than one day at a time without seeing someone, somewhere. And in all honesty, the day that I got in the car and drove to the early years support service in tears, I hate to think what would have happened if I'd not had the option of somewhere to go, and a way to get there. Can you organise for DH to carpool, or for your PIL to drop him off for a while? Or can you borrow one of their cars when you need it? It would be really good for you to explore your options now.

Congrats on making it to full term, and enjoy these last few weeks on your own


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 15 August 2010 at 3:18pm

i cant borrow theirs as they are all needed and are manuals which i cant drive anyway..i also thought of getting them to drop dh off for a bit but i still dont know where i would go as my friends are all miles away and are busy working or uni so its hard to make any plans...

T-Rex - enjoy the last few, ergh i just want her out lol im over the false pains its like having my endo period pains for days in a row again just not as bad


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 15 August 2010 at 3:41pm
I remember all those false contractions - not nice!!! Hopefully it's getting your cervix prepared so that labour won't be so drawn out.

In terms of making a plan... what normally happens with most mothers I have heard and is my experience is that it's like opening a whole new chapter in your life. Often you don't end up seeing your old friends as much - especially if they don't have kids - and you end up making new friends which can take some time. That's where I'm at at the moment.

So in terms of planning socialization I'm more thinking about planning what coffee groups you'll attend or if there's a SPACE programme at your local Playcentre or some other things where mums meet up. And how you might attend those groups, eg. walking with the buggy. And when DH can look after baby while you have some time out - and what you'll do.

The first few weeks you might want to just be at home recovering but if you do that for too long that PND can set in.

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 15 August 2010 at 3:50pm
Do you have any contact with your antenatal group? There's most likely a few in the same situation / stage as you. Especially those that have finished work and are at a loose end till the babies start to arrive.

Meh, ignore the stupid people that say which day she's to come on, she'll come when she's good and ready, babies don't take notice of anyone else's schedule.

Also with parents sometimes they don't have a clue what's going on in anyone else's live accept their own, go visit if it will help you.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 15 August 2010 at 7:09pm
Yeah as the others have suggested look into Playcentre, AN coffee group, or - Plunket have a New Mothers group in Levin you could check out. - La Leche League has a Kapati group you could check out. My Mum is still friends (30yrs on!) with some of the women she met at LLL when I was a baby. LLL also encourage you to go before baby is born so you could try it out now if you can.

Also ask Plunket or your MW if there is anything like - Parent Port in your area as they can help you after baby is born if things get too much. I have used our loacl one twice now, once when I was first diagnosed with PND at my mw's suggestion and then recently when I got sick after a run of the boys being sick


Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 16 August 2010 at 10:34am
Yip agree, ignore stupid comments about she can't come this day or that...for goodness sake she will come when she is ready and it is not like you can close your legs to stop her coming lol!!! I am sure they are just joking about the days she can't come but I can sure understand why you are getting annoyed about it....any day she is born you will be happy!

Why don't you learn to drive manual, it is not that hard truly...and it will give you the option to borrow those manual cars. Probably not right now but maybe a couple of months after baby is born?

I am stuck at home with no car too, usually not fussed but if you are a social person I can imagine it would drive you bananas! Def look into some of those groups to meet new people.


Oct 11

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 16 August 2010 at 12:27pm

I can drive a manual but i got my license in an auto and im on restricted so im only legally allowed to drive an auto unless a full liscensed driver is in the front of the manual...iv never had a reason to get my full license and it costs too atm anyway but do plan to get it next year.

