Feels like a bit of an anxiety relapse...
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Topic: Feels like a bit of an anxiety relapse...
Posted By: 1st_Time_Preggies
Subject: Feels like a bit of an anxiety relapse...
Date Posted: 09 July 2011 at 2:56pm
....but WHY???!!!
I have been on citalapram since DS was about four months old. Have been weaning myself off for the last few months, VERY VERY slowly. Down by a quarter of a tablet every four-six weeks. Am down to a half. The last three nights DS (17 months) has slept incredibly well for him. But when I get back into bed *I* can't sleep and I get that slight anxious feeling again (which I haven't felt in months). Usually it is brought on by sleep deprivation but I have had pretty good sleeps the last few weeks. So I don't understand WHY?! Not sure if I should increase my dosage again, as I'm not sure it is related.
No point in asking my Dr cause she is useless.
Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 09 July 2011 at 5:01pm
What else is going on in your life hun? Are you taking time for yourself and relaxing? I've been so much better (anxiety wise) since I started doing actual relaxation. Hope it sorts itself for you soon xx
Posted By: 1st_Time_Preggies
Date Posted: 09 July 2011 at 5:27pm
That is the thing, everything is going fine! All is well at home and work. My little man is just gorgeous and I am getting more sleep than ever! So it is very frustrating to be having sleeping issues and anxiety again. Of course now that I have felt it I am stressing about stressing :-)
Posted By: snugglebug
Date Posted: 09 July 2011 at 10:28pm
I think maybe you're feeling anxious because you are worried now everything is going well, that it will go back to the way it was before? I know with me I still have anxiety about certain things to do with my baby like when I take him out in public, as when he was smaller he used to scream and scream and I didn't know how to pacify him. These days he is super happy and if he does get upset I know what to do but I still can't shake that feeling of anxiety. I read some of your posts in the past about DS's sleeping problems and I can totally understand why you might feel anxious about going back there now that you have experienced it being better.
Have you had any counselling? I have found counselling has helped me to figure out where my anxious feelings come from in the past and that helps me to address them now, ie by telling myself Im being silly and reminding myself of how things are now, not how they were. My counsellor said to me that maybe I just need to spend some time just getting over and coming to terms with the things that happened in the early days... I almost need to grieve over it in away, like how crappy and hard it was, so that I can move on.. if that makes sense.
I could have just psychoanalysed you and been totally wrong but when my anxiety flares up I find it's usually more to do with a past situation/fear of something that happened before happening again than the present one. I guess anxiety is kind of something you live with and deal with and keep going each day.... and recognise when it's happening and deal with your fears head on. Try to figure out what you're worried about and tackle it if that makes sense. My counsellor taught me to write down the fear, then think is this realistic? What is more likely to happen than that? To give you some perspective.
I hope that helps in some way.
------------- Me 28, DH 29 DS born 20 Nov 2010 (4 years old) #2 due October 7 http://lilypie.com" rel="nofollow">