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PND leading to other things??

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Living with Post Natal Depression
Forum Description: Around one in ten NZ mothers will be diagnosed with PND in the first year of their babies life. Find support and encouragement and share ideas for coping here.
Printed Date: 18 February 2025 at 4:32pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.05 -

Topic: PND leading to other things??
Posted By: AmirJustin262623
Subject: PND leading to other things??
Date Posted: 14 August 2020 at 9:50am
I was diagnosed with pnd 2 months after ds was born. Ive probably always had depression/anxiety but always managed to keep it in check with exercise, life changes etc. But once I got pnd it became too much to manage on my own. I feel through the worst of the pnd now, it flares up when im stressed but im in a better place with it. However through pnd the doctor noticed I was having a big problem with anxiety. Over the months it has been getting worse and ive had meds upped twice. Its kind of generalised anxiety/OCD. Im just starting counselling now and its helping me come to terms with how I got here, but Im finding it all pretty hard at the moment. Has anyone else experienced this or issues other than PND? Thanks" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -

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