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The 2 week pregnancy test wait ...

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Forum Name: Coping with infertility
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Topic: The 2 week pregnancy test wait ...
Posted By: wispy_willow
Subject: The 2 week pregnancy test wait ...
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 5:25pm
Hi everyone,

I'm just looking for some past experiences of both successful and unsuccessful IVF (after egg replacement) as I'm in that 2 week wait between egg replacement and the blood test, and going a bit nutty (after only 2 days). I've been doing my research on the net and apparently you can expect implantation 2-6 days after the replacement/transfer - anyone had any implantation symptoms? I've obviously heard about pain and spotting, but if you have a pain, how long does it last? I keep thinking every little twitch might (hopefully) be it happening but I've had quite a few of those now, so it's unlikely! Also, if it's unsuccessful (in which case I will be devestated, as you might expect) how soon do you get your period?

I'm still amazed that it ever works. My 1st cycle was cancelled because I only had 2 follicles, so they moved me onto microdose flare. I ended up with 14 follicles. From that they retrieved 10 eggs. 8 eggs fertilised. 6 eggs divided, but only 4 divided correctly, so I had one replaced on day 3, and the lab will call tomorrow to see how the remaining 3 went and whether they can be frozen for possible later use.

Maybe I should also mention - I very unluckily managed to start coming down with the flu the day before egg collection, and 2 days after replacement, I'm still full of it, so as well as being paranoid that I've "coughed the egg out" the fact that I'm less than healthy isn't great, I know! Anyone else had a successful pregnancy when they did the collection and replacement while ill (feel free not to reply to this bit if you were sick and unsuccessful as that would only worry me further).

Posted By: sharpie
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 6:59pm
I would be really interested to hear replies here too.
I am on day four post transfer and going insane (or gone already?)
I have had tugging and tingling all day since day two. Thought it might be implantation to start with but it seems to have gone on for too long now.
Also, my progesterone has started to pretty much all come out, as if none is being absorbed anymore. (Since day three) I wonder if this is because my body is making enough of my own or because the precious emby has already gone and my body knows it doesn't need it anymore. Arrrrr. I wish there was a confirmed set of symptoms!

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 7:05pm
Hey sharpie,

I was wondering about the progesterone too, as there did seem to be a lot coming out, but then I remembered the nurse saying it's the peanut oil and it can get quite messy?! Even if it looks like it's all come out it will definitely still be giving at least some, if not all, of the intended benefit, as it's obviously being dissolved and then has to work its way out ...

I COMPLETELY feel your frustration!!!!!

Posted By: Poppy1
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 8:15pm
I have done IVF with both positive and negative outcomes. The positive outcome was sadly not for long though

With my + IVF, I had light period like cramping throughout on and off and headaches started towards the last few days. Those were the main differences, so as you can see, not much.

Hang in there ladies, hopefully we'll hear of your BFPs real soon.

IVF2- BFP - early m/c
IVF3- May 11

Posted By: sharpie
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 8:18pm
Wispy_willow My problem with the progesterone is that not alot was coming out to start with and then yesterday ALOT! started coming out.

Thanks for the help Poppy1 I'm really sorry your BFP didn't last. I have been following your progress in the IVF thread.

Posted By: Poppy1
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 8:21pm
Thanks sharpie
By the way don't worry about those pesseries, they are messy things, some will come out but what you need will be absorbed.
Good Luck x

IVF2- BFP - early m/c
IVF3- May 11

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 18 March 2011 at 8:25pm
Poppy1: thanks for your reply, must be even harder to have a positive that you then lose When did your cramping start?

Sharpie: I have had a similar experience (presume you're on the Utrogestan?) where the evening of the first day and the next there was a lot, the next day pretty much nothing, the next day more ... seems quite variable, with no pattern to it, so I don't think you're alone there ...

