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Older Mums chat

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Name: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Description: Trying to get pregnant? Going through fertility treatment? Just planning your first or second child? There are many people out there in the same boat to help and listen and share with
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Topic: Older Mums chat
Posted By: Happygal
Subject: Older Mums chat
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 10:40am
Just wondering if there are many other older Mums to be out there? My DH and I are both 40 and TTC for number one, doing IVF at the moment, we have unexplained infertility, been trying for over 2 years now! Hope we have good news soon!

Look forward to hearing from any others with similar stories


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 11:30am
Hi Happygal! I am 38, DH is 36 and we have been TTC since August 09. As you can see from my signature we havn't had much luck. Seems that I can fall pregnant reasonably easy but cant get past around 6-7 weeks. We are seeing a specialist now, going back to see him in April to see what our next step is after another m/c this month.

I lurk in the IVF thread from time to time as I have a feeling we might find ourselves going down that track. Sorry that you are still having trouble falling pg....I see you are doing another transfer this month?

Posted By: tarns
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 12:36pm
Hi know I'm an oldie too


Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 12:55pm
Hey babygiraffe, I remember you as Mrs Hopeful! I'm so sorry you have had such a rough time lately! This journey just isn't fair! Wishing all the best and hoping your specialist can help! Yes I am doing another transfer at the moment, can't believe its our 5th now, I remember a year ago thinking it shouldn't take long.. My doctor is stumped really, as everything is going so well with it all, so we are trying to stay positive and hoping for the best. Would you consider IVF?

Hey Tarns, yes us oldies have to stick together huh! lol... How are you going? Are you still doing clomid?

Hope we all can have good news soon!


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 2:52pm
Yeah I changed my name - Mrshopeful didn't sound very positive - needed something a bit more upbeat!

I would definitely consider IVF - if that is our only way to get our baby then I am there with bells on. We would end up having to cough up the cash though (which makes DH cringe ever so slighty) as I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get public funding. Plus I wouldn't be prepared to wait anyway. We are waiting on some genetic testing to come back, DH had his swimmers tested to see if that is the problem. Will find out in a few weeks.

Its hard when the doctors cant find any reason why. I think I'd rather have a specific problem and then get them to fix it! I wish you all the best for this transfer, you have had a rough time as well.

Welcome Tarns! You not that old

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 24 March 2011 at 4:21pm
thanks, I know, does seem more frustrating when there doesn't seem to be a problem, nearly wish there was so we could sort it out! Ah well, will keep plodding along and hope we get our miracle soon!


Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 1:46pm
I'm an older Mum, 36 in May. 2 weeks ago we miscarried, it was my 4th child and hubbys 2nd. We are not sure if we want to try again for another one so are taking our time making that decision.


Angel March 2011

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 2:42pm
Hi Tauris, I'm so sorry to hear about your m/c - they really sux dont they. I had a m/c few weeks ago, I am doing ok though. I was 7.5 weeks when we lost it but I dont think we were very far along because the m/c was fairly straight forward. Thinking I might be ov this weekend so tempted to get amongst it and see what happens!

I thought I was old when we started trying at I wish I was still 36! The years seem to crank along quite fast it seems.

Posted By: luvmylittlies
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 5:53pm
I just thought I'd introduce myself because I reckon I'll end up lurking in here to cheer you all on.

It took 3 years and 2 m/c's but I had my daughter at 38 so I'm well in the 'older mum's' group. Happily this one was much faster so if all goes well I'll have number 2 just before I turn 40.

I just want to wish you all the best of luck - I thought my journey was hard but nothing compared to you guys.

Adoring Mum to Talisin 8/9/11 and Kiara 18/01/10

Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 7:28pm
Hi Happygal, I think I scrape in at 35??

Babygiraffe, I was like you with my second, I could get preg but not hold one & I ended up at a nathuropath who put me on potassium & Iron I think it was (Blackmores PCIP) and I got pregnant & stayed pregnant that month. It that and one other Vit E? or Zinc that we added in that must have done it as I don't think the IVF initial blood tests would have made a difference LOL.

So not sure if you've gone down that track as well?? This time around I'm eating banana's & taking my kelp sups so maybe?


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: Rubyrock
Date Posted: 25 March 2011 at 9:07pm
Hi Happygal,
Yeah I fit into this category - lol getting older by the second

We have been trying since 07 and had a couple of short lived successes and now are currently awaiting a public IVF cycle in July (getting closer and closer!!)

This is our last chance as we dont have the $$$ to fund a cycle ourselves
Who would have thought that TTC would be this blinim hard

TTC#1 Jan 07
Me 39 DP 41 MFI
DI#1&2 Sep & Oct 09 BFN
DI#3 Feb 10 BFP - mc @ 9wks
DI#4 Jul 10 - BFN
DI#5 Aug 10 - BFP - chem pg
IVF #1 Aug/Sept 11 - BFP - chem pg

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 11:19am
Hey Rubyrock, I remember you from ages ago, sorry your journey has been so tough too! Your right it should be this hard.. Hey do you live in West Auckland? We are in Titirangi! Great you have a public IVF cycle for July, that is not far away!

Nice to hear from all you others too and hear some positive success stories, yay! We will all get there eventually!!


Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 12:02pm
Hey Happygal, I fall into this category too, just turned 37 and still waiting for the stork to deliver after 7 long years of TTC. I too have the dreaded unexplained infertility which sucks!

