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I need a anti-vaccinate Doctor

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Topic: I need a anti-vaccinate Doctor
Posted By: stefany3
Subject: I need a anti-vaccinate Doctor
Date Posted: 15 July 2012 at 11:25pm
I would like to find a doctor in Auckland, preferably west/central Auckland, who isn't going to harass me about not vaccinating my kids every time I go to see him.
My GP is actually not too bad, but the nurse there is.

I had to take my 15month old to the A&E yesterday, and the doctor there was more concerned about him not being vaccinated, than the fact I was worried he was really sick. So it got me thinking that I don't want to feel like a bad mum every time I want to visit my Doctor about my kids well-being.

Would love to hear if you are a non-vaccinater, how is your doctor and could you recommend them?



Posted By: mumtooboys
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 11:55am
I am in Wellington so no help whatsoever, but have asked a couple of people who might.

Does Mt Eden help at all? Dr Roger Leitch at Raphael Medical Centre, 11 Woodford Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024. Ph: 09 631 0477. Apparently he's good and not sure he's 'anti vax' as such, but not pushy about vaccines.


Posted By: JadeC
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 7:59pm
Aww, Dr Leitch was my dr right through school!! He is great! I didn't know he was still practicing.

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Posted By: Guest_44187
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 9:33pm
I see Doctor Julyan Lawry at Luckens Rd Medical Centre. She is not 'anti-vacination' but open and has a good deal of common sense. We chose not to vacinate and I've never had anything but positive interactions with her even when discussing vacination. She's very much like 'well if you've made an informed decision then that's totally fine'. She's also got children herself, which for me was important as it means she understands what it's all about. Ideally we would go to the holistic medical centre in Mt Eden or New Lynn but we're north west so those other options are just too far away. Hope that helps.

Posted By: Hannahs1
Date Posted: 16 July 2012 at 9:55pm
You are not going to find a doctor that is anti-vaccination because not only is it against the hippocratic oath but it's also against base medical knowledge. It would be akin to finding a plumber who believes in leaks.

You will find doctors who are either apathetic enough not to want to argue against rampant anti-vaccination ignorance or other liberal types who believe that stupidity is a human right.

You ever wondered that maybe just maybe the same Doctors who you are evidently willing to trust with your children's health, might just know a wee bit more about the merits of vaccination than you, and maybe just maybe they are right to judge someone who follows a ridiculous belief that not only can harm their own children but others as well, as a bad mother?

Posted By: stefany3
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 12:03am
Thanks, I might look into Dr Leitch. Mt Eden is a little bit far, but I might give them a call.
Where is the Holistic Medical Centre in New Lynn? I did a quick google search but couldn't find it.
I guess I knew I wouldn't find a anti-vaccine doc, but I was hoping there would be some not-so-judgemental ones around


Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 1:41pm
self righteous much hannah?

I think that maybe you should just be firmer with the nurse at the doctors you already go to. If you dont have a problem with the doctor then why change. Just next time the nurse makes a comment tell her you have made your decision and you would appreciate if she doesnt discuss it further with you. The question will be asked of you no matter where you go - when the kids starts school or daycare of kindy, even playcentres and playgroups need to know. Every time you go to hospital or an emergency department they will need to know as well, not just so they can treat your child effectively but for the safety of their other patients and themselves too.


Posted By: pumpkino
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 2:18pm
I'm with Bizzy.

I think Hannah is right in the sense that you are unlikely to find a doctor who is anti-vaccination. They have a professional obligation to advise you as to what they consider is in your best interests, and those of your children, but also the wider community - people who are not immunised do put immunised children/people at risk in the event of an outbreak because the benefits of herd immunity are decreased/lost.

However, if you have made your choice and you don't wish to discuss it further, just say so. Like any medicine, you do have a right to say no to immunisations.

And if it doesn't work, don't feel like a bad mother - just remind yourself that the nurse and GP are only doing what they think is best for you and your family, even if you disagree. It's like telling people to stop smoking (in the sense that they evidently disagree with your choice - I am NOT comparing smoking to declining immunisations!) - they probably keep telling people to stop no matter how many times their advice goes unheeded because that's what they feel professionally obliged to do. It is still the patient's choice.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Posted By: Guest_44187
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 3:07pm
Sorry, I thought the health center in New Lynn was a holistic medical center but with further investigation I've found they do not have medical doctors. Looks like the Mt Eden clinic is pretty much it for Auckland.

