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Dad matters

Becoming a father is one of the most exciting things that will happen in your life. All of a sudden you are responsible for the beginning of a new person.

15 tips to help dads prepare for the delivery room

15 tips to help dads prepare for the delivery room

Many dads spend the whole of their partners' pregnancies feeling dazed, confused, and a bit left out. After all, they're not the ones whose bodies are going through major changes; feeling a baby grow and move inside of them; having to watch what …

The perks of being the first of your friends to have a baby

The perks of being the first of your friends to have a baby

Being the first of your friends to have a baby definitely has its perks – they just don't involve boys' surf trips to Bali, discovers Sam Cummins.   You may be aware of the saying “The first will be last, and the last will be first.” It was …

Dad of four share advice around gift giving

Dad of four share advice around gift giving

When it comes to buying presents for the kids, Sam Cummins recommends the 'buy now, pay later' philosophy.   It seems the older I get, the more I understand one of the world’s more immutable truths; that every decision I make is a trade-off …

Fear and loathing in fatherhood

Fear and loathing in fatherhood

What happens when you can’t bring home the bacon?  Sam Cummins examines the role of the provider.  There’s a wide range of concerns facing today’s new dads and – spoiler alert – there’s a whole other raft of new indignities once baby arrives too. …

So you're going to be a dad?

So you're going to be a dad?

Colin Gruetzmacher’s honest reflections on the thrills and spills that are part of becoming a father. So you’re gonna be a dad! Weird, right? I still remember feeling excited at the news, but also wondering “Who thought I was responsible enough to …

Let's hear it for the boys!

Let's hear it for the boys!

Dad Matters columnist Sam Cummins sings the praises of sons. Be proud of your boy! I’ve got three brothers, three sons and four nephews, no daughters and four nieces. It’s a regular blush of boys in my world. Tell people you’re having a baby boy …

A different beat: creating that daddy-baby bond

A different beat: creating that daddy-baby bond

Colin Gruetzmacher frets about how best to bond with his son. There is something really special about dads sharing their hobbies with their kids. This is probably true for many mums as well, but it seems like every new dad I’ve spoken to is so …

The best gift a dad can give

The best gift a dad can give

Colin Gruetzmacher awaits the imminent arrival of his third child, and realises his presence is the best gift he can offer his family.  Three-and-a-half weeks! As of writing this article, that’s how many weeks we are away from Baby Number Three’s …

7 top tips for dads-to-be

7 top tips for dads-to-be

Congratulations, you're pregnant! Well, your partner is, anyway — but it can certainly feel as if you're the pregnant one, especially in terms of your suddenly massive feelings of responsibility toward your partner and child. Becoming a dad is not …

Advice for new dads, from new mums

Advice for new dads, from new mums

Becoming a parent is one of the most life-changing experiences you and your partner will go through together. In the haze of sleep deprivation and getting to know your new baby, you might find you have less time to talk than you'd like -- and you …

Dad-to-be survival guide

Dad-to-be survival guide

Finding out your partner is pregnant is the beginning of a new journey for both of you. Dr Anil Sharma offers his advice on life as a dad-to-be. For the first-time dad, pregnancy can be a physical and emotional rollercoaster - different in …

Taking kids outside makes up for many parenting fails

Taking kids outside makes up for many parenting fails

While Sam Cummins tallies up his parenting misdemeanours, he finds encouragement in the wins – simply taking his kids outside may have set them up for life! Wait – you don’t implement Brené Brown’s 11 steps to remove shame from your interpersonal …

Surviving the skatepark - children and dignity intact

Surviving the skatepark - children and dignity intact

Skateparks - concrete wonderland or urban hazard best avoided? Dad Matters columnist Sam Cummins explains his survival strategy.   There are few topics in child rearing I'm qualified to provide advice on. In fact, I can't really think of any. I …

When survival mode is your norm: one dad’s story

When survival mode is your norm: one dad’s story

When you’ve been in a hard place, it can be difficult to bounce back to happy. Colin Gruetzmacher shares how kids are often one step ahead. They always tell you kids grow up quickly but they don’t tell you that you have to keep up. Like most …

Why we dig dedicated dads

Why we dig dedicated dads

Getting fathers to bond early with baby is not just good for little one — he will take on a whole new appeal for Mum, writes Miriam McCaleb.  Why is it that I feel goopy on the inside when I hear my husband reading Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You? to our …