Start 2nd round of IVF in June 2011, in meantime trying naturally with help of naturopath and acupuncture. Fingers crossed for a natural conception (and to be able hang on to it would be nice too please!)

How are you going Happygal, I have been lurking in the IVF thread but don't get on here very often so struggle to keep up! When's your BT? Finges tightly crossed for you this time.

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 12:05pm

I am 40 at the end of the year and DH is 40 next month! We have been trying for #2 for just over 2 years now and as you can see from my signature we have not been having much luck!   We were very lucky to fall straight away with DD but its not happening for us this time around. I do know that I am blessed to have one child though.

I am under a fertility specialist and have had a lot of tests done and all have come back clear. So we are just waiting and have everything crossed I will fall pregnant soon and baby will stick!!

I get very stressed about my age and the age gap between #1 and #2 but I have no control over that and just have to get over it!!!

Great thread, I am pleased I have found it!

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 27 March 2011 at 7:19pm
Hey Scaredy nice to hear from you! Not long till June for you, yay! I so hope you get your well deserved BFP, bring it on! How's the acupuncture etc going? My BT is on Thursday, ekkkk, not sure what way it will go to be honest!!

Rubyrock, that was meant to read it shouldn't be this hard!

Hi Orca1, welcome... fingers crossed for good news for you too! Its nice there are so many of us around the same age on here, good to hear each others stories

Its our 2nd wedding anniversary today, so being having a lovely day, we went out to the vineyard where we got married for lunch!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 10:09am
Happy wedding anniversary for yesterday Happygal! Hope you had a lovely day

Only two weeks til we go back to see our specialist again. We are waiting for some genetic test results to come back - they did this on DH's swimmers. I am nervous that we have a genitic problem....but probably shouldn't get too ahead of myself. As per most m/c, its probably just bad luck.
We m/c carried on March 10th and have kind of been trying again this month but my cycle is a bit all over the show so not really sure when I will ov. Oh well, not that worried, probably should have a break this month but when you are 'old' (!) every month is just so precious.
Happy Monday everyone

Posted By: Rubyrock
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 2:04pm
Happygal, hope you had a lovely day yesterday - even though the weather was rubbish!!!
Yeah we are westies, in Massey now, seem to move all over the show every 2-3 years. Oh the joys of renting

Babygiraffe, sorry to hear about your recent mc All the best for the genetic testing results.
I definately hear you on the every month counts, unfortunately we cant make use of them due to DP's genetic issues

TTC#1 Jan 07
Me 39 DP 41 MFI
DI#1&2 Sep & Oct 09 BFN
DI#3 Feb 10 BFP - mc @ 9wks
DI#4 Jul 10 - BFN
DI#5 Aug 10 - BFP - chem pg
IVF #1 Aug/Sept 11 - BFP - chem pg

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 4:29pm
Hey thanks babygiraffe and Rubyrock, had such a lovely day yesterday, nice to be back there!

Babygiraffe, got everything crossed for your genetic testing results, hope you get some good news soon, you so deserve it! I'm so with you there too about every month being precious as we get older!

Rubyrock, yay to be a westie! lol..


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 4:36pm
So the answer to genetic problems is IVF Rubyrock? I have this funny feeling we may end up going down this track. Do you need to get doner spermies or can they just sort through the duds to get the good ones?

Posted By: tarns
Date Posted: 28 March 2011 at 8:31pm
Hi everyone...hope you've had a good day. Lots of familiar faces in this thread and far far too many angel babies.

Wishing us all the very best of luck this year. I am putting a 6 month expiry date on my ttc efforts so feeling kind of anxious too (which I'm sure doesnt help at all).

I only have one more lot of clomid, but since I am on 100mg I think I might take just 50mg and stretch it out for two more cycles that way. I conceived in December 2010 while on a break from clomid but sadly had a MC in January. I figure since I conceived without taking any I can halve my dose no worries


Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 9:26am
Eeek, Happygal, not long to go for you, how exciting!! And happy anniversary too! You've prob been asked this a million times, but any symptons yet? Are you a sneaky POAS addict before BT? so hoping theres a sticky wee bean in there for you this time! Fingers so tightly crossed can hardly type!

I'm going fine thanks, this is our first month of being back TTC under instruction from our naturopath, had to stop for 3 months which was really hard, but full steam ahead now with so many pills and herbs to take its not funny but hey willing to give anything a shot! Really enjoying the acupuncture too, if nothing else I get to relax for 40 mins!

So hear you ladies on every month is precious, is amazing how quickly they can slip on by isn't it!

Good luck to you all with upcoming tests and clomid popping!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: Rubyrock
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 10:30am
Ooh not long now Happygal for your BT. FX for you

Babygiraffe - We did 5 IUI's with donor sperm first with varying results & being on clomid for the last 3 even though I ov on my own. We opted for our second public funded round to go down the IVF route as it is something we cannot afford to fund ourselves and statistically it has a marginally better result in getting a BFP.
When do you hear back?