Posted By: sharpie
Date Posted: 21 March 2011 at 6:15pm
I am having so many symptoms but google is no help as there is evidence for either good news and bad.
I will list them all in here for reference for other people if I find out its BFP.

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 21 March 2011 at 6:22pm
Me too! I'll do the same. At the moment I keep getting stomach-area pains (nothing severe, more like just uncomfortable) but think it's just trapped gas!

This is a TERRIBLE 2 week wait, and I went out and bought a pregnancy test to do when I can't wait any longer to prepare me for the blood test result.

Posted By: sharpie
Date Posted: 21 March 2011 at 8:17pm
I don't think I will do one. I think I will just wait as I don't want to know anything that isn't definate.
Gas is a symptom of pregnancy as are pains and many many other things (thank you google).

Posted By: anabee
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 11:27am
Hi there

I am new to this forum :) I had a FET (5day blast) a couple of days before the quake in CHCH and after all the stress etc was pretty sure it wouldn't take.

I had all the normal symptoms of AF approaching, bloated, cramps etc, but my boobs were much more sore than normal (and they seemed to grow a cup size over night). It was the first time I made it to the blood test without AF arriving first and a I got a BFP ! A couple of other early symptoms I had were a day of nausea that started a couple of hours after the transfer and I was really thirsty!

I'm waiting for my early scan before I get too excited though.

Hope this sort of helps, and good luck for you blood tests.


Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 12:27pm
Oh, congrats Ana!!!!! That's so good to have happy news after that! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

I've also been super thirsty all the time and been a bit tender so I'm hoping ... but still have 4 days to wait and find out!

Posted By: fozziebear
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 3:36pm
Hi guys,

Me too have had a BFN and then a BFP that sadlly didn't last long as well. The most noteable difference was a couple days after the transfer i went to have hot pork roast and the min. i put it in my mouth i couldn't stand the the taste. I also got really tried as the 2 weeks went on.

Best of luck for you.

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 3:59pm
Hi ladies, oh the fun of the 2ww, its just pure torture isn't it! Hang in there, not too long to go now!

I have had three transfrers, 2 BFP's and 1 BFN, sadly for us too both BFP's didn't last but my main difference between the two BFP's and BFN was tiredness, all three I felt like AF was coming on, sore boobs, messy pessaries etc, but tiredness was main sympton esp towards the end of 2ww. Hope that helps a wee bit.

PS - Wispy willow, with one of BFP's I also caught the flu and coughed and coughed and coughed, thought there was no chance of poor embie hanging on through all that, then broke out in awful itchy rash, have no idea what that was, but was still BFP, just goes to show they can really hang on when they want to.

Good luck ladies! Look forward to seeing your BFP's soon!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: sharpie
Date Posted: 23 March 2011 at 7:33pm
Thanks Scaredy and Ana and fozzy.
I hope I can be in here sharing my BFP symptoms tomorrow night!

Posted By: anabee
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 4:20pm
Good luck to all of you... keep us posted

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 27 March 2011 at 7:22pm
Okey dokey, I can now confirm my early pregnancy symptoms since I had my BFP today! Extreme thirst and I've been drinking probably twice as much water as usual. I also have trapped gas that feels like tummy ache all the time, and was a wee bit constipated.

And if it's of any use to anyone, just in case I did something right that might have helped my little Embie implant, from the time of egg collection (and I'll still keep doing this) I have completely avoided putting anything chemical on my skin or hair - I've been using organic shampoo/conditioner, handwash & deodorant, as I figured that any extra chemicals floating in my body might not help. I also have one of those natural herbal-essence type perfumes that are paraben and chemical free. And the main other thing I've done, is that because I'm 100% vegetarian I made a huge effort to pretty much double my protein intake with lots of tofu and more eggs. Of course these might have had no influence whatsoever on whether the embryo implanted, but I figured it won't hurt to let other people know what steps I've taken!

Good luck everyone else!

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 3:10pm
I also forgot to say that I didn't have any spotting, and although I had tender boobs for a few days that mostly stopped about 3 days before my blood test so I'm not sure what that means ...

