It's time! Antenatal expert discusses the signs of labour
The long awaited moment is finally here. Midwife and antenatal expert, Grace Strange talks us through the signs of …
Determining whether you are in labour can be rather confusing, especially when you've never had a baby before. Some women liken the onset to needing the toilet. What to expect during labour and birth. Understanding labour - what will labour look like?
The long awaited moment is finally here. Midwife and antenatal expert, Grace Strange talks us through the signs of …
Whether you're wanting a natural or medicated labour there are a number of options available to support you. Choosing …
Obstetrician, Dr Nick Walker shares the latest on Caesarean section births and how you can make the most of bringing your …
Midwife and educator, Grace Strange explains how you'll know when you're in labour. The end of your pregnancy will be filled with a wonderful sense of anticipation and excitement but it can also be long, uncomfortable and tiring. You’ve been …
As you enter the third trimester you'll likely be looking at creating a birth plan. Here's some things to consider. Towards the end of your pregnancy, you and your lead maternity carer (LMC) may spend some time together going through a birth …
How do you separate fact from fiction when it comes to knowing how to best prepare your body for birth? Midwife and educator, Grace Strange shares the latest research and tried and tested tips. New parents-to-be are often inundated with …
Obstetrician, Dr Nick Walker explains the role our hormones play in bringing a life into this world. Firstly, what exactly are ‘hormones’? Medically speaking, they are substances produced by certain organs which impart physical or behavioural …
OHbaby! Editor Kristina Rapley interviewed midwife and birth educator, Grace Strange about what to expect in labour and birth, including how to know when you're in labour, when to call the midwife, what to pack, how birth partners can help, the …
In New Zealand, women generally have three options to choose from when considering where they would like to give birth. Birthing in hospital The main advantage of birthing in a hospital is that you will have access to specialised care should it …
What is labour? It is when the baby, placenta and the membranes leave your body. Stages: There are three stages in labour. First, second and third. First stage: Dilation of cervix. It begins with the rhythmic contractions and ends with your …
"What should I pack in my hospital bag?" is something every mother-to-be will ask at some point in their pregnancy, especially toward the end. All too often, we end up packing things we don't need, or forgetting essentials. To help you pack for …
What does it mean if your baby is in the breech position by the time you're about to give birth? Dr Emma Parry explains. Whenever your doctor or midwife feels your tummy, she is trying to find out more about your baby. First her size - is your baby …
The big moment has finally arrived! But what happens now? Specialist obstetrician, Dr Nick Walker explains the fine print. Many people are familiar with the general idea of 'the rule of threes' – whether referring to events auspicious or …
It’s no picnic being full term, and going past your due date gives a whole new meaning to the word patience, writes Pippa Henderson. The good news is that, short of an induction, there are a few safe tricks you can try to get things moving. We can’t …
It’s such an exciting time – you’ve been patiently (or not!) been waiting for nine long months, and finally, your baby could be here any day now! Bear in mind that full term pregnancy is classed as the period between 37 to 42 weeks. Only 3-5% of …
Are you desperate to get that baby out, no matter what it takes? Dr Anil Sharma explains what it means to have labour induced. While the majority of pregnant women will go into labour spontaneously, around one to two in 10 women need a bit of …
What are Braxton Hicks contractions? Braxton Hicks contractions are when your abdomen tightens like a contraction causing some discomfort - think of them as a practice run for the 'real thing'. While not a full blown birthing contraction, they are a …
Fetal positioning varies from mama to mama. We look at how the supported pregnancy and labour positions of Spinning Babies may help people find space in their pelvis, and freedom in birth. When Jessica Tye was in labour with her twins, Lachlan …
You’ll be relieved you made room for these items which are practical, useful and a little luxe, in your hospital bag, writes Christine Stride. When it comes to hospital bags, a good approach is to make a list of essentials and pack them first. Then …
If you're more than ready to pop that baby out, but he or she isn't ready to play ball, you may need to be induced. That's when labour is started artificially, and it's called an induction. The most common reason for induction is when a pregnancy …
Scared about giving birth? It's possible to get relief from labour pains by using effective mind-over-matter techniques, explains Carolyn Cox. When I was in labour with my second son, I spent the first few hours of contractions in my bathtub, …