Scaredycat - those herbs are not that pleasant are they!! We found it worthwile going to a Naturopath - she picked up other issues in DP that no GP had!
This month IS the month for you for sure

TTC#1 Jan 07
Me 39 DP 41 MFI
DI#1&2 Sep & Oct 09 BFN
DI#3 Feb 10 BFP - mc @ 9wks
DI#4 Jul 10 - BFN
DI#5 Aug 10 - BFP - chem pg
IVF #1 Aug/Sept 11 - BFP - chem pg

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 11:24am
They say it takes anywhere up to a month to get the tunnel testing (genetic) results back. We have our next appointment on the 11/4 so hopefully we will have them back by then.
I was supposed to start clomid but fell pg the cycle before I started. Its burning a hole in my draw.....hopefully I can start taking it for our next cycle!
Got my last blood test done today so hopefully my hcg levels are back at zero or not far off. Looking forward to this cycle being out of the way and trying again.

When is your blood test Happy?

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 7:01pm
thanks girls, BT is now Friday 1 April Hope its good news!!

Tarns so sorry to hear about your MC in Dec, that is awful, really hoping your next cycle is the one for you, good idea with the clomid, making it last for two cycles!!

Aww thanks Scaredy, not really had any symptoms, a twinge here and there, but maybe that means AF is coming, grrrr.. Will see how it goes. No I don't do any POAS anymore....Sounds like its all going well for you with the acupuncture etc, surely its got to be all our time NOW!!!

Babygirafe, great you can get started again! Hope the test results come back soon with good news!

Rubyrock, with you there about the money side of things, its such an extensive journey!

Has anyone tried the Lipodiol flush? I am trying that if this FET cycle doesn't work.. Its with Neil Johnson at Repromed, we had an appointment with him a few weeks ago! He seems really good and genuine.. Starting to feel like I am just a number with FA!!


Posted By: tarns
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 7:16pm
lmao...haha love my new ticker...anyone farting today


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 29 March 2011 at 8:02pm
Thought I'd come and say hi, I'm not TTC but I am an older Mum success story, was 36 when I got UTD and 37 when I delivered my beautiful baby girl who is now 5 months old she was so worth the wait. I being an older mum, enjoy being at home far more than I thought I would. It took us 13 months from coming of the bcp to get utd without any intervention. Pregnancy was great no MS and I delivered at 37+5 weeks a healthy baby.

Good Luck to everyone TTC.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 9:15am
He he, love the ticker tarns! Can't say I've particularly noticed that lovely little symptom!

Thanks Rubyrock, the herbs are disgusting and here's hoping they do actually do something. Totally agree with you re Naturopath, she found things with me that none of the other doctors picked up on, she totally amazed me. DP still to do his "sample" so will be interesting to see if she picks up anything different for him too.

Hope your levels are back to normal babygiraffe and you can start to look forward to your next cycle.

Happygal, I've heard of the lipodiol flushing helping too, fingers crossed you won't need it though! Hear ya on feeling like a number sometimes!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 30 March 2011 at 10:24am
Hcg leves are still at 60. Grrrrr. Taking ages to come down! I dont think you ov until your levels is at zero? So I have no clue where I am in my cycle...which is good, nice to have a month off without worrying if we are bonking at the right time.

I wonder if seeing a naturopath as well. Its one thing I haven't done - you just never know if it may help. Maybe I should start using chemcial free products as well - can only be good for me.

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 31 March 2011 at 6:10pm
Sorry to see your levels are still quite high babygiraffe, its very frustrating! Very nice to have a month off worrying about timing etc though!

All the best for your Blood test tomorrow Happygal, will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes out for a BFP!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 31 March 2011 at 8:28pm
thanks Scaredy, will get on tomorrow and let you girls know eitherway, abit nervous now!! So hope its good news, but in this journey its hard to imagine, but trying to stay hopeful!!


Posted By: GuestGuest
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 12:26pm
Good luck for today Happygal!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 12:57pm
Thinking of you Happygal - I hope with all my heart its good news for you

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 5:50pm
thanks girls, but was another BFN for us, really gutted, but expecting it, didnt even cry this time!!! Just don't understand this journey at all!!

Off for a large glass of wine and a spa now!


Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 7:15pm
Oh no, I am so sorry Happygal, sending you big 's!

Hope you enjoy your glass of wine and spa, thinking of you!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 01 April 2011 at 8:53pm
Sorry to hear that Happygal, like ScaredyCat I hope you are enjoying your wine and spa.

I convinced myself this month that I was UTD, my period was 7 days late and I was just about to test and AF arrived. I was so gutted and when that happens I just feel so let down by my body as well.

DH turns 40 next week and I have arranged for a friend to have DD for the night and we are going out to dinner and I have booked a hotel in the city for the night. The last few months have been very stressful for us for various reasons so it will be nice to go out and enjoy ourselves and have a sleep in on Sunday!!!

I hope you all have great weekends.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Tanners
Date Posted: 03 April 2011 at 8:02am
Just wanted to pop on here and wish all you ladies your much deserved BFP's!

I don't know why it is so easy for some and so damm hard for others but wanted to share my success story to give you all hope as I've met so many incredible women on these forums while I was going through 3 rounds of IVF.

Me and DP had been ttc for a few years and I was 41 by IVF round 3 which resulted in a much wanted BFP but sadly ended in miscarriage, we thought it was all over for us and then two months later we got a miracle, a natural BFP... How did that happen?

I am 29weeks along now and admittedly worry a little every day this is going to get taken away but I can honestly say all the pain of ttc is gone, I just feel like the luckiest women in the world to be carrying this miracle and I wish the same for all you ladies in this journey to become mums.


Posted By: tarns
Date Posted: 03 April 2011 at 1:11pm
Huge hugs to you Happygal.....just not fair

Hugs to you too Orca..hope your night away is really enjoyable for you both.

