Back-to-School shopping: what you really need for daycare and kindergarten

Back-to-school shopping – a ritual that might lighten your wallet but fill your cart with supplies aplenty. However, before you go on a spree grabbing every shiny item, let's explore what's truly necessary for daycare or kindergarten in Aotearoa.
For Daycare:
- A Comfortable Backpack: Find a small, lightweight backpack that your child can handle easily. Opt for their favourite colours or characters to make it special.
- Lunch Gear: If your daycare requires a packed lunch, choose an insulated lunchbox and a spill-proof water bottle.
- Change of Clothes: Accidents are part of the deal, so pack a change of clothes (or two) in a labelled bag, including socks and undies.
- Comfort Items: If your child has a favourite stuffed toy or a security blanket, it's a must for naptime comfort.
- Nappies and Wipes: Don't forget to replenish your nappy and wipes stash if you have to supply these. Clearly label them with your child's name.
For Kindergarten:
- A Durable Backpack: Pick a robust backpack with compartments for organisation, spacious enough to fit folders and books.
- Lunch Gear: Invest in a lunchbox and reusable containers. Consider a bento box for tidy food arrangement.
- Art Smock: If the kindy doesn't supply one, get an art smock or an old oversized shirt to shield clothes during messy projects.
- Labels: Label everything, from backpacks and lunchboxes to jackets and shoes. Permanent markers work a treat.
For Both:
- Sensible Shoes: Comfy, easy-to-fasten shoes are a must for little feet. Check your school's dress code for specifics.
- Weather-Appropriate Clothing: Invest in weather gear like rain boots and a raincoat or a snug winter coat.
Before you set off on your shopping escapade, check with your daycare or school for specific requirements and suggestions. Armed with a well-prepared backpack and your child's enthusiasm, you're all set to embrace the adventures of daycare or kindergarten.