Hot chocolate with a twist

There’s nothing better than coming in from the cold to a mug of creamy, sweet hot chocolate. We’ve come up with some creative twists on the standard hot chocolate recipe that we know kids will love!
- Use toothpicks and some piped chocolate sauce to create the cute Marshmallow Person pictured. A dried cranberry would do for his nose (which is red from cold!)
- Mixing a spoonful of chocolate-hazelnut Nutella spread into hot chocolate adds a delicious nutty flavour.
- Or for something a little summery, plain cocoa picks up warm floral tones when sweetened with honey instead of sugar.
- For a citrus twist, let a strip of orange peel steep for a few minutes in the mug of chocolate. Gently press or squeeze it first to get the oils out.
- Cinnamon adds a delicious, fragrant flavour to chocolate.
- Splash in a dash of coconut milk or cream for a rich, tropical flavour!
- There are a number of dairy-free alternatives such as soy, almond, rice, coconut or oat milks.
- A blob of cream on top with sprinkles adds instant appeal.
- And of course a marshmallow or three will always go down well!