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Mirena vs Jadelle

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Topic: Mirena vs Jadelle
Posted By: blondy
Subject: Mirena vs Jadelle
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 9:20am
We are pretty sure we're now a complete family and so I'm looking at more long-term forms of contraception - I'm very over doing the daily pill thing (and DH isn't quite ready to have the snip just yet!)

So I'm thinking more along the lines of the Mirena IUD and the Jadelle implant, but as I have no personal experience with these, I'm looking for other people's experience with them, good or bad!

I believe they cost about the same, and that isn't really an issue anyway... it's more whether you've had any side effects, what AFs have been like after, did they hurt excessively going in/out (I have heard getting Jadelle removed can be ouchie! ).

Thanks ladies in advance! It's always good to hear personal experiences rather than just factual info


Posted By: Rachael21
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 10:23am
I think Jadelle is subsidised now so that will save you some dollars!

I have no experience with Jadelle but I have a mirena currently so I'll give you my good and bad parts!
Good: Minimal AF, mine is very regular but I could easily get away with panty liners and nothing at night time.
- Reliability, this is why I chose it because it has such a low failure rate.

Bad: I spotted for a few months non stop initially and then had a couple of months last year with really heavy bleeding. I couldn't feel the strings so had a scan and it was still there and then it just seemed to fix itself.
- It has to go up your vajayjay and some people find it a bit tender going in.
- Side effects, my skin isn't that flash anymoreand I can be a bit moody but who knows if thats due to the mirena.

Both of them use synthetic progesterone so the potential side effects are the same the only way you will know how each effects you is to get them. Personally I think I'd go for the Jadelle (unless you have bleeding issues) because it's cheaper and if it has terrible side effects then try the mirena but thats just beacuse I'm a cheap ass!

Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 11:11am
Can you have jadelle while b/feeding? didnt know that, brilliant. anyone know roughly what the cost is?

Posted By: BriAndOlisMum
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 11:17am
Hi I have a mirena.

I had an IUD (copper) a few years ago too and got pregnant with it.

I am trying a mirena this time, My AF is still really heavy, have had mirena for about 8 months now.

When I got the mirena I had no bleeding for about 2 days then wam, had it full on, really heavy for 2 weeks, then stopped for 2 weeks then the same again. after that it has been regular but still real heavy, it is gradually getting slightly better each time.

I have found that I have been getting really bad headaches and PMS for a couple of days before AF turns up, I haven't had this since my teens.

It is good not having to worry about condoms and the pill tho.


Posted By: blondy
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 11:55am
ooh, thanks for pointing that out Rach! ( - Here is a link - not sure what it actually costs though).

I didn't get AF back till DD#1 was 15 months when I stopped BFing (and was on the minipill then), so I'm hoping regardless of how the progesterone is delivered, things might go the same way this time!

to be honest, the thought of threads hanging around up there makes me cringe a little! I think i may be leaning towards the jadelle!


Posted By: princesspumpkin
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 12:53pm
I loved my mirena - didn't hurt much getting it in or out (felt like a smear, just a bit uncomfy), I didn't get much of AF at all the whole time it was in, no side effects at all. Then I was UTD one cycle after I got it taken out - which I know isn't your plan, but nice to know the hormones don't hang around long afterwards

The threads curl right up after a few days, and you can only feel them if you reach right in (sorry TMI!!). If your iron is low it's fully subsidised, pretty pricey if you don't have low iron though...If you were to have a blood test now though there's a good chance you'll have low iron after just having a baby, that was the case with me.

Good luck!

Posted By: busymum
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 2:03pm
I haven't had either but I'm about to get Jadelle. Basically we think we might have finished having babies but I want to keep the door open in case we change our minds in time. It is the same hormone as the minipill but thankfully I don't have to remember to take it all the time. It lasts up to 4-5 yrs and you can get pg with it after just 1 week after it's removed. Not like the injection which takes a long time to get out of the system. It's also fully subsidised now, as of about 6mos ago. I need a 30 min appointment with my dr to have it inserted and apparently it takes longer to remove. The insertion is a bit like having 2 IV lines put in, from the sounds of things. Not looking forward to that too much


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 2:47pm
I'm planning to get the Jadelle when I get round to it. For some reason the thought of an IUD makes me shudder.

I've heard people say that you should go to FP to get it done and taken out (I don't actually know if regular GPs do them?) - they're really experienced so it hurts less.

That said, I have a friend who had Jadelle recently who has had really really heavy bleeding since. That's the only bad story I've heard.

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: kiwi2
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 7:35pm
I have a mirena. It cost $350 I think from Family Planning. (my dr was over $500) I bled for about a month. Normal heavy period for 7 days then PITA discharge for the rest of the time. Then my cycle regulated and it was very light compared to my normal cycle. Has saved me a fortune in sanitary products and probably paid for itself by now. I was a super tamp and pad every 1.5 hours for the first 3 days. Now I can do just a tamp every 4 hours and after 3 days it is petering off and not the full 7 days I used to get.