You will find that remarks such as Hannahs are common. But by calling parents who choose not to vaccinate ignorant or stupid simply discloses one's own ignorance. Unlike the masses who vaccinate simply because they are TOLD it is best for their children, every single parent I know, who has chosen not to vaccinate has done their homework. And by this I mean not just doing a few google searches, but hours of reading, talking to Doctors and other health professionals, speaking to the Nz immunisation authorities, researched what ingredients are in the vaccines (ie; formaldahyde, cells cultivated from aborted foetuses and animal blood products to name but a few) and we have made an informed decision. We have not taken the decision lightly but have decided that we will take responsibility for the health of our children rather than leaving that up to big pharma and the government. Personally I am not 'anti-vaccination'. I think that if you can not afford the time, money or effort to ensure your child's optimal health through diet, lifestyle, education etc then, yes, for you maybe vaccination is a good insurance. But for me at least, I have the time, inclination and resources to follow a more natural path for strengthening my child's immunity and therefore his health. I just don't appreciate being called ignorant for doing so.

Posted By: Hopes
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 4:31pm
I can see why people tend to get hot under the collar on this topic!

I do think Drs that actually don't believe that vaccination is the best choice are pretty rare. But hopefully you can find one who's happy to a) accept your decision not to and b) accept that you don't want to get into a discussion about it.


Posted By: mumtooboys
Date Posted: 17 July 2012 at 4:53pm
I have to say we have never been really hard out hassled for the vaccination decisions we've made for our second fact, for the most part, we've been left alone to just get on with it. The only time I was actually asked directly about it was when DS2 had an accident, one of the docs asked why we'd decided what we had. Had a 5-10 minute convo with him, outlining concerns/issues, he said it sounded like I was on to it and that was that. Might have just been fobbing me off and muttering under his breath as he left but I really could have cared less at that stage.


Posted By: JsMamma
Date Posted: 18 July 2012 at 1:21pm
I agree that if you think your current Doctor is good, it's worth sticking with him/her. You'll have to listen to all the reasons why you should vaccinate but they should then accept your decision not to. DS's doctor totally bullied me when she found out I wasn't going to vaccinate (I burst into tears when I got in the car!), but now it never arises as an issue when I take DS to her (in fact she really listens and actions my concerns). This is a quote when she realised I was sticking to my guns "most people conform because it's easier". That really says it all!

Posted By: Reffinej
Date Posted: 18 July 2012 at 4:42pm
Just to say, although this in ChCh, you can go to a GP who will support you with anti-vaccinations. I went to one yesterday & he is anti-vaccinating. I won't go into the why's as I'm not here to provoke argument

However, it IS possible. Though, I was quite amazed to find this practice. Try googling Integrative Medical Centre or something???

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Posted By: Reffinej
Date Posted: 18 July 2012 at 4:44pm
Oh and eek! Hannah! That's a bit OTT and unfair don't you think? I guess you don't. Oh well.

Stefany - I hope you find someone. I feel like a weight's shifted from my shoulders now. I wonder, if all else fails, if you could ring to just chat with this GP? He seems very passionate about his work and saw me even though I'd got the wrong day. IF you're interested, PM me :)

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Posted By: millemama
Date Posted: 18 July 2012 at 9:09pm
Guest 44187, well done and well put and good on everyone for, on the most part, ignoring the ignorant negative comments. Enough said! No vax for both our kids and Doc hasn't mentioned a thing, although we rarely go. And if anyone did ask more than a passing query I would let them know exactly where I stand and that it is none of their business. As has been said this decision is not taken lightly by any Mother and a great deal of research and soul searching has gone into it, no bad Mums here!


Posted By: Reffinej
Date Posted: 18 July 2012 at 9:53pm
PS: maybe the phone call idea wouldn't work...but still, I hope you find peace & strength in your decision.

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Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 18 July 2012 at 11:10pm
Gotta love how people join up & make one rampaging post on the same day.

But I agree with Bizzy, if you find your Dr good then you need to put your foot down with the nurse. I had to do this when I delayed & spread out vax for my boy. Once I had explained my reasoning this old bird stopped harrasing me.


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: mrsmum
Date Posted: 21 July 2012 at 4:38pm
Mimi Irwin is excellent, I think she is in Mt Eden too...

Posted By: informedmum
Date Posted: 21 August 2012 at 8:31pm
I take my hat off to you and any other informed mothers. Science DOES NOT match vaccination claims!!

(unless there is $$ involved) People, It's a multi-billion dollar industry!

Great to see other mothers doing their home work!

My mother was a doctor and she said she was taught next to NOTHING on vaccinations in meds school. She never thought anything on it as they were told it was a good thing. They were taught however what to say to parents who questioned vaccines!