Tanners thanks for your story of inspiration, these little rays of hope are great.


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 12:18pm
I'm so sorry Happy, my heart is just so sad for you. I want to ask if you are doing ok but I guess you are far from that. We are here for you when you are ready to come back and chat. Dont give up Happy, it will happen for you.

Thank you for your story Tanners, they all help to keep us inspired! Congrats on your pregnancy!

Hope everyone else is doing ok today. Only a week until we are back at the specialist! Yay for us.

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 1:17pm
Hi Tanners, thanks for popping in and sharing your story, that is so great and very inspirational, I remember you from the IVF chat rooms and am so glad things have worked out so well for you, huge congratulations!

Hope you enjoyed your night away Orca1!

Not long till your appointment babygiraffe, hope they can give you some answers.

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: Georgiegirl
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 6:30pm
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I'm 37 and we have been trying for number 2 since November (short time compared to some I know), I'm really nervous. It's taken a while to have the courage to try for number 2 as Ava our number 1 has a rare chromosome syndrome and is severely handicapped, ( basically a baby for life). I really wanted to have another while Ava was still small enough that I could handle her... and maybe get out and about with a double pram... as soon enough she will be in a wheelchair and much harder to manage with a baby too.
Its nerve wreaking trying for a baby at the best of times but sheesh... its hard esp when AF keeps on turning up!

Congratulations Tanners exciting news!


8th round of clomid 100mg
1 failed IUI.
Waiting for IVF now.

Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 7:19pm
Congrats Tanners on your pregnancy!

Its made me really appreciate my family more seeing how much trouble most of you have had with trying to get pregnant and staying pregnant. I guess I am one of the lucky ones who doesnt take much to get pregnant which I think is why my recent MC was such a shock after 3 healthy pregnancies. I hope you all manage to have the family you all crave so much soon


Angel March 2011

Posted By: Caronz
Date Posted: 04 April 2011 at 7:58pm
Thought Id pop in and say Hi too, DF and I are both 39 and have been TTC #2 since jan 09, when DS was 6 months old. We have male factor infertility issues so we are using a sperm donor. This is the 3rd month of IUI since MC in oct and my last chance at getting another baby before Im 40. Roll on sunday when we find out if we are lucky this month or not!

TTC since 06 with MFI
IVF with ICSI 2007 BFN
DI Sept 08=BFP DS 06/09
TTC #2 since June 2010
DI#2 Aug10=BFP MC@10weeks
2011= 10 rounds of DI 4 with clomid- all neg
May 2012- IVF

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 06 April 2011 at 11:02am
Hi Caronz and welcome. My fingers are crossed that you have some luck when you test on Sunday. Hope you are handling the tww ok?!

Thanks for your message Tauris. I hope you are doing ok after your m/c?

Happy are you out there? I have been thinking of you and hope you are ok.

Well I have started spotting so that is very very good news, AF must be just around the corner. I am being very positive about my 2012 baby - surely that will be my year!

Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 06 April 2011 at 5:01pm
Hey thanks Babygiraffe, I'm actually doing ok now, was so gutted on Friday, but feeling alot better about things! Going to have a break from IVF and just concentrate on our trip to Scotland and Europe in July, yay! This journey takes it out of you, doesn't it! Nice to have something else to concentrate on! Who knows, maybe it will happen naturally after all the IVF, wouldnt that be great!! Won't give up! Yay for spotting and that AF on the way soon! You are so getting your 2012 baby, I will join you too!

Welcome Caronz, fingers crossed for you on Sunday!!

Scaredy, so great you are starting your IVF cycle now instead of June, yay!!

Bring on our well deserved babies!!


Posted By: Happygal
Date Posted: 06 April 2011 at 5:01pm
PS Tanners great to hear from you and so happy things are going so well!


Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 07 April 2011 at 9:39am
Really good to hear from you Happy, you are an inspiration to us all - you have amazing strength. I hope you can join me in a 2012 due thread too!

I'm pretty sure I am at CD 1 today so looks like things have returned to normal for me fairly quickly. I hope. We are seeing the specialist again on Monday so excited to hear about our plan B.

Take care everyone

Posted By: Georgiegirl
Date Posted: 08 April 2011 at 8:03am
Baby giraffe... I'm LOVING your ticker! what a great idea... this can be such a exhausting journey I love that you have a great vacation to look forward too!
I may have to copy you!


8th round of clomid 100mg
1 failed IUI.
Waiting for IVF now.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 08 April 2011 at 8:33am
Our holiday in Samoa is keeping me going at the moment - whatever happens over the next few months, good or bad.....we will have Samoa at the end of it. Yay!

Like your ticker too - I'm always hoping its my last tww as well

Loving that its Friday, hope you all have a lovey weekend!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 1:26pm
How is everyone going?

We had our follow up appointment with Repromed yesterday, came away feeling really flat and no closer to us having a baby.   I felt like he didn't know what to do next? DH genetic testing came back fine....basically there is nothing wrong with either of us and its just bad luck. He wants me to have a scan on my uterus next cycle to see if there is anything in there that might be causing us to miscarry. Or I could just set $400 on fire and and be done with it. Haha...    I really felt like he was clutching at straws. But on the upside of all this, because nothing is wrong with us eventually one should stick. One day. Riiiiiiiiiiiight. I wonder if he has forgotten that I'm 38 and the weeks are flying by. I'm not sure how many more m/c I have to have before they say enough is enough and talk about Plan B.