If you have low iron Under 15 I think you get it for free. Mine was 16 so I had to pay. Some drs have vouchers they are given every year and it is on a first come first serve basis so check if your doctor gets these and reserve one now. I have never felt my strings. The dr said that at first they are a bit stiff from being new and you can feel them then they sort of soften and curl up and most people can't feel them then. Dh hasn't felt them. Getting it put in was just like a regular smear. I am the sort that clamps my legs into a stiff don't touch me stanch which makes lady things so much more difficult but I just don't seem to be able to help myself. But after it was in I actually asked was that it.

I was worried since I had a bad reaction to a depo with the hormone side of things but so far so good. Overall I am happy with it and based on my experience I would recommend it.

Posted By: julz85
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 9:05pm

I got the Jadelle Implants in december (so about 2 months ago ) The implantation itself didnt hurt much as a local anesthetic is injected and then they make a small cut and implant 2 thin long rods under the skin of your upper arm . because of the anesthetic i could not feel any pain , just the tugging of the skin. It was badaged up and healed within a week . Now this is just a tiny little scar that is hardly noticeable at all .

The only con i have is the fact that i have had alot of spotting and iregular periods (i have been having up to 3 weeks of periods every month) but i also had this on the mini pill so its me that reacts this way to certain contreceptions and i cannot take the pill or depo at all because i react badly to them  . I have not had any other side effects that i know of . i have been a little more moody lately but that could be a lot of things (stress, all these periods, normal household worries etc etc) so im not going to put that down to the jadelle implants .

Anyway that is my experiance of the impalnts . They will me for up to 5 years ( i think its 4 years if you are over 65kg) amd if i decide i want to have a baby then i can get them removed and my system will go back to normal almost immediately.


Posted By: Mucky_Tiger
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 9:31pm
i have a mirena. its great. my cycle is now 28days and 5days max of very light only needing a liner.
much nicer than the 10-14 days on and 2 weeks off of ultra heavy i get naturally (8-10days on the pill)

i dont have strings as i got it put in during surgery and had D & C at the time (AF was due and i was having my pelvic floor cut open so D&C to prevent infection) and cos i was dialated when my cervix shut it ate the strings

Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 17 February 2011 at 9:43pm
I have a Mirena and haven't had any issues...get very irregular, very very light AFs which only need a liner usually. However, my BF CAN feel the strings quite easily and it can be quite uncomfortable apparently, so if you do get one, make sure they trim your strings!!

Posted By: sweetpea
Date Posted: 18 February 2011 at 9:58am
Just wee note about jadelle my cousins wife had this and had very major and significant side effects. Make sure you reasearch both throughly do some google search and you will find lots about mirena. At the end of the day its a personal choice. Im not trying to scare you the side effects she experienced are extremely rare. I guess she just drew the short straw.


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 19 February 2011 at 12:35am
I've not had the Mirena, but I have had the IUD in the past and it caused me nothing but pain. I bleed for 2 months, without a break. Whenever ever I had sex, it would feel like I was being stabbed with a sharp knife in the cervix and when I'd just be sitting on the toilet, even just weeing, it'd cause me pain. And I still had issues with pain after it was taken out.

As for Jadelle. I'll be getting it in a few weeks. It is better then the mini-pill for me hormonally and depression wise and yeah, it's for 5 yrs and I don't have to take a pill every day, yay! The brochure says it's ideal for people who can't have an IUD and are unsure whether they want any more children. Also, as soon as it's out, your fertility returns very quickly.


Posted By: passion3flow151974
Date Posted: 31 August 2014 at 2:06am
The mirena causes serious damage to the female body, and the only way to get rid of these side effects for good is to remove the mirena and take natural supplements, herbs and foods and consider natural therapies that will eliminate estrogen dominance, help restore the balance of progesterone and estrogen hormones, and detoxify the body from all the toxins present in mirena such as silicone and copper. Mirenadetox has been immensely helpful to my recovery and I seriously recommend it

Posted By: Jennifer149156
Date Posted: 14 September 2014 at 7:26pm
If you get the jadelle you have a nasty bruise for a little while but after that you are fine. one lady i know was nauseous for her first period but she seems bright as a button now with no period and no side affects. she still gets the odd cramp here and there but no messy monthly situations.
I've gone down both routes as well as the pill and personally i hate having hormones in me. I can be a right moody b*tch and the weight gain and breast tenderness is so not worth it for me. I ended up getting a copper (paragaurd) iud in and i wont look back. the first period was hell - im sure i used half of aucklands drug supply to kill the pain - and the 3 following periods were more painful than usual but it was worth it. im 7 months in and loving it because i can lose weight as needed and if i do decide its baby time there is no need to wait for any hormones to settle down, they just whip it out and Bob's your uncle. If you can get past those first periods and the first months smell (you will smell coppery while your body adjusts) this is the way to go. You doctor will try get you on mirena (moms a nurse and she thinks they have a quota to fill) but if you stick to your guns they will put it in.

I hope that is helpful. let us know how you get on!

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