Bacon, cheese and potato casserole

Ready to eat when you are - tastes great, takes little time, is very filling, not many dirty dishes - what more could a busy Mum ask for...
5 to 6 large potatoes
8 rashes of bacon
1 large onion
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp flour
1 cup milk
Boil the potatoes
Dice the onion and cut the bacon into pieces
Grate the cheese
Brown the onion in the butter, add the bacon
When cooked take off the heat and add the flour
Mix together and add the milk
Put back on the heat and stir constantly until thick
Take off the heat and put to one side
Mash the potatoes
In a casserole dish - put in a layer of mashed potato, a layer of bacon mixture and a layer of grated cheese.
Repeat this, then place under the grill and melt the top layer of cheese.
Recipe sent in by OHbaby! member Kristie Jones.