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What really works???

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Weight Loss
Forum Description: Want to lose weight before TTC? Shed the extra kilos after baby's born? Or want to be a lean, mean fitness machine? Talk about it here.
Printed Date: 02 June 2024 at 1:20pm
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Topic: What really works???
Posted By: FionaO
Subject: What really works???
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 3:33pm


I have some weight to lose, I have had the same amount to lose for while really, I just haven't been able to kick start myself onto anything.

I am curious I suppose, seeing some tickers out there some of you have lost some serious weight, so congrats to those who have, and just  wondered for those who have can you share some tips that have really helped, ie was it counting calories, following a scheme like ww or just good old fashioned eat less and move more......

I have started working out, first time in years I am now doing 3 zumba classes a week and loving it, but not really sorted out my diet yet and is 3 workouts a week enough to really shift weight or will I need more.

Anyone any tips suggestions etc..... just keen to study up and make a permanent change rather than do anything too faddy (been there done that)




Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 4:36pm
eat less move more is the basic principle behind any weight loss system. I am counting my calories for the first time using My Fitness Pal. For me though i think it was more about identifying the foods thats i over ate and cutting back or in the case of bread cutting it out completely. I knew that late night snacks of choc biscuits was not healthy or helpful so stopped buying them, i stopped eating toast for breafkast and too many sandwiches for lunch... and portion control!


Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 5:43pm
I'm down 39.4kg all up.

Like Bizzy said, you need to eat less (or alot better) and move more.

I found Julias femfit journals great. They have a page for exercise and a page for food for each day. I felt guilty when the exercise page was empty and made it my mission to have something there every day. Her's has space if you wanna count calories but my philosophy is that you need to do something you can stick to FOREVER! I don't like counting calories cause its not something I wanna do forever. I wrote down my foods for a few months so I could see what I was eating. I don't need to do that now.

I fixed one meal at a time. Started at breakfast, then lunch, then dinner and then snacks. I don't really ever eat bread. I still eat carbs. I eat a lot more protein and I have healthy snacks. We rarely buy naughty treats. I don't keep unhealthy food in the house apart from a once off.

Posted By: FionaO
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 7:38pm

Interesting neither of you really eat bread!

Can you give me example meals? I like the idea of fixing one at a time, I figure i've got moving its the meals I need to fix now



Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 9:01am
My meals are pretty much the same every day:

Breakfast: Protein shake and small serving of special k (I need the protein cause I'm vego and because I do weights)

Lunch: Typically a salad with lots of vege, a boiled egg and a handful of a nut and seed mix I've made up using stuff from the bulk bins

Dinner: Hokkien noodle stir fry, spaghetti pasta, quiche, Nutty rice salad, cous cous salad. All my dinners have carbs in it cause I'm vego I can't not have carbs but they are totally loaded with vege so my carb portions aren't really that big at all and I work out after the kids are in bed so I'm burning off my carbs

Snacks: Vitaweat with hummus, fruit, home made muesli bars (they are full of porridge so very filling)

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 12:34pm
i'm not as serious as stacey - she has worked really hard for some great results!

but brekkie for me is normally fruit and greek yoghurt or sometimes cereal and yoghurt. Lunch is more often than not couscous with veges and hummus in it and dinner i eat the same as the rest of the family but not as much as i used to. I was eating the same portion size as my husband before.

snacks are usually fruit but sometimes i have a small pack of nuts.


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 2:32pm
To start with I got out some of my old DVDs and made myself do something everyday (and I would use the car less). Then I started looking at my food. I cut down portion sizes and tried to choose healthier foods.

Then I discovered My Fitness Pal and started tracking calories in and calories out. I really like the website and have learnt alot about fitness and nutrition (though I always try to research what people say rather than just take their word for it). I don't want to be tracking calories for the rest of my life but at the moment if I want to make a difference, I need to.

