Is having a baby shower really necessary?

Baby showers have become increasingly popular over the years with many people choosing this way to celebrate their new arrival into the world. But is having one really necessary? And what if a traditional baby shower just isn’t for you?
The purpose of a baby shower is for family and friends to come together and show their support to the mum-to-be. Events are usually themed and have a focus on food. Typically, there are some organised games with a pregnancy theme. The mum is also ‘showered’ with things that she might need for her impending arrival. Having a baby is a big expense and there are many new things that parents need to purchase so easing that financial stress somewhat as you get started on your parenting journey is usually greatly appreciated.
But what if the idea or a baby shower is your worst nightmare?
For some though, having a baby shower just may not appeal. For those that have struggled to conceive there might be some anxiety around their pregnancy and they may feel uncomfortable having a shower. Some people might have family and friends that live elsewhere and it’s too hard to coordinate everyone for a specific date. Other people don’t like being the centre of attention and would find it embarrassing having an event that’s all about them. And for others, the traditional format of a baby shower just isn’t their idea of fun. Sitting in a circle and playing ‘what’s in baby’s nappy’, may not be the way they’d choose to spend their afternoon.
You don’t have to have a baby shower
If you don’t want to have a traditional baby shower, there’s nothing wrong with that. There are no hard-and-fast rules around the type of shower you must have, and ultimately, it’s your decision how you choose to celebrate. If you are wanting more of a low-key affair you could have an afternoon picnic to celebrate, or book a table at a restaurant with just a few family and friends.
Some people wait until after the baby is born and invite everyone over to their home on a specific date and time to meet the new arrival. If you’re feeling well enough to see guests and aren’t too exhausted, it can a great way for everyone to meet the new addition to the family and get all your visits done at the same time.
Although the main purpose of a shower is to set parents up for parenthood with items needed, when baby is a new-born there is actually very little they need. As baby is either feeding or sleeping in those early days, a few outfits, some nappies and a couple of wraps will see you through. Often once baby has arrived, people tend to send their congratulations and a gift for the new arrival so baby will still end up being showered in love and plenty of cute outfits.
While baby showers are a lovely tradition, they aren’t necessarily for everyone. Remember your baby – your rules! You’re under no obligation to have a traditional shower or have a shower at all if it doesn’t sit right with you for whatever reason. Whatever you choose will be perfect for you and your wee family.