Sorry for my rant. Just having a moment.

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 3:40pm
Oh babygiraffe, that does sound a bit rough, how frustrating for you not to get some answers! On the bright side it is good to hear they can't find any serious problems but still frustrating none the less.

What do you think you will do, have the scan? I guess if you do at least that will cross that one of the list also, who knows perhaps they will find something nice and simple to fix and hey presto problem solved!

Big 's hun, very frustrating for you!

I bet you looking forward to your holiday!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 4:53pm
I will have the scan ScaredyCat, as you say they might find something and can fix it. DH tried to tell me that last night, its just a process of elimination. I'm just throwing my toys a bit, I must be patient. There are lots of girls out there that are worse off than me.

We are going to give this cycle a really good go and fingers crossed we are UTD and I dont have to worry about the scan anyway! Getting DH all primed for his marathon b'ding week. Haha.. Must get more preeseed

Cant WAIT for our holiday - 4 months today!

Thanks Scaredy

Posted By: ScaredyCat
Date Posted: 12 April 2011 at 5:26pm
Your allowed to throw your toys, we all are, its blimin hard being patient sometimes, I know!

Good luck for your BD marathon, hopefully like you say you won't need the scan

I think we may have to start planning a holiday soon too, its really good to have something nice to look forward to when other areas in your life are not so smooth sailing!

We went to Europe last year for six weeks and it was fantastic, just what the Dr ordered to get out of TTC mode and forgot about the stress and get back to being what we used to be like, I need that feeling back

Good luck for this cycle and keep us posted!

TTC # 1 - 7.5 years
2 x IVF - 4 x Trf
3 x BFP's
3 x M/c Feb 09June 10Sept 11
2 Blasties on Ice

Posted By: Roses are Red
Date Posted: 13 April 2011 at 1:30pm
Holidays are a good way to refocus your energy, we are planning a big on in jan next year, so far we have a house in Kerikeri booked for a week and we are looking for somewhere in the coromandel for a few days with a few days in Auckland on the way up and the way back from Kerikeri.

It also means that even if we if we decide to get preggy again (its still not decided) we are best to wait till later in the year so I am not too big and uncomfortable on holiday... I guess the ideal would be that I would be about 12 - 15 weeks preggy in jan so the ms is over and its in the safe zone...   


Angel March 2011

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 16 April 2011 at 4:29pm
Babygiraffe, I felt exactly the same when I got all my test results back and all were normal and I was told it is just bad luck and that at some stage one will stick. I am pleased that there is nothing wrong but a reason other than "bad luck" would have been easier to accept/understand, iykwim.

A holiday to look forward to is a great idea. We are looking at somewhere to go in July/August time.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: Georgiegirl
Date Posted: 21 April 2011 at 6:11pm
Hi everyone,
What a day, we had our first appointment at Repromed, I had my blood test. Poor DH is not eager to do his part... He is so embarrassed! But I am relieved to have started the process. Fingers Crossed. I'm going to start taking Clomiphene Citrate... has anyone used it before? and is the common name Clomid? I have seen that some other girls have talked about Clomid.


8th round of clomid 100mg
1 failed IUI.
Waiting for IVF now.

Posted By: tarns
Date Posted: 22 April 2011 at 7:28am
Hi GeorgieGirl...I think all our men hate doing that test but I think the thought of it is worse than the I think guys get soooo scared that there might be something wrong with them.

I've been on clomid for a while...theres actually a Clomid Pill Poppers thread in the Coping with Infertility section...pop in there if you like :)
One of our girls just got her BFP ...first month on clomid too (congrats Monkeys if you are lurking!). So here's hoping the magic pills are just the extra boost you need.


Posted By: Georgiegirl
Date Posted: 22 April 2011 at 8:44am
Hi Tarns, thanks for the tip... I'll definitely pop in.


8th round of clomid 100mg
1 failed IUI.
Waiting for IVF now.

Posted By: Cinderella
Date Posted: 05 June 2011 at 2:58pm
Hi everyone. I guess I qualify as an older mum at 37. Was never planning to have more at this age so am obviously concerned I have left it too late.
FX you all get BFP's soon.

Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 10 June 2011 at 11:08pm
Hi everyone, Im 39yrs old ttc for my #3

Posted By: tarns
Date Posted: 11 June 2011 at 7:51am
Hi Guest! Best you find yourself a name and join on in :)
Hope your journey is a short one...good luck


Posted By: Keira
Date Posted: 12 June 2011 at 5:20pm
Originally posted by tarns tarns wrote:

Hi Guest! Best you find yourself a name and join on in :)
Hope your journey is a short one...good luck

Sorry i did registar with a name but for some reason its not coming up?
So anyway im 39yrs, 40yrs this year, and i have 2 children 13yrs and 7yrs.Have always wanted a 3rd but DP was never convinced, finally hes come round and hopefully i havent left it too late.The TTC road is totally new to me, as i concieved both my children whilst on contraception and they really were big surprises.Im excited to actually be able to try and be happy about an impending pregnancy.Hopefully it happens quickly.

Posted By: tatiana10
Date Posted: 29 June 2011 at 11:03am
Hello all,

I'm new here.

39 years old, hoping to conceive #2 after it took us 2 years and 2 IUIs to get our wonderful little girl, now almost 14 months old.

I have just found out that I had a missed miscarriage
Now waiting to miscarry to naturally.