All three cars are generally in use everyday though so the chances are really slim of borrowing one aswell.

i dont mind not being able to drive places or whatever its the fact that its too dangerous to just go for a nice walk that sux, i used to walk everyday when we lived in town and loved it, was when me and DH did most of our talking and alone time..i miss it :'(


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: heaf3
Date Posted: 16 August 2010 at 1:53pm
hugs hun! but yay for being full term!!

i hope she gives you a break with those contractions, either that or she gives you a really good labour!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 17 August 2010 at 4:26pm

YAY mum has organised to be able to take time off when she hears im in labour and so has my lil brother, so sweet, hes so excited!

so now ill get to have mum there when shes born and for extra support/taking pics etc so that mat can do more back rubbing haha

feeling a bit more supported now, i think she realized this is a once in a lifetime opp here as im her only daughter, that and my BFF and lil brother all made the effort to organise to leave work so yeah...either way im glad shes making an effort now


got mw tomorrow so hopefully she can tell me some good news on the engaged/dialation love to be on the way to labour...dont mind waiting another week or two but really dont want to go overdue!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 17 August 2010 at 7:24pm
That's great, glad you have some support!


Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 17 August 2010 at 8:19pm
that sounds great nicola, good to see you finally getting that support.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 17 August 2010 at 8:26pm

not sure how long she will stay as even dh has to go home after 10pm on any night ...not if im in labour though haha

now i kinda feel guttered dad isnt coming up ahaha hes the only other one, but mum i actualy want in the birthing room with me and mat so shes the only one that "needs" to be there i guess


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 18 August 2010 at 7:08am

iv had the worst sleep ALL pregnancy, got up three times (so unlike me) and now cant go back to bed coz i feel like i need to pee SUPER bad, oh the pressure im in tears from the lack of sleep as well as the pain, Dh is upset coz he hates seeing me like im just sitting here trying to "hold on" to an empty bladder, freaking rediculous!!

we have thunder here, i dont like it, never have, the sound is just so angry to me or something.......hope everyone else is as snug as a bug! Cry

im up on the couch while dh is snug as a bug in bed, hes getting the lie in for a change lol though hes complained he missed the thunder!! I WISH!!!

Im a bit anxious about my mw appt today as shes made a long appt as she reckons theres alot to cover....i just know part of that is a yucky strep B swab test Dead, maybe an internal which im so embarrassed about but want to know, something must be happening by now surely,...i want this baby out!!! but the thing im worried most about is that shell have a copy of that letter from the sleep study im in informing her that i have a higher than normal edinborough score which can indicate depression....especially when she raised me falling back into my older (1st trimester) ways at my last appt two weeks ago...sigh...part of me wants to go back on the drugs to just make myself feel  a little bit happier every day but part of me wants to try and fight this out, though i failed last time and probably should have sought help not sure about alot these days, my marriage, my home, my animals, my thing i do know is that im sure i want charlotte and i want her OUT!!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 18 August 2010 at 10:11am
Nic, don't feel like you have to do it alone ay, your midwife is there to help you and if you really don't want to go on meds then she might have some other ideas. Why is it so bad to go on meds, is there a reason you don't want to, will it affect baby?
DH is on meds for his depression and probably will be for life, just is part of him ya know?

Back to other topics, good news about your mum coming, that will be good to have her support.

Re the I so old that I didn't even know there were different licences for manual vs auto?? I never even knew that lol...obviously wasn't around when I got mine about 20 years depressing....but then there were mostly manuals back in those days.

Don't feel embarrassed about the internal, it is so not a biggie. I had a Dr try to do a stretch and sweep when I was overdue and he couldn't reach my cervix so I had lots of poking and prodding...they have seen it all before!!


Oct 11

Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 18 August 2010 at 10:13am
Oh and re the pressure have you tried raising the lower half of you with pillows to move Charlotte up off your bladder? Not sure but also all fours would prob take pressure off too?? If you have a beanbag could rest on that.


Oct 11

Posted By: nathansmummy
Date Posted: 18 August 2010 at 7:36pm
Tali I'm with you on the driving/license thing...!! And the internal - no big deal... by the end of your labour you won't care!!

Post natally I had cellulitis after my c-section and had high temperatures. I was so hot that I used to walk around in my underwear in the hospital room (private room). The midwives didn't mind too much... but the prudish physio that came in looked very uncomfortable hahaa and post baby belly I must've looked a pretty hideous sight but I did not care. Clothes made me sweat too much.

