Period pain

Heavy, painful menstrual
bleeding is a problem which affects up to one in five New Zealand
women. Dr Anil Sharma explains the causes of heavy periods, and how
they can be treated.
Every month, women shed the
lining of their womb (uterus) in readiness for the possibility of a
pregnancy. Hormones (especially oestrogen and progesterone as made
by the ovaries) interact in a complex manner and the thicker outer
muscle layer (myometrium) of the uterus sheds the lining layer
(endometrium). Many women have no problems whatsoever with their
menstrual cycle and periods, but around one in five Australian and
New Zealand women do. What nature intends to be a way of
replenishing the lining of the uterus, and the provision of
diversity by supplying a new egg every month, has also caused
significant problems and health issues.
Doctors define 80ml per period as a
heavy period, and this is the amount at which recurrent cycles will
cause the majority of women to become anaemic (where the number,
size and oxygen-carrying capacity of a woman's red blood cells are
reduced). In reality, however, it isn't actually the exact amount
that causes women problems, it is more what they were actually used
to and how this has changed - for example, if their period has
become heavier, longer in duration or more painful.
Women may also notice that they
need more tampons or pads. The period may have larger blood clots
than usual, or flooding (a feeling of the period becoming like a
heavy flow) with accidents. Tiredness and lethargy can also occur
with heavier periods, as can weakness and dizziness, sometimes
needing a blood transfusion. Pain may be an associated symptom with
marked cramps and feelingsof faintness.
Causes of heavy periods
There are many causes which all need consideration, and it is
usually necessary for a doctor to rule some of the more serious
causes out. Only a small number of women with heavy periods will
have problems with hyperplasia (abnormal cells in the lining of the
womb), or indeed cancer of the lining as a cause. Doctors are
generally vigilant with this and will organise investigations to
help rule these out. More serious problems such as these do not
often lead to regular heavy periods, more often irregular bleeding
or bleeding between periods or even after the menopause.
The most common cause of heavy
periods is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This is due to
imbalances in the levels of the main hormones that control the
periods. These imbalances cannot usually be diagnosed with blood
tests so most of the time this diagnosis is one of exclusion
whereby other causes are excluded first. More than half of the
women who experience heavy periods have dysfunctional uterine
Other causes include fibroids
(benign non-cancerous growths in the muscle layer of the uterus),
polyps in the lining of the womb (fleshy non-cancerous growths) and
adenomyosis (where tiny bits of the lining of the womb are actually
inside the muscle layer of the uterus and can cause bleeding and
pain). Other causes of these problems include thyroid imbalance and
the old types of copper intra-uterine contraceptive devices.
One important cause of pelvic pain
is endometriosis. Some
researchers think it can also be associated with heavy periods,
although this is controversial. How ever, it is important for
gynaecologists to consider this as a cause of pelvic pain quite
aside from the severe cramps that heavy periods can cause
What a doctor will suggest
Your GP will usually ask a number of questions and undertake an
internal examination (and cervical smear if one is due). Some blood
tests, including a test for anaemia and iron levels, may be
offered, as may a pelvic ultrasound scan. Many GPs will be happy to
treat the periods further themselves, especially initially, or may
refer you on to a specialist gynaecologist.
The ultrasound scan may be quite
reassuring in conjunction with your symptoms and examination
findings. Sometimes further tests may be needed, such as a biopsy
of the lining with either a small thin plastic device called a
Pipelle, or a test called a hysteroscopy dilatation and curette
under a general or local anaesthetic. This test involves looking
inside the uterus with a thin telescope followed by removing some
of the lining of the womb with a curette instrument, which will
assess the lining to ensure there are no abnormal cells.
Non-surgical treatments for heavy periods
Some of the things to consider before treating a woman for heavy
periods include the age of the patient and whether fertility is
still needed. Many of the drug-type treatments are of benefit for
many women with mild to moderate heavy periods or patients or do
not wish to undergo surgery. Some of these medications may not be
suitable for all women and your doctor will discuss them further
with you. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as
Mefenamic acid, are aspirin-type substances that often reduce the
period by one-third, but some women get stomach upsets, nausea
and/or headaches with them.
The combined oral contraceptive
(the pill) also helps around one-third of women. Side effects
include breast tenderness, nausea, and headaches, and your doctor
should ensure that you do not have contraindications to these
Tranexamic acid may help to reduce
the amount of menstrual blood loss by half. It is not hormonal and
works on the clotting factors that then help to reduce the flow.
