Simple ideas to share with your little one

Meeting your littles one's basic needs in the early months is most important and is a special time in itself. While some days will feel like 'ground hog day', the first year will actually fly by very fast! Make the most of these early days and enjoy each moment. Find the joy in the simple suggestions below...
Some ideas for special time with infants aged 0-12 months
1. Breastfeed (bottle-feed with nurturing touch)
2. Hugs
3. Counting little toes/little fingers
4. Play with soft toys
5. Use a baby carrier to walk around with you - staying connected
6. Look at picture books together
7. Read nursery rhymes
8. Sing to him/her
9. Dance with him/her in your arms, or if they're walking holding their hands
10. Build with blocks
11. Flip through soft, tactile picture books
12. Lay baby on his/her back and chat, sing and make faces
13. Play in the mirror
14. Take a walk to see the trees and flowers around the neighbourhood
15. Play with scraps of fabric to explore textures
16. Stack cups and then topple them over and start again - this can get a few giggles!
17. Crawl around together
18. Play Peek-a-boo
19. Make up a song with your child's name
20. Put a hat on and take it off again, then put it on baby and take it off again
21. Blow bubbles and watch them float around and pop
22. Sit or lie baby where he or she can see shadows moving