We shed some light on common sleep myths
Responsive sleep and development educator and mama, Dr Ainslee sheds some light on common sleep myths. Baby sleep can be …
Struggling with sleepless children is not a new phenomenon for parents, but increasingly, in our busy and stressful society, parents need to maintain adequate sleep themselves. Parental exhaustion clearly has an impact on how we care for our babies. We share all you need to know about babies and sleep - and if it's not here, ask our expert!
Responsive sleep and development educator and mama, Dr Ainslee sheds some light on common sleep myths. Baby sleep can be …
How soon is too soon to put your newborn into a routine? Baby whisperer Dorothy Waide gives her expert opinion In all my years of experience as a baby consultant two questions I'm always asked are, "Can I put my baby into a routine now?" and, "Is …
Is infant sleep more like an elusive dream in your household? New Zealand's 'baby whisperer' Sharlene Poole shares her techniques for settling even the most stubborn non-sleeper. Every parent will surely agree - sleep is one of the most …
Newborn babies are usually not affected by the start or finish of Daylight Saving. However older babies and toddlers can be affected for a week or two and you may have an overtired little one on your hands as a result. The benefit of routine: …
Infant and toddler expert Dorothy Waide offers her advice on smoothing down the sheets for a sweet end to every day. Baby’s pre-bedtime routineA baby’s evening routine starts when they wake from their last nap cycle of the day. The length of …
Annette Faamausili from Serene Sleep discusses the pros and cons of using dummies. At some point in our lives, many of us may have vowed to never use a dummy and would have frowned on parents in the street who dared to have one on display. The …
Our resident sleep expert, Annette Faamausili gives us her tips on the best sleep setup this winter. Photography Catherine smith for woolbabe + Bo & Ko Baby With the shorter days and colder nights settling in, it’s time to think about how …
Sleep and development educator, chiropractor and mama of two, Dr Ainslee, shares the vastly different sleep journeys of her first and second babies. This is a tale I hope you won’t relate to. The tale of a baby who didn’t sleep, and as a result, …
Is leaving your baby to ‘cry it out’ the only way to achieve a better night’s sleep? Annette Faamausilli from Serene Sleep answers her most commonly asked question. I often get asked this question every week by parents who reach out to me …
Sleep and development educator, chiropractor and mama, Dr Ainslee gives us the lowdown on swaddling. To swaddle or not to swaddle? Swaddling can be a contentious topic, many people have strong feelings that all babies should be swaddled, or …
Baby and child sleep expert, Annette Faamausili gives gentle advice for parents looking to transition out of contact napping. Imagine this scenario: your baby is nestled comfortably in your arms, feeling warm and secure. They can sense the …
Dorothy Waide shares her advice on how to establish a sleep routine by tuning into your baby's wake cycles. I am often asked what helps a baby to get into a rhythm with waking and sleep cycles and if tracking wake cycles is important. Yes, for …
While being up to watch the sunrise with your little one is a nice perk, not all of us are ready to start our day in the early hours. Annette Faamausilli from Serene Sleep discusses the common reasons for early rising. While it might not feel …
There is nothing more frustrating as a parent than when you finally manage to get your child into a great sleeping routine, they're waking at a respectable 7am, and then suddenly find that due to daylight savings your child's wake time suddenly …
Annette Faamausilli from Serene Sleep explains why sleep rituals are your baby’s love language. Imagine sitting in your lounge minding your own business when someone drags you off to bed without prior warning when you're not even tired. You’d …
Dorothy Waide explains the benefits of swaddling and shares instructions for her favourite configurations. One of the big questions new parents often ask themselves is whether or not to swaddle their baby for sleep. Swaddling has many benefits but …
Getting your baby to sleep can feel like a challenge even in their own familiar environment, let alone when you're travelling! Sleep consultant Annette Faamausilli from Serene Sleep shares her tips. It’s finally happening. After a couple of long …
Is there anything more beautiful than a sleeping baby? Dorothy Waide shares her top newborn sleep essentials to set us up for success. Let’s start with the basics shall we? Love really is the most important thing. To me, loving a newborn …
We're told to never wake a sleeping baby, but sleep expert Annette Faamausili from Serene Sleep, explains that tweaking your baby's day naps can help establish a routine that benefits your whole family. As much as we adore our babies, there is …
How do you know when to choose routine over go-with-the-flow? Miriam McCaleb shares some insights. Once upon a time, a family welcomed a baby ... and everything changed. In reality, this once-upon-a-time happens time after time. And while the …
Expectant parents know their days of restful slumbers are numbered, but nothing quite prepares you for the reality. Cathy McCormick, from HolisticBaby, shares some thoughts on surviving those early days and nights. The most common topics I hear …