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 18 August 2010 at 8:40pm
I wouldnt stress about the internals nic, i'm pretty sure they make them look worse on tv than they are. I had gynae surgery last year, so I have had a whole theatre full of people looking down there plus several different nurses and doctors and it is no stress.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 20 August 2010 at 5:56pm

well dont know if any of you have stalked my due in thred but we had a big wed!!


woke up with intense pressure on bladderfelt nauseated and no matter how much i ate i felt staving

had hot shower and when i came out mat commented that my legs were blueand when he touched them they were ice cold!I looked down my ankles had also dissappeared into my claves withswelling.


Mw appointment - Blood pressure seemed normal and she couldnt explain the intense swelling or that they were blue and cold to the touch.I told her that he movement was very low especially today and i wasexperiencing alot of braxton hicks.

She did a pee test which was also negative.

She referred me to the hospital for monitoring.


Hospital appointment - was there for 5 hours all up.

Was put on a CTG machine for over an hour which showed that she had anawesome heart rythem and that she was indeed moving around fine...It also showed that i was having regular tightenings...they then drew bloods and did a urine sample which were also fine...By this time wed been there well over two hours...they then got the doc in and he did a scan which showed her head down, the cord was up by her neck but flowing at a really good rate.It also showed that the amnio fluid level was on the lower side of normal also will have to be watched and if i make it to my EDD i will be scanned then and not left till the normal 41 weeks. I am to have Blood pressure monitoring 3 times a week as my BP there was (first reading) 150/110 and (second reading) 139/90 which is highfor me!!! im usually about 110/60 lol!

DOC thinks this might be the start of pre-eclampsia :(

She is very posterior however so need to work on that, not that we didnt already know...By the time i had the scan i was contracting with period type cramps they did an internal which showed me at 1cm dialated.

The doctor said it doesnt sound like im in labour just yet but could go anytime.

On the car ride home they have so far got down to every 10mins...


***so got the internal haha*** wasnt so bad afterall ...swelling is slightly better now and BP check on thurs showed higher than normal for me but not over their "PE numbers" so they arent too now im just back to riding out the false labour and waiting...sigh...


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 20 August 2010 at 6:38pm
oh no nic, thats the last sort of excitement that you would have wanted. I am happy that you and bubs are doing ok and fingers crossed that the dreaded pe stays far far away. and also fingers crossed that you pop sooner, rather than later.

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 20 August 2010 at 7:44pm
Sorry to hear about the *dramas* but great that you and baby are OK. I hope that she decides to make an appearance soon!


Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 22 August 2010 at 7:52pm
Oh Nic, I have just found your thread hun, and to be honest its like reliving my journey. Don't be afraid of the meds hun, its the very best thing I have ever done. I left it faaaaaarrrrr too long before doing anything about it as I was sooo scared, and really probably should have been on AD's during 3rd trimester. But as it was, I didn't even acknowledge there was an issue (other than my uncontrollable anger at other peope - namely my DH and his family, and my dad) so it wasn't until I said to DH that I was leaving that I considered it - and he realised the extent of the problem. Big ups to you for having that conversation huni its not an easy thing to do by any means!!

I started meds when DS was 4months old and ended up with an Edinburgh score of 27 eeeeekkkk!!!! I had a week away from home with my sister and the recovery process has been slow but really worthwhile. Do you have a family centre nearby? Mine had a group for mums and mums to be with PND and it was really worthwhile to know that I wasn't alone in my thoughts and situation. My best support network is those ladies now. If not get onto MMH and see what they can do for you, they maybe able to offer more practical advice for your situation.

