Beautiful Irish names

Be inspired by these beautiful names from the Emerald Isle!
Pronounced | Meaning | |
Aideen | 'ay + deen' | Formed like Aidan from aed “fire.” |
Ailis | 'ay + lish' | Irish version of the Alice or Alicia |
Branna | 'bran + na' | From 'raven', or 'beauty with hair as dark as a raven'. |
Briana | 'bree + a + na' | Noble, virtuous |
Cara | 'car + a' | Friend |
Ciara | 'kee + ra' | The feminine form of Ciaran, meaning 'dark' and implies 'dark hair and brown eyes' |
Eithne | 'en + ya' | Kernel of a nut or seed |
Ide | 'ee + da' | Thirst for goodness or knowledge |
Keela | 'kee + la' | Beautiful |
Keeva | 'kee + va' | Traditionally spelt Caoimhe. Meaning gentle, beautiful and precious |
Maebh | 'may + v' | The cause of great joy |
Meara | 'meer + a' | Sea |
Neala | 'nee + la' | Female champion |
Niamh | 'neev' | Radiance, lustre, brightness |
Nuala | 'noo + la' | Shortened version of Fionnuala meaning “fair shouldered, exceptionally lovely,” |
Teagan | 't + gin' | Beautiful |
Pronounced | Meaning | |
Ailbe | 'all + bay' | From an old Irish word meaning 'white' |
Art | 'art' | Bear |
Bartley | 'bart + lee' | From Bartholemew |
Bradan | 'bray + dawn' | A salmon |
Breccan | 'brek + in' | Freckled or speckled. It's also the name of an Irish Saint |
Canice | 'can + iss' | Attractive person |
Cian | 'key + in' | Ancient, enduring |
Clooney | 'cloo + nee' | A green pasture |
Davin | 'dav+ in' | Little deer |
Emmet | 'em + it' | Named after Robert Emmet |
Fergus | 'fer + guss' | Strong warrior, virile |
Finn | 'fin' | Fair headed |
Lee | 'lee' | Named after the River Lee |
Liam | 'lee + am' | Protector |
Niall | 'nye + al' | Passionate |
Quinn | 'quin' | Intelligent |