People often ask me the difference between a baby "comforter" and an "aid" because I spend lots of time telling parents sleeping aids are a no-no. A comforter is what I class as a positive sleep aid - something your baby or toddler uses to go to …
When is the right time to drop overnight feeds and how will it affect sleep? Dorothy Waide shares her advice for each stage of your baby's first year. No matter what age your baby, toddler, or child is, it's important to understand that their …
Regressions or progressions? Either way, they can turn bedtime upside down and cause many a sleep-deprived parent to lose their mind, but as Dorothy Waide explains, they’re actually a sign your bubba is on the right track. PROGRESSIVE …
Getting babies and toddlers to sleep during the heat of summer can be a challenge. Our baby sleep expert Dorothy Waide shares her tips for keeping them cool and helping little one sleep better in the warmer months. Babies – milk or water? For …
Dorothy Waide's top tips for helping your newborn sleep better. 1. You can’t spoil a newborn. Don't believe the saying that if you hold your baby you will make a rod for your back. Your baby belongs in your arms. 2. Use small movements to settle …
It's time to say goodbye to the hot weather and embrace the chill! The Sleep Coach Cheryl Fingleson, shares her top tips for choosing comfortable winter sleepwear for babies and kids. Changing autumn temperatures can make choosing the right …
Babies sleep, and feed, and sleep some more, but caring for a newborn is not always that simple. In this extract from Dorothy Waide’s new book, You Simply Can’t Spoil a Newborn, Dorothy shares her tips for establishing a routine based on …
Mother of three Pippa Henderson looks back on her broken nights and revisits the issue of whose turn it is to get up when duty calls. Sleep deprivation can be torturous. I remember long nights of delirium in the early days of my daughter’s life, …
Renowned baby expert Dorothy Waide sheds light on the question at the top of many parents’ minds: why won’t my baby sleep? One thing I’ve noticed in my many years of working with families around the world is that, in today's society, we are too …
Dorothy Waide has spent decades helping babes (and their parents!) get some much needed shut-eye. Navigating day sleep is an ever-changing process as your baby grows and having the right tools can make all the difference. Sleeping and self-settling …
Dorothy Waide offers her tried-and-tested solutions for peaceful summer slumbers and happy holidays. Temperature in baby’s room or sleep space The ideal temperature for Baby's nursery or sleep space is around 18°C to 20°C; this can be hard to …
Baby whisperer Dorothy Waide shares advice on safe slumbers for babies and toddlers, so everyone can sleep peacefully. As parents and caregivers we’re often overwhelmed by the vast amount of baby sleep products on the market. My first advice is to …
Baby whisperer Dorothy Waide takes the guesswork out of sleep routines, sharing her top tips for newborns through to preschoolers. Sleep is a perennially hot topic for parents, and an area where one size certainly doesn’t fit all. There are …
Babies love to be held close. So think of yourself as your baby’s buffer; your presence confirms that their world is safe and they’re secure, which in turn helps your baby to build their sense of trust and confidence. This is the hallmark of …
In her latest book, Simply Parenting: From 12 weeks to 12 months, Dorothy Waide answers the questions that all new parents ask: when should I start my baby on a routine? How do I encourage my baby to sleep through the night? How do I teach my baby …
Sleep, sweet sleep. Babies need it, parents desperately want it. As vital as sleep is, it can be the most challenging aspect of caring for a new baby. And to make it even tougher, the more tired you are, the more challenging everything feels. Our …
When you have a baby, sleep becomes the "holy grail" for new parents. But if your baby won't settle at night, you won't get any sleep either - and suddenly, the whole family descends into a spiral of sleep-deprived misery. Sleep specialist Dr Alex …
1. Be kind to yourself. Remember that sleep deprivation is a form of torture so what you are going through is a very real challenge. Don’t take on too much. Avoid commitments that will compromise your rest time. 2. Arrange a sleep-in deal with your …
There's nothing more delightful than the sight of a baby sleeping peacefully in its cot. And this should be one of the safest places in your home for your precious new bundle of joy. Sadly, there have been tragedies in the past where babies have …
The Sleepstore offers tips for helping your baby and toddler sleep better during the day. Does my baby need to sleep for longer during the day? There are some babies who will only ever sleep for one sleep cycle, regardless of what you do! If your …
The way you make up your baby's bassinette or cot can help to keep him or her safe when sleeping. Here are some tips for safely making up a bassinette or cot: For a bottom sheet, use a fitted cot/bassinette sheet, or a sheet large enough to wrap …
It’s a given that new parents get less sleep than others, and that when your baby isn’t sleeping well, neither are you. You’ll find numerous articles and tip sheets on helping baby (and you) to sleep better in the OHbaby! baby sleep section; here …