ANY time you want to PM me or chat - just hollah hun. xoxoxoxoxo


Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 22 August 2010 at 8:11pm
Wow Nic, at least things are happening, even tho a bit scary. How is the swelling going? I should be stalking the due in thread but I am not very good at that!!

might go stalk now tho lol


Oct 11

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 22 August 2010 at 8:23pm

swelling is still there and getting very painful!!

girlygirl i just snappes today, we were printing pics in the warehouse so i was doing all the ones i wanna scrap for charlotte and i went through their papers and books etc as i havnt got an album yet...anyway i bought it round to dh who was sitting at the photo booth going through pics and once we were done (we had to wait an hour for processing) i showed him the few bits i wanted and how much it was...he basically said to me its a waste of time and money as ill NEVER even do coz i was going to with our wedding ones and still havnt lol...anyway im dead set to do them for charlotte!!...i just got upset and said "yes i will, i want this for her" and he basically shot me down again with "um how many other scrapbooks do we have that you havnt done?" and i looked at the stuff and realised he might be i just said "k ill put it back and use what iv got first to prove it" and starting walking back tot eh craft isle...meanwhile hes hot on my heals saying  "no no well buy it hun, if you want dont go putting it back coz ill just pick it up again and buy it" made me furious and to make matter worse the isle had like 6 people down it so i placed the things down where i got them and then started to walk away...OMG HE PICKED THEM UP and tried to follow me so i whipped round and said "i dont f**king want them now put them the f**k down!!"

the looks i got were so....demeening that i just ran away 3 isles over to the shoes where i sat and cried!!! i was so embarrassed by my own reaction and him!

im still angry at him and embarressed as my lil brother whos staying witnessed it all and looked very awkward standing like  meters back from us while we fought in the shoe isle! Cry


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 22 August 2010 at 9:17pm
Oh hun, yes that is exactly how it goes. I always found my anger felt like red hot pokers, and it was nearly always followed by tears. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but you are definitely not alone. Talk to your mw hun, she has your best interests at heart - and if you can't talk to her then write a letter hun. I often find the written word is easier - you can proof it and get your real meaning across.

I saw your poor feet on FB too - time to keep those tootsies up (higher than your heart if possible). Its not long now, look after yourself - you are the most important (it took me a very long time to come to realise this) - its hard to fathom, but you are. Without you everything else falls apart.

Kia kaha xx


Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 24 August 2010 at 9:51pm
Ok, now its my turn to be scared. I'm in the middle of changing from citalopram to fluox and I'm in such a bad way - you name it I have it. I thought the Waikato river looked like a good option yesterday.

I'm off to MMH tomorrow to their critical care team and I'm packing myself... this just blimmin well sucks the big one (PND that is!)


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 24 August 2010 at 10:01pm

OMG!! hugs hun!! nothing is worth taking your life over!! EVER! i tried cutting years ago, was too hurt myself never kill myself but one slip and i could have!!!

Im glad your seeking help, that show some true courage that im yet to mum is on fluox and is really good so dont be scared hun!!

my cell is 0273353061 if you need a chat urgently k, anytime!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 25 August 2010 at 5:36pm
Back from my visit with the crisis team at mental health and the news is that I have had a severe reaction to the prozac that they put me on. So I have to stop it IMMEDIATELY, and start taking lorazipam for my anxiety as a temporary measure until the prozac is cleared out of my system and I can start my new antidepressant. Meanwhile the crisis team is going to call me daily to check up on me. Whew - I'm not losing my mind after all and there is a valid reason for what is going on THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Nic, I've added you to my phone xoox


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 25 August 2010 at 5:49pm

PHEW im glad your ok, iv had you in my thoughts the whole time hoping ya havnt done anything silly!!

im glad they could sort it all out for hun and that youll be back to reality soon lol...nothing like a meds F**K up to send you down nutters row aye...

i was suppsoed to be referred for assessment etc but i havnt heard anything....sigh....


im having some accupunction done tomorrow for pre labour type stuff, mw suggested i give it a go...not sure how effective it will be as not sure i really believe in that stuff since the seabands acupressure bands didnt help me at all...we shall see.


im having lots of meltdown moments, weve lost my dogs tags and loked everywhere and they have dissappeared..ended up slamming everything in anger yet crying in frustration...and when we went to mw today dh had pissed me off a little bit with his lack of help around the house so was a bit grumpy and to be honest almost about to cry in the waiting room and feel really miserable...then when my mw asked how things were going like she always does at the start i had to bite my lip to stop myself crying and just said fine...just over it...


i so hate it....its like all the preggy hormone sh*t has hit at once, and suffering false labour over and over is just making everything worse!! i had 5 hours of 8min apart contractions on mon that just stopped at 10pm...