In terms of exercise I try to do something everyday (though I will have a day off if I need to). Not that I'm doing a huge amount though. I do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD (24-27min) and then usually do something else like go for a walk or Turbo Jam and just recently, Zumba. I love feeling fitter and stronger and doing things I never thought I'd be capable of, like push-ups! Granted they are only girly ones, but I'm still stoked

For food I tend to eat fairly similarly most days. Breakfast is 1 piece of toast (I've cut right back on bread too) with peanut butter and porridge and a cup of coffee. Lunch - I try to go with salad and some type of protein, occasionally I'll have a sandwich or wrap or leftovers from the previous nights dinner (but watch portion sizes). Dinner is the same as the rest of the family, but again I watch how much I eat. I try to make sure snacks are mostly fruit and almonds (and dark chocolate!). Since getting UTD I've had to up my calorie intake and I find I'm 'topping up' with not so good food, so will have to work on that.

Hope this helps and feel free to come and join us in the weight loss thread when you are ready

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 2:33pm
Slightly OT - Stacey could you share your muesli bar recipe please?

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 2:47pm
Ummmm it changes every time to be honest! I just make it up each time. - This is the recipe I base it on. I tend not to use honey but use a bit of condensed milk and I don't use as much butter as in the recipe and I just switch out things that are listed in there. I found a good toasted seed mix in the bulk bins which I use. I don't like sultanas so don't use those. I just mix up whatever is on hand. I know theres stuff like butter and sugar in it but its so filling you don't need to eat much of it so its spread over so many portions

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 3:25pm
Oh that looks good, thank you! Yeah I'm OK with eating butter and sugar, lol Plus I've been wanting to make my own for the kids

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 4:10pm
They are really yum. I often get a few died mango pieces at the bulk bins and chop those finely and add them for some sweetness/extra flavour. Very yum. I like that I make them a bit different each time. And if you want the kids to really like them make some icing and drizzle some on top once its cool. I get Daniel to do that part so he draws stuff out of the icing lol

Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 4:34pm
Oh thats a great idea!

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 03 June 2011 at 11:08pm
I have found Low G.I and Atkins diet the most effective for me.

Currently I am doing Atkins(low-carb)

Dunno if I'll share what I eat, it's very strict.

Well, ok, I will.

Breakfast: 2 eggs or a 3 eggs omelette(sometimes with feta and chopped tomato)

Lunch: salad, consisting of, metro mix lettuce, chopped tomato, chopped avocado and chopped feta

Dinner: either 1 piece of skinless boneless chicken or lean pork and about 1 cup of steamed broccoli and cauliflower.

That keeps me around 20gms of carbs a day or just under.


Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 03 June 2011 at 11:13pm
These pic's are a result of the first time I did atkins diet, after having my first child.



Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:43am
The only thing that really works is...determination...if you have that then the rest will follow. When it comes to food eat less, they say about 500cals less & you will lose weight. Write everything down that you eat as you will be surprised by the foods you don't count.

Exercise helps tone & burn cals, but it is mainly your food choices & portion sizes that will make you lose weight.

It is a simple concept, eat less move more...but it is not easy to do unless you are in the right head space..I know

Try to do it as a lifestyle change & not a strict denial diet, you can still have the things you want but less often & a small amount

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:55am
Originally posted by escadachic escadachic wrote:

I have found Low G.I and Atkins diet the most effective for me.

Currently I am doing Atkins(low-carb)

I tried the Atkins diet & found it hard to go without carbs, I was craving foods I did not eat much. I love bacon & eggs but got sick of it everyday, lol. I know it does work as you are cutting out carbs.

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 4:50pm
i personally dont believe fad diets like the atkins work long term... it has to be a permanent lifestyle change to be really effective! I also dont believe denying yourself a whole food group is that healthy either, nor is denying yourself any kind of "treat".


Posted By: Nikki
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 5:53pm
I agree with Bizzy, eating like that is not healthy or sustainable long term .... when you crash diet, you will usually put weight on once you eat normally again. Its better (and easier) to make small changes and stick with them.

The diet mentioned above is extremely low calorie, hence the weight loss. If you ate that little - any food groups (not necessarily low carb) - you would lose weight!

DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 5:54pm
It's just a diet, to lose the weight. Once I've lost the weight, I will use low g.i eating to maintain the weight loss and low g.i isn't restrictive really, so it's a good lifestyle way of eating.