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 9:33am
Huge congrats wispy willow, that is fantastic news! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 8 or so months!

Interesting what you said about no using anything with chemicals in it, my naturopath is advising the same, fingers crossed it works for us before needing our next round of IVF!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 9:59am
Thanks ScaredyCat, I hope so! Last night I completely freaked out as I had a bit of spotting, but the nurse has said that it can be quite normal to have spotting and even light bleeding in early pregnancy. She said 30% of women have light bleeding and still go on to have normal healthy babies, so fingers crossed. But I'm still petrified.

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 1:21pm
Oh that is scary, fingers crossed its just the wee embie settling in good and proper for the next 8 months! Hard not to worry though, I'm glad the nurse was able to reassure you, do you have a scan booked yet?

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 1:31pm
That's what the nurse said too, so I really hope so!

Blood test on Thurs, and I guess depending on what that is like they'll tell me when I have a scan ...

I know it's a bit early but I couldn't resist when I saw someone else's one as it's just too cute!


Posted By: SunshineWife
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 3:54pm
Hi ScaredyCat and Wispy, interesting you mention chemicals! I read this some where too (plus on day of transfer they say not to wear any deodorant or perfume), and I also try to avoid using too much, like unnecessary moisturizers and perfumes, but still it is so hard isn't it, everything seems to have chemical in it! Which particular products have you found relatively easy to give up or substitute with something more fertility friendly? Scaredycat can I ask what else your naturopath is recommending in thi regard? Thanks ladies :)

Me 27, DH 25 (MFI)
IVF + ICSI March '11 BFN and no frosties

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 6:45pm
I've been trying to avoid unnecessary chemicals for ages, after I read an article (I think it was in National Geographic) and can't remember the stats exactly but basically they measured the levels of different chemicals and compounds in someones blood and found a whole heap of potentially nasty ones that had entered their blood stream through the mattress that they slept on at night! They couldn't have gotten these from anywhere else, so it was absorbed through the mattress. I therefore figured that if they can get in your system that way, then they can def get in through products you're applying directly to your skin/hair/etc.

For deodorant I use a natural tea-tree one which is aluminium-free - I think the one I have is called plantation or something, and you can find it in Foodtown etc.
Perfume (if necessary) I have one of those natural perfume sticks that are almost pure essential oils and I got it from Lush.
Shampoo/Conditioner/Bodywash: Ecostore/Weleda/Giovanni - basically have a quick look at the ingredients & you want to avoid anything with sodium laureth sulphate (or anything that sounds similar) or parabens, and if it starts off with a whole list of names you don't recognise or don't seem to be derived from plants I'd avoid that too.
Moisturisers as above, although to be honest I've avoided doing that since the transfer, just in case. The same for other hair products like gel etc - my hair looks pretty bad, but I don't care if it's going to help my little embryo survive!
I've also not put on any makeup at all, but I'm told that mineral-based makeup might be the best?
There's a certification that you can look for on products which claim to be natural and environmentally friendly but I can't recall it just now ...


Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 9:41am
Love the new ticker wispy willow, so cute!

Hi SunshineWife, I have been lurking in the IVF chat thread, big congratulations of your EC and fertilized eggs, sounds like you have a great number, sending them lots of growing and staying strong vibes.

Re the fertlity friendly products, here is a list my naturopath gave me to choose from:

Trilogy Skin care (cleansers and moisturizers etc)
Sukin Skin care (cleansers, moisturizers, deodorant shampoo & conditioner)
Coleur Caramel Natural Make up

She also recommends organic tampons and eco friendly cleaning products for washing clothes etc.

She recommends eating organic food whenever possible, especially meat, no pork what so ever, no dairy products, drinking at least 2 litres of filtered water daily, and if you have a drink bottle, needs to be glass and not plastic.