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 25 August 2010 at 5:52pm

also, i know every tells me that i wont care in the end as all ill be focused on will be getting her out really upset and anxious about the fact that thurs through sun (my EDD) next week my mw will be totally un accessible at a conference!!!

i want HER there not some random, although the accupuncturist tomorrow is her back up (well one of them) so i will meet her but i need that bond if you know what i mean,....i dont just trust anybody! especially down there!

im also anxious about the accupuncture as iv never done it before and i have to drive to otaki to do it and its not till 11am....i like things to be first thing to help my anxiety as i can get up and go so waiting around isnt going to help!!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 01 September 2010 at 6:56pm

okay so i havnt written in a while

quick update is that i had the sleep study edinborough score of tried to refer me to mental health but the have asked i do another test to see if its now at level 23!!! so they are directly going to my GP to get citrolopram or whatever its called as she wants me on Meds NOW!!...

kinda scared to be on them but i guess its for the best....they want me on them by the weekend! Shocked


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 01 September 2010 at 7:22pm
I was a bit scared to go on meds but I felt so much better afterwards. Be aware that it might take a week or two to really start feeling better, hopefully they will start you out on a low dose to ease you into it.


Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 02 September 2010 at 10:11pm
Originally posted by Linzy Linzy wrote:

I was a bit scared to go on meds but I felt so much better afterwards. Be aware that it might take a week or two to really start feeling better, hopefully they will start you out on a low dose to ease you into it.
within a week or two she might have something else to feel better about hehe if that baby is out!!!

I do hope you feel better soon. You might even find that starting on Citalopram now will help once you have baby- it might help you cope through the intense hormone drops that happen soon after birth (and all the other stuff that a new baby brings!)


Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 02 September 2010 at 10:17pm

well we had more dramas today.... got the call from mental health to ask my docs number so she can contact her officially and ask for a F*ck stick of a GP said No even when she tried to convince her that i needed them NOW ...apparently she wont write it without seeing me so promply told her to call me and tell me to make an appt....

UMM NO!! i dont hav the $40 for an appt, i sure as hell dont want to go all the way to pram two days in a row/ dont want to waste $20 on an EXTRA i have to be at hospital for another TRIP to palmy on monday aswell...we aint made of money lady!!!

even the mental health lady wasnt impressed...not sure what to do now as she wanted me on them before the weekend since im to take half tabs for a week then go onto 20mg and ideally she wants me on full dose before bubs...haha yeah right!!




CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 02 September 2010 at 10:48pm
What a silly billy GP....hope you get it sorted Nic. Just remember it won't be a total fix but it can make a huge difference to the ups and DH is so much more stable now he is on antidepressants.

Looking forward to hearing the news that your little one has arrived!


Oct 11

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 02 September 2010 at 10:51pm

lol TaliP keep an eye on my due thread for text text buddy had hers today so shell be home soon to update my labour and delivery...

unless you have my FB lol as im planning to text that from unit....


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 03 September 2010 at 8:03am
Nic, I know the extra money is a pain in the butt, but your health is worth it, really it is! See if you can find a way to get that prescription eh?


Posted By: kazzam34
Date Posted: 03 September 2010 at 2:03pm
it's so frustrating that someone can't get essential drugs because of money. I came her from the UK, and never realised how lucky we were there in terms of all the stuff you get for free.

Don't know if it helps, but when I saw the GP in New Zealand for depression last year he told me that the appointments were free as they were 'funded'. Wouldn't the same apply to you?