She's vaccinated many children much to my heartbreak, but after a while she started to question how effective it was as she was seeing very sick children with the diseases they had been vaccinated against. She also saw the ones unvaccinated were not as sick as the vaccinated with the same disease. After years of researching, she decided to stop vaccinating children and spoke out. She nearly lost her job! She started talking to scientists who showed her reports on how they havent cured any diseases and how vaccines do cause neurological problems (even though the WHO tries to say otherwise - don't want to loose the $$)

Here's one report she showed me. It was the decline of Polio in NZ and then the decline of Polio in a few countries in Eastern Europe. They both had the exact same decline at the exact same time. The only difference is, the countries in Eastern Europe had no vaccine yet NZ did. They claim in was the vaccine that eradicated Polio from this. This is their evidence?! It just doesn't make sense.

If you look at Small Pox, in 1972 when they started the mass vaccination programme they only ended up vaccinating 10% of the population AND (here's the big one) everyone with small pox was quarteened. 1980 was the last case of Small Pox in Somalia. Then they announced it eradicated "Thanks to the vaccine" - again - doesn't add up.

Yet they still call this the work and evidence from the vaccine. A study by the Unviersity of Southern California (top research university in the world ) reported this in a CDC meeting in 2002 "Even without vaccinations, these diseases would have died out anyway"

All diseases have a trend, a life cycle.

It's time to wake up and PROTECT our children from the scaremongering pharmaceutical industry!

Also please note - DR's do believe they are right thing! They're not bad evil people, they're just doing what they are told and have been taught.

I advise anyone questioning to follow the work of DR Tenpenny.

Check out this link too.

Posted By: lisame
Date Posted: 22 August 2012 at 1:34pm
Originally posted by AandCsmum AandCsmum wrote:

Gotta love how people join up & make one rampaging post on the same day.

Indeed... whether for or against, it has the same effect.

Posted By: AndreaPollar140064
Date Posted: 12 March 2014 at 10:32am
Hi Hannahs1
This is not true. It is a shame your views are still kicking around the internet since July 2012. Contrary to popular belief, the Hippocratic Oath is not required by most modern medical schools and the medical staff currently work within the boundarys of a code of ethics. Nowhere in this document is any direct reference to vaccinations.

Is it all Doctors you refer to that may know a wee bit more than you do, even the 'apathetic' ones? There are many health professionals who have chosen to not vaccinate or to vaccinate against only a couple of diseases or to vaccinate later than recommended. These are intelligent people who love their children. No mother that researches something fully before making a decision is a bad mother. Don't judge Hannah1, and make sure your decisions are as informed as you can so that the theory of herd population health doesn't make you have herd thinking.

Posted By: sanddunes172341
Date Posted: 27 January 2015 at 9:54am
Hi there, just stumbled upon this.

It is very sad to see such a strong wave of anti-vaccination support in New Zealand like this.

Anyone who considers anti-vaccination as a positive thing does indeed need look at the facts and also look at themselves. Often anti-vaccination comes from fear rather than facts ( mostly sub-concious rather than concious )

I know we all have a choice to do what is right by our own family, but anti-vaccination effects us all. Not only are you putting your own child at risk, you are also casting risk onto the rest of us. It is very short sighted and selfish.

If you do not agree with this, then it will be a large part of your daily thoughts I'm guessing. And if so, I'm sure you'll have time to read through a blog post such as this.
( Points 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9 are very valid )

You owe it to yourself and the rest of us.

Thank you

Also have a look at this news article
There's still the myth that there's a problem with this [measles] vaccine," Immunisation Advisory Centre director of research Helen Petousis-Harris said.
"It's taken many, many years to reassure people that this isn't the case. It's not only about protecting yourself but the rest of the population as well, and it is a disease we can eradicate if we get the rates up high enough."

Posted By: _Soda_
Date Posted: 27 January 2015 at 12:01pm
Tell ya right now- "anti-vaccination" DOES NOT Come from fear. It comes from hours and hours of research and time by very intelligent people and mothers who want what is best for their childs health in the long term. It is not irresponsible to the rest of the world, as herd immunity does not work- its a myth- I know this because I have researched- and not stupid opinionated blog posts (I could pick those articles to pieces given the chance but on my lunchbreak and dont have the time right now.)but actual documents from medical journals, the data sheets themselves, talking to medical professionals etc and have not a single doubt in my mind that what im doing is the right thing. I wont go into how I made my mind up on this, but I will say I started out vaccinating and now I know what I know I will never let a vaccine near my child again.

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