The treatment consists of taking the tablets for the days of
bleeding but they can also cause side effects such as nausea and
stomach/bowel disturbances.
The Progestagen intrauterine device
has a small reservoir of hormone on it that slowly releases into
the lining of the womb, thereby making it thinner and stopping it
developing every month. Around 85-90% of women report satisfaction
and significant improvement with the heaviness and pain. Around one
in 10 have it removed because of side effects or failure. In other
women, the side effects are minor and they prefer to keep the
device in (it lasts for five years). One of its advantages is that
once removed, natural fertility is returned. It is fitted either in
the doctor's clinic with no specific anaesthetic, or while
undertaking a diagnostic procedure. The side effects include
irregular bleeding for the first few months and it is usually
advisable to wait at least three to four months before fully
assessing the device's effect. Some women do get hormonal side
effects such as headaches and mild weight gain due to some
absorption of the progesterone on the device into the bloodstream.
The device is also a very good contraceptive and overall has been
an advance in treating heavy periods, though some women do not like
the fact that it involves a hormone.
Iron treatments such as tablets,
syrup or injections can often be needed to replace the iron lost
because of the loss of blood cells in the periods.
Surgical treatments for heavy periods
Endometrial Ablation: This is a technique to
destroy the lining of the womb (endometrium). Traditionally it is
done with a hysteroscope (a narrow telescope). A rolling ball with
an electric current through it is used to cauterise the lining,
with around 85% of women achieving a significant improvement. The
main advantage is that they can usually be undertaken under local
(or general) anaesthetic and involve a relatively quick recovery
compared to other surgical procedures. A watery, bloodstained
discharge for a few weeks can be expected as the uterus heals, but
usually, significant complications are uncommon. Endometrial
ablation is usually a day-stay procedure and does not provide
contraception. The lining of the womb has remarkable powers of
regeneration and therefore, some procedures do fail and some
patients will require subsequent further surgery such as
Myomectomy: This is an operation to remove
fibroids but to preserve the uterus. It is often difficult to
provide accurate figures regarding chances of success for the
procedure for the treatment of heavy periods. This is because
unless the patient has obvious large fibroids that impinge into the
actual lining cavity of the uterus, the existence of fibroids may
just be an incidental finding, as they are very common anyway.
Nevertheless, the operation has a place for women who wish to
retain their fertility a nd/or uterus. Often, fibroids that bulge
into the lining of the uterus can be removed by keyhole surgery
without any skin incisions.
Hysterectomy: This involves removal of the uterus
and can be total (also removing the cervix), or subtotal, where the
woman preserves her cervix. The advantages of the latter are a
slightly reduced risk of subsequent prolapse of the vagina, as a
total procedure involves cutting some strong pelvic ligaments.
There are also a number of routes that can be utilised to perform
hysterectomies. These include removing the uterus vaginally,
abdominally or laparoscopically (through keyhole surgery). Despite
the advent of keyhole surgery, traditional surgery still has a
place. A hysterectomy is a major operation and does involve a few
nights' stay in hospital, with around four to six weeks for
recovery. Because healing well is vital, careful convalescence is
advised. There are important risks that
need to be discussed with prospective patients, including the risks
of injury to structures such as the bladder, ureters (tubes that
carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder) and bowel as well as a
small risk of blood clots in the legs that can go to the lungs and
be serious. Despite these concerns, the operation does provide a
100% treatment in terms of ending periods and is still favoured by
many patients.
approaches to treating heavy periods involves a bewildering array
of options which all require careful consideration and discussion.
With families now being busy and the importance that our society
places on lifestyle and activity, women often prefer less
interventional treatments and therefore deserve informed choice
with both the investigation and treatment of heavy periods.
Anil Sharma is a specialist doctor in gynaecology surgery and maternity services. He is very involved in lectures and updates for family doctors, and has an interest in the involvement of media in patient education. He believes that anxiety and fear can be conquered by knowledge. Anil immigrated to New Zealand from the UK in 2001 with his wife, Rachel, and he tries hard to be a hands-on and fun father (putting golf and cars on hold for the time being) to their three daughters, who were all born here.
As seen in OHbaby! magazine
Issue 7: 2009
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