Oh, I do have the odd treat on atkins, just tend to be atkins choc bars, but it's still chocolate, so it's still a treat.


Posted By: InthemiddleMummy
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:39pm
I love aitkens/low carb for weight loss, love eating omelettes with cream cheese for b/f, crustless quiche & salad and full cream egg mayo for lunch or, snack s would be vacumed packed meat or protein shake, tea just meat & salad or appropirate vege. Would drink protein drinks etc. as I was b/f I also stayed at around 100gm of carb a day.

I dropped 8kg in 4weeks after dd2 after initially dropping the first 8kg with out batting an eyelid and eating all the chocolate I wanted. after the month I gradually went back to introducing more carbs but being that Im coeliac / gluten free and cant eat bread/ pasta I find this type of dieting / eating really simple.

when I TTC for this pregnancy I also did low carb/high fibre ( first 2 weeks 20gm of carb then aroudn 60-100gm a day. too lose 6kg in 2months before conceiving then slowly going back to normal.

Once you get past the first 3-5 days your sugar cravings drop and you crave the high protein. its great for energy levels you arn't starving.

anyway a little about what I like.

I will follow low carb / high protein again after this bubs is born to loose the flab. I found the high protein & low sugar really helps keep the b.milk at a high level. is high the right word? I copped a lot of flack from teh breast feeding natzies when talking about me eating low carb, but I found it actually improved/increased the b.milk so that shut them up lol.

anyways a happy mum makes for a happy baby aye team!

Posted By: escadachic
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:45pm
Oh that's awesome that it's worked so well for you Girls Rock!

And nice to see someone else keen on low carb as well.


Posted By: InthemiddleMummy
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:49pm
I ate way larger quantities than you did and still lost weight,

bk - 3 egg omelette made with good dolop of cream ,5-8 teaspons of cream cheese mixed in with mushrooms & onions and grated cheese would be a sample breakfast. sometimes add bacon or ham if I had enuf in fridge.

MT a protein cookie (either home made or a brought aikens bar) & a protein shake ( or 100gm vacum pack of meat)

Lunch - 2 boiled eggs dinner plate full of salad couple of 100% meat paddies or 100-200gm of ham or chicken.

tea massve steak or fish or 3 chick thighs boneless wrapped with bacon & stuffed with cream cheese sides of veges or salad (not potato okay sometimes half a potato)

pudding low carb jelly or choco mooouse with cream a treat would be to add boysenberries / raspberrys with whipped cream too

immmmmm this is making me HUNGRY anyway i brought loads of low carb & aitkens books of trademe and found my favourite receipes that way and adapted them to suit me.
found this amazing mince dish made with mushrooms & reduced cream and cream served with salad SO YUM!

Posted By: InthemiddleMummy
Date Posted: 04 June 2011 at 9:57pm
just had a thought is that my gluten free normal is properly not normal normal LOL!!

I still have my low carb breakfasts, lunches now have a gluten free burger bun added if im at home or if at work I still eat salad / meat but eat also will have a mandarin & banana & apple and a tub of yoghurt as well. tea I will eat the potatoes. so as you can see I dont eat alot of carbs due to the gluten free lifestyle I have. at the weekends now im preggy I eat gf pancakes or hash browns with my bacon & egg.

I dont know what the normal everyday diet would be carbs count wise? 400-500? im guessing g.f I might be like 200-300 without counting wild guess?

but also made carbs are way worse than grown carbs if you understand? eg an apple is far better carb choice than a slice of bread, read up about nutritive carbs.

anyway enuf about me and my carbs. lol

happy weightloss to everyone hope what ever you choose works for you....

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 05 June 2011 at 7:10am
Originally posted by Bizzy Bizzy wrote:

i personally dont believe fad diets like the atkins work long term... it has to be a permanent lifestyle change to be really effective! I also dont believe denying yourself a whole food group is that healthy either, nor is denying yourself any kind of "treat".

totally agree...DH & I have both tried it. I may work for a bit but you can not keep it up & keep the weight off & as soon as you eat carbs weight goes on.

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