Beach trip survival guide

Beaches make the perfect summer treat – but taking home half a car-load of sand when you leave? Not something to bring joy to a mother’s heart.
We have tips for enjoy sun, sand and sea a whole lot more:
- Take along some talc powder – it’s brilliant for helping to get sand off wriggling bodies.
- Go early (8.30am is a good time to jump in the car) and leave early –around 11.30am. This way you avoid the worst of the heat and you can relax in the afternoon with a book while exhausted children play quietly.
- Pile everything — hats, buckets and spades, extra clothing — in a trug (or large bucket) so really sandy things stay together without leaking into other belongings.
- To avoid gritty sandwiches, take lots of pre-wrapped snacks such as fruit sticks and chippies. Balance that out with fruit and bottled water.
- Use spray sunscreen on the kids and yourself so you don’t get your hands covered in sticky lotion.
- If you can, persuade an extra adult or two to come along to help supervise the children while you have a much-needed nap after all that beach trip preparation!