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Topic: Worried... Posted: 03 April 2012 at 6:46pm |
I posted a question about maternal mental health in another group before someone told me about this forum so thought this might be a more appropriate place to ask the question (which I see has kinda been spoken about in another post) but anyway lol
Im just wondering if anyone has had experience with maternal mental health and how they found it??
My hubby and I are planning for #3 but I'm worried about getting PND again!! It makes me wonder if I'm crazy for putting myself through it again and if its worth it but we really would like another baby...
Any advice is welcome
Edited by Nukoo
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Posted: 03 April 2012 at 7:11pm |
Have u not used maternal mental health when u have had pnd? If u still feel like u have unresolved issues then I would recommend seeing someone and working through these now before having another baby. How old are your kids? MMH wont take u if your baby is over 1 yr- and Im not sure if they take people when they are pregnant if they havent already been under the service. I guess your GP would be the best person to advise you of the referral process, or you could ring maternal mental health, or community mental health and ask directly.
Adding to the family after having had pnd is scary- I was completely well when we concieved #2, but I was still petrifed of it happening again. We both were, ans so were my parents.
I thought a lot about what the triggers were, what helped, what could have helped, what didnt hep etc etc. We put a lot of things in place to prevent it from happening again, and measures to deal with it very quickly and to get help and support straight away if it did happen again.
We want 3 kids. But 3 kids is a lot! On days when Im finding my 2 a handful, I wonder how on earth I will cope and even why on earth Im even thinking of 3! I think thats pretty normal. I dont think your crazy,...that would make me crazy too! But I think u need to put a lot of strategies in palce to help yourself.
I found monthly accupuncture thoughout pregnancy really helpful- for energy and relaxation, and I also used a natural progesterone cream that I get from the accupunctist really good- it helps to balance out hormone levels- was part of my treatment plan for pnd after I stopped taking the antidepressants after having to come of a triple dose cold-turkey after an anaphylactic allergic reaction.
Hope some of that helps!
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Posted: 03 April 2012 at 7:30pm |
Hi Kellz,
Thanks for you reply  I did not go through MMH when I had my other kids as I was only diagnosed after my 2nd was three months and at that stage my GP prescribed meds and referred me to a psychologist and I continued to see her privately. This time around my GP would like me to be referred to MMH as they can offer more support and guide me with regards to my medication etc.
I have great people around to support me and don't have any unresolved issues I think its just something that happens to some women and I don't want to let PND stop me from having the family that I would like
I have heard that acupuncture is really good so might give that a try if things go pear shaped, or to keep them from going that way.
Wow cold turkey off antidepressants! That must have been absolutely horrible!
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Posted: 03 April 2012 at 8:45pm |
Yeah it was the most horrendous thing Ive had to go through in my life. But I had such a bad reaction that it was the only option- GP gave me valium and sleeping tablets to help with the withdrawl process- then the Pysch and GP wanted to start me on tycyclic antidepressents but I wanted to be off meds so I had to go to them for monitoring every day and they gave me a week to put a huge plan in place.
Fortunatly I havent had pnd with my second and hopefully we will have a 3rd one day too- we misscarried 3 weeks ago
Good luck! I hope MMH can help you to have a smoother/happier jounrney to being new Mum of 3!
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Posted: 04 April 2012 at 10:45am |
Im sorry to hear about your miscarriage  it must be very tough.
Im sure that when the time is right #3 will come along
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Posted: 04 April 2012 at 10:47am |
Im not sure what that emoticon is doing in that last message (looks like its sleeping lol) Its supposed to be this
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Posted: 04 April 2012 at 2:58pm |
Lol I dont know what that emotion is either!
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Posted: 06 April 2012 at 10:08pm |
Hi Nukoo,
Where about's are you hun? I went through MMH in Hamilton, and I don't have enough nice things to say about those ladies! I was so thoroughly looked after. I had a nurse, an occupational therapist, a specialist doctor, and a psychologist all for free. I was referred to them probably too late in the piece (after ending up with the crisis team). But honestly, once your under their care, they'll look after you really well. I was referred to them via the family centre, but your GP can do it, and so can your midwife (I'm pretty certain).
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Posted: 08 April 2012 at 4:10pm |
Hi girly_girl,
Im in Auckland, on the Shore, Sounds like you had a great experience  Hopefully they are just as good over here!!!
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Posted: 08 April 2012 at 6:46pm |
I found the North Shore Plunket Family centre good for helping with baby- really supportive.
That was 5 yrs ago and we were desperate - we were living 5 hrs away but me and DD went to Auck to stay with my parents for a few weeks as we were all so stressed and sleep deprivaed that DH was in danger of losing his job. Even tho I wasnt from Auck, and my parents were living in Pakuranga,...the North Shore family centre fitted us in for a full day just a day after I rang them.
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Posted: 08 April 2012 at 9:17pm |
kellz I am so sorry to hear about your angel baby
Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3
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Posted: 09 April 2012 at 9:00pm |
Thanks hun,...been wondering how u were getting on too- will comment in your other thread.