I am just hoping that the fact I conceived fairly quickly, without really trying, charting etc was a good sign and that there is still a bit of time left for me.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 29 June 2011 at 12:23pm
Hi Tatiana

I miscarried back in Feb this year. I waited for one cycle and then fell pregnant and I am now 11 weeks, so far so good! As you can see by my ticker I have had a few miscarriages which has been so sad for us. I am 38, will be 39 at the end of the year so I felt like time was running out for me too. Keep positive and dont give up, you still have time on your side

Posted By: Buttons2
Date Posted: 26 December 2011 at 11:45pm
Just bumping thread back up Hope everyone doing well and some BFP's arrived.


May 2010

Posted By: Georgiegirl
Date Posted: 27 December 2011 at 8:26pm
Hi Buttons, Good idea... How are you doing?

I had a great Christmas... it was nice to not be doing any treatments just relaxing and having fun. I'm hoping for a Miracle holiday baby!

Thanks for jump starting this thread again!



8th round of clomid 100mg
1 failed IUI.
Waiting for IVF now.

Posted By: KPete
Date Posted: 28 December 2011 at 7:57pm
Hi there, it was great to see this thread appear. I am 39 and tt#3. I took clomid to concieve #2 and it looks like I will be doing the same with #3.
I been off the pill for one cycle and ovulated, which is amazing for me but up to CD 31 and not BNF :(   I forgot what a roller coaster of emotions it all is, and I have not been through as much as alot of you ladies have! It would be nice to share stories/support


Posted By: Buttons2
Date Posted: 31 January 2012 at 12:26am
Bumping thread back up! Hoping 2012 brings lots of BFP's :) Just contemplating TTC'ing for #3. Took us 18 months with unexplained infertility issues to conceive #2 (we were aiming for around a 2.5 - 3 yr gap but ended up with 4.5) Had thought that as it had taken longer than expected (#1 was a one hit wonder) that we were feeling pretty lucky to have two gorgeous girls and that would be it due to getting older.

But... #DD2 is now 11 months and just absolutely dream baby, gorgeous character and loving watching her grow and develop. That thinking maybe would love to have another. Am 39yrs


May 2010

Posted By: Buttons2
Date Posted: 31 January 2012 at 12:31am
Hey KPete - if you're still around. Forgot to say, I ended up on clomid for #2 too. Ended up concieving on it
and sadly miscarrying, then immediately getting pregnant again two weeks later without clomid or cycling again!
Am thinking will be clomid again if we do go for #3.


May 2010

Posted By: Buttons2
Date Posted: 23 February 2012 at 11:17pm


May 2010

Posted By: WWW
Date Posted: 04 March 2012 at 9:49pm
Hi there, I am 37 and TTC #1 with a Donor.. I am not really expecting there to be many in my situation, but if there is... it would be fantastic to hear from you.


Posted By: choco69
Date Posted: 19 March 2012 at 2:36pm
hi wanting-wishing-waiting :)

i conceived my daughter with a donor via iui - there are others around the boards here and there. conceived at 41, born when i was 42. now trying to decide if she should have a sibling.

Best of luck on your journey.


Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 20 March 2012 at 7:24pm
Hi ladies,
Happy to have found this thread... I am 38 and DH is 41, we have been trying to start our family for just over a year now. We have no problem getting UTD but sadly have had 2 m/c's over the last 7mths. I went into hospital last mth for 2nd d&c and asked the dr if he thought it wise to see a fertility specialist. He said not as in 50% of cases m/c's were unexplained and that I would be referred automatically if I had a 3rd.
DH and I are still really hopeful we will have our day, but I just don't know that drs advice was right. My GP thought it was a good idea to see specialist but other than suggesting I phone Fertility Assoc couldn't recommend anyone in particular.
Sorry such a long winded post, just wondered if anyone could share some advice. Just not certain of where to from here.

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: WWW
Date Posted: 21 March 2012 at 12:59am
Nawwwww, thanks Choco69... that makes me feel a bit better... Go on.. Give her a sibling lol :)

Good Luck with TTC Redtulip.. are you in the TTC thread aswell?


Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 21 March 2012 at 6:26pm
Hi Redtulip

Sorry to hear about your m/c its such a sad thing to go through.

I am in Australia so the process might be different over here and we have gone private. I have been trying for 3 years for #2 and have had 4 m/c. After my 2nd m/c my GP referred me to a specialist obstertrician. This was because of the time we had been TTC and also my age. If I was you I would start making enquiries now as waiting lists can be long and there are a lot of tests that can be done to make sure there are no issues.

I hope things work out and you get a sticky BFP soon!


DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 22 March 2012 at 9:20am
Hi all,
Thanks for the replies...
wanting_waiting_wishing, heaps of luck TTC, great for you to have found choco69 who had her daughter with a donor... it's great to be able to chat to others who've had similar experiences. Are you testing soon? Not sure if your ticker updated between your last 2 posts? - and yes, Choco69, a sibling sounds wonderful!
I've been lurking in the TTC thread but AF hasn't arrived yet after my d&c so thought I'd wait for that, then I'm back in the game!... How crazy to be looking forward to AF! Last time that happened I was about 12? lol!
Orca1.. thanks for the advice, sorry to hear TTC#2 has been such a long road, and of your losses. Will definately start making some enquiries.
Also, wondering if any of you have tried a more holistic approach to TTC and if so what? Just more out of curiosity than anything really.   