She advised we do a 4 week detox before TTCing again to get rid of the build up of chemicals already in our systems and now that we have done that, to avoid all pain killers (panadol, nurofen etc).

She has us both on a cocktail of pills and potions but its all done by analysing hair samples and blood tests, so not just thinking you need this, its done by actual tests which I found quite reassuring.

Sorry for the novel, and hope that helps!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: JaneW
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 10:05am
Just wanted to add my 2 cents lol!
The Sukin brand that Scaredy refers too is the one I use-it's great and not too expensive which is a plus. We also use eco products for cleaning, washing etc (bi-carb and vinegar works well)and I have used the naturacare organic tampons for a while now...
And just started using a crystal deodorant, with a spray of the Sukin deodorant on top(cos it smells nicer than nothing).
Sunshine I have heard someone else mention about the no perfumes/moisturisers etc on the day of one at the clinic has ever said it to me before though but it makes sense to me!
Scaredy is your naturopath in papamoa by chance?
Wispy Willow I agree about the cute ticker!Hope your BT goes well tomorrow :)

Me 28, DH 30
ttc #1 Feb 2009
ICSI December 2010
FET April...BFP!!
Baby girl due 3rd Jan 2012

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 12:10pm
Hi JaneW, I totally agree the Sukin is the one that I have found good too and like you say reasonably priced which is a bonus!

My naturopath is in Auckland and she's great. She was recommended to me by someone on here (can't remember who now though), the only down side is being so far apart, I am yet to meet her, yet she knows all the most gory details about me and my partner and our stuggle with TTC!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 12:20pm
I've never been to a naturopath - what do they actually do?!


Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 8:50am
Hey wispy willow, the main difference I find between a GP and a naturopath, is a GP will try and fix the problem, where as a naturopath will try and fix the cause of the problem, for example I have really low iron levels, the GP gave me some iron pills to take, the naturopath ran a series of blood tests to find out why my iron levels keeping dropping off and found it to be related to AF, I have heavy periods so she is trying to regulate that so I don't loose so much iron each month.

And anything she gives me to take ie, pre natal vitamin is all natural and not made from chemicals.

Hope that makes sense.

Congrats on the rising HCG levels!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 11:15am
hmmm, thanks scaredy, that's very interesting! Do they usually have fertility experience or do you have to find someone who specialises in it?


Posted By: princess
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 10:07pm
Interesting reading and hugest congrats Wispy!

My sister does ivf in Australia and gave me some tips that they recommend there. On the day of transfer no deodorant, perfume, makeup totally natural. They didn't tell me that here but I did it anyway. Since the FET I have used only deodorant (not a natural one), no perfume, Mac makeup still, redken shampoo and conditioner and natural body moisturizer...and natural skincare (dr hauschka) and soap, not shower gel with chemicals so a bit of a mix but I was definite about no perfume! I've read too much about how it goes into your skin. Now that im 13 weeks I've started using my perfumes again.

My sister also told me about no hot showers, so as much as I love them I've had lukewarm to warmish showers only, but now again bit more relaxed after 13 weeks. Another thing they recommend in Australia. And of course lots of water, but have been a bit slack lately!

Symptoms were definitely thirst....waking me up in the middle of the night even.

Hope that's helped!

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 1:09pm
Hi wispy willow, I found one that specialises in fertilty related problems but I think she also deals with other sort of things too like allergies etc.

Congratulations Princess and thanks for your tips!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: wispy_willow
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 4:50pm
Thanks Scaredy & Princess    
Princess - congrats on making it to the 14 week mark, I can't wait to get there!!!

Scaredy - are you in Auckland and can you recommend the naturopath you use?


Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 6:07pm
Hi Wispy willow, no I'm in the BOP but my naturopath is in Auckland and yes would recommend her to anyone, I have found her to be great and I'm really hoping NOT to have to do my next IVF cycle in June!

Her name is Nikki Chad from Natural Reproductive Care, her website is:

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

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