Posted By: MonicaMouse
Date Posted: 03 September 2010 at 5:28pm
Thinking outside the square, as this visit relates to your pregnancy, would the appointment be free? I would like to think that your dr saw it that way.   I know when I saw my doc the first time I found out I was pg, to find out about taking the drugs, he just signed it off as a maternity visit


Blair 15/10/2007
Daniel 30/07/2009

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 03 September 2010 at 6:24pm
Unfortunately maternity visits are only free for the first 12 weeks. After that funding shifts to your LMC. But maybe there are funded appointments for PND?


Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 05 September 2010 at 8:54pm
Oh Nic YES you need the drugs and what a PITA your GP is being!! Be prepared that the citalopram won't feel like it is working straight away but you should start to feel better real soon. Don't forget to text me anytime k? I know what its like 0274222198

Major hugs xx


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 06 September 2010 at 10:29am

thanks hun

quick update on me:


GP only works mon and thurs and today im in palmy for hosp and thurs i see mw so cant see her for over a week if i tried and then bubs will be here probably and so wont be able to get down there as its just too far...stupid cow!!

officially one day overdue today....really gutting to be honest although the idea of her birth is now more freaking scarey than exciting!

we have to brave slips and flooding to get to palmy for monitoring/tests/scan today so wish us all the best, hoping to get a S&S while im there too...will update how it went when we get back...



CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 06 September 2010 at 7:06pm


AngryWeve just been for another hospital trip for monitoring and a scan and come away happy shes perfectly fine but that im still having strong contractions and nothings happening, i also got told that Stretch n sweeps arent their job when kim (my mw)  told me id be able to get really feeling rather let down by the whole system and now have to wait till thursday to see kim for my first S&S at nearly 41 weeks, they mentioned today that if this keeps up and she hangs on then il be looking down the barrel of induction at 42weeks and that has me VERY upset, i dont want to birth in palmy let alone i wanted this to be a very natural experience.  Cry

Everything is just becoming too much and i want to just chill out at home, enjoy my days alone with mat and try not to think about how down i am and the impending arrival too much...but thats not going to be easy,...on the way home we got texts from my parents, my brother and calls from each of mats parents...i was getting so annoyed that i just told mathew to answer his own dam fone and risk a fine coz he was driving!!!! I never do that!!! Shocked

im so terrified of this birth yet terrified of it making it to induction Cry


CTG was perfect, Heartrate was gorgeous, LOTS of movement including a set of hiccups, and contractions 10-15mins apart measuring about 99!! Scan showed lots of fluid all be it all in one pocket and good size, BP was 130/74 so no sign of pre-eclampsia :)


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 06 September 2010 at 8:09pm
I am so sorry that things are progressing faster for you and that communication about who does what isn't working properly.
Have a look at - this thread about ways to try and induce labour. I am not sure when you are supposed to start trying these (both my boys were early) but maybe if the weather is good you could try going for a walk each day to help move baby along


Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 08 September 2010 at 8:14am

ok this is probably really wrong but i dont know where else i can vent it too so here goes...


im getting really upset everytime i hear of a new baby in my due thread here or others im in and although i cant help myslef checking in i also am not starting to have alot of trouble coping with all the congrats going to someone else....esp those that werent even due yet or had electives before their dates....


it all just seems soo dam unfair....its so stupid i know but i am really happy for them as iv got to know them and subsequently their babies but i can help but go "oh yay, she had her bubs" and then straight into crying and "why the hell isnt that me!??"


today is a good example, a girl i talk to very often is finally having her baby at 41 weeks so shes even a few days over more than me and she is also been feeling upset and scared at the idea and without getting into the whole situation im just going to say shes had it alot harder than me and probably alot more pain so she deserves it well and truely....but its turned my day into a complete rollercoaster as im so stoked shes finally getting her lil girl but i want mine too and i really wanted todays date aswell which she is definately going to makes it really hard to be truely happy for her and i HATE that about myself atm

RARRRRR im thinking i need to get dh to disable some websites for a while maybe?