So your first baby made its entrance into the world via Caesarean section, does this mean your next birth needs to follow suit? Dr Nick Walker unpacks this increasingly common topic and helps to explain the options. You’re pregnant again, with your …
Jenny Allison is passionate about the care of mothers in the 40 days after childbirth. Her book Golden Month, is the result of a decade researching how different cultures do just that. Imagine this: A few days ago you had a baby. You wake up at …
These beautiful and award-winning photos are the work of dedicated birth photography professionals from around the world. They're shared with permission from the International Association of Birth Photography, and are the winners and honourable …
Every year the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers holds a competition for the best birth images submitted by its members. We have permission to share the powerful images, so scroll down to view the gorgeous winning …
These beautiful images capturing different birth stories from around the world, are the award winning shots from the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers 2016 Image of the Year Competition. Categories were Labour, Delivery …
Babies are generally born when they’re ready, but some need a little hurry-along. Dr Nick Walker describes the tricks of the trade for getting labour going – balloons included! You’re coming to the end of your pregnancy, and your LMC is by now …
Waiting for baby to arrive can really test your patience! Midwife Grace Nixon reveals how to know whether you’re in labour or not. Am I in labour? This is THE question every first-time parent will ask, and Google, and gather stories about again, …
Three mums tell Sarah Tennant how, once they’re on their way, even earthquakes, power-cuts and fractured bones won’t stop a baby’s arrival! Birth is unpredictable. The instructor at your antenatal class will tell you this. Your midwife will tell …
Sarah Tennant spent 24 hours in a birthing centre, observing a day in the life of these hallowed halls of anticipation 10.00amI have arrived at River Ridge East Birth Centre. For once, I’m not giving birth; I’m here to observe. “Hug lots of …
Is an episiotomy preferable to tearing 'down there' during labour? Midwife Paula Brasovan explains the different concerns. Episiotomy, considered one of the most invasive measures in childbirth, and feared perhaps second only to having a caesarean …
Trying to get your baby into an optimal position for birth was called 'maternal posturing' in 19th century publications, so it isn't a new idea. Birth has a physical, emotional and mental side to it. There is nature and a bit of science involved. …
Knowledge is power, they say, but it can also bring peace of mind. Dr Nick Walker explains the birthing process and what you can do to get ready for delivery. Bing bing! My text message alert wakes me at 3.45am, informing me that one of my …
These powerful images document the struggles and joy of bringing new life into the world. We have permission to share these 2017 category winners and honourable mentions chosen by the International Association of Birth Photographers for its annual …
Sarah Tennant spells out why home birth is considered safer, more comfortable and less painful for many women than hospital births. There's no denying it, planning a home birth is risky. Not for your baby - for your reputation. Currently about 5% …
After the difficult birth of her first child, Natasha Berman turned to hypno-birthing techniques of self-hypnosis, breathing and visualisation for her next pregnancy - and experienced a dream birth. When you talk to people about hypno-birthing for …
Along with the sweet relief of not having to push anymore and the joy of finally holding your baby, you may experience a lesser-known phenomenon – postpartum shakes. We want to say right off the bat that this is perfectly normal even though it’s not …
Vaginal seeding: Does it really lead to better health and wellbeing for c-section babies, or is it just a fad? Many women have heard about vaginal seeding and might be curious as to whether it’s something they should consider. Seeding is a …
Nearly a third of mums need inductions to bring their babies into the world. Obstetrician Dr Emma Parry outlines what to expect. Induction of labour is the process of bringing labour on earlier than it would naturally happen. It is very common and …
Are you pregnant and worried that your labour and birth won't turn out the way you hope? It's your body and your choice - so empower yourself to have a good birth. Like most first-time parents-to-be, my husband and I dutifully signed up for …
The reality of labour and birth can be a bit of an eye-opener for all involved, but especially dads-to-be. Hannah Davidson passes on some advice from fellas who have recently been there. Although I had warned him that things might get primal, …