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: redtulip
Date Posted: 22 March 2012 at 9:25am
Hey Buttons2, was meant to say that I think it's wonderful you're contemplating #3... wishing you heaps of luck too. Thanks for bumping up the tread the last couple of times

5 wee Angels - Always in our hearts - Aug '11, Feb '12, Aug '12, Feb '13, Aug '13

Posted By: Orca1
Date Posted: 22 March 2012 at 6:58pm
Hi Redtulip

I have done accupunture and at the same time was taking a herbal supplement.

In the last 8 weeks I have also overhauled my diet, I eat very little processed foods and lots of fresh fruit and veggies and have also cut out caffine and alcohol.

DD born 2008
Oct 2009, April 2010, Dec 2010, June 2011

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 22 March 2012 at 9:26pm
hi ladies
we're ttc #2 I'm 38 and have a beautiful 17 month old girl it took us 13 months to conceive her including charting which I don't have time for with a busy toddler I'm still breastfeeding her and at times co-sleeping which has an impact on TTC.

I keep thinking I'll give it till I'm 40 to make her a sibling then call it quits. Then I meet Mums who are over 40 and it doesn't seem that daunting.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: Guest_70282
Date Posted: 30 March 2012 at 7:20pm
Thanks for all Mom. and best wishes for all kids.

Posted By: Buttons2
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 12:07am


May 2010

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 8:25am
Hi ladies I am firmly in this camp if we don't manage to get pregnant this cycle I'll be 40 when #2 arrives.

Still trying to get my head around it as I was hoping to have completed my family by then. Don't want to stop TTC because of it either.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 27 August 2012 at 8:55am
Hi girls, we are trying to No. 2 now. I am 39, will be 40 at the end of the year. Our wee girl is 7 months old and this will be our 3rd cycle ttc again. I have moments of thinking I could be happy with one....but on the other hand I cant wait to be pregnant again! I'm still carrying 5kg from my last pregnancy which probably doesn't help and my diet is a bit crap so trying to make some improvements there. At the moment I'm not too stressed about falling pg, just taking each month as it comes. Hoping I fall pg before the obsession kicks in!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 23 September 2012 at 7:01pm
Congrats on your pregnancy caliandjack! Pleased you didn't have to wait too long after your m/c. All the best for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Posted By: NZJenn
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 3:16am
Are there any ladies out there TTC at the moment?

I am 40 and just finished my first IVF cycle with a BFP, unfortunately yesterday we were given bad news and my HCG levels had dropped from 96 to 3 so now we are looking at what to do next, as we only get 1 public cycle due to my age.
I am thinking we give nature a shot while we decide whether to try another IVF cycle or move to donor eggs. At $12,000 to $14,000 a cycle there is a limit to how many attempts we can make (and the clock is ticking!) as I have no desire to stuff ourselves financially and not be able to afford a child once we have one!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 8:06am
Hi NZJenn yes we are trying to conceive baby No. 2 at the moment. I will be 40 next month so the clock is ticking here too. I am lucky to have one I know....but I would love to give our daughter a brother or sister. I had 3 miscarriages before I conceived so I am fearful I will have to go through it again....hopefully not. We have been trying for 4 cycles with no luck so trying to keep my spirits high! We are giving it another good crack this month and then going to leave it for a few months over Nov/Dec and then crank into it again in the New Year. I dont want to put so much stress on myself plus we have some fun stuff coming up over those few months and I think I deserve a wine or two
I am charting which has helped me fall pregnant every time - you might want to give that a crack while you are trying to decide what to do?

Posted By: NZJenn
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 11:06am
Oooh, good luck with your baby bid, it is not an easy road at all is it?!
I think you definitely deserve a few glasses of wine, I know I do! And that is exactly what I will be doing this evening!
I have given myself 24 hours of eating and drinking things that have been off the acceptable list for the last 6 months and then back on that alcohol free roller coaster again.
Are you taking any supplements?
I have had Royal Jelly and CoQ10 recommended and have ordered both last night.
I'll look into the charting for sure, anything we can do to help the baby making process along will be considered!

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 11:44am
Hi everyone. I am 39, turning 40 in July. We are TTC at the moment. I had a missed miscarriage in Aug, after falling pg on the first shot. I am hoping this bodes well for future TTC. I used to have a regular cycle that you could set your watch to but I am not sure if it is regular now. It makes working out when I am ovulating very hard. I have been charting my temp since a week before OV. It went up, up, up, then down, then up, up, up and stayed up. I was hoping this would tell me when I am OV over a few months but now I'm just confused. Maybe I'm not ovulating yet? I have done one HPT after the miscarriage, right before my first AF as I had a few symptoms. It was negative. Does this mean my HCG levels are back to 0?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 11 October 2012 at 1:05pm
Tan you really need to chart for a few months to get a real clear picture of when you ov. After a m/c your chart will be all over the show, i know mine were. I would just keep temping and recording your cm - a picture should show for you soon. If you temp is up and staying up then chances are you have ov. A HPT wont tell you if your hcg levels are right back down to zero, the only way you can do this is from a blood test. I see your m/c was about 6 weeks ago? It might take a few months for your body to get back into the swing of things.
Jen, Fertility Friend are amazing - I've used them for years. And no, I dont take any supplements (apart from folic acid) - I just try and eat healthy. Although easier said than done!

