DIY Advent Calendar

Get ready to celebrate the holiday season with a fun and festive DIY advent calendar! Counting down to Christmas has never been more exciting with this creative project. Personalise your advent calendar with special gifts you know your little one will love!
You will need:
🎄 Small festive gift bags or stockings in varying sizes (enough for however many days you are including) Found here: draw string bags, mini stockings, paper gift bags.
🎄 A long piece of doweling rod (length depends on how many days you’re counting down to)
🎄 A roll of twine
🎄 Roll of thin festive ribbon (we’ve used red and gold)
🎄 Scissors
🎄 A number stencil
🎄 Acrylic paint (we used white and red)
🎄 Thin paint brush
🎄 Some festive pine or tinsel to decorate the rod
🎄 A large 3M hook
🎄 & don’t forget some goodies to pop in the bags!
Count out how many bags you will be using in your countdown to Christmas Day and either paint on the remaining dates using a stencil and paint, or stickers (or a combo of both) and leave to dry.
Attach your large 3M hook to the wall you wish to hang your advent calendar from, following the instructions on the pack. Be sure to attach it quite high, allowing room for the string, dowel and the lengths of ribbon hanging down.
Cut however many lengths of ribbon you will need to hang the bags.
Also cut a longer piece of twine or string for hanging the rod, and secure both ends to the rod, near the middle so it hangs evenly. You can always adjust once it’s hanging to get it balanced right.
Start attaching your pieces of ribbon to the dowel, spaced evenly across the length of it.
Attach your bags at varying heights to the lengths of ribbon.
Using your festive pine or tinsel, secure to the doweling rod to decorate it using twine or string.
Fill your gift bags and stockings with festive goodies (nothing too heavy) hang, and enjoy!