Zachary and Nathan

The big reveal
We first found out we were having twins at an early scan at seven weeks. We were very excited –I burst into tears of joy! It had taken longer than expected to get pregnant so we were over the moon. I couldn't sleep that night because I was just too excited! Twins are in our family, so it wasn't such a surprise, but it was still very exciting ringing everyone to tell them the news.
We wanted to find out what gender the babies were as I thought that might help us prepare. We got the boys' room ready and all the basics sorted, like heaps of nappies etc. We arranged to hire carseats through Plunket as it is quite expensive to buy two of everything. We bought a chest freezer and made dinners in preparation as well.
Coming home
Even though we thought we were so prepared, the day we brought them home we tried to sleep them together in their cot but it didn't work. My husband went out the next morning to buy a bassinet and we slept them together in that, which they far preferred. They loved the comfort of each other.
Double bonding
I felt I missed out on some of those special little moments a bit, like letting your baby fall asleep on you. There was always another baby needing to be put down to sleep so it was hard to linger with one, unless someone was with me. I didn't find it hard bonding with two babies at all though. And our babies –well, now big boys –have an incredible bond with each other.
Help at hand
Having dinners arrive on my doorstep was amazing! Also, when they were young, I was initially nervous to take two babies out by myself. I remember worrying about things like, “What if they both start crying at once?” I had a friend who came round one day and said, “Right, let's take these babies out!” With her help, I gave it a go and then never looked back. I’m very thankful for that moment.