Whether you’re staying with family, camping or heading overseas, baby whisperer Dorothy Waide’s sleep tips will help your family survive and thrive while on holiday! Summer is just around the corner and it’s about now that my clients often ask me …
Watch OHbaby! expert Dorothy Waide answer your questions about swaddling baby, dealing with night terrors, and helping babies sleep better. …
Baby expert Dorothy Waide shares her thoughts on letting babies 'cry it out', and offers tips for helping baby sleep better. …
The topic of infant sleep tends to be rather controversial. This is surprising in the sense that sleep is such a natural phenomenon, essential to the life of both parent and child, but not when you consider the fact that parenting philosophies vary …
As a first-time mum or dad, very often you can't help asking yourself, "Why is getting my baby to sleep so difficult?" Or even, "Why am I so hopeless at getting him to sleep?" There's a welter of information out there on sleep techniques but no one …
Getting babies to sleep for longer is a common quest for most parents! Helping babies to sleep isn’t an exact science, but there are some things you can do to help your baby to sleep for longer. Give these tips and tricks a try and take some of the …
Sleeping babies - who would have thought it to be such a contentious issue! While many frown upon bedsharing, Sarah Tennant has found that it best suits her family. What's more, research now suggests that sleeping with your baby is often not only …
An attachment to a dummy or blankie can be a cause for consternation but, as Lisa Glass writes, are these creature comforts doing any real damage to your little darling? It's a funny old thing that you've no doubt experienced yourself. As soon as …
At the end of the day, baby whisperer Dorothy Waide is convinced of the power and purpose of sleep - for babies and parents alike. Confused by conflicting advice, people often ask me for the rules and regulations regarding sleep. The reality is …
Having white noise in the background can help babies to get to sleep, but it can be a real case of trial and error as to what works, finds Christine Nikiel. When a friend gifted us a Sleep Sheep when our first child was born, we thought we’d found …
When asked about sleep training, Dorothy Waide steers parents away from the rigours of many theories on this topic and instead offers an all-encompassing approach she refers to as ‘parenting to sleep. Every baby is different and, boy, do I know …
OHbaby! expert Dorothy Waide has a long career supporting new parents in the universally challenging role of caring for their new babies. If you have a question, she has the answer. Here are her top 20 FAQs …
Watch baby expert Dorothy Waide chat with former OHbaby! editor Ellie Gwilliam and answer your questions on helping baby to sleep better. …
In this live chat, baby sleep expert Dorothy Waide discusses what to do when your baby is regularly waking in the night, and answers your sleep questions. …
Watch OHbaby! sleep expert Dorothy Waide share her tips and answer your questions on setting up a routine for baby, and helping baby sleep better. …
You're allowed to feel just a little smug when your baby finally settles into a regular nap routine and sleeps through the night. Whether it was a rough ride or as easy as pie, it's definitely an achievement - for all of you! So what is going on …
After one or several bouts of illness, getting baby's sleep routines back on track can be a real challenge. Throw teething, caring for a pre-schooler and your own sleep deprivation into the mix, and that challenge may seem insurmountable. Help …
When baby finally goes down, parents can be wracked with tiredness and indecision. Mother-of-three Pippa Henderson advises on what to do, and not do, in that very precious time. Your little honey-pumpkin has finally dropped off. You take a second …
Watch OHbaby! sleep expert Dorothy Waide share her tips and answer your questions on helping babies sleep better. …
Watch OHbaby! sleep expert Dorothy Waide share her tips and answer your questions on helping babies sleep better. …
Watch OHbaby! baby expert Dorothy Waide share her advice and answer your questions about helping baby sleep better. …
In this live chat, OHbaby! sleep expert Dorothy Waide shares helpful tips on settling newborns to sleep, and answers your questions. …
Watch OHbaby! baby sleep expert Dorothy Waide answer your questions about baby sleep. …
Cot death, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), is the unexplainable death of an infant, and leaves our community asking some big questions. Charlotte Wenham explores the mystery that is SIDS. "One night during his flu the breathing monitor …
Whilst incidences of cot death, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) as it is officially known, have dropped dramatically over the past ten years, SIDS still claims the lives of up to 45 New Zealand babies each year. SIDS is the name given to …
Crying it out To save baby's tears, and your own, our experts come up with their best tips on how to get little one off to dreamland. T he words "controlled crying" can divide a room of mothers. Yet few babies are natural born …
There are seven main "sleep stealers," or reasons your child isn't sleeping well; she may be affected by one of them, by a combination of several, or-if you've hit the jackpot-by all seven. #1: No Consistent Bedtime Routine Though most parents know …