5 rainy day fun activities for kids

Games are so much fun! Think back to your childhood and the fun you had with friends playing all sorts of games, outside in the backyard, inside on those wet days. When it comes to fun and games, your imagination is your only limit.
We've listed below a few fun games we remember way back then...and should have apparently grown out of. What would happen if we did still play them! Wouldn't that be fun!
- Dress ups: This is probably more for your toddler and pre-school more than your baby, but it had to be added to the list what little girl doesn't want to wear mummy's high heals and beautiful beaded necklaces.
- Play dough: Check out our play dough page for the recipe. This can keep kids entertained for hours.
- Hide and Seek: Make sure they know the rules though. The seeker has to count out loud with their eyes closed - no peeking, while everyone else hides.
- Treasure Hunts: You can use dolls and toys to hide or buy a small packet of lollies for everyone to find. Give them clues about where they might be, hint whether the kids are warm or cold in terms of how close they are to finding the treasure ("hot" meaning, "You've found it!" or "It's right beside you!"). Unless they can read, it's no good writing down clues.
- Fun Course: Set up a broom at the end of two outdoor chairs for the kids to crawl under, make them run to the back fence and back, past washing line hoping to the skipping ropes where they have to jump 20 skips...the possibilities are endless and they'll sleep well that night!