Tips for breastfeeding your baby during the summer months
Midwife, lactation consultant and mum of five, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong shares all her summer breastfeeding …
Midwife, lactation consultant and mum of five, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong shares all her summer breastfeeding …
TWO MUMS SHARE THE HIGHS, THE LOWS, THE UPS AND THE (LET) DOWNS OF THEIR BREASTFEEDING JOURNEYS. TELL US ABOUT YOUR BREASTFEEDING JOURNEYFollowing a Caesarean section, I spent a few days in hospital and then at Birthcare. I tried …
Dr Abby Baskett explains the art and science of breastfeeding to new and expectant mothers. It’s incredible what our bodies are designed to do and how they do things at just the right moment, often without any conscious direction. When it comes to …
Midwife, lactation consultant and mum of five, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong shares her must-haves for your breastfeeding journey. Congratulations! So you’re having a baby (or hoping to) and perhaps planning to go on the very special journey of …
Mama of five, midwife, and lactation consultant, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong shares her advice on how to make your breastfeeding journey a positive one. Photography mother of wilde True or False? Breastfeeding is easy because your milk is …
Breast milk is made up of an incredibly unique set of antibodies to protect and boost infant immunity. Worldwide, researchers are still at work to decipher how this process works, but here’s what we do know, with thanks to the experts at …
Whether your breastfeeding journey is long or short, it's worth celebrating! We asked 12 mamas to share their very different experiences of breastfeeding their babies. Carrie: I have only been able to feed using nipple shields but I am super proud …
When your baby needs to eat, there's often no waiting until you get home or until it's a more convenient time. Feeding your baby in public can be a necessity when they're small - but it can also be intimidating, especially when you're still learning …
Midwife, lactation consultant and mum of five, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong talks us through some reasons why your baby might be feeding round the clock. Cluster feeding, reflux, fussiness, and even purple crying – this is some of the language …
Midwife, lactation consultant and mum of five, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong explores 'the why' behind breastfeeding your baby. Breastfeeding is something a mum may only first think about once pregnant. Or perhaps for others they’ve grown up …
Midwife and lactation consultant, Stephanie Callaghan-Armstrong takes an in-depth look at the complexity of supply issues and discusses solutions. Indeed, it is nothing short of spectacular how a baby is born, and by day three postpartum, many …
Breastfeeding is completely natural but it’s not without its challenges. Lactation consultant Maggie Morgan offers her advice on common problems. Breastfeeding comes naturally.” “It will make your toes curl when you start breastfeeding.” “I …
The ability of the female body to tailor make the perfect milk for baby is astounding. Lactation consultant and midwife, Stephanie Callaghan Armstrong unpacks the wonders of this incredible process. The human breast is one of the great wonders …
Lactation consultant Cathy McCormick outlines some of the most common breastfeeding challenges and offers advice on how to achieve your own breastfeeding bliss. Most mothers struggle with the unexpected reality of postnatal healing, so if …
Nature definitely gets it right, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Cathy McCormick from HolisticBaby shares ten incredible benefits of breastfeeding for mama and baby. Breastfeeding comes naturally to some. For others, it can be fraught …
It's often said that breastfeeding is much easier than formula-feeding - no equipment to sterilise, no rocking a screaming baby while you wait for a bottle to heat up. But breastfeeding, like everything else, must initially be learned, and the first …
Breast is best - but is there an age where breastfeeding becomes too much of a good thing? Sadie Morgan takes a look at extended breastfeeding. The length of time for which a child is breastfed is a very personal decision, yet fraught with …
While completely natural and an ideal first food for babies, breastfeeding is not without it’s challenges. But for some mothers, cracked nipples and latching difficulties are the least of their problems. What do women do when they simply can’t …
Midwife and lactation consultant Stephanie Callaghan Armstrong shows us how to get our best latch on for breastfeeding success! Congratulations on having your precious baby! It might seem like breastfeeding should be the most natural thing in the …
The experts at Breastfeeding NZ offer their top tips for your breastfeeding journey and remind us that, as with many aspects of parenting, good support is key. Breastfeeding is wonderful because it creates a special bond between you and your baby. …
Where to go for help - if you need more information or practical support, contact someone from the list below. * Family doctor. Search for a GP here * Lactation consultant (IBCLC) * La Leche …
