13 Weeks Pregnant

Your expected body changes at 13 weeks pregnant
You’ve made it past the 12 week mark; this is when many expectant parents feel comfortable telling family and friends about their baby. 85% of miscarriages happen in those first twelve weeks, but now that risk has dropped to about 3%.
About now is hopefully when you start to see some of the lousy early pregnancy symptoms alleviate. Morning sickness, sore breasts, and that total exhaustion may disappear over the next few weeks. Second trimester pregnancy is the sweet spot; you’ll have more energy and less illness than you have had. Some women, however, will continue to experience morning sickness and tiredness throughout their second trimester, to some extent.
Pregnancy symptoms at week 13
Despite the worst of the first trimester pregnancy symptoms leaving (hopefully), your body is still undergoing a lot of changes. If you’re 13 weeks pregnant, cramping and back pain is pretty common. Round ligament pains are commonly felt to the side and base of your lower abdominal area. These are basically growing pains as your body accommodates a growing baby. They may get worse if you suddenly move- getting up from lying or a seated position too quickly can be very painful. You could also be experiencing lower back pain. If either symptom persists for long periods, seek medical advice.
13 weeks pregnant body changes
You might be experiencing more vaginal discharge than normal. This is called leukorrhea, and it is perfectly normal. It’s mild-smelling, with a thin, milky texture. This is caused by more blood flow to the pelvic area and higher oestrogen levels. It is your body’s way of protecting the birth canal from infection and ensuring plenty of good bacteria. It does a great job, but it may feel like you’re permanently wet.
Is sex at 13 weeks pregnant ok?
You might be insatiable, or you might be repulsed by the idea of sex. It’s your hormones, doing whatever they are doing. It’s normal, and sex during pregnancy is safe and healthy. As your belly grows, you may need to experiment with positions to find something comfortable.
I’m 13 weeks pregnant, what to eat?
Along with morning sickness leaving, some first trimester food aversions might be easing too. If you feel like anything makes you feel sick, simply don’t eat it. If you’re struggling to drink enough water, try adding lemon, lime or something else to add flavour and make it more palatable. If you suffered coffee aversion in the first twelve weeks, you might find you enjoy it again, and one or two cups a day has no negative impact on your baby.
In general, eat loads of fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Neither dairy nor meat are required, but make sure you are eating enough nutrients for you and your baby, iron and calcium are two important nutrients that are often depleted in expectant mums. Consider a multi-vitamin if you haven’t already started taking one.
How big should my bump be at 13 weeks?
Some women have a substantial bump at 13 weeks, some women still have a flat stomach. However, if you have a larger than expected bump, there are three possible causes. You could be carrying twins (which your scan at this time should identify), you may be eating more than your body needs, or, you could be bloated. A buildup of gas can make your stomach distended and appear a lot larger than it is. If you’re concerned, see your doctor or midwife.
Exercise ideas when 13 weeks pregnant in NZ
One thing that can really help you through pregnancy is maintaining a good fitness level. During the second trimester, which begins this week, you may find that you have more energy and feel better than you did early in your pregnancy, so make the most of it!
One of the best ways to keep fit at this time is to go swimming. Swimming is great because you can put as much effort in as you like, you are virtually weightless, and it uses many muscle groups. You might also enjoy aquarobics classes, while aqua jogging is no-impact and allows you to chat with a friend at the same time.
Another great way to keep your fitness up is with regular walking, around 30 minutes per day. This could be around your neighbourhood or take to your local tracks. If you’ve been regularly taking gym classes, speak to the instructor. Some Pump classes, for instance, have periods while you lie on your back, or do sit ups. Neither of these things are encouraged during pregnancy.
In general, if the exercise is low risk, you can continue with your regular routine. For more ideas, see our section on fitness during pregnancy.
General pregnancy symptoms in week 13
You could be experiencing:
- Less fatigue
- Less morning sickness and food aversions
- Heartburn and indigestion
- Constipation
- Dizziness or feeling faint
- Visible veins
Your baby at 13 weeks pregnant
Your baby is starting to look a lot more human now. Their eyes are forming, and eyelids are fused closed for now. Vocal cords are forming in preparation for waking you up at 2am. While the baby’s head has been proportionally large up until now, the body is starting to grow- currently the head is making up half your baby’s size.
The baby is also growing intestines, and bones are forming in tiny arms and legs. Soon, your baby will be able to suck their thumb.
How big is my baby at 13 weeks pregnant?
Your baby is about 7.5cm long and weighs about 20g. His or her head will now start to grow more slowly while the growth of the rest of his body accelerates, and his face begins to look more human. Your baby has now developed well enough to frown, suck, and clench teeth. Fingernails and toenails are also developing well.
FAQ: At 13 weeks pregnant, what to expect?
Can you feel the baby at 13 weeks?
If you are a second time mum, you may be able to start feel the ‘quickening’. There could be soft flutters and movements like bubbles. Generally, first time mums won’t feel or recognise this until 17 weeks or onwards. Also, mums with a posterior placenta or those that are overweight will be less likely to feel baby’s movements this early.
Is 13 weeks the 2nd trimester?
Yes, 13 weeks is now officially into your second trimester. This is the best trimester in pregnancy; lots more energy, less morning sickness, and developing a definite bump.
What should I expect at 13 weeks pregnant?
You can expect the worst of the pregnancy symptoms to start alleviating. Food aversions and sickness may start to go, and your energy levels may increase. Your breasts will not feel as tender, and you might even feel like drinking a coffee again.
Should I be showing at 13 weeks?
At week 13 of pregnancy, your baby is about the size of a peach. He or she is pretty small and tucked away in your lower abdominal area. Some women start showing early, while some don’t until well into their second trimester. Even if you’re not showing, it’s possible your jeans are starting to get a bit tight.
Why is my belly so big at 13 weeks?
If you are feeling huge, it could possibly be due to bloating, which is one of many common 13 weeks pregnant symptoms. If you have been eating for two, this might explain some increase, or there could be a chance of twins- two peach-sized babies instead of one!
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