Tips for shopping for baby

The amount of baby paraphenalia either online or in physical stores can sometimes be overwhelming! There is so much to buy! But what do you really need? And how do you get the best 'bang for your buck'? Here are some tips to keep in mind before you whip out that credit card...
♥ Certainly indulge in some irresistibly cute gender-specific outfits if you like, but gender-neutral pieces can be more useful as your family grows.
♥ Choose items that are easy-care and machine washable. Fabric should be soft and preferably cotton or wool rather than synthetic, which can irritate your baby’s skin.
♥ Onesies, stretch-n-grows or bodysuits – whatever you choose to call them, the ones you want to look for will have easy-to-fasten domes or a safety zip. Check the fabric quality around the domes because that can be where the fabric pulls, causing holes.
♥ Babies can’t walk so shoes, however cute the tiny ones are, aren’t essential. Hand-knitted booties are very sweet but in the OHbaby! team’s experience, finding booties that stay on can be a tricky mission.
♥ Many babies can get upset when tops are being pulled over their heads. Look for envelope opening or crossover designed tops that are easier to get on. Also, cardigans and jackets that button up the front can be an easier option than a jersey.
♥ Always wash new baby clothes before use. Lots of manufacturers treat clothing with chemicals so they don’t wrinkle or attract mildew before they reach the shops. Babies’ skin is super sensitive so it’s best to wash out these chemicals and any dye residues that otherwise may linger.
♥ Buy bigger sizes because baby will grow quickly.
♥ Nightgowns may sound like an old-fashioned idea, but they are very handy for nappy changes in the middle of the night.
♥ A pack of good-old-fashioned square cloth nappies (the ones we used to wear!) will be one of your most useful purchases. They make great burping cloths, changing mats and sheet protectors, among many other uses, and after the baby years they make fabulous dusters.
♥ Built in feet? The advantage of leggings or onesies with feet built in is toes stay cozy without socks. The disadvantage is that they don’t last as long due to baby’s rapidly increasing leg length.