When it comes to breastfeeding advice, expert Katie James Education Manager for Medela Australia, can supply answers as fast as the public demands them. She has worked in the UK and Australia as a midwife, lactation consultant, educator, university …
Paediatrician and lactation consultant Abby Baskett offers answers to frequently asked questions on breastfeeding. Breastfeeding may be nature's answer for feeding our babies, but for many women, it raises more than a few questions. Our newest …
Mastitis is inflammation of your breast tissue, particularly the milk ducts and glands. It’s really common, occurring in about one in five women, and can be very painful. It most often happens during the first four weeks of breastfeeding when …
Your nipples are one of the more sensitive parts of your body, so when you start breastfeeding, it pays to protect them. Here are five ways to prevent and treat sore nipples so you can breastfeed without pain. 1) Check your latch …
Engorged breasts? Engorged breasts feel hard and uncomfortable. Engorgement can occur when milk first comes in or if baby is not taking enough from the breast. (Remember, new babies need about 8 feeds or more a day). When breasts are engorged it is …
Breastfeeding plays an important part in the health and wellbeing of babies, mothers and whanau/families. Breastfeeding gives our children the very best start in life. Breast is best for baby because: Breastfed babies are less likely to have …
Nipple Care As your baby is feeding from your breasts keeping them clean is important, it is best to wash nipples with water only as soaps remove the natural protective oils. Breast milk and baby's saliva have healing properties which help with …
Can I still breast feed if I have inverted nipples? Yes, but you may need to perform an exercise know as Hoffman's exercise. This exercise is also beneficial to women who do not have inverted nipples but want to prepare their nipples for breast …
While breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it's not without challenges. For many mums, learning how to breastfeed properly can be a bit of a mission, and you can end up causing short term and fixable damage to your nipples. The latching-on …
Ouch! Sore nipples are a common complaint for breastfeeding mothers. But don't assume it’s an inevitable part of the breastfeeding experience. While it may be uncomfortable for the first week as your nipples get used to the rigorous attention …
Kiwi mums are being encouraged to take 'brelfies' with their babies, to help raise awareness for the 13th anual Big Latch On. Mums can share photos of themselves feeding and pumping via #BrelfieNZ on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The Big Latch …
Running on empty Naturopath Natasha Berman explains what to do if the stress of parenting is affecting your milk supply. In my experience, and the experience of most mothers, stress can adversely affect a breastfeeding mother's milk supply and …
Lactation consultant Nancy Mohrbacher discusses a new reclining technique to make breastfeeding easier for new mums. Few mums will forget the pain of those early days of breastfeeding — the toe-clenching moments when baby first begins to suck. …
The use of nipple shields is becoming increasingly popular due to their availability in chemists, and baby stores and often being given as gifts as an essential breastfeeding tool prior to baby's arrival. Nipple shields can be beneficial for some …
Breast milk production along with breastfeeding is an incredibly intricate system, it's amazing how a woman's body is guided by her baby in the production and storing of breast milk. Babies are incredibly efficient at emptying breasts (if we allow …
Breasts are amazing. As soon as baby comes out they swing into action, producing a highly nutritious food. But while the breasts know what they're doing, the same can't be said for a first-time mum and newborn. Lactation consultant Maggie Morgan is …
When your baby gets his or her first tooth, you may be scared to breastfeed for fear that they will chomp down on your breast. This can cause you to be tense and stressed out when you're trying to breastfeed your baby, hindering your natural milk …
For the majority of women, whether to breastfeed or not is never even a question. But why is breastfeeding so good for both the mother and her baby? And when breastfeeding isn't an option, what's a mum to do? Angela Pedersen investigates …
Breastfeeding •It is important to eat a nutritious diet when you are breastfeeding. You don't need any special foods but try and maintain a balanced diet with plenty of protein, iron and calcium as well as plenty of fluids and fresh fruit and …
History of breastfeeding This was once well accepted and the only logical way that a mother would feed their baby. Not only did it provide an excellent source of nutrition, it also provided an opportunity for mother and baby to bond. Until the 19th …
We asked the OHbaby! community of mums for their top tips to help first-time mums struggling with breastfeeding. And via Facebook they responded in droves! Clearly, the sisterhood is strong and mums who had struggled themselves reached out to …