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 08 September 2010 at 8:37am
hugs from me nicola. although it doesnt seem like it you may well be her in a couple of days. You have a s&s at your midwife tomorrow so hopefully that will get things moving.

I have some idea how you are feeling as I really wanted a boy. I feel so guilty for still wishing I had a boy even though I am happy about having a girl, just maybe not as happy. Everytime in my due thread when someone says they found out from their scan that they are having a boy I am so jealous. And it makes me cry cause I wanted a mummys boy not a daddys girl. (i think its cause I am worried a girl will have a relationship with me like I have with my mother which isn the greatest). I know its stupid.

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 08 September 2010 at 8:42am

Not supid hun, id be the same if i was having a boy!!! crazy as it seems we really wanted a girl as i do have a great friendship with my mum and mat really wants a daughter so it was girl or be dissappointed for us.....sounds mean and ungreatful but i do get those feelings!! i sad to mat when we went for our scan, "what the hell are we goin to be like if its a boy?" i was really scared of my reaction to it being a boy more than anything.....the really stupid thing is i want one of each gender anyway so realistically it wouldnt have even mattered but we just want a girl so bad and i always go by the "ya never know, i may only get to have one baby" theory lol....


sorry for rambling, just thought id let you know theres bound to be lots of us out there that would be "dissappointed" or Upset that ya arent getting the flavour that you were hoping for but to be honest your NOT your mum so things will NOT turn out the same, you are you and if you want a relationship with your daughter your th one that has to work on that from the moment shes born!


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: ALittleLoopy
Date Posted: 08 September 2010 at 8:55am
and another one...CryCryCry


CHEM 6/12+

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 08 September 2010 at 9:33am

Posted By: mummytobesep08
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 12:52pm
Originally posted by BAMN08 BAMN08 wrote:

im getting really upset everytime i hear of a new baby in my due thread here or others im in and although i cant help myslef checking in i also am not starting to have alot of trouble coping with all the congrats going to someone else....esp those that werent even due yet or had electives before their dates....

Hun I felt exactly the same! I was due on September 7th and for weeks we had been sitting around with a threat of early induction (due to a car crash and slowly developing pre-eclampsia) so pretty much from the 1st of August we were on the edge of our seats waiting for her to be born.

The 7th came and did the 8th..and 9th...10th...11th..14th...17th...
By about the 20th I was getting really depressed. Pretty much everyone in our due sep group had given birth (I remember thinking "Hey no fair it's meant to be MY TURN FIRST!") I was also REALLY worried about being induced so every day that got closer to 42 weeks I would cry.
At one stage I even stopped coming onto the boards completely...which backfired cuz when I did go back on they all thought I had had my baby which only made it worse.
I knew inside I was happy for my ohbaby friends who had their babies but I could barely even type the words 'congratulation'. Thankgoodness txt is monotone and I didn't have to fake a smile!

In those last few days I stopped picking up the phone, turned my cell off, and everything. Just didn't wanna hear from anyone.

I had an appointment Monday morning on 22nd (15 days late) and started being induced 7am on the 23rd. Bubs finally got yanked out in the early hours of the 25th of I officially took the cake for most over-due baby, at 18days over due!

Moral of the story is: It's totally ok to feel the way you do about everyone having their babies, especially when they 'jump the queue'! Of course it's polite NOT to say this to them (though it's OK to b!tch about how you just want bubba out!), and do try to type our a 'congrats' even if it kills you a lil bit inside.

it might help to stay off the boards for a bit...but it also might not! I found that, lame as it sounds, I was quite lonely when I cut myself for awhile. And when I went back on and said why I hadn't been on, the girls were all so nice and said it was totally normal to feel frustrated and they didn't mind one bit at all

Hang in there hun! And def give those ideas for inducing labour a go. Even if they don't work (obviosuly nothing did for me!) it can help because at least it can feel like you're doing something. And keep trying to look after yourself the best you can!


Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3

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