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 12 October 2012 at 8:20am
Thanks babygiraffe - I'll keep going with my temp and start the CM charting too. If I get AF this time I think I'll ask the doc for a HCG blood test too.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 12 October 2012 at 8:22am
If you get AF Tan then your hcg will be back to zero

Posted By: tan73
Date Posted: 12 October 2012 at 10:57am
Oh! Well I've had that! Thanks!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

2 Angels - Aug '12 & Mar '13 Always in our hearts.

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 14 February 2013 at 2:10pm
Just wondered how all the 'older' Mums are getting on? Might be some newbies that want to join in
I'm just getting over m/c No. 4 so will take a few months out before we try again. Hoping we will have some luck. Plenty of people having babies at 40 right?

Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 16 February 2013 at 9:14pm
OMG C&J 27 weeks!!! How are you going! Do you know what you're having? I'm going to have to do some stalking lol

Good luck with concieving when you're around 40, it's possible my friend did it


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: Minny
Date Posted: 16 February 2013 at 10:00pm
Hi ladies,

I have just become a first time mum at the age of 39. My boy was born 10 weeks premature last month but is doing great,

It seems wrong somehow that we are already talking about #2 but age is really not on my side as I will be 40 at the end of the year. We conceived #1 with IVF, and will most likely have to use the same again, which I don't mind, but think we will try naturally for three months before heading back to FA. We have decided to start that three months once our boy is 6 months old, then if no luck return to FA when he's 9 months. To be honest I am struggling with this decision, but also don't want to wait too long because of the higher risks involved with high maternal age. It's so hard! I really just want time to enjoy my tiny boy,

I suppose that even if I fall PG at 9 months, I still have 9months again before no2 comes along, but somehow still feels too soon!


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Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 17 February 2013 at 4:45pm
Hey Minny, congrats on the birth of your baby boy I'm glad he is doing well, wow 10 weeks early is EARLY! Its not wrong that you are thinking about No. 2....I was thinking about No. 2 before I even had No. 1 We have been trying since about June, our DD 5 months old. To be honest I dont think my body got back to normal until she was around 11 months old anyway. I am going back to see my specialist next week, I'm keen to make the most of every month now.

Posted By: Minny
Date Posted: 17 February 2013 at 8:30pm
Thanks babygiraffe, he was 980g at birth, so was really super tiny, which is partly my reason for not wanting TTC #2 too early, as he will be a little behind where he should be for a couple of years until he catches up!

I see that you lost twins recently, very sorry to hear.

I guess I never even considered that my body might not be ready to TTC after 6 months, or 9 months even.... I guess I just have to take what comes, because unless my body is ready nothing will happen either naturally or with IVF! And of course because I had a baby with IUGR I am high risk to have that problem again so will go under a high risk team anyway so want to make sure I am as prepared as I can be to try and prevent a repeat of my teeny tiny boy!


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Posted By: AnAmazingGift
Date Posted: 18 February 2013 at 1:41pm
Hi, I'm about to be an 'older mum' too, I am 41 in a few days and will be a Mum in August. I know a few of the names on this thread, babygiraffe was Mrs Hopeful, tarns, and Scaredy Cat, I remember you all from when I was TTC and endlessly having mc's (I was MB, you might remember me). Anyway, for me we finally proved my oven didn't work properly and we went down the road of adoption and Homes4Life but to no avail as got really annoyed with CYFs for reasons I won't go into on here (mostly lack of communication and empathy). Anyway, last year a long-time friend offered us her 'oven' and after a lengthy legal process and another IVF round, she is now 13 weeks pregnant with my husband's and mine baby - we are soooooooooooo lucky!

I am blessed with an amazing gestational surrogate to complete my dream!" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Minny
Date Posted: 18 February 2013 at 9:04pm
Wow... What an amazing thing she is doing for you. It takes a very special person to put her body through that for someone else. So very exciting for you.

I hope this time will just fly by for you.


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Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 18 February 2013 at 9:09pm
Originally posted by AnAmazingGift AnAmazingGift wrote:

Hi, I'm about to be an 'older mum' too, I am 41 in a few days and will be a Mum in August. I know a few of the names on this thread, babygiraffe was Mrs Hopeful, tarns, and Scaredy Cat, I remember you all from when I was TTC and endlessly having mc's (I was MB, you might remember me). Anyway, for me we finally proved my oven didn't work properly and we went down the road of adoption and Homes4Life but to no avail as got really annoyed with CYFs for reasons I won't go into on here (mostly lack of communication and empathy). Anyway, last year a long-time friend offered us her 'oven' and after a lengthy legal process and another IVF round, she is now 13 weeks pregnant with my husband's and mine baby - we are soooooooooooo lucky!

*sorry lurking*
Oh wow! Are you MB from the charting girls a couple of years back (I have changed my handle since then too)?? I do often think of you and wonder how you are getting on (in a no creepy kind of way Tongue) This is just SO nice to hear that finally your dream is coming true. I am very happy for you!
*lurker out*

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: babygiraffe
Date Posted: 18 February 2013 at 9:24pm
Oh wow I MB! Yes I do remember you, I was going through my m/c about the same time you were. What an amazing gift alright - congrats on 'your' pregnancy! I look forward to reading about your journey. I changed my name from Mrshopeful a few years ago, didn't feel very positive. Must've worked, we have a beautiful wee girl now. Hee hee..
Who did you used to be Sem?
Nice to see a few older Mums floating around - gives me hope anyway. I will be 41 at the end of the year!

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