22 weeks pregnant

By now you will definitely be needing to make some adjustments to your wardrobe, you will probably find you can manage with a combination of maternity clothes and loose fitting clothing such as tracksuit pants and yoga pants. You may find that you can pick up suitable clothing in a bigger size from a chain store more cheaply than buying specialist maternity clothing. Find out what other OHbaby! mums found comfortable on our OHbaby! forums
You will notice (particularly if you've had a child before) that you can feel where your baby is in the womb. He or she will move around a lot, sometimes sitting high up in the womb, sometimes fairly low. These movements will still feel fairly soft.
You may start to notice that your baby is developing a rhythmic sleep pattern. Unfortunately it's likely that the time when you want to sleep is when baby is most active! If your baby's movements keep you awake at night, try having a quiet time before bed, this will give you important bonding time with baby, and will help calm you both down ready for sleep. A warm milo or warm milk might also help.
Your baby will be about 27.9cm long and weighs at least 350g. His eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed and so are his fingernails.
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