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Topic: Aropax - Featured on 20/20 tonight!! Posted: 30 August 2007 at 1:36pm |
An interesting (by the looks of it) segment will feature in tonights 20/20 (TV2 @9.30pm) about Aropax...
Blurb from TVNZ website:
"Taken on Trust
It's been called the hidden epidemic, with one million prescriptions for anti-depressants dished out to New Zealanders last year. Amongst the numbers is the story of one woman who has spent more than half her life on Aropax, and decided it's time to quit so she can have a family. But it won't be easy. 20/20's Pete Cronshaw follows her through her journey, and her amazing video diary reveals her struggle, and her triumph."
Pretty scary as I was on Aropax......Apparently this woman ended up addicted...
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Posted: 30 August 2007 at 3:57pm |
doh.. we only get tv1 here or I might have watched it.
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Posted: 30 August 2007 at 4:08pm |
I have heard several stories from girls in my anxiety group who have had major problems with coming off Aropax. I was on a low dose for a year and was fine coming off it, but I have heard it can be addictive.
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Posted: 30 August 2007 at 11:53pm |
mm the scary thing is.. alot of mental health drugs, (especially actually those ones that they give people with addiction problems..) are more addictive than what people might be taking already. but yeah, for some people they work really well. I guess it's a matter of finding what works and outweighing the risks.
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Posted: 31 August 2007 at 9:06am |
mmm my thoughts on this are.. prescription meds suck...
Aropax made me poo myself, its yuck!!
Its sad, you go to a "doctor" they say you are "clinically depressed" & they give you this "stuff" to make you feel better but it actually is just a ploy to get you to buy the "stuff" then sh*t hits the fan so you go to the "doctor" again & they give you some more "stuff" & yep it goes round & round & round & you make the drug companies rich... & you get poor health. I believe there are more "free" things out there to make you better, we're just killing it, ignoring it & its a never ending cycle thats gunna crash & burn..
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Posted: 31 August 2007 at 2:36pm |
I use to work at a life insurance company and my concern was that heaps of people were getting prescribed anti-depressants but were not been told all the implications. Such as when you apply for insurance you have to tick yes to the question regarding whether you have had any mental health issues and then they may exclude mental health from your policy, or put a loading (increase your premium) on your policy. I think that anti-depressants are a life saver in certain situations, but I think some people would choose other possible remedies if they knew that it could affect things like insurance for the rest of their lives.