Daddy's home: making the most of time with your kids

Daddy's home: making the most of time with your kids

Miriam McCaleb pens an open letter to dads who wish they could spend more time with their children.   To  whom  it  may  concern,Ngā mihi  ki a koe, May I begin by saying what a treat it is to hear from you. Too many of the dads who get in touch …

Red hair, don't care

Red hair, don't care

Judging on appearance is pretty un-PC, so how come redheads get so much time in the stand-up comedy spotlight? Dad Matters columnist Sam Cummins takes up the cause. Truisms are a funny thing. They’re meant to be a folksy inspiring way of imparting …

The parenting Olympics

The parenting Olympics

The Olympic Games can stir up the competitive streak in us all, especially where our parenting is concerned, reflects Dad Matters columnist Sam Cummins.   Who doesn't love the Olympics? Stadiums, medals and Katy Perry. You get to be patriotic …

This is how long I have loved you

This is how long I have loved you

Falling in love can happen instantly, it might just take you a while to realise. Patrick O'Malley pens a love letter to his daughter. 1,784,145 minutes. 29,735 hours. 1,238 days. 177 weeks. 88 fortnights. 40 months. 3 years. This is how long I …

Sex after baby - Dad on the waiting list

Sex after baby - Dad on the waiting list

Four days, four weeks, four months? What is an appropriate 'stand-down' period after a new baby arrives? 'Dad matters' columnist Sam Cummins looks at expectations and reality.   There must be a way to talk to about sex that doesn’t make you sound …

Defining the Dad job description

Defining the Dad job description

Being a stay-at-home dad is a noble occupation, but one that takes a bit of explaining in certain social contexts. OHbaby! 'dad matters' columnist Richard Drake explains his job description and skill set.   I was sitting in a room full of people, …

The road less travelled

The road less travelled

Parenthood often means a change in vehicle - farewell performance car, hello practicality. While for some, this is no big deal - for others it can be quite an emotional journey, as 'dad matters' columnist Sam Cummins explains.   The Oxford …

Daddy Diary

Daddy Diary

Brand new dad Sean Falconer kept a diary to record the reality of his first week of fatherhood. …

Why being a better dad is more important than your job

Why being a better dad is more important than your job

In celebration of Fathers Day we wanted to tell you about Max Schireson. Max was the CEO of the successful software company MongoDB, it was a demanding job but one that he was good at and that he loved,  he would regaurly commute from California to …

Understanding and nourishing your childs gifts

Understanding and nourishing your childs gifts

The Power of Perception Training up a child in the way he/she should go doesn't mean ignoring their natural gifts. Take time to understand and perceive your child's ways, so that you may guide them to be who they are meant to be. by John …

Guys: How to be a hero in your marriage

Guys: How to be a hero in your marriage

Have you ever thought about what makes a firefighter a hero? Marie McKinney Oates, Marriage Expert explains how. There’s a house that’s on fire. Everyone runs out. Because that’s what people do when they want to survive. People run away from the …

Stay-at-home dads - Is it for you?

Stay-at-home dads - Is it for you?

Hadyn Jones compares notes with another stay-at-home dad and finds it may be the best thing they've ever done. Statistics New Zealand has no record of us but we're out there. We're stay-at-homers - men who park their careers to look after the kids. …

Macho Man Tips

Macho Man Tips

Hubby At Home blogger Dan shares tips for managing his toughest career path yet - Stay At Home Dad Well before our first son BX was born, Aims and I made the decision that I would be a full-time Macho Man (Man and Children Hanging Out) or stay at …

Steps to fatherhood

Steps to fatherhood

Our men have to pack up their pride, pennies and putters for another day, writes dad of two Hadyn Jones in his seven steps to fatherhood. Parenthood runs by its own clock. Babies are conceived in an instant and often arrive in a rush nine months …

Male post natal depression

Male post natal depression

Postnatal depression (PND) is a condition that many women struggle with after the birth of a child. But surprising research suggests that up to 24% of men may be afflicted with PND, and that there is a strong correlation between PND in new mums and …

Staying involved

Staying involved

You should feel perfectly free to express your feelings and thoughts. Don't keep them bottled up. Let your partner know you are interested by asking questions and telling her about how you feel. After all, it's your baby too! Some of the ways you …

Celebrating Dads

Celebrating Dads

When a baby is born, a father is born. To celebrate the special role men play, here's fatherhood, in their own words.   …


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