Your pregnant partner has probably had her hospital bag packed and ready to go for several weeks…but what about you? When your partner is ready to go to the hospital, she’s ready to go NOW, so you need to be prepared! Here are some ideas for what to …
Can you imagine carrying around your placenta while it’s still attached to your baby, for up to ten days after you give birth? It’s called a 'lotus birth', a practice which is growing in popularity, writes Christine Stride. Auckland mum of three …
When it comes time to deliver, you’ve likely been mentally preparing for what labour is really like for months. But what about after your baby arrives? From breastfeeding to your first postpartum bowel movement, taking care of your body after …
No matter how organised we might be some things in life are completely out of our hands. For Becky Revell and her husband, the curve ball came in the form of a premature first baby. Becky shares her journey with OHbaby!, from baby Joel's shock …
These powerful images document the struggles and joy of bringing new life into the world. We have permission to share these 2018 category winners and honourable mentions chosen by the International Association of Birth Photographers for its annual …
You've bought the cot and washed piles of tiny clothes, but what else can you do to prepare for the arrival of your baby? Natasha Berman shares 10 tips for holistic labour preparation. It is never too early to prepare for labour. Labour …
What a difference a space makes. SARAH TENNANT investigates birth spaces past and present, and the thinking behind their architecture and design. Winston Churchill once said “We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us”. I’ve been wondering …
Some experts say husbands and partners should keep away from the birthing room but really it's up to you who gets to be there on the big day, writes Sarah Tennant. For many women, who's attending the birth is a decision that's fraught with the kind …
You’re in labour!' It's a loaded statement, but what does it actually mean, and what can you expect? Midwife Abbe Cherry explains. What is labour like? This is actually a really hard question to answer. Labour is such an individual experience; we …
While admittedly not easy on the eye, the noble placenta perhaps deserves a little more respect than it typically receives. Sarah Tennant champions the cause of this remarkable organ. One of my favourite scenes in the vastly underrated Bridget …
Don't be shy, moaning like a cow or roaring like a lion can make your birth easier and lessen the pain, writes Sarah Tennant. What sound do frogs make? If you answered with a croaky "ribbit, ribbit", here's an interesting factoid for you: Most …
Writing a birth plan helps ensure you have active involvement in your baby's birth. It will identify how you wish the birth to be carried out, and your plans for the family after the birth. Carefully consider all your options and preferences and …
An estimated 30% of women who give birth are likely to end up on the spectrum of birth trauma - whether they recognise and report it or not. And it isn’t just after extreme cases where the mother or baby was at risk of dying. Birth Trauma Awareness …
Preterm birth is a daunting thought for expectant parents. Dr Martin Sowter explains why it happens, what to expect if you’re at risk, and reassures that help is at hand. Going into labour before your due date can be a real inconvenience, with work …
The thought of an episiotomy can make your toes curl, but, as Dr Gillian Gibson explains, this is likely a case of anticipation being worse than reality. Every week I meet with expectant women to discuss a plan for labour and birth. I often notice …
Dr Anil Sharma explains the various options available when it comes to pain relief in labour. Whenever labour is depicted on television or in the movies, it almost always involves the image of a sweaty, loud woman in pain (usually having her …
Childbirth is supposed to be an empowering, amazing experience, right? The reality is, for some women, giving birth does not go the way they hoped and planned, and this can be extremely traumatising. Sarah Tennant breaks the silence on traumatic …
Aside from the euphoria of finally seeing your baby and holding him/her in your arms for the first time and enjoying the special moment and memories, your body has just gone through a lot! The period after your baby is born is where your uterus …
What is an episiotomy? This is a surgical cut or incision that is made into the perineum. An area between the vagina and the anus. Why is this done? This procedure is done to widen the passage that the baby's head comes out of. Where is it done? …
Just how bad is it going to hurt, and how am I going to cope? These are questions that run through the mind of many a pregnant woman. Dr Anil Sharma explains the various options available when it comes to pain relief in labour. Whenever labour is …
Impending childbirth is a scary prospect, even for women who have already "been there, done that". Psychologist Dr Melanie Woodfield discusses how you can prepare yourself emotionally for labour, and cope with your fear. We all spend time preparing …